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Yu-Gi-Oh! The Duelists of the Roses/Notes
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The following article is a Notes Page for Yu-Gi-Oh! The Duelists of the Roses.
Card Types
ID Type -- ---- 00 Dragon 01 Spellcaster 02 Zombie 03 Warrior 04 Beast-Warrior 05 Beast 06 Winged-Beast 07 Fiend 08 Fairy 09 Insect 0A Dinosaur 0B Reptile 0C Fish 0D Sea Serpent 0E Machine 0F Thunder 10 Aqua 11 Pyro 12 Rock 13 Plant 14 Immortal 20 Magic 40 Power Up 60 Trap (Limited Range) 80 Trap (Full Range) A0 Ritual
Card Attributes
ID Attribute -- --------- 00 Light 01 Dark 02 Fire 03 Earth 04 Water 05 Wind
Terrain IDs
ID Terrain -- ------- 00 Forest 01 Wasteland 02 Mountain 03 Meadow 04 Sea 05 Dark 06 Toon 07 Normal 08 Labyrinth 09 Crush
Character IDs
ID Character -- --------- 01 Seto 02 Weevil Underwood 03 Rex Raptor 04 Keith 05 Ishtar 06 Necromancer 07 Darkness-ruler 08 Labyrinth-ruler 09 Pegasus Crawford 0A Richard Slysheen of York 0B Tea 0C T. Tristan Grey 0D Margaret Mai Beaufort 0E Mako 0F Joey 10 J. Shadi Morton 11 Jasper Dice Tudor 12 Bakura 13 Yugi 14 Manawyddan fab Llyr (Skull Knight) 15 Manawyddan fab Llyr (Chakra) 16 Deck Master K 17 Deck Master I 18 Deck Master T 19 Deck Master S 64 Player 1 (Human) 65 Player 2 (Human)
Character sheet
ID Character -- --------- 02 , 56 A 57 B 58 C 59 D 5A E 5B F 5C G 5D H 5E I 5F J 60 K 61 L 62 M 63 N 64 O 65 P 66 Q 67 R 68 S 69 T 6A U 6B V 6C W 6D X 6E Y 6F Z 70 space 71 [ 72 ] 73 a 74 b 75 c 76 d 77 e 78 f 79 g 7A h 7B i 7C j 7D k 7E l 7F m 80 n 81 o 82 p 83 q 84 r 85 s 86 t 87 u 88 v 89 w 8A x 8B y 8C z 8D ( 8E ) 8F 1 90 2 91 3 92 4 93 5 94 6 95 7 96 8 97 9 98 0 99 ! 9A " 9B # 9C $ 9D % 9E & 9F ' A0 = A1 ^ A2 - A3 ¥ A4 . A5 / A6 _
Internal Data for Yu-Gi-Oh! The Duelists of the Roses
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