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Rollerball (NES)/RAM map
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The following article is a RAM map for Rollerball (NES).
RAM addresses and values in hex.
For Rollerball US version (PRG+CHR CRC32 hex 69635A6E)
000A: controller 1 held buttons (80=A 40=B 20=SELECT 10=START 08=up 04=down 02=left 01=right) 000B: controller 2 held buttons 000C: controller 1 new buttons 000D: controller 2 new buttons 0079: number of players (1 to 4) 007A: current player (0 = player 1, ..., 3 = player 4) 007B: current screen (0,1,2,3) 007C: transition flag (?) (FF= no transition in progress, 0,1,2,3 = transition to screen 0,1,2,3 in progress) (For Match Play, ball 1 is green, ball 2 is red) Ball positions 007E: ball 1 x subpixels 007F: ball 2 x subpixels 0080: ball 1 x pixels 0081: ball 2 x pixels 0082: ball 1 y subpixels 0083: ball 2 y subpixels 0084: ball 1 y pixels 0085: ball 2 y pixels Ball status 0 = ball not in play (?) 1 = ball motionless at the plunger or in a hole (?) 2 = ball waiting on another screen (?) 3 = ball moving normally on the visible screen (?) 0086: ball 1 status 0087: ball 2 status Ball screen (0,1,2,3 = screen; 4 = not in play (?) ) 0088: ball 1 screen 0089: ball 2 screen Ball velocities (2-byte signed, in units of 6/256 of a pixel per frame) 008A: ball 1 x velocity LSB 008B: ball 2 x velocity LSB 008C: ball 1 x velocity MSB 008D: ball 2 x velocity MSB 008E: ball 1 y velocity LSB 008F: ball 2 y velocity LSB 0090: ball 1 y velocity MSB 0091: ball 2 y velocity MSB 0092: gravity modifier (?) (cycles through values 0,2,4,6,8,1,3,5,7) 009C: left flippers raised amount (0 to 7) 009D: right flippers raised amount (0 to 7) 00A0: left flippers velocity (?) (74=up, 8C=down) 00A1: right flippers velocity (?) (74=up, 8C=down) 00AF ~ 00B0: on game over screen, seconds and frames countdown timer until return to title screen. (starts at 30 seconds when scores appear) 0100 ~ 01FF: stack 0200 ~ 02FF: buffer sent to OAM 0301 ~ 0305: checked to tell if power on or reset. contains "SUPRA" if reset, RAM contents like high score kept from before Number of balls left (including current ball) 0306: player 1 balls left 0307: player 2 balls left 0308: player 3 balls left 0309: player 4 balls left 030A: screen transition (?) (FF = no screen transition in progress (?)) 030F: collision flag (?) (changes to non-zero values on collisions, but freezing value has no effect) Skyscraper score digits (ones digit is always zero, not stored) 0311 ~ 0319: player 1 score 031A ~ 0322: player 2 score 0323 ~ 032B: player 3 score 032C ~ 0334: player 4 score 0335 ~ 033D: top score Match Play score digits 0341 ~ 0344: Elephant's score 0345 ~ 0348: Donkey's score 0370: LED text display to write to? 037B: screen(?) (0~3=Skyscraper, 4=Match Play, 6=Title) 06EB: bonus in thousands (decimal 0 ~ 199) 06EE: bonus multiplier (1 ~ 5) 070B: Elephant's games won 070C: Donkey's games won
Collapse Internal Data for Rollerball (NES)
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