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Final Fantasy: Mystic Quest

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Title Screen

Final Fantasy: Mystic Quest

Also known as: Final Fantasy USA Mystic Quest (JP), Mystic Quest Legend (EU)
Developer: Square
Publishers: Squaresoft (US), Square (JP), Nintendo (EU)
Platform: SNES
Released in JP: September 10, 1993
Released in US: October 5, 1992
Released in EU: 1993

ROMIcon.png ROM map
RAMIcon.png RAM map
TextIcon.png Text table
NotesIcon.png Notes
Cactisprite.png TCRF
Final Fantasy Mystic Quest
Company Square
Header None
Bank LoROM
Interleaved No
Type Normal + Batt
ROM 512 KiB
Country USA
Video NTSC
ROM Speed 200ns (SlowROM)
Revision 1.0
Checksum Good 0x4CDE
CRC32 6B19A2C6


Read about development information and materials for this game.
ROM map
Read about prototype versions of this game that have been released or dumped.
RAM map
Read about prerelease information and/or media for this game.
Text table
Miscellaneous tidbits that are interesting enough to point out here.
SRAM map


  • Mystic Quest Multi Editor, coded by JCE3000GT. This utility edits characters, monsters, items and more.
  • SPC Editor, coded by JCE3000GT. This utility allows the user to edit the instrument sample indexes in various games, including Mystic Quest.


  • Mystic Quest HardType, created by JCE3000GT. So far this beta version allows the player to play the hardtype hack up until you beat the Flamerus Rex and get the first crystal. The hack is designed to keep the story and characters intact while increasing the game's difficulty. There are also some extra things like new music which spice up the game as well.


  • FF:MQ Retranslation - DarknessSavior has started a retranslation of Final Fantasy: Mystic Quest.


  • You can check the chip version in your SNES by pressing Start and Select at the same time when on the menu screen.

Known Dumps

  • Final Fantasy - Mystic Quest (U) (V1.0) [!]
  • Final Fantasy - Mystic Quest (U) (V1.1)
  • Final Fantasy USA - Mystic Quest (J)
  • Mystic Quest Legend (E)
  • Mystic Quest Legend (F)
  • Mystic Quest Legend (G)

External links

  • No external links yet.