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Tiny Toon Adventures/RAM map
The following article is a RAM map for Tiny Toon Adventures.
004C - Game state:
00 = No particular game state.
01 = Map screen if applicable (if 0031 doesn't match a ROM address specified by 0051).
02 = Select partner screen if applicable (07EB = 1) .
03, 04, 05 = Initialize level.
06 = Initialize player to the top left corner.
07 = Fade.
08 = Normal play.
09 = Restart scene/level.
0A = Animate as if walking while standing in place.
0B = Restart scene/level.
0C = Made stage.
0D = Restart to title screen.
0E = To Hamton the pig.
0F = Game Over screen.
10 = Ending.
0018, 0019 - Used for jump table (set before JSR D05A).
0031 - Area (hex 00-17 where 00 is start of first level, 16 is the last boss, 17 is a secret mini-boss).
0041 - Use second controller instead? (press START on second controller on title screen for this effect).
0050, 0051 - Counters mainly for delay but has other uses as well.
0053 - Level (00-06).
0064 - Speed (walking E8 - 18).
006C - Jumping/falling speed.
0071, 0072 - Absolute speed (walking 0-18) used for testing speed limit.
0073 - Max Speed.
0082 - Current screen on level.
05A8 - Used to count successful button combo for cheat on title screen.
0631 - Number of screens on level.
0633 - Vertical scrolling speed.
0640 - Used for jump table.
Collapse Internal Data for Tiny Toon Adventures
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