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Hatris (NES)/RAM map
The following article is a RAM map for Hatris (NES).
Address Size Description ------- ---- ----------- 0055 1 Number of falling hats: 02=1 hat, 03=2 hats 0080 2 Temporary subroutine return values; e.g. the 2 randomly generated hat results 0300 2 Frame counter, little-endian, involved in RNG 0304 1 RNG hat1, seeded to 3F 0305 1 RNG hat2, seeded to 85 030F 1 00=playing, FF=cut scene 0320 1 Current buttons pressed (standard controller) 0322 1 Flag that indicates current button press changed 03A0 1 Number of hats in hex up to 1D 03A8 2 SHOP, each byte a decimal digit, big-endian 03AA 1 Remaining hats, BCD 03C0 1 00=playing, FF=cash out screen 03D0 1 Falling hat1 type (0=none, 1=top, 2=wizard, 3=crown, 4=cap, 5=derby, 6=cowboy) 03D1 1 Next hat1 type (0=none, 1=top, 2=wizard, 3=crown, 4=cap, 5=derby, 6=cowboy) 03D2 1 Falling hat1 column (0--5) 03D3 1 Falling hat1 Y, counts down from 80 to 0 03D4 1 Falling hat1 sprite X (left=38, right=B0, increments by 18 pixels) 03D5 1 Hat1 is falling when 00, landed when FF 03D8 1 Falling hat2 type (0=none, 1=top, 2=wizard, 3=crown, 4=cap, 5=derby, 6=cowboy) 03D9 1 Next hat2 type (0=none, 1=top, 2=wizard, 3=crown, 4=cap, 5=derby, 6=cowboy) 03DA 1 Falling hat2 column (0--5) 03DB 1 Falling hat2 Y, counts down from 80 to 0 03DC 1 Falling hat2 sprite X (left=38, right=B0, increments by 18 pixels) 03DD 1 Hat2 is falling when 00, landed when FF 03E0 1 Fall speed (0=not falling, the higher the faster) 03E2 1 Incremented by 03E0 once per frame; when exceeds FF, drop happens 03E8 8 CASH (score), each byte a decimal digit, reverse order, top digit hidden (rolls over) 0510 1 Toggles from 1 to 0 durng spawn 0501 1 Alexey X-coordinate (column spaces 18 apart: 34, 4C, 64, 7C, 94; starts at 34) 0504 1 Alexey between columns space index (0--5; starts at 0) 0505 1 Alexey facing direction (0=right, 1=left; starts at 0) 050E 1 Alexey number of hats removed (0--5) 0521 1 Vladimir X-coordinate (column spaces 18 apart: 34, 4C, 64, 7C, 94; starts at 34) 0524 1 Vladimir between columns space index (0--5; starts at 0) 0525 1 Vladimir facing direction (0=right, 1=left; starts at 0) 052B 1 Vladimir carrying column index 052E 1 Vladimir carrying state (0=nothing, 1=holding stack, 2=dropped stack) 0540 8 Helpers stack (00=empty, 01=Alexey, FF=Vladimir; grows from 0540 to 0547) 0548 1 Size of helpers stack (number of helpers) 0551 1 Alexey counter (0--5), each represents 1/5th of an Alexey helper 0561 1 Vladimir counter (0--5), each represents 1/5th of a Vladimir helper 05A0 1 00=title screen / menus, 0F=paused, 3B=playing 07E8 1 00=cash out screen, FF=playing 7000 80 Playfield column 0 7080 80 Playfield column 1 7100 80 Playfield column 2 7180 80 Playfield column 3 7200 80 Playfield column 4 7280 80 Playfield column 5 7C60 10 High score 0 7C70 10 High score 1 7C80 10 High score 2 7C90 10 High score 3 7CA0 10 High score 4 7CB0 10 High score 5 7CC0 10 High score 6 7CD0 10 High score 7 7CE0 10 High score 8 7CF0 10 High score 9
Hat Types
0 = none 1 = top 2 = wizard 3 = crown 4 = cap 5 = derby 6 = cowboy
Playfield in WRAM
The playfield is located in WRAM between $7000 and $72FF partitioned into six 128 byte stacks. Each stack has a capacity for 64 hats. Each stack entry is 2 bytes: (1) the height in pixels of the hat above the floor and (2) the hat type. Empty entries are denoted by 2 zeros, providing a means of measure stack size.
Although the playfield columns are primary treated as stacks, Alexey can pull hats from the bottom of a column. When this occurs, all entries shift down and all the height bytes are adjusted accordingly. As mentioned, the deleted top entry is marked as empty with 2 zeros. In other words, it's a stack that can potentially be dequeued from the bottom.
High Score Table in WRAM
The High Scores table is located in WRAM between $7C60 and $7CFF. Records are ordered by descending score values. Each of them has the following 16 byte structure:
00 00 00 II II II NN SH SL SS SS SS SS SS SS SS NN - 00=Normal, FF=Turbo-speed mode II - Letter of initials from left-to-right (01=A, 02=B, 03=C, ...) SH - Shop high decimal digit SL - Shop low decimal digit SS - Decimal digit of score, big-endian
WRAM is volatile; scores are lost on power cycle.
Collapse Internal Data for Hatris (NES)
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