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Mr. Gimmick/RAM map
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The following article is a RAM map for Mr. Gimmick.
== GENERAL (1/2) == ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ADDRESSES | SIZE | DESCRIPTION ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0014 | 1 | Camera X position subpixel 0015 | 1 | Camera X position tile 0016 | 1 | Y screen 0019 | 1 | Object iterator 001B | 1 | Current level (0 to 6) 001C | 1 | Current checkpoint 0021 - 0022 | 2 | Enemy data pointer 0026 | 1 | Timer for Updating BG CHR slot #4 (does BG animations) 0027 | 1 | Current index for BG CHR slot #4 (ranges from 0-3) 0028 | 1 | IRQ lookup index 0029 | 1 | If value is non-zero, draw a blank screen. 002B | 1 | Player maximum health 002C - 002D | 2 | Score increase counter; for every frame it is not equal to 0, it is | | decremented by 1 and score is increased by 100 002E - 0034 | 7 | Score digits in decimal; high to low, lowest digit is not stored as it | | is always 0. 0035 | 1 | Enemy kill combo 0036 - 0038 | 3 | Items 0039 | 1 | Item amount 0040 | 1 | Which PRG bank is currently in $8000 0041 | 1 | Which PRG bank is currently in $A000 0042 | 1 | Camera X pixel (delayed by 1 frame); holds the previous frame's value | | of $FD 0045 | 1 | Mirror of $34 0046 | 1 | Has been pushed into screen-locked room? (0 -> no, 1 -> yes) 004B | 1 | Jump hold; is set to $AC when the player jumps and set to $00 when the | | jump button is released 004F | 1 | Current slide ID for the intro cutscene 0052 | 1 | Current music track 0053 | 1 | Yumetaro is on the floor flag 0054 | 1 | Skip world map (0 -> no, 1 -> yes) (also skips check for bonus | | level) 0055 | 1 | Timer until current B button hold will begin a weapon use. 0071 | 1 | Music Play command (0 = continue, 1 = play, 2 = stop) == OBJECT DATA; 10 slots where first is player, second is weapon (1/2) == ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ADDRESSES | SIZE | DESCRIPTION ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0090 - 0099 | A | Status 009A - 00A3 | A | Y position subpixel 00A4 - 00AD | A | Y position tile 00AE - 00B7 | A | X position subpixel 00B8 - 00C1 | A | X position tile 00C2 - 00CB | A | Y speed in subpixels per frame 00CC - 00D5 | A | X speed in subpixels per frame 00D6 - 00DF | A | Can be stood on? ($00 = no, $40 = yes) == GENERAL (2/2) == ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ADDRESSES | SIZE | DESCRIPTION ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00EA | 1 | Timer until respawn after death or until level end after boss is beaten 00ED - 00EE | 2 | Global timer 00F5 - 00F6 | 2 | Newly pressed controller buttons; bits are unset after the first frame | | of a button hold 00F7 - 00F8 | 2 | Pressed/held controller buttons 00FC | 1 | PPU Scroll Y 00FD | 1 | PPU Scroll X 00FE | 1 | PPUMASK mirror 0104 | 1 | Lives (capped at 99) 0105 - 010A | 6 | Secret items collected (0 = no, 1 = yes) == OBJECT DATA (2/2) == ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ADDRESSES | SIZE | DESCRIPTION ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0300 - 0309 | A | Animation state 030A - 0313 | A | Facing direction (0 = left, 1 = right) 0314 - 031D | A | Y hitbox subpixel 031E - 0327 | A | Y hitbox tile 0328 - 0331 | A | X hitbox subpixel 0332 - 033B | A | X hitbox tile 0346 - 034F | A | Health 0350 - 0359 | A | Object type 0364 - 036D | A | Is being stood on (0 = no, 1 = yes) 036E - 0377 | A | Is standing on floor ($00 = no, $80 = yes) 0378 - 0381 | A | Is hitting wall ($00 = no, $80 = yes) 0382 - 038B | A | Timer 1 038C - 0395 | A | Timer 2 03B4 - 03BD | A | Drop item on death (0 = no, 1 = yes) == STAR TRAIL HISTORY; in order of: 3f ago, 2f ago, 1f ago, current, current == ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ADDRESSES | SIZE | DESCRIPTION ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0420 - 0424 | 5 | Y position subpixel 0425 - 0429 | 5 | Y position tile 042A - 042E | 5 | X position subpixel 042F - 0433 | 5 | X position tile 0439 - 043D | 5 | Status Note: $10 subpixels = 1 pixel, $10 pixels = 1 tile
Collapse Internal Data for Gimmick!
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