Deja Vu (NES)/RAM map

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Chip tiny.png The following article is a RAM map for Deja Vu (NES).

Note: Memory locations discovered using FCEUmm core in RALibretro (Windows).

ROM used: No Intro: Deja Vu (USA).nes (8a4e0e04d747238454d620a80b22e7fa)

Given values: Hexadecimal value(Decimal value), ex. 1E(30). Any values less than 0A(10) will only show the Hex value. For individual bit descriptions, it is assumed that those bits are =1 for the descriptions to be true.


0x00A5 Cursor X-axis 
0x00A6 Cursor Y-axis 
0x00AC Command Selected  
 - 00 Exam.
 - 01 Speak
 - 02 Hit
 - 03 Close
 - 04 Open
 - 05 Take
 - 06 Leave
 - 07 Use
 - 08 ????
 - 09 Save
 - 0A(10) Move
 - 0B(11) Note Left
 - 0C(12) Note Right
 - FF(255) (Nothing)
0x051A Number of addresses found 00-04
0x051B Number of coins 00-FF(0-255)
0x0628-0x6F7 The typewriter-esque text throughout the game

Event Flags


 - bit0 Get Coin
 - bit1 Get Lighter
 - bit2 Get Gum
 - bit3 Get Hanky
 - bit4 Get Sunglasses
 - bit5 Get Key 1
 - bit6 Get Card
 - bit7 $20-Bill1
 - bit2 Get Capsules/Syringe
 - bit3 Get Key2
 - bit4 Get Pencil
 - bit5 Get Key3
 - bit0 Get Bill
 - bit1 Get Note2
 - bit2 Get Map
 - bit3 Get Snapshot
 - bit6 Get Letter1
 - bit2 Get Letter2
 - bit4 Get Memo
 - bit5 Get Ball Pen
 - bit6 Get Glasses
 - bit7 Get Seltzer
 - bit1 Get Medic.2 in secret room
 - bit4 Get Gag
 - bit4 Get $20-bill2
 - bit7 Get Sausage
 - bit0 Get Dish
 - bit1 Get Frying pan
 - bit2 Get Pitcher
 - bit5 Punch street mugger for the first time
 - bit6 Punch street mugger for the second time
 - bit7 Punch street mugger for the third time
 - bit6 Shot the man in your office
 - bit2 Read Memo
 - bit5 Got your memories back
 - bit2 Gave street mugger $20
 - bit3 Gave alley mugger $20
 - bit4 Took two doses of medicine
 - bit7 Enter office with dead guy at the beginning
 - bit3 Unlock door for office with dead guy
 - bit6 Unlock your office door
 - bit5 Make Martha talk
 - bit7 Obtain Letter 1
 - bit1 Discard Gun1 in sewer
 - bit2 Discard Map in sewer
 - bit3 Discard File5 in sewer
 - bit4 Discard Note1 in sewer

Object State

bit0 - 0=Closed, 1=Open
0x0420 - Upstairs office - dead guy's pocket
0x0421 - Upstairs office - desk
0x0422 - Upstairs office - wallsafe
0x0423 - Secretary's desk
0x0424 - 
0x0425 - Kedzie - desk drawer
0x0426 - Sherman - Dr. Brody's office - cabinet
0x0427 - Sherman - Your office - desk
0x0428 - Sherman - Your office - cabinet
0x0429 - Auburn Rd. - Mailbox
0x042A - Auburn Rd. - Master bedroom - nite table
0x042B - Auburn Rd. - Guestroom - nite table
0x042C - Peoria - Women's restroom - toilet

Item Status

bit0=1 Obtained, bit1=1 Open
0x0468 - Coat
0x0469 - Wallet
0x046A - Gun1
0x046B - Folder
0x046C - Box
0x046D - Envelope 1
0x046E - Handbag
0X046F - Gun2
0x0470 - Diary
0x0471 - Ammo Case
0x0472 - Envelope 2
0x0473 - Bowl 1
0x0474 - Bowl 2
0x0475 - Envelope 3
0x0476 - Candybox
0x0477 - Briefcase
0x0478 - Bowl 3
0x0479 - Gun3

Doors, Windows, Etc. State

0=Closed, 1=Open
bit0 - Men's restroom - Stall door
bit1 - Men's restroom - Door to hallway
bit2 - Dingy hallway - Door to women's restroom
bit3 - Dingy hallway - Door to bar
bit4 - Women's restroom - Stall door
bit5 - Bar - Main - Door to wine cellar
bit6 - Bar - Main - Entrance
bit0 - Door from wine cellar to secret area
bit1 - Door to casino
bit0 - Window to strange room
bit2 - Upstairs office window
bit4 - Secretary's office - Door to main office
bit5 - Upstairs hallway - Door to secretary's office
bit0 - Manhole cover (street)
bit3 - Mercedes passenger door
bit6 - Gunshop door
bit2 - Manhole cover (Alley)
bit5 - Westend - Entrance
bit7 - Westend - Elevator door
bit1 - Kedzie - Front door
bit3 - Sherman - Front door
bit0 - Sherman - your office door
bit4 - Auburn Rd. - Kitchen door
bit6 - Auburn Rd. - Master bedroom door
bit7 - Auburn Rd. - Bedroom door
bit0 - Auburn Rd. - Door between bedrooms
bit7 - Mercedes trunk
bit0 - Mercedes - Dashboard
bit0 - Wastebasket (Strange room)
bit3 - Wastebasket (Outside gun store)


0x04C0 Address Book, Line 1
0x04C1 Address Book, Line 2
0x04C2 Address Book, Line 3
0x04C3 Address Book, Line 4
0x04C4 Address Book, Line 5
0x04C5 Address Book, Line 6
0x04C6 Address Book, Line 7
0x04C7 Coat Inventory, Slot 1
0x04C8 Coat Inventory, Slot 2
0x04C9 Coat Inventory, Slot 3
0x04CA Coat Inventory, Slot 4
0x04CB Coat Inventory, Slot 5
0x04CC Coat Inventory, Slot 6
0x04CD Coat Inventory, Slot 7
0x04C7 Coat Inventory, Slot 8
0x04CE Goods Inventory, Slot 1
0x04CF Goods Inventory, Slot 2
0x04D0 Goods Inventory, Slot 3
0x04D1 Goods Inventory, Slot 4
0x04D2 Goods Inventory, Slot 5
0x04D3 Goods Inventory, Slot 6
0x04D4 Goods Inventory, Slot 7
0x04D5 Goods Inventory, Slot 8
0x04D6 Goods Inventory, Slot 9
0x04D7 Goods Inventory, Slot 10
0x04D8 Goods Inventory, Slot 11
0x04D9 Goods Inventory, Slot 12
0x04DA Goods Inventory, Slot 13
0x04DB Goods Inventory, Slot 14
0x04DC Goods Inventory, Slot 15
0x04DD Goods Inventory, Slot 16
0x04DE Goods Inventory, Slot 17
0x04DF Goods Inventory, Slot 18
0x04E0 Goods Inventory, Slot 19
0x04E1 Goods Inventory, Slot 20
0x04E2 Goods Inventory, Slot 21
0x04E3 Goods Inventory, Slot 22
0x04E4 Goods Inventory, Slot 23
0x04E5 Goods Inventory, Slot 24
0x04E6 Goods Inventory, Slot 25
0x04E7 Goods Inventory, Slot 26
0x04E8 Goods Inventory, Slot 27
0x04E9 Goods Inventory, Slot 28
0x04EA Goods Inventory, Slot 29
0x04EB Goods Inventory, Slot 30
0x04EC Goods Inventory, Slot 31
0x04ED Goods Inventory, Slot 32
0x04EE Goods Inventory, Slot 33
0x04EF Goods Inventory, Slot 34


Screen Image Values (Address: 0x0515)

Value Format: Hex(Dec):
00 Bathroom Stall (Beginning) - Door Open
01 Bathroom Stall (Beginning) - Door Closed
02 Men's Bathroom - Door Closed
03 Men's Bathroom - Door Open
04 Dingy Hallway - Both Doors Closed
05 Dingy Hallway - Bathroom Door Closed
06 Dingy Hallway - Bar Door Closed
07 Dingy Hallway - Both Doors Open
08 Women's Bathroom - Both Doors Closed
09 Women's Bathroom - Stall Door Open
0A(10) Women's Bathroom - Door Open
0B(11) Women's Bathroom - Both Doors Open
0C(12) Women's Bathroom Stall - Lid Closed
0D(13) Women's Bathroom Stall - Lid Open
0E(14) Bar - 1st Floor - All Doors Closed
0F(15) Bar - 1st Floor - Cellar Door Open
10(16) Bar - 1st Floor - Door Open
11(17) Bar - 1st Floor - Both Doors Open
12(18) Wine Cellar
13(19) Wine Cellar - Passage Revealed
14(20) Small Room - Secret Door Open
15(21) Small Room - Both Doors Open
16(22) Small Room - Both Doors Closed
17(23) Small Room - Casino Door Open
18(24) Bar - Casino - Door Open
19(25) Bar - Casino - Door Closed
1A(26) Bar - 1F - Outside Elevator - Door Closed
1B(27) Bar - 1F - Outside Elevator - Door Open
1C(28) Bar - 1F - Inside Elevator - Door Open
1D(29) Bar - 3F - Inside Elevator - Door Closed
1E(30) Bar - 3F - Inside Elevator - Door Open
1F(31) Bar - 2F - Inside Elevator - Door Open
20(32) Bar - 3F - Weird Room - Window Closed
21(33) Bar - 3F - Weird Room - Elevator Door Open
22(34) Bar - 3F - Weird Room - Window Open
23(35) Bar - 3F - Weird Room - Elevator Door and Window Open
24(36) Bar - 3F Fire Escape - Window Closed
25(37) Bar - 3F Fire Escape - Window Open
26(38) Bar - Fire Escape - Window Closed
27(39) Bar - Fire Escape - Window Open
28(40) Bar - Office with Dead Guy
29(41) Bar - Office with Dead Guy - Window Open
2A(42) Bar - Office with Dead Guy - Safe Open
2B(43) Bar - Office with Dead Guy - Safe and Window Open
2C(44) Bar - Upstairs Reception Room - Door Closed
2D(45) Bar - Upstairs Reception Room - Door Open
2E(46) Bar - Upstairs Hallway - Door Closed
2F(47) Bar - Upstairs Hallway - Door Open
30(48) Outside Bar
31(49) Outside Bar - Car Door Open
32(50) Outside Bar - Trunk Open
33(51) Outside Bar - Door Open
34(52) Outside Bar - Manhole Open
35(53) Outside Bar - Trunk and Car Door Open
36(54) Outside Bar - Car Door and Door Open
37(55) Outside Bar - Car Door and Manhole Open
38(56) Outside Bar - Trunk and Door Open
39(57) Outside Bar - Trunk and Manhole Open
3A(58) Outside Bar - Door and Manhole Open
3B(59) Outside Bar - Car Door, Trunk, and Door Open
3C(60) Outside Bar - Car Door, Trunk, and Manhole Open
3D(61) Outside Bar - Car Door, Door, and Manhole Open
3E(62) Outside Bar - Trunk, Door, and Manhole Open
3F(63) Outside Bar - Car Door, Trunk, Door, and Manhole Open
40(64) Mugger 1 - Outside of Bar - 1st Visit
41(65) Inside Car
42(66) Inside Car - Dashboard Open
43(67) Looking at Trunk
44(68) Looking at Woman in Trunk
45(69) Newspaper Stand
46(70) Mugger 1 - In front of newspaper stand - 1st visit, 3rd visit
47(71) Outside Gun Shop - Door Closed
48(72) Outside Gun Shop - Door Open
49(73) Mugger 1 - In front of gun shop - 1st visit
4A(74) Inside Gun Shop
4B(75) Outside Blue Cab - Peoria St.
4C(76) Mugger 1 - In front of Blue cab - 2nd visit
4D(77) Outside Yellow Cab - Peoria St.
4E(78) Outside Police Station
4F(79) Outside Police Station - Doors open
51(81) Streets - Dark Alley - Manhole Closed
52(82) Streets - Dark Alley - Manhole Open
53(83) Streets - Ugly Bum
54(84) Muscle Mugger
55(85) Meet Woman in Red
56(86) Woman in Red - Unconscious
57(87) Woman Close-Up (You got shot)
58(88) Inside Blue Cab - Peoria St.
59(89) Inside Blue Cab
5A(90) Inside Yellow Cab
5B(91) Inside Yellow Cab
5C(92) Westend - Outside - Door Closed
5D(93) Westend - Outside - Door Open
60(96) Westend - Lobby - Door Closed
61(97) Westend - Lobby - Door Open
62(98) Westend - Elevator - Door Closed
63(99) Westend - Elevator - Door Open
64(100) Westend - Elevator Upstairs - Door Open
65(101) Westend - Penthouse
66(102) Kedzie Bungalow - Door Closed
67(103) Kedzie Bungalow - Door Open
6A(106) Kedzie Bungalow - Inside
6B(107) Sherman St. - Outside - Door Closed
6C(108) Sherman St. - Outside - Door Open
6F(111) Sherman St. - Lobby
70(112) Sherman St. - Outside Brody's Office - Door Closed
71(113) Sherman St. - Outside Brody's Office - Door Opened
72(114) Sherman St. - Inside Brody's Office - Filing Cabinet Open
73(115) Your office door after shooting it
74(116) Your office door after opening it
75(117) Your office
76(118) Man in your office
77(119) Outside Auburn Rd. House
79(121) Outside Auburn Rd. House - Front Door - Closed
7A(122) Butler
7B(123) Inside Mansion - Right Door Closed
7C(124) Inside Mansion - Right Door Open
7D(125) Mansion - Kitchen
7E(126) Mansion - Upstairs - Doors Closed
7F(127) Mansion - Upstairs - Left D Closed - Right D Open
80(128) Mansion - Upstairs - Left D Open - Right D Closed
81(129) Mansion - Upstairs - Both Doors Open
82(130) Mansion - Master Bedroom
83(131) Mansion - Master Bedroom - Door Open
84(132) Mansion - Bedroom - Door Closed
85(133) Mansion - Bedroom - Door Opened
86(134) Sewer
87(135) Sewer - Three-Way Path
88(136) Sewer - Manhole Closed
89(137) Sewer - Path and Ladder
8A(138) Sewer - Deepest Part
8B(139) Sewer - Under Manhole - Closed
8C(140) Sewer - Under Manhole - Open
8D(141) Alligator
8E(142) Dead Alligator
8F(143) Beginning Mirror Scene
90(144) You Cleared Your Name
91(145) The Ace Harding School of Investigation
92(146) Handcuffs
93(147) R.I.P. ACE HARDING
94(148) SOCKO!
95(149) BLAM!
96(150) KABOOM!
97(151) Slot Machine
98(152) Snapshot

Inventory Modifiers (Various Addresses)

Values are in Hex:
00 Coins
01 Lighter
02 Gum
03 Hanky
04 Sunglass
05 Key1
06 Card
07 $20-Bill
08 Bul1=6
0A Capsules
0B Key2
0C Pencil
0D Key3
0E Note1
0F Key4
10 Bill
11 Note2
12 Map
13 Snapshot
14 Cosmetic
15 Key5
16 Bookmark
17 File1
18 File2
19 File3
1A File4
1B File5
1C File6
1D File7
1E Letter1
1F Sugar
20 Flour
21 Tissue
22 Letter2
23 Candy
24 Memo
25 Ball Pen
26 Glasses
27 Seltzer
28 Medic. 1
29 Medic. 2
2A Dithanol
2B N.Paper
2C Gag
2D Bul2=0
2E Magazine
2F Photo
30 Earring
31 Note3
32 Note4
33 Medic. 4
34 Medic. 5
35 Medic. 6
36 Medic. 3
37 Sausage
38 Dish
39 Frypan
3A Pitcher
3D-43 Bul1=6
44 Box
45 Envel. 1
46 Handbag
47 Gun2
48 Diary
49 Bul1=6
4A Bul2=0
4B Bowl1
4C Bowl2
4D Envel. 3
4E Candybox
4F Bul2=0
50 Bul2=0
51 Bul2=0
52 Bul2=0
53 Bul2=0
54 $20-Bill
55 Medic. 1
56 Medic. 1
57 Medic. 1
58 Medic. 2
59 Medic. 2
5A Medic. 4
5B Medic. 6
5C Medic. 6
60 Coat
61 Wallet
62 Gun1
63 Folder
64 Box
65 Envel. 1
66 Handbag
67 Gun2
68 Diary
69 Ammocase
6A Envel. 2
6B Bowl1
6C Bowl2
6D Envel. 3
6E Candybox
6F Bri'Case
70 Bowl3
71 Gun3
80 Suit
81 Desk
82 Wallsafe
83 Desk
84 Dashbrd
85 Desk
86 Cabinet
87 Desk
88 Cabinet
89 Mail Box
8A Nitetbl.
8B Nitetbl.
8C Seat
C0 Flour
C1 Tissue
C2 Letter2
C3 Candy
C4 Memo
C5 Ball Pen
CF Photo
D3 Medic. 4
FF Blank

Address Book Modifiers

A0 Westend
A1 Kedzie
A2 Sherman
A3 Peoria
A4 Aubrnrd.
FF Blank