Super Mario All-Stars (SNES)/RAM map

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Chip tiny.png The following article is a RAM map for Super Mario All-Stars (SNES).

This article is a work in progress.
...Well, all the articles here are, in a way. But this one moreso, and the article may contain incomplete information and editor's notes.

Taken from SMW Central.


Super Mario Bros. 1

Address    Size    Description
-------    ----    -----------
7E0000        8    Scratch RAM for many subroutines
7E0008        1    Unused scratch RAM
7E0009        1    Frame Counter
7E000A        3    Player action data.
                   Note that these flags are not mirrors of SNES controller flags.
                   They merely signify which states the player is experiencing.
                   For example, the Jump flag can be set by whatever button maps to jumping.
                   Also, the flag is set only by the controller of the current player.
                   Bit flags: JD000000
                   J - Jump button
                   D - Dash button
                   Bit flags: 0000UD00
                   U - Up button
                   D - Down button
                   Bit flags: 000000LR
                   L - Left flag
                   R - Right flag
7E000D        1    Saves the value of $7E:000A (jump/run flags) from the previous frame.
7E000F        1    Player's current action
                   (Entering pipe, fade to image before level, vine, etc.)
                   TODO: verify "Number of subroutines to run in game engine on next frame"
7E0010        8    Sprite onscreen flags
                   Bit 7 = never overwrite sprite slot of current index.
                   Bit 0 = Onscreen flag.