Pokémon Gold and Silver/RAM map

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Chip tiny.png The following article is a RAM map for Pokémon Gold and Silver.

Feel free to add any locations that aren't on this document.


$C1A6 = Low HP warning (Set to any value above 80)
$C1CF = Brightness
$C700 to $CAFF = Map
$C5D0 to $C5F3 = Ruins of Alph puzzle

In Battle: Your Pokemon

$CB0D = Item held
$CB0E to $CB11 = Move 1-4
$CB14 to $CB17 = PP Move 1-4
$CB1A = Status
$CB1C to $CB1D = HP In Battle
$CB2A to $CB2B = Type 1-2
$CB49 = Substitute
$CB65 to $CB66 = Money Earned
$CF7E to $CF7F = Experience Given
$CBC1 = Current Attack

In Battle: Opposing Pokemon

$CC13 to $CC16 = What Moves the Pokemon will have when you catch it.
$D0F0 = Enemy Item
$D0F1 = Enemy Move 1
$D0F2 = Enemy Move 2
$D0F3 = Enemy Move 3
$D0F4 = Enemy Move 4
$D0F5 = Enemy DVs: Attack & Defense
$D0F5 = Enemy DVs: Speed & Special
$D0FC = Enemy Level
$D0FD = Enemy Status
$D0FF to $D10C = Stats of current opponent. Each value is two-byte big-endian in the following order: current HP, total HP, Attack, Defense, Speed, Sp. Atk., Sp. Def.
$D116 = Type of Battle (Wild/Gym/etc)
$D119 = Enemy Sex
$D127 to $D128 = Enemy Type 1-2
$D141 to $D142 = Enemy Damage (big-endian) that attack is about to do. Max damage is shown one frame before actual damage.
$D151 = Enemy Magnitude number (if using Magnitude); otherwise unknown
$D149 to $D14C = Enemy Move 1-4
$DD55 to $DD5B = Amount of Pokemon for Opponent
$D0ED = Wild Pokemon Number
$D0FC = Wild Pokemon Level
$DA29 = FF
$CC13 to $CC16 = Moves 1-4 your caught Pokemon will have


$CFED to $CFF1 = Whats in Mart Slot 1-5
$D140 = How Many Items in Pokemart


$D1FF = Your Sprite
$D203 = Clothes
$D20D = X position
$D20E = Y Position
$DA00 = What Map Bank you are on.
$DA01 = What Map number you are on.
$DA02 to $DA03 = X-Y coordinates of character on overworld map. Going right increases X and going down increases Y.
$D682 = On Bike?
$D9EB = Repel Steps left
$D193 = Park Time
$D199 = Options
$DCE7 = Bug Contest Caught Pokemon ID
$DD06 = Bug Contest Caught Pokemon Level
$DD09 to $DD16 = Bug Contest Caught Pokemon Stats. Each value is two-byte big-endian in the following order: current HP, total HP, attack, defense, speed, special attack, special defense.
* 1 = Text Speed
* 2 = Text Speed
* 4 = Text Speed
* 8 = Text Speed
* 10 = Text Speed
* 20 = Stereo/Mono
* 40 = Battle Set
* 80 = Battle Scene

Game Settings

$D1A1 to $D1A2 = ID
$D1A3 to $D1AC = Your name
$D1AD = 50
$D1BC to $D1B5 = Rival Name
$D1B6 = 50
$D1DC to $D1E0 = Clock = Day
$D1EB to $D1EF = Time (Sunday 12:31 AM is the default)
$D20B = Wild Pokemon Battles Enabled?
$D573 to $D575 = Money
$D576 to $D578 = Mother's Held Money
$D57A to $D57B = Casino Coins
$D57C = Johto Badges
*$01 = Falkner
*$02 = Bugsy
*$04 = Whitney
*$08 = Morty
*$10 = Jasmine
*$20 = Chuck
*$40 = Pryce
*$80 = Clair

Above values are in hex. To get multiple badges e.g. Whitney and Morty, add their values in hex (04h+08h = 0Ch) to get both badges. Adding all the values will add up to FFh, therefore, that's the value you use to get all the badges.

$D57D = Kanto Badges
$D57E to $D5AF = TM's
$D5B0 to $D5B6 = HM's
$D5B7 = Total Item Count
$D5B8 = Item 1
$D5B9 = Amount
$D5BA = Item 2
$D5BB = Amount
$D5BC = Item 3
$D5BD = Amount
$D5BE = Item 4
$D5BF = Amount
$D5C0 = Item 5
$D5C1 = Amount
$D5C2 = Item 6
$D5C3 = Amount
$D5C4 = Item 7
$D5C5 = Amount
$D5C6 = Item 8
$D5C7 = Amount
$D5C8 = Item 9
$D5C9 = Amount
$D5CA = Item 10
$D5CB = Amount
$D5CC = Item 11
$D5CD = Amount
$D5CE = Item 12
$D5CF = Amount
$D5D0 = Item 13
$D5D1 = Amount
$D5D2 = Item 14
$D5D3 = Amount
$D5D4 = Item 15
$D5D5 = Amount
$D5D6 = Item 16
$D5D7 = Amount
$D5D8 = Item 17
$D5D9 = Amount
$D5DA = Item 18
$D5DB = Amount
$D5DC = Item 19
$D5DD = Amount
$D5DE = Item 20
$D5DF = Amount
$D5E0 = Items End of List
$D5E1 = Total Key Item Count
$D5E2 to $D5FA = Key Items
$D5FB = Key Items End of List
$D5FC = Total Balls
$D5FD = Ball 1
$D5FE = Amount
$D5FF = Ball 2
$D600 = Amount
$D601 = Ball 3
$D602 = Amount
$D603 = Ball 4
$D604 = Amount
$D605 = Ball 5
$D606 = Amount
$D607 = Ball 6
$D608 = Amount
$D609 = Ball 7
$D60A = Amount
$D60B = Ball 8
$D60C = Amount
$D60D = Ball 9
$D60E = Amount
$D60F = Ball 10
$D610 = Amount
$D611 = Ball 11
$D612 = Amount
$D613 = Ball 12
$D614 = Amount
$D615 = Balls End of List
$D616 = Stored Items
$D617 = Stored Item 1
$D618 = Amount
$D619 = Stored Item 2
$D61A = Amount
$D61B = Stored Item 3
$D61C = Amount
$D61D = Stored Item 4
$D61E = Amount
$D61F = Stored Item 5
$D620 = Amount
$D621 = Stored Item 6
$D622 = Amount
$D623 = Stored Item 7
$D624 = Amount
$D625 = Stored Item 8
$D626 = Amount
$D627 = Stored Item 9
$D628 = Amount
$D629 = Stored Item 10
$D62A = Amount
$D62B = Stored Item 11
$D62C = Amount
$D62D = Stored Item 12
$D62E = Amount
$D62F = Stored Item 13
$D630 = Amount
$D631 = Stored Item 14
$D632 = Amount
$D633 = Stored Item 15
$D634 = Amount
$D635 = Stored Item 16
$D636 = Amount
$D637 = Stored Item 17
$D638 = Amount
$D639 = Stored Item 18
$D63A = Amount
$D63B = Stored Item 19
$D63C = Amount
$D63D = Stored Item 20
$D63E = Amount
$D63F = Stored Item 21
$D640 = Amount
$D641 = Stored Item 22
$D642 = Amount
$D643 = Stored Item 23
$D644 = Amount
$D645 = Stored Item 24
$D646 = Amount
$D647 = Stored Item 25
$D648 = Amount
$D649 = Stored Item 26
$D64A = Amount
$D64B = Stored Item 27
$D64C = Amount
$D64D = Stored Item 28
$D64E = Amount
$D64F = Stored Item 29
$D650 = Amount
$D651 = Stored Item 30
$D652 = Amount
$D653 = Stored Item 31
$D654 = Amount
$D655 = Stored Item 32
$D656 = Amount
$D657 = Stored Item 33
$D658 = Amount
$D659 = Stored Item 34
$D65A = Amount
$D65B = Stored Item 35
$D65C = Amount
$D65D = Stored Item 36
$D65E = Amount
$D65F = Stored Item 37
$D660 = Amount
$D661 = Stored Item 38
$D662 = Amount
$D663 = Stored Item 39
$D664 = Amount
$D665 = Stored Item 40
$D666 = Amount
$D667 = Stored Item 41
$D668 = Amount
$D669 = Stored Item 42
$D66A = Amount
$D66B = Stored Item 43
$D66C = Amount
$D66D = Stored Item 44
$D66E = Amount
$D66F = Stored Item 45
$D670 = Amount
$D671 = Stored Item 46
$D672 = Amount
$D673 = Stored Item 47
$D674 = Amount
$D675 = Stored Item 48
$D676 = Amount
$D677 = Stored Item 49
$D678 = Amount
$D679 = Stored Item 50
$D67A = Amount
$D67B = Stored Items End of List
$D9C3 = Park Balls
$D67B = Radio station
$D67C = Pokegear
$D9C6 to $D9CF = Phone Numbers
$D9EE to $D9F1 = Cities you can fly to
$D80B to $D811 = Room Decorations
$D959 = Bed
$D95A = Carpet
$D95B = Lower Right Corner
$D95C = Poster
$D95D = Console
$D95E = Shelf Left
$D95F = Shelf Right
$D960 = Big Doll
$D9C3 = Park Balls
$D9C6 to $D9CF = Whos Registered in the phone


$D7B7 to $D8B6 = Flags in Game = Pokemon Gold: Flags


Current Box

$D8BC = Selected Box

$AD6C = Total
$AD6D = Stored Pokemon 1
$AD6E = Stored Pokemon 2
$AD6F = Stored Pokemon 3
$AD70 = Stored Pokemon 4
$AD71 = Stored Pokemon 5
$AD72 = Stored Pokemon 6
$AD73 = Stored Pokemon 7
$AD74 = Stored Pokemon 8
$AD75 = Stored Pokemon 9
$AD76 = Stored Pokemon 10
$AD77 = Stored Pokemon 11
$AD78 = Stored Pokemon 12
$AD79 = Stored Pokemon 13
$AD7A = Stored Pokemon 14
$AD7B = Stored Pokemon 15
$AD7C = Stored Pokemon 16
$AD7D = Stored Pokemon 17
$AD7E = Stored Pokemon 18
$AD7F = Stored Pokemon 19
$AD80 = Stored Pokemon 20
$AD81 = End of list

Stored Pokemon 1 Settings

$AD82 = Stored Pokemon 1
$AD83 = Item Held
$AD84 to $AD87 = Moves
$AD88 to $AD89 = ID Number
$AD8A to $AD8C = Experience
$AD8D to $AD8E = HP EV
$AD8F to $AD90 = Attack EV
$AD91 to $AD92 = Defense EV
$AD93 to $AD94 = Speed EV
$AD95 to $AD96 = Special EV
$AD97 = Attack/Defense IV
$AD98 = Speed/Special IV
$AD99 to $AD9C = PP Moves
$AD9D = Happiness/Time for Hatching
$AD9E = PokeRus
$AD9F to $ADA0 = Caught Data
$ADA1 = Level

Stored Pokemon 2 Settings

$ADA2 = Stored Pokemon 2
$ADA3 = Item Held
$ADA4 to $ADA7 = Moves
$ADA8 to $ADA9 = ID Number
$ADAA to $ADAC = Experience
$ADAF to $ADB0 = Attack EV
$ADB1 to $ADB2 = Defense EV
$ADB3 to $ADB4 = Speed EV
$ADB5 to $ADB6 = Special EV
$ADB7 = Attack/Defense IV
$ADB8 = Speed/Special IV
$ADB9 to $ADBC = PP Moves
$ADBD = Happiness/Time for Hatching
$ADBE = PokeRus
$ADBF to $ADC0 = Caught Data
$ADC1 = Level

Stored Pokemon 3 Settings

$ADC2 = Stored Pokemon 3
$ADC3 = Item Held
$ADC4 to $ADC7 = Moves
$ADC8 to $ADC9 = ID Number
$ADCA to $ADCC = Experience
$ADCF to $ADD0 = Attack EV
$ADD1 to $ADD2 = Defense EV
$ADD3 to $ADD4 = Speed EV
$ADD5 to $ADD6 = Special EV
$ADD7 = Attack/Defense IV
$ADD8 = Speed/Special IV
$ADD9 to $ADDC = PP Moves
$ADDD = Happiness/Time for Hatching
$ADDE = PokeRus
$ADDF to $ADE0 = Caught Data
$ADE1 = Level

Stored Pokemon 4 Settings

$ADE2 = Stored Pokemon 4
$ADE3 = Item Held
$ADE4 to $ADE7 = Moves
$ADE8 to $ADE9 = ID Number
$ADEA to $ADEC = Experience
$ADEF to $ADF0 = Attack EV
$ADF1 to $ADF2 = Defense EV
$ADF3 to $ADF4 = Speed EV
$ADF5 to $ADF6 = Special EV
$ADF7 = Attack/Defense IV
$ADF8 = Speed/Special IV
$ADF9 to $ADFC = PP Moves
$ADFD = Happiness/Time for Hatching
$ADFE = PokeRus
$ADFF to $AE00 = Caught Data
$AE01 = Level

Stored Pokemon 5 Settings

$AE02 = Stored Pokemon 5
$AE03 = Item Held
$AE04 to $AE07 = Moves
$AE08 to $AE09 = ID Number
$AE0A to $AE0C = Experience
$AE0D to $AE0E = HP EV
$AE0F to $AE10 = Attack EV
$AE11 to $AE12 = Defense EV
$AE13 to $AE14 = Speed EV
$AE15 to $AE16 = Special EV
$AE17 = Attack/Defense IV
$AE18 = Speed/Special IV
$AE19 to $AE1C = PP Moves
$AE1D = Happiness/Time for Hatching
$AE1E = PokeRus
$AE1F to $AE20 = Caught Data
$AE21 = Level

Stored Pokemon 6 Settings

$AE22 = Stored Pokemon 6
$AE23 = Item Held
$AE24 to $AE27 = Moves
$AE28 to $AE29 = ID Number
$AE2A to $AE2C = Experience
$AE2D to $AE2E = HP EV
$AE2F to $AE30 = Attack EV
$AE31 to $AE32 = Defense EV
$AE33 to $AE34 = Speed EV
$AE35 to $AE36 = Special EV
$AE37 = Attack/Defense IV
$AE38 = Speed/Special IV
$AE39 to $AE3C = PP Moves
$AE3D = Happiness/Time for Hatching
$AE3E = PokeRus
$AE3F to $AE40 = Caught Data
$AE41 = Level

Stored Pokemon 7 Settings

$AE42 = Stored Pokemon 7
$AE43 = Item Held
$AE44 to $AE47 = Moves
$AE48 to $AE49 = ID Number
$AE4A to $AE4C = Experience
$AE4D to $AE4E = HP EV
$AE4F to $AE50 = Attack EV
$AE51 to $AE52 = Defense EV
$AE53 to $AE54 = Speed EV
$AE55 to $AE56 = Special EV
$AE57 = Attack/Defense IV
$AE58 = Speed/Special IV
$AE59 to $AE5C = PP Moves
$AE5D = Happiness/Time for Hatching
$AE5E = PokeRus
$AE5F to $AE60 = Caught Data
$AE61 = Level

Stored Pokemon 8 Settings

$AE62 = Stored Pokemon 8
$AE63 = Item Held
$AE64 to $AE67 = Moves
$AE68 to $AE69 = ID Number
$AE6A to $AE6C = Experience
$AE6D to $AE6E = HP EV
$AE6F to $AE70 = Attack EV
$AE71 to $AE72 = Defense EV
$AE73 to $AE74 = Speed EV
$AE75 to $AE76 = Special EV
$AE77 = Attack/Defense IV
$AE78 = Speed/Special IV
$AE79 to $AE7C = PP Moves
$AE7D = Happiness/Time for Hatching
$AE7E = PokeRus
$AE7F to $AE80 = Caught Data
$AE81 = Level

Stored Pokemon 9 Settings

$AE82 = Stored Pokemon 9
$AE83 = Item Held
$AE84 to $AE87 = Moves
$AE88 to $AE89 = ID Number
$AE8A to $AE8C = Experience
$AE8D to $AE8E = HP EV
$AE8F to $AE90 = Attack EV
$AE91 to $AE92 = Defense EV
$AE93 to $AE94 = Speed EV
$AE95 to $AE96 = Special EV
$AE97 = Attack/Defense IV
$AE98 = Speed/Special IV
$AE99 to $AE9C = PP Moves
$AE9D = Happiness/Time for Hatching
$AE9E = PokeRus
$AE9F to $AEA0 = Caught Data
$AEA1 = Level

Stored Pokemon 10 Settings

$AEA2 = Stored Pokemon 10
$AEA3 = Item Held
$AEA4 to $AEA7 = Moves
$AEA8 to $AEA9 = ID Number
$AEAA to $AEAC = Experience
$AEAF to $AEB0 = Attack EV
$AEB1 to $AEB2 = Defense EV
$AEB3 to $AEB4 = Speed EV
$AEB5 to $AEB6 = Special EV
$AEB7 = Attack/Defense IV
$AEB8 = Speed/Special IV
$AEB9 to $AEBC = PP Moves
$AEBD = Happiness/Time for Hatching
$AEBE = PokeRus
$AEBF to $AEC0 = Caught Data
$AEC1 = Level

Stored Pokemon 11 Settings

$AEC2 = Stored Pokemon 11
$AEC3 = Item Held
$AEC4 to $AEC7 = Moves
$AEC8 to $AEC9 = ID Number
$AECA to $AECC = Experience
$AECF to $AED0 = Attack EV
$AED1 to $AED2 = Defense EV
$AED3 to $AED4 = Speed EV
$AED5 to $AED6 = Special EV
$AED7 = Attack/Defense IV
$AED8 = Speed/Special IV
$AED9 to $AEDC = PP Moves
$AEDD = Happiness/Time for Hatching
$AEDE = PokeRus
$AEDF to $AEE0 = Caught Data
$AEE1 = Level

Stored Pokemon 12 Settings

$AEE2 = Stored Pokemon 12
$AEE3 = Item Held
$AEE4 to $AEE7 = Moves
$AEE8 to $AEE9 = ID Number
$AEEA to $AEEC = Experience
$AEEF to $AEF0 = Attack EV
$AEF1 to $AEF2 = Defense EV
$AEF3 to $AEF4 = Speed EV
$AEF5 to $AEF6 = Special EV
$AEF7 = Attack/Defense IV
$AEF8 = Speed/Special IV
$AEF9 to $AEFC = PP Moves
$AEFD = Happiness/Time for Hatching
$AEFE = PokeRus
$AEFF to $AF00 = Caught Data
$AF01 = Level

Stored Pokemon 13 Settings

$AF02 = Stored Pokemon 13
$AF03 = Item Held
$AF04 to $AF07 = Moves
$AF08 to $AF09 = ID Number
$AF0A to $AF0C = Experience
$AF0D to $AF0E = HP EV
$AF0F to $AFE10 = Attack EV
$AF11 to $AF12 = Defense EV
$AF13 to $AF14 = Speed EV
$AF15 to $AF16 = Special EV
$AF17 = Attack/Defense IV
$AF18 = Speed/Special IV
$AF19 to $AFE1C = PP Moves
$AF1D = Happiness/Time for Hatching
$AF1E = PokeRus
$AF1F to $AF20 = Caught Data
$AF21 = Level

Stored Pokemon 14 Settings

$AF22 = Stored Pokemon 14
$AF23 = Item Held
$AF24 to $AFE27 = Moves
$AF28 to $AF29 = ID Number
$AF2A to $AF2C = Experience
$AF2D to $AF2E = HP EV
$AF2F to $AF30 = Attack EV
$AF31 to $AF32 = Defense EV
$AF33 to $AF34 = Speed EV
$AF35 to $AF36 = Special EV
$AF37 = Attack/Defense IV
$AF38 = Speed/Special IV
$AF39 to $AF3C = PP Moves
$AF3D = Happiness/Time for Hatching
$AF3E = PokeRus
$AF3F to $AF40 = Caught Data
$AF41 = Level

Stored Pokemon 15 Settings

$AF42 = Stored Pokemon 15
$AF43 = Item Held
$AF44 to $AF47 = Moves
$AF48 to $AF49 = ID Number
$AF4A to $AF4C = Experience
$AF4D to $AF4E = HP EV
$AF4F to $AF50 = Attack EV
$AF51 to $AF52 = Defense EV
$AF53 to $AF54 = Speed EV
$AF55 to $AF56 = Special EV
$AF57 = Attack/Defense IV
$AF58 = Speed/Special IV
$AF59 to $AF5C = PP Moves
$AF5D = Happiness/Time for Hatching
$AF5E = PokeRus
$AF5F to $AF60 = Caught Data
$AF61 = Level

Stored Pokemon 16 Settings

$AF62 = Stored Pokemon 16
$AF63 = Item Held
$AF64 to $AF67 = Moves
$AF68 to $AF69 = ID Number
$AF6A to $AF6C = Experience
$AF6D to $AF6E = HP EV
$AF6F to $AF70 = Attack EV
$AF71 to $AF72 = Defense EV
$AF73 to $AF74 = Speed EV
$AF75 to $AF76 = Special EV
$AF77 = Attack/Defense IV
$AF78 = Speed/Special IV
$AF79 to $AF7C = PP Moves
$AF7D = Happiness/Time for Hatching
$AF7E = PokeRus
$AF7F to $AF80 = Caught Data
$AF81 = Level

Stored Pokemon 17 Settings

$AF82 = Stored Pokemon 17
$AF83 = Item Held
$AF84 to $AF87 = Moves
$AF88 to $AF89 = ID Number
$AF8A to $AF8C = Experience
$AF8D to $AF8E = HP EV
$AF8F to $AF90 = Attack EV
$AF91 to $AF92 = Defense EV
$AF93 to $AF94 = Speed EV
$AF95 to $AF96 = Special EV
$AF97 = Attack/Defense IV
$AF98 = Speed/Special IV
$AF99 to $AF9C = PP Moves
$AF9D = Happiness/Time for Hatching
$AF9E = PokeRus
$AF9F to $AFA0 = Caught Data
$AFA1 = Level

Stored Pokemon 18 Settings

$AFA2 = Stored Pokemon 18
$AFA3 = Item Held
$AFA4 to $AFA7 = Moves
$AFA8 to $AFA9 = ID Number
$AFAA to $AFAC = Experience
$AFAF to $AFB0 = Attack EV
$AFB1 to $AFB2 = Defense EV
$AFB3 to $AFB4 = Speed EV
$AFB5 to $AFB6 = Special EV
$AFB7 = Attack/Defense IV
$AFB8 = Speed/Special IV
$AFB9 to $AFBC = PP Moves
$AFBD = Happiness/Time for Hatching
$AFBE = PokeRus
$AFBF to $AFC0 = Caught Data
$AFC1 = Level

Stored Pokemon 19 Settings

$AFC2 = Stored Pokemon 19
$AFC3 = Item Held
$AFC4 to $AFC7 = Moves
$AFC8 to $AFC9 = ID Number
$AFCA to $AFCC = Experience
$AFCF to $AFD0 = Attack EV
$AFD1 to $AFD2 = Defense EV
$AFD3 to $AFD4 = Speed EV
$AFD5 to $AFD6 = Special EV
$AFD7 = Attack/Defense IV
$AFD8 = Speed/Special IV
$AFD9 to $AFDC = PP Moves
$AFDD = Happiness/Time for Hatching
$AFDE = PokeRus
$AFDF to $AFE0 = Caught Data
$AFE1 = Level

Stored Pokemon 20 Settings

$AFE2 = Stored Pokemon 20
$AFE3 = Item Held
$AFE4 to $AFE7 = Moves
$AFE8 to $AFE9 = ID Number
$AFEA to $AFEC = Experience
$AFEF to $AFF0 = Attack EV
$AFF1 to $AFF2 = Defense EV
$AFF3 to $AFF4 = Speed EV
$AFF5 to $AFF6 = Special EV
$AFF7 = Attack/Defense IV
$AFF8 = Speed/Special IV
$AFF9 to $AFFC = PP Moves
$AFFD = Happiness/Time for Hatching
$AFFE = PokeRus
$AFFF to $B000 = Caught Data
$B001 = Level

Stored Pokemon Trainer Names

$B002 to $B00C = Stored Pokemon 1
$B00D to $B017 = Stored Pokemon 2
$B018 to $B022 = Stored Pokemon 3
$B023 to $B02D = Stored Pokemon 4
$B02E to $B038 = Stored Pokemon 5
$B039 to $B043 = Stored Pokemon 6
$B044 to $B04E = Stored Pokemon 7
$B04F to $B059 = Stored Pokemon 8
$B05A to $B064 = Stored Pokemon 9
$B065 to $B06F = Stored Pokemon 10
$B070 to $B07A = Stored Pokemon 11
$B07B to $B085 = Stored Pokemon 12
$B086 to $B090 = Stored Pokemon 13
$B091 to $B09B = Stored Pokemon 14
$B09C to $B0A6 = Stored Pokemon 15
$B0A7 to $B0B1 = Stored Pokemon 16
$B0B2 to $B0BC = Stored Pokemon 17
$B0BD to $B0C7 = Stored Pokemon 18
$B0C8 to $B0D2 = Stored Pokemon 19
$B0D3 to $B0DD = Stored Pokemon 20

Stored Pokemon Nicknames

$B0DE to $B0E8 = Stored Pokemon 1
$B0E9 to $B0F3 = Stored Pokemon 2
$B0F4 to $B0FE = Stored Pokemon 3
$B0FF to $B109 = Stored Pokemon 4
$B10A to $B114 = Stored Pokemon 5
$B115 to $B11F = Stored Pokemon 6
$B120 to $B12A = Stored Pokemon 7
$B12B to $B135 = Stored Pokemon 8
$B136 to $B140 = Stored Pokemon 9
$B141 to $B14B = Stored Pokemon 10
$B14C to $B156 = Stored Pokemon 11
$B157 to $B161 = Stored Pokemon 12
$B162 to $B16C = Stored Pokemon 13
$B16D to $B177 = Stored Pokemon 14
$B178 to $B182 = Stored Pokemon 15
$B183 to $B18D = Stored Pokemon 16
$B18E to $B198 = Stored Pokemon 17
$B199 to $B1A3 = Stored Pokemon 18
$B1A4 to $B1AE = Stored Pokemon 19
$B1AF to $B1B9 = Stored Pokemon 20

Box Names

$D8BF to $D8C7 = Box 1
$D8C8 to $D8D0 = Box 2
$D8D1 to $D8D9 = Box 3
$D8DA to $D8E2 = Box 4
$D8E3 to $D8EB = Box 5
$D8EC to $D8F4 = Box 6
$D8F5 to $D8FD = Box 7
$D8FE to $D906 = Box 8
$D907 to $D90F = Box 9
$D910 to $D918 = Box 10
$D919 to $D921 = Box 11
$D922 to $D92A = Box 12
$D92B to $D933 = Box 13
$D934 to $D93C = Box 14

Party Pokemon

Note = To make the Pokemon shiny, set Attack IV to 2, 3, 6, 7, A(10), B(11), E(14), or F(15), and other IVs to A(10) each. A Pokemon's Gender is determined by Attack IV.

$DA22 = Total
$DA23 = Pokemon 1
$DA24 = Pokemon 2
$DA25 = Pokemon 3
$DA26 = Pokemon 4
$DA27 = Pokemon 5
$DA28 = Pokemon 6
$DA29 = End of list

Pokemon 1 Settings

$DA2A = Pokemon 1
$DA2B = Item Held
$DA2C to $DA2F = Moves
$DA30 to $DA31 = ID Number
$DA32 to $DA34 = Experience
$DA35 to $DA36 = HP EV
$DA37 to $DA38 = Attack EV
$DA39 to $DA3A = Defense EV
$DA3B to $DA3C = Speed EV
$DA3D to $DA3E = Special EV
$DA3F = Attack/Defense IV
$DA40 = Speed/Special IV
$DA41 to $DA44 = PP Moves
$DA45 = Happiness/Time for Hatching
$DA46 = PokeRus
$DA47 to $DA48 = Caught Data
$DA49 = Level
$DA4A to $DA4B = Status
$DA4C to $DA4D = HP
$DA4E to $DA4F = Max HP
$DA50 to $DA51 = Attack
$DA52 to $DA53 = Defense
$DA54 to $DA55 = Speed
$DA56 to $DA57 = Special Defense
$DA58 to $DA59 = Special Attack

Pokemon 2 Settings

$DA5A = Pokemon 2
$DA5B = Item Held
$DA5C to $DA5F = Moves
$DA60 to $DA61 = ID Number
$DA62 to $DA64 = Experience
$DA65 to $DA66 = HP EV
$DA67 to $DA68 = Attack EV
$DA69 to $DA6A = Defense EV
$DA6B to $DA6C  = Speed EV
$DA6D to $DA6E = Special EV
$DA6F = Attack/Defense IV
$DA70 = Speed/Special IV
$DA71 to $DA74 = PP Moves
$DA75 = Happiness/Time for Hatching
$DA76 = PokeRus
$DA77 to $DA78 = Caught Data
$DA79 = Level
$DA7A to $DA7B = Status
$DA7C to $DA7D = HP
$DA7E to $DA7F = Max HP
$DA80 to $DA81 = Attack
$DA82 to $DA83 = Defense
$DA84 to $DA85 = Speed
$DA86 to $DA87 = Special Defense
$DA88 to $DA89 = Special Attack

Pokemon 3 Settings

$DA8A = Pokemon 3
$DA8B = Item Held
$DA8C to $DA8F = Moves
$DA90 to $DA91 = ID Number
$DA92 to $DA94 = Experience
$DA95 to $DA96 = HP EV
$DA97 to $DA98 = Attack EV
$DA99 to $DA9A = Defense EV
$DA9B to $DA9C = Speed EV
$DA9D to $DA9E = Special EV
$DA9F = Attack/Defense IV
$DAA0 = Speed/Special IV
$DAA1 to $DAA4 = PP Moves
$DAA5 = Happiness/Time for Hatching
$DAA6 = PokeRus
$DAA7 to $DAA8 = Caught Data
$DAA9 = Level
$DAAA to $DAAB = Status
$DAAE to $DAAF = Max HP
$DAB0 to $DAB1 = Attack
$DAB2 to $DAB3 = Defense
$DAB4 to $DAB5 = Speed
$DAB6 to $DAB7 = Special Defense
$DAB8 to $DAB9 = Special Attack

Pokemon 4 Settings

$DABA = Pokemon 4
$DABB = Item Held
$DABC to $DABF = Moves
$DAC0 to $DAC1 = ID Number
$DAC2 to $DAC4 = Experience
$DAC5 to $DAC6 = HP EV
$DAC7 to $DAC8 = Attack EV
$DAC9 to $DACA = Defense EV
$DACB to $DACC = Speed EV
$DACD to $DACE = Special EV
$DACF = Attack/Defense IV
$DAD0 = Speed/Special IV
$DAD1 to $DAD4 = PP Moves
$DAD5 = Happiness/Time for Hatching
$DAD6 = PokeRus
$DAD7 to $DAD8 = Caught Data
$DAD9 = Level
$DADA to $DADB = Status
$DADE to $DADF = Max HP
$DAE0 to $DAE1 = Attack
$DAE2 to $DAE3 = Defense
$DAE4 to $DAE5 = Speed
$DAE6 to $DAE7 = Special Defense
$DAE8 to $DAE9 = Special Attack

Pokemon 5 Settings

$DAEA = Pokemon 5
$DAEB = Item Held
$DAEC to $DAEF = Moves
$DAF0 to $DAF1 = ID Number
$DAF2 to $DAF4 = Experience
$DAF5 to $DAF6 = HP EV
$DAF7 to $DAF8 = Attack EV
$DAF9 to $DAFA = Defense EV
$DAFB to $DAFC = Speed EV
$DAFD to $DAFE = Special EV
$DAFF = Attack/Defense IV
$DB00 = Speed/Special IV
$DB01 to $DB04 = PP Moves
$DB05 = Happiness/Time for Hatching
$DB06 = PokeRus
$DB07 to $DB08 = Caught Data
$DB09 = Level
$DB0A to $DB0B = Status
$DB0C to $DB0D = HP
$DB0E to $DB0F = Max HP
$DB10 to $DB11 = Attack
$DB12 to $DB13 = Defense
$DB14 to $DB15 = Speed
$DB16 to $DB17 = Special Defense
$DB18 to $DB19 = Special Attack

Pokemon 6 Settings

$DB1A = Pokemon 6
$DB1B = Item Held
$DB1C to $DB1F = Moves
$DB20 to $DB21 = ID Number
$DB22 to $DB24 = Experience
$DB25 to $DB26 = HP EV
$DB27 to $DB28 = Attack EV
$DB29 to $DB2A = Defense EV
$DB2B to $DB2C = Speed EV
$DB2D to $DB2E = Special EV
$DB2F = Attack/Defense IV
$DB30 = Speed/Special IV
$DB31 to $DB34 = PP Moves
$DB35 = Happiness/Time for Hatching
$DB36 = PokeRus
$DB37 to $DB38 = Caught Data
$DB39 = Level
$DB3A to $DB3B = Status
$DB3C to $DB3D = HP
$DB3E to $DB3F = Max HP
$DB40 to $DB41 = Attack
$DB42 to $DB43 = Defense
$DB44 to $DB45 = Speed
$DB46 to $DB47 = Special Defense
$DB48 to $DB49 = Special Attack

Pokemon Names

$DB4A to $DB54 = First Pokemon Name OT
$DB55 to $DB5F = Second Pokemon Name OT
$DB60 to $DB6A = Third Pokemon Name OT
$DB6B to $DB75 = Fourth Pokemon Name OT
$DB76 to $DB80 = Fifth Pokemon Name OT
$DB81 to $DB8B = Sixth Pokemon Name OT
$DB8C to $DB96 = First Pokemon Name
$DB97 to $DBA1 = Second Pokemon Name
$DBA2 to $DBAC = Third Pokemon Name
$DBAD to $DBB7 = Fourth Pokemon Name
$DBB8 to $DBC2 = Fifth Pokemon Name
$DBC3 to $DBCD = Sixth Pokemon Name


$DBE4 = Own Pokedex 1-8
$DBE5 = Own Pokedex 9-16
$DBE6 = Own Pokedex 17-24
$DBE7 = Own Pokedex 25-32
$DBE8 = Own Pokedex 33-40
$DBE9 = Own Pokedex 41-48
$DBEA = Own Pokedex 49-56
$DBEB = Own Pokedex 57-64
$DBEC = Own Pokedex 65-72
$DBED = Own Pokedex 73-80
$DBEE = Own Pokedex 81-88
$DBEF = Own Pokedex 89-96
$DBF0 = Own Pokedex 97-104
$DBF1 = Own Pokedex 105-112
$DBF2 = Own Pokedex 113-120
$DBF3 = Own Pokedex 121-128
$DBF4 = Own Pokedex 129-136
$DBF5 = Own Pokedex 137-144
$DBF6 = Own Pokedex 145-152
$DBF7 = Own Pokedex 153-160
$DBF8 = Own Pokedex 161-168
$DBF9 = Own Pokedex 169-176
$DBFA = Own Pokedex 177-184
$DBFB = Own Pokedex 185-192
$DBFC = Own Pokedex 193-200
$DBFD = Own Pokedex 201-208
$DBFE = Own Pokedex 209-216
$DBFF = Own Pokedex 217-224
$DC00 = Own Pokedex 225-232
$DC01 = Own Pokedex 233-240
$DC02 = Own Pokedex 241-248
$DC03 = Own Pokedex 249-256
$DC04 = Seen Pokedex 1-8
$DC05 = Seen Pokedex 9-16
$DC06 = Seen Pokedex 17-24
$DC07 = Seen Pokedex 25-32
$DC08 = Seen Pokedex 33-40
$DC09 = Seen Pokedex 41-48
$DC0A = Seen Pokedex 49-56
$DC0B = Seen Pokedex 57-64
$DC0C = Seen Pokedex 65-72
$DC0D = Seen Pokedex 73-80
$DC0E = Seen Pokedex 81-88
$DC0F = Seen Pokedex 89-96
$DC10 = Seen Pokedex 97-104
$DC11 = Seen Pokedex 105-112
$DC12 = Seen Pokedex 113-120
$DC13 = Seen Pokedex 121-128
$DC14 = Seen Pokedex 129-136
$DC15 = Seen Pokedex 137-144
$DC16 = Seen Pokedex 145-152
$DC17 = Seen Pokedex 153-160
$DC18 = Seen Pokedex 161-168
$DC19 = Seen Pokedex 169-176
$DC1A = Seen Pokedex 177-184
$DC1B = Seen Pokedex 185-192
$DC1C = Seen Pokedex 193-200
$DC1D = Seen Pokedex 201-208
$DC1E = Seen Pokedex 209-216
$DC1F = Seen Pokedex 217-224
$DC20 = Seen Pokedex 225-232
$DC21 = Seen Pokedex 233-240
$DC22 = Seen Pokedex 241-248
$DC23 = Seen Pokedex 249-256


$DC41 to $DC56 = Pokemon 1 Original Trainer & Nickname
$DC57 to $DC76 = Pokemon 1 Stats
$DC7A to $DC8F = Pokemon 2 Original Trainer & Nickname
$DC90 to $DCAF = Pokemon 2 Stats
$DCB0 to $DCC5 = Egg Original Trainer & Nickname
$DCC6 to $DCE5 = Egg Stats

Opponent Trainer

$DD55 = Team Count
$DD56 = Pokemon 1
$DD57 = Pokemon 2
$DD58 = Pokemon 3
$DD59 = Pokemon 4
$DD5A = Pokemon 5
$DD5B = Pokemon 6
$DEBF to $DEC8 = First Pokemon Name
$DEC9 to $DED3 = Second Pokemon Name
$DED4 to $DEDE = Third Pokemon Name
$DEDF to $DEE9 = Fourth Pokemon Name
$DEEA to $DEF4 = Fifth Pokemon Name
$DEF5 to $DEFF = Sixth Pokemon Name
