Super Mario Bros. Deluxe/RAM map

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< Super Mario Bros. Deluxe
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Chip tiny.png The following article is a RAM map for Super Mario Bros. Deluxe.

To do:
Add descriptions to sound effects that lack one

Addresses are for USA/Europe versions.



Addr    Size    Description
----    ----    -----------
6000    8192    Current level metatiles
                * See Notes page for list of metatiles
C100      19    Current HUD tiles
C160       1    Level set
                * 00 - Super Mario Bros.
                * 01 - For Super Players
C162       1    Current level
                * See Notes page for values
C166       1    Hard mode flag
C17A       3    Score digits
C17D       2    Time digits
C17F       1    Lives count
C180       1    Time timer
C181       1    Time disable flag
C1A8       1    Current menu selection
                * 00 - Original 1985 (Goes to File Select)
                * 01 - Challenge Mode
                * 02 - Vs. Game
                * 03 - Super Mario Bros. For Super Players
                * 04 - Records
                * 05 - Album
                * 06 - Toy Box
                * 07 - You Vs. Boo
C1B9       1    Player Y position (map)
C1BA       1    Player X position (map)
C1C1       1    Player state
                * 00 - On ground
                * 01 - In the air
                * 02 - Free movement
                * 03 - Dead
                * 04 - On map
                * 05 - Stationary
                * 06 - Power down animation
                * 07 - Power-up animation
                * 08/0B - Sub-area transition
                * 09 - Fire Flower power-up animation
                * 0A - Auto-walking at end of castle
C1C2       1    Player pose
                * 00 - Standing
                * 01 - Walking 1
                * 02 - Walking 2
                * 03 - Turning around
                * 04 - Jumping
                * 05 - Swimming 1
                * 06 - Walking 3
                * 07 - Climbing 1
                * 08 - Swimming 2
                * 09 - Swimming 3
                * 0A - Swimming 4
                * 0B - Crouching
                * 0C - Climbing 2
                * 0D - Fireball shoot
                * 0E - Swimming 5
                * 0F - Mid-power up
                * 11 - Swimming 6
C1C3       1    Player direction
                * 00 - Left
                * 02 - Right
C1C5       1    Player growth flag
                * 00 - Small
                * 01 - Big
                * 02 and above - Glitchy, may crash game
C1C7       1    Jump height (always starts at 20 each time and decreases back to 0)
C1CA       2    Player X position
C1CC       2    Player Y position
C1CE       1    Player fireballs flag
C1D5       1    Invulnerability timer
C1DA       2    Star timer
C1DC       1    Colors to flash during Star
C1F2       1    Coin count
C383       1    Player select
                * 00 - Mario
                * 01 - Luigi
D000      15    Sprite states?
                * 00 - Empty
                * 01 - Load
                * 02 - Normal
                * 03 - Defeated (fall off screen)
D00F      15    Sprite slots
                * 00 - Empty
                * 01 - Bump block (can either look like a Brick or an Empty Block)
                * 02 - Red Koopa Troopa
                * 03 - Green Koopa Troopa
                * 04 - Goomba
                * 05/06/07/08 - Cheep-Cheep (swimming)
                * 09 - Flag
                * 0A - Castle Star Flag
                * 0C - Mushroom?
                * 0D - Fireball
                * 0E - Brick shatter particle
                * 0F - Fire Bar (clockwise)
                * 10 - Fire Bar (counter-clockwise)
                * 11 - Fire Bar (long clockwise)
                * 12 - Fire Bar (long counter-clockwise)
                * 13 - Fire Bar (fast clockwise)
                * 14 - Fire Bar (fast counter-clockwise)
                * 15 - Fire Bar (fast long clockwise)
                * 16 - Fire Bar (fast long counter-clockwise)
                * 17 - Hammer Bro
                * 18 - Hammer
                * 19 - Piranha Plant
                * 1A - Bowser
                * 1B - Bowser fire
                * 1C - Toad/Peach
                * 1D - Brick bump block?
                * 1F - Lava Bubble
                * 20 - Vine
                * 21 - Firework
                * 22 - Flying Cheep-Cheep spawner
                * 23 - Falling Cheep-Cheep
                * 24 - Bullet Bill	
                * 25 - Bullet Bill (stationary)
                * 26/27 - Red Parakoopa (vertical)
                * 28 - Red Parakoopa (jumping)
                * 29 - Green Parakoopa (jumping)
                * 2A - Red Parakoopa (horizontal)
                * 2B - Green Parakoopa (horizontal)
                * 2C - Blooper
                * 2D - Red Spring
                * 2E - Lakitu
                * 2F - Spiny Egg
                * 30 - Spiny
                * 31 - Buzzy Beetle
                * 32 - Bowser fire spawner
                * 34 - Warp Zone text generator
                * 35 - Air Bubble
                * 36 - Bullet Bill spawner
                * 38 - Cheep-Cheep spawner
                * 3C - Makes the player unable to walk anywhere when touched (used for springs?)
                * 3D/3E - Brick that can't be broken in any form bump block
DE00       1    Music pitch
DE60       1    Sound effect queue #1
DE61       1    Current sound effect playing #1
                * 42 - Jump (small)
                * 43 - Bump
                * 44 - Enemy stomp/Menu selection
                * 45 - Enemy kick
                * 46 - Flagpole
                * 47 - Menu navigate/Timer countdown
                * 48 - Fireball
                * 49 - Player death
                * 4A - Bowser fall
                * 4B - Bullet Bill/Firework
                * 4C - Jump (big)
                * 4F - Flying Cheep Cheep jump/Yoshi Egg toss/Enemy spawn (Mario Bros. unused)
                * 50 - Sidestepper spawn (Mario Bros. unused)
                * 51 - Fighter Fly spawn (Mario Bros. unused)
                * 52 - Coin spawn (Mario Bros. unused)
                * 53 - Coin (Mario Bros. unused)
                * 54 - Enemy flip (Mario Bros. unused)
                * 55 - Enemy defeat (Mario Bros. unused)
                * 56 - Level clear (Mario Bros. unused)
                * 57 - Enemy lands in water (Mario Bros. unused)
                * 58 - Slipice activates (Mario Bros. unused)
                * 59 - Slipice defeated (Mario Bros. unused)
                * 5A - Countdown (Mario Bros. unused)
                * 5D - Player hit (Mario Bros. unused)
                * 5E - Player dies (Mario Bros. unused)
                * 5F - Toad talking at end of Challenge Mode
                * 60 - Face Block flip
                * 61 - Yoshi hatching at end of Challenge Mode
                * 62 - Collected Yoshi Egg
                * 63 - Navigating out of menu
                * 64 - Countdown
                * 65 - "Go!" countdown
                * 66 - Earning a Medal at the end of Challenge Mode
                * 67 - When Red Coins/Score show up at the end of Challenge Mode
                * 68 - Springboard (high jump)
                * 69 - Springboard (low jump)
                * 6A - Green Springboard? (high jump)
                * 6B - Green Springboard? (low jump)
                * 6C - 
                * 6D - Map screen beep
                * 6E - Selecting "Records" on the menu
                * 6F - Selecting "Toy Box" on the menu
                * 70 - Yoshi
                * 71 - 
                * 72 - Score Total in Challenge Mode going up
                * 73 - Boo
                * 74 - Turning around (small)
                * 75 - Turning around (big)
                * 76 - Title screen start
                * 77 - Camera pan
                * 78 - Boo cry
DE70       1    Sound effect queue #2
DE71       1    Current sound effect playing #2
                * 01 - Collected Yoshi Egg (plays automatically with 62 in #1)
                * 02 - Earning a Medal at the end of Challenge Mode (plays automatically with 66 in #1)
                * 03 - Selecting "Records" on the menu (plays automatically with 6E in #1)
                * 04 - Title screen start (plays automatically with 76 in #1)
                * 24 - Coin
                * 25 - Pipe/shrink
                * 26 - Power-up appears
                * 27 - Vine appears
                * 28 - Power-up collected
                * 29 - 1-Up
                * 2A - Walking sound (Mario Bros. unused)
                * 2B - Turning around (Mario Bros. unused)
                * 2C - Jump (Mario Bros. unused)
                * 2D - POW Block (Mario Bros. unused)
                * 2E - Pause (Mario Bros. unused)
                * 2F - 
                * 30 - Error
                * 31 - Pause
                * 32 - 
                * 33 - 
                * 34/3B - 4th Red Coin collected
                * 35/3C - 5th Red Coin collected
                * 36 - New icon showing on Challenge Mode menu
                * 37 - 
                * 38 - 1st Red Coin collected
                * 39 - 2nd Red Coin collected
                * 3A - 3rd Red Coin collected
                * 3D - Message set
DE78       1    Sound effect queue #3
DE79       1    Current sound effect playing #3
                * 3E - 
                * 3F - Message set (plays automatically with 3D in #2)
                * 40 - 
                * 41 - Brick shatter
                * 42 - Bowser fire
                * 43 - Fireball (Mario Bros. unused)
                * 44 - Timer (Mario Bros. unused)
                * 45 - Respawn jingle (Mario Bros. unused)
                * 46 - Selecting "Album" on the menu/Page turn
                * 47 - Yoshi Egg about to hatch
                * 48 - Input
DE90       1    Length of current sound effect
DED0       1    "Hurry Up" tempo flag


FF99       1    X position of Player
FFA7       1    X position of Level
FFA9       1    Y position
FFAB       1    X speed
FFAC       1    Y speed
FFB5       1    Current mode
                * See Notes page for values