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Ms. Pac-Man (Arcade)/RAM map
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The following article is a RAM map for Ms. Pac-Man (Arcade).
Addr Size Description ---- ---- ----------- 4C0C 1 Current fruit graphic * 00 - Cherry * 01 - Strawberry * 02 - Orange * 03 - Pretzel * 04 - Apple * 05 - Pear * 06 - Banana 4C0D 1 Current fruit palette 4DD4 1 Current fruit points * 06 - 100 * 07 - 200 * 08 - 500 * 09 - 700 * 0A - 1000 * 0B - 2000 * 0C - 5000 4E06 1 Super Pac-Man (from intermission) toggle (Pac-Man leftover, very broken) * 00 - Off * 05+ - On 4E0E 1 Number of dots eaten 4E13 1 Current level 4E14 1 Lives 4E15 1 Lives (Display) 4E34 1 Current level(?) 4E66 1 Last state coin inputs shifted left by 1 4E6B 1 How many coins needed to be inserted before a credit is registered (default: 01) 4E6C 1 How many coins have been inserted (will register as a credit and go back to 0 when equal to 4E6B) 4E6D 1 How many credits per coin (default: 01) 4E6E 1 Credits (FF displays "Free Play") 4E6F 1 How many lives you start each game with (default based on DIP switch) 4E70 1 Number of players * 00 - 1 player * 01 or above - 2 player 4E80 4 P1 score 4E84 4 P2 score 4E88 4 High score 4E9C 1 Sounds set #1 * 01 - Extra life * 02 - Coin inserted 4EAC 1 Sounds set #2 * 01 - Ghost moving 1 * 02 - Ghost moving 2 * 04 - Ghost moving 3 * 08 - Ghost moving 4 * 10 - Ghost moving 5 * 20 - Vulnerable ghost * 40 - Ghost retreat 4EBC 1 Sounds set #3 * 01 - Eat dot * 02 - Eat dot * 04 - Eat fruit * 08 - Eat vulnerable ghost * 10 - Death sound * 20 - Fruit bounce 4ECC 1 Music set (Bass) * 01 - Start jingle (Bass) * 02 - Current coffee break/Intermission (Bass) 4EDC 1 Music set (Main melody) * 01 - Start jingle (Main melody) * 02 - Current coffee break/Intermission (Main melody)
Collapse Internal Data for Ms. Pac-Man (Arcade)
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