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Wizardry: Knight of Diamonds (NES)/RAM map
The following article is a RAM map for Wizardry: Knight of Diamonds (NES).
(All values are memory addresses as given by FCEUX)
0x00C3: Wall/door data of the tile you're currently standing on (See here for an explanation of wall/door data.)
0x00C4: Wall/door data of the tile immediately to the right of where you are, relative to your current direction facing. If facing north, it's the tile immediately to the east. If facing east, it's the tile immediately to your south, etc.
0x00C6: Wall/door data of the tile immediately in front of you.
0x00C7: Wall/door data of the tile immediately in front of you and to your right. Like 0x00C4, "right" is relative to your current direction facing.
0x00DB: Appears related to auto-clearing text boxes. Specifically, it's a countdown of how many frames until the box (Such as "OUCH!" when you run into a wall) disappears on its own.
0x00E9: Direction you're facing. 00 = North, 01 = East, 02 = South and 03 = West
0x00EA: Current east position in hexadecimal
0x00EB: Current north position in hexadecimal
0x00EC: Current floor of the dungeon. 00 is the Castle. 01 is the topmost (First) floor, 02 the next one down (Second), and so on to 06.
0x00ED-0x00EF (3 bytes): Respectively, your previous east, north, and floor coordinates. Probably used to determine what square you get pushed back to on obstacles or when running.
Collapse Internal Data for Wizardry: The Knight of Diamonds (NES)
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