Final Fantasy: Mystic Quest/RAM map

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< Final Fantasy: Mystic Quest
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Chip tiny.png The following article is a RAM map for Final Fantasy: Mystic Quest.


The are 9 save slots of $38c bytes each for a total of $1fec bytes.

Address Description
$0000 - $038b Save Slot 1A
$038c - $0717 Save Slot 2A
$0718 - $0aa3 Save Slot 3A
$0aa4 - $0e2f Save Slot 1B
$0e30 - $11bb Save Slot 2B
$11bc - $154a Save Slot 3B
$154b - $18d3 Save Slot 1C
$18d4 - $1c5f Save Slot 2C
$1c60 - $1feb Save Slot 3C
$1fec - $1fff $14 unknown bytes

Save Slot Structure

Save Slot Structure, $0x38c bytes.

[Todo: flesh out missing values]

Offset Length Description
$000 - $005 6 "FF0!" + checksum (2 bytes)
$006 - $055 $50 Character 1
$056 - $0a5 $50 Character 2
$0a6 - $0a8 3 Gold (Max: 9999999)
$0a9 - $0aa 2 ???
$0ab 1 Player X
$0ac 1 Player Y
$0ad 1 Player Facing
$0ae - $0b2 5 ???
$0b3 1 Map ID
$0b4 - $0b8 5 ???
$0b9 - $0bb 3 Play Time (0xSSMMHH)
$0bc - $0c0 5 ???
$0c1 1 # of cures
$0c2 - $38b $2ca ???

Character Data Structure

Character Data Structure, $50 bytes.

[Todo: flesh out missing values]

Offset Length Description
$00 - $07 8 Name
$08 - $0f 8 ???
$10 1 Level (Max: 99)
$11 - $13 3 Experience (Max: 9999999)
$14 - $15 2 Current HP (Max: $ffff)
$16 - $17 2 Max HP (Max: $ffff)
$18 - $20 9 ???
$21 1 Status
$22 1 Current Attack (Max: 99)
$23 1 Current Defense (Max: 99)
$24 1 Current Speed (Max: 99)
$25 1 Current Magic (Max: 99)
$26 1 Base Attack (Max: 99)
$27 1 Base Defense (Max: 99)
$28 1 Base Speed (Max: 99)
$29 1 Base Magic (Max: 99)
$30 1 Weapon Count
$31 1 Weapon ID
$32 - $4f $1e ???
