Dragon Quest VI (SNES)/Values

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This is a sub-page of Dragon Quest VI (SNES).



Names from NoPrgress' English translation. The asterisks at the end of certain names come directly from said translations' in-game text. It is unclear what they mean, if anything.

$00 represents "no item in slot".

$01 - $51 are weapons, $52 - $8A armor, $8B - $A2 shields, $A3 - $BC helmets, $BD - $D0 accessories, $D1 - $E2 consumable items, and $E3 - $FF key items.

In the game, certain items can be improved at the style shop. These items appear multiple times in this list, once for the unimproved version, and once for each improvement.

Value Name
$00 no item/terminator
$01 Cypress Stick
$02 Bamboo Spear
$03 Club
$04 Bronze Knife
$05 Copper Sword
$06 Chain Sickle
$07 Iron Cane
$08 Stone Axe
$09 Sharpened Bone
$0A Poisoned Knife
$0B Broad Sword
$0C Holy Sword
$0D Dragon Killer
$0E Sword of Temptation
$0F Sword of Slumber
$00 Falcon Sword
$11 Sword of Miracles
$12 Zombie Killer
$13 Blizzard Sword
$14 Platinum Sword
$15 Metal King Sword
$16 Spear of Glacos
$17 Flame Sword
$18 Thorn Whip
$19 Chain Cross
$1A Morning Star
$1B Steel Whip
$1C Gringham Whip
$1D Calbero Boot
$1E Moon Folding Fan
$1F Sun Folding Fan
$20 Boomerang
$21 Bladed Boomerang
$22 Sword of Decimation
$23 Iron Ball of Destruction
$24 Staff of Thunder
$25 Staff of Punishment
$26 Staff of Antimagic
$27 Magma Staff
$28 Gent Cane
$29 Staff of Revival
$2A Staff of Echoing
$2B Flame Boomerang
$2C Iron Claw
$2D Fire Claw
$2E Ice Blade
$2F Stone Fang
$30 Steel Fang
$31 Orihalcon Fang
$32 Demon Claw*
$33 Magic Fang
$34 Big Mallet
$35 Giant Hammer
$36 Battle Axe
$37 War Hammer
$38 Demon Hammer*
$39 Sword of Thunder
$3A Saw Blade
$3B Poison Needle
$3C Killer Earring
$3D Demon Spear
$3E Big Bowgun
$3F Rusted Sword
$40 Sword of Ramias
$41 Sword of Ramias
$42 Sword of Ramias
$43 Dragon Killer
$44 Falcon Sword
$45 Sword of Miracles
$46 Zombie Killer
$47 Flame Sword
$48 Sword of Thunder
$49 Calbero Boot
$4A Sun Folding Fan
$4B Flame Boomerang
$4C Iron Ball of Destruction
$4D War Hammer
$4E Saw Blade
$4F Demon Spear
$50 Big Bowgun
$51 Spear of Glacos
$52 Piece of Cloth
$53 Tunic
$54 Wayfarer's Clothes
$55 Shell Armor
$56 Leather Suit
$57 Leather Armor
$58 Scale Armor
$59 Fur Mantle
$5A Leather Dress
$5B Chain Mail
$5C Half Plate
$5D Bronze Armor
$5E Iron Armor
$5F Full Plate
$60 Dragon Mail
$61 Swordedge Armor
$62 Silver Breastplate
$63 Magic Armor
$64 Silver Mail
$65 Flame Armor
$66 Armor of Orgo
$67 Mystic Armor
$68 Demon Armor
$69 Mirror Armor*
$6A Metal King Armor
$6B Slime Clothes
$6C Boxer Shorts
$6D Royal Clothes
$6E Armor of Ende
$6F Spirit Armor
$70 Slime Armor
$71 Giganto Armor
$72 Magical Skirt
$73 Silk Robe
$74 Dancer's Clothes
$75 Clothes Hiding
$76 Water Flying Clothes
$77 Mysterious Bolero
$78 Dress of Radiance
$79 Angel's Leotard
$7A Platinum Mail
$7B Sage's Robe
$7C Princess' Robe
$7D Dragon Robe
$7E Thick Armor
$7F Silk Tuxedo
$80 Sexy Underwear
$81 Bunny Suit
$82 Dragon Mail
$83 Full Plate
$84 Magic Armor
$85 Silver Mail
$86 Flame Armor
$87 Giganto Armor
$88 Thick Armor
$89 Armor of Ende
$8A Armor of Orgo
$8B Leather Shield
$8C Scale Shield
$8D Bronze Shield
$8E Iron Shield
$8F Magic Shield
$90 Dragon Shield
$91 Flame Shield*
$92 Shield of Strength
$93 Aeolus's Shield
$94 Shield of Reflection
$95 Pot Lid
$96 Shield of Ende
$97 Silver Tray
$98 Shield of Ruin
$99 Ogre Shield
$9A Metal King Shield
$9B Shield of Sufida
$9C Platinum Shield
$9D Magic Shield
$9E Dragon Shield
$9F Aelolus's Shield
$A0 Flame Shield*
$A1 Shield of Ende
$A2 Ogre Shield
$A3 Pointed Hat
$A4 Leather Cap
$A5 Wooden Hat
$A6 Shell Hat
$A7 Fur Hood
$A8 Iron Helm
$A9 Iron Mask
$AA Headband
$AB Silver Tiara
$AC Hat of Wind
$AD Helm of Cevas
$AE Helm of Ende
$AF Hat of Happiness
$B0 Helm of Wisdom
$B1 Golden Tiara
$B2 Great Helm
$B3 Metal King Helm
$B4 Echoing Hat
$B5 Usamimi Band
$B6 Slime Helm
$B7 Platinum Mask
$B8 Iron Helm
$B9 Iron Mask
$BA Helm of Cevas
$BB Helmet of Ende
$BC Great Helm
$BD Meteorite Armband*
$BE Speed Ring
$BF Star Fragment
$C0 Armband of Sacrifice
$C1 GiveLife Armband
$C2 Slime Earrings
$C3 Glass Shoes
$C4 Silver Bracelet
$C5 Pink Pearl
$C6 Fishnet Stockings
$C7 Super Necktie
$C8 Ruby of Power
$C9 Stylish Bandana
$CA Wizard's Ring
$CB Gold Ring
$CC Broken Heart
$CD Rusted Pipe
$CE Longadeseo Pass
$CF Orb of Truth
$D0 Antique Ring
$D1 Medical Herb
$D2 Antidote Herb
$D3 Fairy Water
$D4 Wing of the Wyvern
$D5 Leaf of the World Tree
$D6 Sap of the World Tree
$D7 Full Moon Herb
$D8 Magic Potion
$D9 Sands of Time
$DA Sage's Stone
$DB Strength Seed
$DC Agility Seed
$DD Wisdom Seed
$DE Defense Seed
$DF Nut of Life
$E0 Nut of Magic
$E1 Beauty Plant
$E2 Water of Amoru
$E3 Village Goods
$E4 Spirit Crown
$E5 World Map
$E6 Pass
$E7 Dream-Seeing Drops
$E8 Ticket
$E9 Mirror Key
$EA Mirror of Ra
$EB Royal Letter
$EC Seed of Reasoning
$ED Small Medal
$EE Magic Carpet
$EF Golden Pickaxe
$F0 Fragment of Courage
$F1 Mermaid Harp
$F2 Watergate Key
$F3 Magic Map
$F4 Sand Container
$F5 Ceremonial Offering
$F6 Reigns of Pegasus
$F7 Ende's Tools
$F8 Beautiful Carpet
$F9 Prison Key
$FA Soldier's Uniforms
$FB Thief's Key
$FC Magic Key
$FD Final Key
$FE Book of Dragons
$FF Book of Babbles


Names from NoPrgress' English translation. The asterisks at the end of certain names come directly from said translations' in-game text. It is unclear what they mean, if anything.

$00 represents "no monster in slot".

Value Name Note
$00 none
$01 Spotted Slime
$02 Furrat
$03 Mandrake
$04 Cave Worm
$05 Gray Bat
$06 Lipps
$07 Onion
$08 Tensk
$09 Kirikabu
$0A Squire
$0B Roari
$0C Gas Cloud
$0D Arrow Dog
$0E Babble
$0F Slime
$10 Ganko
$11 Elder Tree
$12 High Mage
$13 Tail Eater
$14 Big Face
$15 Red Slime
$16 Baby Goyle
$17 Slime Knight
$18 Peep
$19 Mud Doll
$1A Silence Sheep
$1B Hell Hornet
$1C Death Slave
$1D Flower Mage
$1E Chanter
$1F Shadow
$20 Man-Eater Chest
$21 Death Farena
$22 Onion Man
$23 Moko-Moko
$24 Harbuckle
$25 Flame Man
$26 Killer Goose
$27 Skullgaroo
$28 Well Demon
$29 Fairy Dragon
$2A Wizard
$2B Kedamon
$2C Dark Hobbit
$2D Evil Pot
$2E Heat Cloud
$2F Healer
$30 Dancing Carrot
$31 Orcman
$32 Dancing Jewels
$33 Rotting Corpse
$34 Demon Mirror
$35 Magic Bat
$36 Mudlon
$37 Dog Sniper
$38 Garahei
$39 Mimic
$3A Stone Beast
$3B Chameleon Man
$3C Devil Armor
$3D Cloud Giant
$3E Skull Rider
$3F Sleep Horn
$40 Slave Soldier
$41 Super Tensk
$42 Big Iguana
$43 Jutsushi
$44 Burning Breath
$45 Metal Slime
$46 Poison Carrot
$47 Piero
$48 Demon Pot
$49 Unicorn
$4A Lesser Demon
$4B Wind Mage
$4C Samyo
$4D Helzaen
$4E Poison Killer
$4F Winged Snake
$50 Bomb Crag
$51 Fusion Dragon
$52 Evil Driver
$53 Hell Onion
$54 Metal Rider
$55 Goopi
$56 Dark Horn
$57 Dark Goyle
$58 Stun Bat
$59 Chaos Lizard
$5A Horror Walker
$5B Wyvern
$5C Slime Snail
$5D Bao
$5E Hell Viper
$5F Spotted Slime Boss
$60 Well Mimic
$61 Axe Dragon
$62 Fighting Panther
$63 Magiwyvern*
$64 Pott
$65 Haunted Mirror
$66 Evil Statue
$67 Graboopi
$68 King Eater
$69 Troll
$6A King Slime
$6B Barnba
$6C Evil Fly
$6D Cyrus
$6E Cursed Lamp
$6F Lamp Mage
$70 Curer
$71 Cursed Mirror
$72 Death Hole
$73 High Orc
$74 Strong Animal
$75 Puppet Man
$76 Dragon Soldier
$77 Frost Cloud
$78 Living Dead
$79 Dark Mage
$7A Healus Slime
$7B Magic Fly
$7C GiveLife Rock
$7D Boss Troll
$7E Killer Machine 2
$7F Killer Moth
$80 Megaborg
$81 Hell Jackal
$82 Bone Prisoner
$83 Tiger Claw
$84 Slime
$85 Slime Behemoth
$86 Legend Horn
$87 Steel Mage
$88 Berserk Orc
$89 Metal Babble
$8A Evil Hawk
$8B Hell Blaze
$8C Chunpa
$8D Evil Wand
$8E Killer Bat
$8F Last Tensk
$90 Devil Papiyon
$91 Mummy Wisp
$92 Ultrawyvern
$93 Stone Hulk
$94 Scary Dog
$95 Killer Demon
$96 Hologhost
$97 Metal King Slime
$98 Zushio
$99 Death Staff
$9A Killer Machine
$9B Land Armor
$9C Demonic Lamp
$9D Lamp Demon
$9E Hell Crusher
$9F Bull Savage
$A0 Troll Bomber
$A1 Battle Rex
$A2 Demon King
$A3 Guardian
$A4 Winged Devil
$A5 Muscle Animal
$A6 Bone Fighter
$A7 Granite Titan
$A8 Killer Jack
$A9 Metal Slime*
$AA Dark Satan
$AB Evil Franken
$AC Berserker
$AD Satan's General
$AE Sea Flower
$AF Octopus Jar Boy
$B0 Ghost Manatee
$B1 Gamanian
$B2 Sea Ghost
$B3 Killer Wave
$B4 Prawn
$B5 Marine Slime
$B6 Flying Duck
$B7 Eel
$B8 Ocean King*
$B9 Hell Pirate
$BA Iron Turtle
$BB Man O' War
$BC Aqua Hunter
$BD Helldorado
$BE Mad Wave
$BF Ondina
$C0 Great Pelican
$C1 Marine Serpent
$C2 Ocean Naga
$C3 Deep Biter
$C4 Mud Lobster
$C5 Digong
$C6 Octo Sentry
$C7 King Merman
$C8 Tower Guard
$C9 Nelson
$CA Bloody Paw
$CB Horror Beast
$CC Poison Zombie
$CD Biggs
$CE Smok
$CF Mudo first battle
$D0 Hell Guard
$D1 Hell Beast
$D2 Mudo second battle, first phase
$D3 Mudo second battle, second phase
$D4 Monstora
$D5 Scott
$D6 Holidy
$D7 Garcia
$D8 Brast
$D9 Jamiras
$DA First Trial
$DB Second Trial
$DC Third Trial
$DD Miralgo
$DE Glacos
$DF Demon General
$E0 Demon General
$E1 Demon General
$E2 Hell Cloud
$E3 Terry
$E4 Duran
$E5 DeWitt
$E6 Sorrow Giant
$E7 Prison Guard
$E8 Zozogel
$E9 Dogma
$EA Akbar
$EB Prison Guard
$EC Zuikaku
$ED Shoukaku
$EE Deathtamoor first phase
$EF Deathtamoor first phase
$F0 Deathtamoor second phase
$F1 Deathtamoor second phase
$F2 Deathtamoor third phase (head)
$F3 Deathtamoor third phase (head)
$F4 Right Hand part of Deathtamoor's third phase
$F5 Left Hand part of Deathtamoor's third phase
$F6 Dark Dream
$F7 Dark Dream
$F8 Dark Dream
$F9 Dragoram
$FA C030
$FC Tatzu
$FD Diego
$FE Bazu
$FF Champ