Ms. Pac-Man (SNES)/RAM map

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Chip tiny.png The following article is a RAM map for Ms. Pac-Man (SNES).


Address   Size    Description
------    ----    -----------
7E0268       1    Amount of dots eaten in a level
7E026A       1    Amount of dots required to clear level
7E028C       1    Lives
7E0294       1    Lives (P2 during Competitive/Cooperative mode)
7E029C       1    Death cycle
                  * 00 - Normal
                  * 01 - Time freeze
                  * 02 - Death animation
                  * 03 - Post-death animation
                  * 04 - Maze scroll up
                  * 05 - Level reset
7E029E       2    Blue ghost timer
7E0382       1    Type option in options menu
                  * 04 - 1 Player
                  * 08 - 2 Players Alternating
                  * 0C - 2 Players Competitive
                  * 10 - 2 Players Cooperative
7E0388       1    Pac Booster option in options menu
                  * 04 - Off
                  * 08 - Use A or B
                  * 0C - Always On
7E038E       1    Game Difficulty option in options menu
                  * 04 - Normal
                  * 08 - Easy
                  * 0C - Hard
                  * 10 - Crazy
7E0394       1    Maze Selection option in options menu
                  * 04 - Arcade
                  * 08 - Mini
                  * 0C - Big
                  * 10 - Strange
7E039A       1    Starting Level option in options menu
7E03A2       1    Number of levels you can select in options menu