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Dragon Warrior I & II (Game Boy)/TBL
The following article is a Text Table for Dragon Warrior I & II (Game Boy).
Dragon Quest
00=0 01=1 02=2 03=3 04=4 05=5 06=6 07=7 08=8 09=9 0A=A 0B=B 0C=C 0D=D 0E=E 0F=F 10=G 11=H 12=I 13=J 14=K 15=L 16=M 17=N 18=O 19=P 1A=Q 1B=R 1C=S 1D=T 1E=U 1F=V 20=W 21=X 22=Y 23=Z 24=あ 25=い 26=う 27=え 28=お 29=か 2A=き 2B=く 2C=け 2D=こ 2E=さ 2F=し 30=す 31=せ 32=そ 33=た 34=ち 35=つ 36=て 37=と 38=な 39=に 3A=ぬ 3B=ね 3C=の 3D=は 3E=ひ 3F=ふ 40=へ 41=ほ 42=ま 43=み 44=む 45=め 46=も 47=や 48=ゆ 49=よ 4A=ら 4B=り 4C=る 4D=れ 4E=ろ 4F=わ 50=を 51=ん 52=ぁ 53=ぃ 54=ぅ 55=ぇ 56=ぉ 57=っ 58=ゃ 59=ゅ 5A=ょ 5B=ア 5C=イ 5D=ウ 5E=エ 5F=オ 60=カ 61=キ 62=ク 63=ケ 64=コ 65=サ 66=シ 67=ス 68=セ 69=ソ 6A=タ 6B=チ 6C=ツ 6D=テ 6E=ト 6F=ナ 70=ニ 71=ヌ 72=ネ 73=ノ 74=ハ 75=ヒ 76=フ 77=ヘ 78=ホ 79=マ 7A=ミ 7B=ム 7C=メ 7D=モ 7E=ヤ 7F=ユ 80=ヨ 81=ラ 82=リ 83=ル 84=レ 85=ロ 86=ワ 87=ヲ 88=ン 89=ァ 8A=ィ 8B=ゥ 8C=ェ 8D=ォ 8E=ッ 8F=ャ 90=ュ 91=ョ // The accents are applied in the previous character! 92=゛ 93=゜ 94=* 95=「 96=」 97=? 98=! 99=… 9A=。 9B=~ 9C=ー 9D=/ 9E=☼ 9F=★ A0=◑ A1=♥ A2=slime A3=・ A4=: // Abbreviation. A5=experience A6=level A7= ̄ A8=© A9=► AA=Ⅰ AB=Ⅱ AC=& // AD to AF: zeroed. B0= // B1 to BF: zeroed. C0 até DF: totally filled. // Kanji. E500=王 E501=子 E502=女 E503=上 E504=下 E505=大 E506=中 E507=小 E508=父 E509=年 E50A=月 E50B=日 E50C=今 E50D=人 E50E=入 E50F=足 E510=山 E511=少 E512=兵 E513=士 E514=方 E515=水 E516=火 E517=空 E518=世 E519=北 E51A=酉 E51B=兄 E51C=生 E51D=心 E51E=会 E51F=冉 E520=申 E521=古 E522=全 E523=石 E524=炎 E525=夫 E526=作 E527=木 E528=早 E529=目 E52A=正 E52B=平 E52C=和 E52D=手 E52E=呪 E52F=来 E530=私 E531=出 E532=光 E533=本 E534=当 E535=守 E536=向 E537=次 E538=々 E539=礼 E53A=合 E53B=元 E53C=一 E53D=二 E53E=三 E53F=十 E540=気 E541=力 E542=体 E543=伝 E544=先 E545=町 E546=休 E547=与 E548=何 E549=母 E54A=去 E54B=仲 E54C=天 E54D=地 E54E=口 E54F=名 E550=不 E551=明 E552=知 E553=分 E554=内 E555=村 E556=切 E557=衣 E558=相 E559=近 E55A=羽 E55B=代 E55C=太 E55D=赤 E55E=止 E55F=泊 E560=丈 E561=好 E562=以 E563=四 E564=海 E565=供 E566=変 E567=沈 E568=商 E569=沖 E56A=立 E56B=引 E56C=灯 E56D=台 E56E=玉 E56F=味 E570=半 E571=部 E572=化 E573=死 E574=回 E575=助 E576=共 E577=姫 E578=支 E579=亡 E57A=耳 E57B=神 E57C=必 E57D=巨 E57E=虹 E57F=忘 E580=広 E581=行 E582=板 E583=快 E584=見 E585=呼 E586=主 E587=店 E588=安 E589=失 E58A=外 E58B=用 E58C=夕 E58D=老 E58E=治 E58F=占 E590=乱 E591=自 E592=同 E593=住 E594=友 E595=冷 E596=込 E597=文 E598=由 E599=吹 E59A=封 E59B=忙 E59C=取 E59D=品 E59E=久 E59F=位 E5A0=決 E5A1=雨 E5A2=洞 E5A3=所 E5A4=彼 E5A5=界 E5A6=金 E5A7=盗 E5A8=恐 E5A9=辺 E5AA=歩 E5AB=研 E5AC=究 E5AD=沼 E5AE=命 E5AF=色 E5B0=無 E5B1=宝 E5B2=活 E5B3=幼 E5B4=犯 E5B5=杯 E5B6=財 E5B7=返 E5B8=枚 E5B9=求 E5BA=性 E5BB=攻 E5BC=劾 E5BD=投 E5BE=東 E5BF=穴 E5C0=臣 E5C1=川 // E5C2 is the same as E5A0, but it isn't used!
Dragon Warrior
00=0 01=1 02=2 03=3 04=4 05=5 06=6 07=7 08=8 09=9 0A=A 0B=B 0C=C 0D=D 0E=E 0F=F 10=G 11=H 12=I 13=J 14=K 15=L 16=M 17=N 18=O 19=P 1A=Q 1B=R 1C=S 1D=T 1E=U 1F=V 20=W 21=X 22=Y 23=Z 24=a 25=b 26=c 27=d 28=e 29=f 2A=g 2B=h 2C=i 2D=j 2E=k 2F=l 30=m 31=n 32=o 33=p 34=q 35=r 36=s 37=t 38=u 39=v 3A=w 3B=x 3C=y 3D=z 3E=; 3F=‥ 40=→ 41='s 42='m 43='r 44='t 45='v 46='l 47='d 48=katana 49=sword 4A=lance 4B=stick 4C=staff 4D=hammer 4E=axe 4F=armor 50=vest 51=shield 52=helmet 53=ring 54=knife 55=cape // 56 to 91: zeroed. 92=゛ 93=゜ 94=* 95=「 96=」 97=? 98=! 99=… 9A=。 9B=~ 9C=- 9D=/ // Heroic symbols. 9E=☼ 9F=★ A0=◑ A1=♥ A2=slime A3=・ A4=: // Abbreviation. A5=experience A6=level A7= ̄ A8=© A9=► AA=Ⅰ AB=Ⅱ AC=& AD=' AE=, AF=. B0= // B1 to DF: zeroed.
These work until the response given by F7: E4; ED; FA. These work without any regulation, needing only to be activated once until the end string: E1; EA; EB; F8; FD. F4 looks like the only one without use.
Note: the banks E5 and E6 are dedicated to extended characters.
- E0
- E3
- E7=no
- FF=yes
Creates a selection environment, with the box "yes and no" appearing, keeping with the processing only after the answer. E0 and E3, probably, only work correctly if programmed, because they don't display the selection box in dialogues. E0 is only used once. E3 is notably used in menus. The main difference between E7 and FF is the standard answer, pre-selected.
Fast printing.
Displays the printing process faster than normal.
It is always used with the E4, at the end of each box, in a weird way.
Screen shaking.
It moves the visible background by the diagonals, creating the screen shaking effect. The characters (sprites) are not affected. The processing keeps going while the effect is on.
Immediate printing.
Printing without delays between the characters. It is mainly used in battles.
- E8xx
- E806=saving
- EC=pause
It changes the environment music played. The EC pauses to the processing, until the chosen music finishes its looping, reestablishing the previous one. It must be used only after E8, or will lock the game!
Values used: 06; 09; B6; B8; C1; C9; CF.
Sound effect.
- E9xx
- E941=magic
Plays a sound effect from the game. Values used: 41; 49; 6E; 6F.
Note: the game throttles correctly this sound, even when used with something improbable as EA.
Characters beep.
- EA=masculine
- EB=feminine
- FD=main character
- FE=off
EA, EB, and FD activate the beeping, after each character is printed in the box. There is one for each sex, even an almost exclusive one for the main character, from Dragon Quest 1 (it is also used in other instances), but that doesn't have audible difference to the masculine. For the FE, it turns off the beep.
Carriage return.
Returns the printing index to the beginning of the line.
Line feed.
Jumps the printing index, cleaning the first line and moving the second backward, if used sequentially. Even working alone, it engulfs the next byte if that isn't EE, because they always are used together.
End string.
Eliminates the message from wherever it has been called.
Line break.
It works the same way as the word EFEE, but it isn't regulated by the box, as the messages come, only keeps writing at the following lines: from third line on, at dialogues, you can't see the message. It is mainly used in menus.
Clean box.
Cleans the visible text box.
Main character's name.
It is corresponding to the main character’s name, which is stored at address 0xC0C8, strictly finished by F0.
Wait for response.
Waits for a response from the player, with any input from the controller, to keep going with the processing.
String of characters from the memory.
Reads a string of characters, strictly finished by F0, beginning at address 0xC200 from the memory. The posterior represents exactly the last byte from the memory: 0xF910 loads the address 0xC210.
Values used: 00; 09; 0A; 0F; 10; 12; 17; 19; 1B; 20; 23; 29; 2A; 30; 33; 38; 39; 3A; 3B; 3C.
Point below.
Displays the triangle dot, at the lower border of the box.
- FBxx
- FCxx
It does a little pause, with a value mostly given by the posterior. The FB pause lasts more than the FC.
Value used with FB: 40. Values used with FC: 08; 10; 20; 28; 30; 40; 48; 58; 80; A8; B0; E0; F0.
Not used.
- F3=EE
- F5=ED
Slow and deregulated printing.
It prints the characters in a really slow pace (almost 5 seconds per character).
Internal Data for Dragon Quest I & II (Game Boy)
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