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Chip tiny.png The following article is a Notes Page for Pnickies.

RAM values

title menu = ff867c

p1 column while falling = ff876d (first nibble)

p1 match amt = ff876b

p1 conn amount = ff24d9

p1 how many conns made (always incr) = FF87B5 & FF24D7

piece Y pos ff8771

freeplay test ff80b1

piece COLUMN ff8798

piece ROW ff879b

playfield FF8190

p1 wins ff2572 ff88b2 p1 wins $E(A2)

p2 wins ff2573 ff88c2 p2 wins $E(A2)

fallspeed p1 ff87d9 p2 ff8879

p1 rotate position ff877f

04 - secondary to the right of main

00 - secondary above main

0c - secondary to the left of main

08 - secondary below main

breaks on matching / connection: 76aa 76B0 76BC 76C2

breaks when match is made: 8996 89BA 89CC 8A0C