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Final Fantasy I & II: Dawn of Souls/ROM map
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The following article is a ROM map for Final Fantasy I & II: Dawn of Souls.
All offsets are given in hexadecimal format, and are for Final Fantasy 1 unless otherwise noted. All currently described ASM routines are in Thumb mode.
Formatting: No Formatting -- Code or data's purpose and functionality are unknown
Italics -- Area's general purpose is known but its workings are not well understood.
Bold -- Area's purpose and functionality are more or less fully understood
Bold & Italics --- Refers to "root" routines that handle medium-to-high level tasks and usually call many smaller routines
(Under Construction)
General Purpose Routines
- 000EFC-000F81 (000086) = Core division-related routines
- 000F18 = General division routine. Given r0 = divident and r1 = divisor, checks for zero and calls software division
- 000F2C = As above, but only returns remainder in r0
- 000F68 = Divides r1 by r2; stores the product in [r0],[r0+8] and the remainder in [r0+4]
- 011D70-011E07 (000098) = General Key Input Handling Routine
- 014E4C-014E6B (000020) = Uncompressed tile graphic size finder routine
- 014E6C-0158E7 (000A7C) = Unknown (Short ASM routines)
- 0158E8-0158FB (000014) = Chest State Determination Routine
- 0158FC-01591B (000020) = If A+B+Select+Start Held, Soft Reset
FF1 Stat Routines
- 01591C-0159B3 (000098) = Total Attack Determination
- 0159B4-015ACB (000118) = Total Defence Determination
- 015ACC-015B8F (0000C4) = Total Evade Determination
- 015B90-015C23 (000094) = Effective Max HP Determination
- 015C24-015CB7 (000094) = Effective Max MP Determination
- 015CB8-015D4B (000094) = Total Intellect Determination
- 015D4C-015DDF (000094) = Total Agility Determination
- 015DE0-015E73 (000094) = Total Stamina Determination
- 015E74-015F07 (000094) = Total Strength Determination
- 015F08-015F43 (00003C) = Current HP/MP Determination (And Possible Truncation)
- 015F44-015F83 (000040) = Total Accuracy Determination
FF1 Animation Routines
- 01E2FC-01E8C3 (0005C8) = Root Spell/Weapon Animation Handling
- 01E8C4-01F12F (00086C) = Unknown Routines
- 01F130-01F1A3 (000074) = Conditional Animation Effect Handling
- 01F1A4-01F743 (0005A0) = Animation Chunk Storage Routine
- 01F744-02B4B3 (00BD70) = Unknown/Animation-related routines; exact function undetermined
- 02B4B4-02BE3F (00098C) = Unknown Routines
FF1 Text, Menu and Field Spell Routines
- 02BE40-02BF7F (000140) = Base Menu Window Drawing Routine
- 02BF80-02C0C3 (000144) = Base Text Printing Routine
- 02C0C4-02C43F (00037C) = Two Unknown Routines
- 02C440-02C7A7 (000368) = Base Number Printing Routine
- 02C7A8-0302BB (003B14) = Unknown
- 0302BC-0304DB (000220) = Out-of-Battle Spell Usability Pointer Table+Routines
- 0304DC-0308BB (0003E0) = Out-of-Battle Spell Effect Pointer Table+Routines
- 0308BC-038917 (00805C) = Unknown
- 038918-039347 (000A30) = Root Status Screen Drawing Routine
- 039348-03A1A7 (000E60) = Unknown Routines
- 03A1A8-03A26B (0000C4) = Out-of-Battle Healing Spell Base Healing Determination
- 03A26C-03A2FF (000094) = Armor Equipping: Writing to Memory
- 03A300-03A37F (000080) = Armor Removing: Adding to Inventory
FF1 Shopping Routines
- 043910-04465F (000D50) = Root Buying Window Logic
- 044660-044B83 (000524) = Unknown Routines
- 044B84-044BCB (000048) = Item/Armor/Weapon Sorting Order Loading Routine
- 044BCC-044C3B (000070) = Buying: Does item already exist among team's gear?
- 044C3C-044C6F (000034) = Buying: Does item already exist in inventory?
- 044C70-0454E3 (000874) = Root Spell Buying Routine?
- 0454E4-0456A3 (0001C0) = Spell Buying: Can purchaser learn this spell?
- 0456A4-0456E3 (000040) = Class Usability for Given Spell Determination
- 0456E4-045F9B (0008B8) = Unknown Routines
- 045F9C-04714B (0011B0) = Root Buying/Selling Screen Drawing Routine
- 04714C-0471DB (000090) = Unknown Shopping-Related Routine
- 0471DC-047813 (000638) = Root Shop Data Loading Routine?
FF1 Encounter Selection and Chest Routines
- 05AF34-05B1EF (0002BC) = Root Map Feature Data Loading and Processing Routine
- 05B1F0-05B277 (000088) = Map Feature Chunk Processing: Special Tiles and Objects
- 05B278-05B533 (0002BC) = Root Map Setup Routine?
- 05B534-05B9E3 (0004B0) = Root Encounter Checker and Selector
05B5BE = Overworld Encounter RN Check 05B5D8 = OW Type Encounter Handling: 05B626 = Normal world map area 05B630 = Rivers 05B638 = Ocean/shipside 05B640 = Deserts 05B64E = Swamps 05B83E = Normal Dungeon Handling 05B85C = Soul of Chaos Dungeon Handling
- 05B9E4-05C4BF (000ADC) = Unknown Routines
- 05C4C0-05C6A7 (0001E8) = Root Chest Opening Handling
- 05C6A8-05C833 (00018C) = Unknown Routines
- 05C834-05CA33 (000200) = Chest Logic Part 2?
FF1 Misc Routines 1
- 0669B8-066A07 (000050) = Check for Fixed Encounter Square
- 066A08-0696AB (002CA4) = Unknown
- 0696AC-0696C3 (000018) = RNG Increment Subroutine
- 0696C4-06981F (00015C) = Unknown
- 069820-06A007 (0007E8) = Root Encounter Data Loading Routine
- 06A008-06A190 (000188) = Unknown
- 06A190-06A323 (000194) = Levelup: Determination of Gain/Strong Increase in one Stat
06A1E0 = If gain not guranteed, roll 1/8 chance 06A234 = HP Gain code 06A264 = Warrior, Thief, Monk, Master cannot gain MP 06A270 = MP Gain code
FF1 Battle Routines
- 06A9A0-06ACAB (00030C) = In-Battle Structural Routine Selector (Ambush message, turn order determination...)
Battle Menus
- 06C26C-06C4A3 (000238) = In-Battle Item Menu: Resolve Cursor Position After Input, Selected Item's Spell
- 06C4A4-06CBD3 (000730) = Unknown Routines
- 06CBD4-06D013 (000440) = In-Battle: Populating Equip Menu
- 06D014-06D1DF (0001CC) = Unknown Routines
- 06D1E0-06D4B3 (0002D4) = Root Spell Menu Waiting Loop
- 06D4B4-06DC5F (0007AC) = Root Physical Attack Animation Handling?
- 06DC60-06DEFF (0002A0) = Unknown Animation-Related Routine (run when PC turn comes up, when opening battle menus...)
- 06DF00-06EC5B (000D5C) = Unknown Routines
- 06EC5C-06ED4F (0000F4) = In-Battle: Party Member HP Printing (and Tinting) Routine
- 06ED50-06EFCF (000280) = In-Battle: Party Member Name or Status Printing Routine
- 06EFD0-06F08B (0000BC) = In-Battle: Print Names of All Living Monster Types
- 06F08C-06F1D7 (00014C) = In-Battle: Item Menu Population & Usability Determination
- 06F1D8-06F2EF (000118) = In-Battle: Spell Menu Population & Usability Determination
- 06F2F0-06F35F (000070) = In-Battle Spell Usability Routine
- 06F360-06F46F (000110) = In-Battle Spell Menu: MP Info Box Writing Routine
- 06F470-06F68B (00021C) = In-Battle Equip Menu: Equipment/Stats Names/Values Writing Routine
- 06F68C-06F7E3 (000158) = In-Battle Equip Change Submenu: Gear Names Printing
- 06F7E4-06FB7B (000398) = Equip Change Submenu: Compare Current and Replacement Gear+Print
- 06FB7C-06FC8B (000110) = Root Monster Listing / Player Name&HP / Player MP Text Update Routine
- 06FC8C-06FDFB (000170) = In-Battle Equipment Swapping Handler
- 06FDFC-06FEC7 (0000CC) = Printing Text for In-Battle Description Boxes?
Turn Structure and Graphics
- 06FEC8-06FF1F (000058) = Inbattle Item Use: Storing Item ID/Type/Position to Memory
- 06FF20-06FFBB (00009C) = Monster Listing Updater
- 06FFBC-070027 (00006C) = Unit Check: Can Unit Act?
- 070028-070127 (000100) = PC Pose Determination (store ROM data to memory)
- 070128-070213 (0000EC) = PC Pose Determination 2 (store to unit data)
- 070214-07028B (000078) = Unit can be Targeted Check Routine
- 07028C-07040B (000180) = Post-Attack Action Cancel Check: Death/Stone, Sleep/Stun, Silence
- 07040C-0704F3 (0000E8) = Root Monster Targeting Routine
- 0704F4-07054B (000058) = PC Sprite Animation Change Handling Routine?
- 07054C-0706FF (0001B4) = PC Sprite Movement/Animation Handling?
- 070700-070897 (000198) = Unit X-Coord (with modifiers) Finder
- 070898-070A5B (0001C4) = Unit Y-Coord (with modifiers) Finder
- 070A5C-070B1F (0000C4) = Monster Palette Switching Routine
- 070B20-070D67 (000248) = Acting Monster Palette Cycling Routine
- 070D68-070E5F (0000F8) = Monster GFX Horizontal Flip Routine
- 070E60-070EFB (00009C) = Multitargeting Arrows/Pointers Handler Routine
- 070EFC-0710FB (000200) = Multitargeting Routine - Determine Pointers' Positions?
- 0710FC-07114F (000054) = When Exiting Multitarget Selection, Clear Pointers?
- 071150-071457 (000308) = Root "Miss"/Damage/Healing Numbers Printing Handling
- 071458-0716EB (000294) = Physical Attack Animation Setup Routine
- 0716EC-071827 (00013C) = Status Ailment Bubble Placement Routine
- 071828-0718F3 (0000CC) = Post-Recovery Displayed Ailment Recalculation
- 0718F4-0719AB (0000B8) = Status Ailment Bubble Redrawing
- 0719AC-071A3B (000090) = PC Blink/Invis Effect Checking+Redrawing Routine
- 071A3C-071B93 (000158) = Sleep/Paralyze Recovery Step (and optional redrawing)
- 071B94-071BE3 (000050) = Animation Params Copying (called when a unit is affected by anything)
- 071BE4-071C37 (000054) = Clear Damage/Miss/Healing Numbers From Screen
Visual Effects, Text, Utility
- 071C38-071C8B (000054) = Copy PC Unit Coordinates from Battle Data to Animation Data
- 071C8C-071D3F (0000B4) = String Construction: Append Number to String (used in victory messages)
- 071D40-071E1F (0000E0) = Player Character Sprite Tint Cycle Control
- 071E20-071EC7 (0000A8) = Unknown (Periodic routine; calls the above)
- 071EC8-0720EF (000228) = Player Character Inbattle Stats Updater Routine
- 0720F0-072173 (000084) = Monster Inbattle Stats Updater Routine
- 072174-07221F (0000AC) = Unknown Routine
- 072220-072357 (000138) = Graphics-Related Routine (called twice at battle start)
- 072358-072563 (00020C) = Root Levelup Handling Routine
- 072564-07259F (00003C) = Enough XP for Next Level Determination Routine (Possibly unused)
- 0725A0-0725D3 (000034) = Add Final EXP From Battle
- 0725D4-0725DF (00000C) = Load BattleMem+$535C Pointer
- 0725E0-0725F7 (000018) = Load Single PC's Permanent Data
- 0725F8-07266F (000078) = Critical Hit Screen Effects Parameter Setting
- 072670-07269B (00002C) = Monster Death Effect: Check if Monster is a Flyer
- 07269C-0726CF (000034) = Unknown Routine (boss death-related?)
- 0726D0-0726FB (00002C) = Unknown Routine
- 0726FC-072773 (000078) = Special Encounter IDs Checker
- 072774-0727AF (00003C) = End of Combat Round: Clear Window 0
- 0727B0-0727EB (00003C) = Start of Unit Action: Set WIN 0/1 Properties, WIN0 Position
- 0727EC-07284B (000060) = Initialize All Units' "Current Action Effect" Struct
- 07284C-072867 (00001C) = Unknown Routine (Runs continually during battle)
- 072868-07288B (000024) = Re-enable PC Palette Tinting? (run after physical/spell animations complete)
- 07288C-0728CB (000040) = Clear All PC Palette Tints, Disable Tinting
- 0728CC-072903 (000038) = PC Death/Stone: Remove All Palette Tint Effects
- 072904-07298F (00008C) = Spell Aura/Tint Setting Routine
- 072990-0729D7 (000048) = Number Printing Wrapper Routine
- 0729D8-072A03 (00002C) = String Construction: Append Text to String
- 072A04-072A4F (00004C) = When PC is selected for action, check if they need to move forward?
- 072A50-072A87 (000038) = Check if Any Monsters Still Undergoing Death Animations
- 072A88-072AC7 (000040) = Does something with every PC sprite when a spell is about to be cast
- 072AC8-072AFF (000038) = Does something with every unit's sprite data when spell is going to be cast
- 072B00-072B17 (000018) = Check if Given PC Still Animating
- 072B18-072B77 (000060) = Unknown Routine (perform PC sprite animation, if alive?)
- 072B78-072B8F (000018) = PC Sprite ID Setting Routine
- 072B90-072BDF (000050) = Check if Given Unit has Given Status Ailment(s)
- 072BE0-072C23 (000044) = Check if Given Monster Exists and is Alive
- 072C24-072C5F (00003C) = Check if Given PC is Alive
- 072C60-072CAF (000050) = Set Death Flags for Given Dying Monster
Battle Menus 2
- 072CB0-072CDB (00002C) = Unknown (Related to inbattle Item menus - return ((r1+1)/r3) - r2)
- 072CDC-072D17 (00003C) = After Item is Used, Deplete by One
- 072D18-072D6B (000054) = Start of Round: All PCs' Item Use Struct Reset Routine
- 072D6C-072D8F (000024) = Active PC Item Use Struct Reset Routine
- 072D90-072DC7 (000038) = Given Item Position in Inventory, Load Description Text Pointer (Unused?)
- 072DC8-072DE7 (000020) = Given Item Type and ID, Load Description Text Pointer
- 072DE8-072E1F (000038) = Given Item Position in Inventory, Load Item Name 1 Text Pointer
- 072E20-072E3F (000020) = Given Item Type and ID, Load Name 1 Text Pointer
- 072E40-072E8F (000050) = Given Item Position in Inventory, Determine Available Uses Left
- 072E90-072EAF (000020) = (Unused) Given Item Position, Determine Item's Type
- 072EB0-072ECF (000020) = (Unused) Given Item Position, Determine Item's Sub-ID
- 072ED0-072EF3 (000024) = Given Selected Item Struct, Copy Type, Sub-ID to Struct
- 072EF4-072F1F (00002C) = (Unused) Given Item Position, Copy Type, Sub-ID to Selected Item Struct
- 072F20-072FA3 (000084) = (Unused) Return Given Item's Associated Spell's Targeting Byte
- 072FA4-072FF7 (000054) = Return Given Item's Associated Spell Byte
- 072FF8-07305F (000068) = (Unused) For Given Inventory Position, Return Item's Associated Spell Byte
- 073060-073097 (000038) = Spell Menu: Locate and Print Selected Spell's Description
- 073098-07310B (000074) = In-Battle Equip Change Submenu: Print Selected Piece's Description
- 07310C-073157 (00004C) = In-Battle Equip Change Submenu: Return Inventory Position of Selected Gear
- 073158-0731E3 (00008C) = In-Battle Equip Change Submenu: Calculate Defence and Evade With Prospective Armor
- 0731E4-07323F (00005C) = In-Battle Equip Change Submenu: Calculate Attack and Accuracy With Prospective Weapon
- 073240-07329B (00005C) = Display Party Members' MP
- 07329C-073327 (00008C) = (Unused) Return Equip Bit for Given Class
- 073328-073357 (000030) = Unknown Routine
Death Effects, Battle Start
- 073358-0733E7 (000090) = PC Stone Curing: Remove Stone Palette Effect?
- 0733E8-073447 (000060) = PC Sprite Animation: Load and Draw Specified Sprite
- 073448-073553 (00010C) = Start of Battle: Initialize Displays?
- 073554-07382F (0002DC) = Start of Battle: Initialize PC Sprites?
- 073830-074333 (000B04) = Start of Battle: Initialize ??
- 074334-07471B (0003E8) = Start of Battle: Initialize ??
- 07471C-07494B (000230) = Start of Battle: Initialize BG (and other stuff?)
- 07494C-075073 (000728) = Start of Battle: Initialize Encounter/Monster Data
- 075074-075533 (0004C0) = Monster GFX Loading/Drawing-Related Routine?
- 075534-0755C7 (000094) = Periodic Monster Death Anim/PC Animation Update Routine
- 0755C8-075657 (000090) = Monster Death Effect: If Monster is Flyer, Erase Additional Pixels
- 075658-075793 (00013C) = Monster Death Effect: Erase One Line of Monster Sprite
- 075794-075E0B (000678) = Root Monster Death Animation Handling Routine
- 075E0C-075F2F (000124) = Boss Death Effect: Screen Flashing Handler
- 075F30-0760E3 (0001B4) = Boss Death Effect: Sprite Shaking Handler
- 0760E4-0761C7 (0000E4) = Chaos Death Animation-Related
- 0761C8-07640B (000244) = Chaos Death Animation-Related
- 07640C-07648F (000084) = Chaos Death Animation-Related
- 076490-076603 (000174) = Root PC Animation/Position Update Routine
- 076604-07672B (000128) = Battle Start: Monster Data Generation Routine
- 07672C-076A03 (0002D8) = Battle Start: PC Data Transfer/Generation Routine
- 076A04-076A4F (00004C) = (Unused?) Modify Portions of First Monster's VRAM Data
- 076A50-076A63 (000014) = Caller for $7494C
- 076A64-076B07 (0000A4) = Ambush/Preemptive Message Handling Routine
Menus 3, Battle End
- 076B08-076CAB (0001A4) = Turn Start: Various Redrawing, Check if PCs May Act
- 076CAC-076E9B (0001F0) = New Active PC: Handle Animation/Movement, Some Redrawing
- 076E9C-076F7F (0000E4) = Unknown PC Animation-Related Routine
- 076F80-07703F (0000C0) = Unknown PC Animation-Related Routine
- 077040-07717F (000140) = Root Spell Menu Operation Routine
- 077180-07754F (0003D0) = Root Item Menu Operation Routine
- 077550-07784F (000300) = Root Equip Menu Operation Routine
- 077850-0779B3 (000164) = Root Command Targeting Handling
- 0779B4-077BD7 (000224) = For Targeted Enemies, Display Arrows and Highlight Names
- 077BD8-077F6B (000394) = Active PC Root Interface Handling Routine
- 077F6C-0782EF (000384) = Root Battle Victory Handling Routine
- 0782F0-078513 (000224) = Battle Victory: Levelup Messages Printing
- 078514-07864B (000138) = Battle Victory: Monster Drops Handling
- 07864C-078713 (0000C8) = Root Battle Loss Handling Routine
- 078714-07880B (0000F8) = Action Menu Input Polling/Handling Routine
- 07880C-078847 (00004C) = (Unused) Equip Menu-Related Routine
- 078848-07888B (000044) = Battle Start: Store Cursor Settings (Memory or Default)
- 07888C-07896F (0000E4) = Unknown Battle Start Routine
- 078970-078B4F (0001E0) = Battle Start: Determine Normal/Ambush/Preemptive, Music to Use
Action Processing
- 078B50-078C1F (0000D0) = Process Next Unit's Turn
- 078C20-078E47 (000228) = Physical Attack Processing
- 078E48-07952B (0006E4) = Physical Attack Animation Processing
- 07952C-0796C3 (000198) = Damage Number "Bouncing" Effect and Timing Handler
- 079764-0797F7 (000094) = For All Units, Print Damage/Healing/Miss After Action
- 0797F8-079927 (000130) = Retarget Coming Action if Target no Longer Valid
- 079928-079A2F (000108) = Monster Spell Selection and Targeting Handling
- 079A30-079B3B (00010C) = Monster Ability Selection and Targeting Handling
- 079B3C-079D33 (0001F8) = Monster Action Determination
- 079D34-079E27 (0000F4) = Turn Order Determination/Randomization
- 079E28-079EE7 (0000C0) = Action Master Processing
- 079EE8-07A313 (00042C) = PC Spellcasting Processing
- 07A314-07A3CB (0000B8) = Regeneration Handling
- 07A3CC-07A45B (000090) = Poison Handling
- 07A45C-07A5C3 (000168) = End-of-Round Regen/Poison Master Routine
- 07A5C4-07A7F7 (000234) = Monster Physical Attack Processing
- 07A7F8-07A9CB (0001D4) = Monster Spellcasting Processing
- 07A9CC-07ACEB (000320) = Item Usage Processing
- 07ACEC-07B053 (000368) = PC Flee Processing
- 07B054-07B18B (000138) = Monster Flee Processing
- 07B18C-07B567 (0003DC) = Physical Attack Calculations
- 07B568-07BE2B (0008C4) = Spell Hit/Damage Calculations
- 07BE2C-07C573 (000748) = Spell Effects Handling
- 07C574-07C7DF (00026C) = Apply Damage and Healing, Check if Units Were Slain by Current Action
- 07C7E0-07C87F (0000A0) = Check if All PCs/All Monsters Slain
- 07C880-07CABF (000240) = Handle Death for Just-Slain Monsters
- 07CAC0-07CB3F (000080) = For Given Monster, Roll for Item Drop
Equipment Special Casing, Object Handling
- 07CB40-07CBA7 (000068) = Elven Cloak Gives 1/3 Chance to Nullify Physical Attack
- 07CBA8-07CC57 (0000B0) = PCs Wearing Angel Ring Regen 1/10 Max HP
- 07CC58-07CD0B (0000B4) = Ultima Weapon Attack = HP/10
- 07CD0C-07CD73 (000068) = Orichalcum Drains 1/4 of Damage From Non-Undead
- 07CD74-07CDBF (00004C) = Red Jacket Nullifies Fire-Elemental Attacks
- 07CDC0-07CE03 (000044) = Rune Axe Auto-Criticals for 25 MP
- 07CE04-07CE47 (000044) = Sage's Staff Boosts Holy Damage by 50%
- 07CE48-07CE5B (000014) = Check if Given Spell is White or Black Magic, by ID
- 07CE5C-07CEE3 (000088) = (Unused) Monster Morale Check
- 07CEE4-07CF3F (00005C) = Check if All PCs/Monsters Slain (Alternate)
- 07CF40-07CF9F (000060) = (Unused) Cap Current MP at Max MP
- 07CFA0-07D013 (000074) = (Unused) Apply Damage/Healing to Unit HP and Check for Zero HP
- 07D014-07D03B (000028) = Check if Combat Round is Over
- 07D03C-07D10F (0000D4) = Damage/Heal/"Miss" Animation-Related Routine
- 07D110-07D1CB (0000BC) = (Unused) Damage Number Animation-Related Routine
- 07D1CC-07D2BF (0000F4) = Create New Animated Object?
- 07D2C0-07D40F (000150) = Animated Object-Related Routine
- 07D410-07D4B3 (0000A4) = Animated Object Position Shift Handler
- 07D4B4-07D5F7 (000144) = Master Animated Object Update Routine?
- 07D5F8-07D773 (00017C) = Create New Animated Object?
- 07D774-07D937 (0001C4) = Unknown Object-Related Routines
- 07D938-07D99B (000064) = (Called for physical attack impact effects)
- 07D99C-07D9B7 (00001C) = (Unused)
- 07D9B8-07DB27 (000170) = (Unused?)
- 07DB28-07DBCF (0000A8) = Unknown Routine
FF1 Misc Routines 2
- 07DBD0-07DE23 (000154) = Unknown Routine (involves DMA transfers)
- 07DE24-07DEDB (0000B8) = Unknown Routine (called by the above)
- 07DEDC-07DF7B (0000A0) = Unknown Routine (run once per frame)
- 07DF7C-07DFFF (000154) = Unknown Routine (input-related?)
- 07E000-07E313 (000314) = Root Frame Handling? Copies Input to RAM, Checks for Soft Reset
- 07EA14-07EAA7 (000094) = Adding Item to Inventory From Chest or Monster Drop
- 07F15C-07F167 (00000C) = VarMem Base Offset Loading Routine
Text and Data Tables 1
Text data is arranged one string after another.
- 199D6D-19A260 (0004F4) = FF1 Key Item Names
- 19A261-19A569 (000309) = FF1 Consumable Names
- 19A56A-19AC05 (00069A) = FF1 Weapon Names
- 19AC06-19B319 (000714) = FF1 Armor Names
- 19B31A-19BC9E (000985) = FF1 Key Item Descriptions
- 19BC9F-19C40C (00076D) = FF1 Consumable Descriptions
- 19C40D-19D454 (001048) = FF1 Weapon Descriptions
- 19D455-19E64F (0011FA) = FF1 Armor Descriptions
- 19E650-19E80B (0001BC) = FF1 Key Item Name/Description Pointer Table
- 19E80C-19EA1B (000210) = FF1 Consumable Name/Description Pointer Table
- 19EA1C-19ED27 (00030C) = FF1 Weapon Name/Description Pointer Table
- 19ED28-19F07B (000354) = FF1 Armor Name/Description Pointer Table
- 19F07C-19F33B (0002C0) = FF1 Consumable Data Table
- 19F33C-19FA57 (00071C) = FF1 Weapon Data Table
- 19FA58-1A021B (0007C4) = FF1 Armor Data Table
- 1A021D-1A0786 (000569) = FF1 Spell Names
- 1A0767-1A164F (000EE9) = FF1 Spell Descriptions
- 1A1650-1A197F (000330) = FF1 Spell Name/Description Pointer Table
- 1A1980-1A20BF (000660) = FF1 Spell Data Table
- 1A20C0-1A2143 (000084) = FF1 Spell Usability Table
- 1A2144-1A2D2B (000BE8) = Various Menu Text Data, FF2 PC Default Names
- 1A2D2C-1A2D57 (00002C) = FF2 PC Default Names Pointer Table
- 1A2D58-1A2E2F (0000D8) = FF2 Status Ailment Text Data
- 1A2E30-1A2E4C (0000D8) = FF2 Permanent Status Effect Text Pointer Table
- 1A2E4D-1A3E83 (001037) = FF2 Key Item/Consumable/Weapon/Armor Names (sans icons)
- 1A3E84-1A41F7 (000374) = FF2 Item Text Pointer Table
- 1A41F8-1A4258 (000061) = FF2 Item Icon Text Codes - For Displaying With Item Names
- 1A4259-1A4343 (0000EB) = FF2 Black Magic Names
- 1A4344-1A4393 (000050) = FF2 Black Magic Names Pointer Table
- 1A4394-1A446F (0000DC) = FF2 White Magic Names
- 1A4470-1A44BF (000050) = FF2 White Magic Names Pointer Table
- 1A44C0-1A4D0B (00084C) = FF2 Key Terms Descriptions
- 1A4D0C-1A4D47 (00003C) = FF2 Key Terms Descriptions Pointer Table
- 1A4D48-1A502F (00003C) = FF2 Shops-Related Text Data
- 1A5030-1A510F (0000E0) = FF2 Shopping-Related Text Pointer Table
- 1A5110-1A53AF (000230) = FF2 Config Menu Options Descriptions Text
- 1A53B0-1A53E3 (000034) = FF2 Config Descriptions Pointer Table
- 1A53E4-1A63E3 (001000) = FF2 World Map Quadrant Name Text Indices
- 1A63E4-1A7133 (000D50) = Text Font-related Data
- 1A7134-1A7157 (000024) = Music/SFX Names pointer table, plus other data (debug?)
- 1A7158-1A7957 (000800) = Music Names (debug?)
Internal Data for Final Fantasy I & II: Dawn of Souls
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