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The following article is a ROM map for THUNDER FORCE2.
To do: Merge contents with Thunder Force II (Genesis)/ROM map |
ROM ERROR To prevent this from happening, go to address $BE0 and change it to 4E75. Now you can edit the ROM. So the Game Genie people thought of this first. Maybe that's why master code is needed.
Level Data are located at $20002 How to locate the file in this format? Example: $000000 $0100000 Lets say the file is at $0000 0096, the file will be located at $000096 if something looks like this: $0001 0096, then the file will be located at $010096. It is possible to add a new stage like two missing stages from X68000 version. Stage 1 The skies overhead $0000 0096, $0000 2847, $0000 28DD, $0000 23EA Stage 2 Inside of an enemy port $0000 4CC7, $0000 103D, $0000 5D04, $0000 0BE3 Stage 3 Skyscrapers $0000 68E7, $0000 1E81, $0000 8768, $0000 1F0F Stage 4 Highway $0000 A677, $0000 0E31, $0000 B4A8, $0000 14FD Stage 5 A cave $0000 C9A5, $0000 16C9, $0000 E06E, $0000 2A4E Stage 6 Inside an abandoned pipe $0001 0ABC, $0000 147B, $0001 1F37, $0000 0DF6 Stage 7 Statues $0001 2D2D, $0000 262C, $0001 5359, $0000 1CE3 Stage 8 Inside the ruins $0001 703C, $0000 2051, $0001 908D, $000 14DD Stage 9 The final confrontation $0001 A56A, $0000 1DE1, $0001 C34B, $0000 2FF2 ? Have no idea what this is yet. $0001 F33E
Voice Samples Locations $58000 $70000 The hex layout looks like this: $0100 0D00 002B 0000 0100 is the location of the file. 0D00 is the size of the file. 002B I have no idea what this is yet.
Music are located in Z80 Bank $78000 Music Z80 Pointer Song Name 01 Music 00 $0100 Knights of Legend 02 Music 01 $10E7 Exceed 03 Music 02 $175F Take Strict Precautions 04 Music 03 $1B24 Illusion 05 Music 04 $22AB Irrevocable Dream 06 Music 05 $2A5C A Ray of Hope 07 Music 06 $3100 Cruise Control 08 Music 07 $340C Cloud of Dust 09 Music 08 $391C Death Face's 10 Music 09 $4259 Big na Okata 1 11 Music 0A $467B Big na Okata 2 12 Music 0B $4914 Big na Okata 3 13 Music 0C $4CB7 Big na Okata 5 14 Music 0D $4F39 Big na Okata 6 15 Music 0E $5326 The Wind Blew All Day Long 16 Music 0F $586B Mission 2 17 Music 10 $5C23 Stage Clear 18 Music 11 $5DF9 Game Over 19 Music 12 $6011 Take Off One's Gloves (Ending Theme) 20 Music 13 $6E1C Tan Tan Ta Ta Ta Tan 21 Music 14 $708F Big na Okata 4 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Voices are located in Z80 Bank $70000 Voices from $0000-$0046 Voice 1 Example Z80 Pointer - $0000 Pointer of the voice - $0100 - ? $0D7F - ? $002B --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Collapse Internal Data for Thunder Force II
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