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Castlevania (NES, Famicom Disk System)/ROM map
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The following article is a ROM map for Castlevania (NES, Famicom Disk System).
- 00000-0000F = ROM Header Data
Bank 0
- 00010-000F0 = Unidentified ASM
- 000F1-00144 = Title Screen Subroutine
- 00145-00fcb = Unidentified ASM
- 00fcc-011ab = Sprite Pointer and Composition Table
- 011ac-03510 = Unidentified ASM
- 03511-03b10 = Graphical Data
- 03b11-0400f = Unused Space
Bank 1
- 04010-0800f = Title Screen,Ending Credits,Level 1,and Misc Graphics
Bank 2
- 08010-0c00f = Level 2,3,4,and Misc Graphics
Bank 3
- 0c010-1000f = Level 5,6,7,Castle Map and Misc Graphics
Bank 4
- 10010-10019 = F2 7F 82 80 92 82 A2 81 02 82
- 1001A-10319 = Level 1 Screens Layout
- 1031A-10858 = Level 1 TSA
- 10859-10864 = 0D 88 FD 88 6D 88 7D 8A ED 89 5D 89
- 10865-10B34 = Level 2 Screens Layout
- 10B35-10DCB = Level 2 TSA
- 10DCC-10DD5 = AE 8D 3E 8E CE 8E 2E 8F 1E 90
- 10DD6-11165 = Level 3 Screens Layout
- 11166-11462 = Level 3 TSA
- 11463-1146A = 43 94 43 94 63 95 83 96
- 1146B-1176A = Level 4 Screens Layout
- 1176B-11B44 = Level 4 TSA
- 11B45-11B50 = 29 9B 89 9B B9 9B 09 9D 49 9C F9 9D
- 11B51-11EE0 = Level 5 Screens Layout
- 11EE1-12210 = Level 5 TSA
- 12211-12216 = 7F A2 EF A1 FF A3
- 12217-124B6 = Level 6 Screens Layout
- 124B7-1290F = Level 6 TSA
- 12910-12913 = BC A8 4C A9
- 12914-12A03 = Level 7 Screens Layout
- 12A04-13417 = Level 7 TSA
- 13418-1400E = Unused Space
Bank 5
- 14010-15e56 = Unidentified ASM
- 15e57-16017 = Unused Space
- 16018-166F5 = Unidentified ASM
- 166F6-1800f = Unused Space
Bank 6
- 18010-1ba4a = Unidentified ASM
- 1ba4b-1c00f = Unused Space
Bank 7
- 1c010-1df39 = Unidentified ASM, some graphical data?
- 1df3a-1df61 = Table of Enemy Point Value codes
- 1df62-1df88 = Table of Enemy Point Value code values
- 1df89-1e479 = Unidentified ASM, some graphical data?
- 1e47a-1e4db = Sprite Table Collision Data
- 1e4da-1e588 = Unidentified ASM, some graphical data?
- 1e589-1e5e8 = Pointer Table for How Enemies are Effected by being attacked
- 1e5e9-1e96b = Unidentified ASM, some graphical data?
- 1e96c-1e9c5 = Pointer Table for Sprite Behavior
- 1e9c6-1f24b = Unidentified ASM, some graphical data?
- 1f24c-1f2a5 = Data Table for Sprite Animations
- 1f2a6-1f3ee = Unidentified ASM, some graphical data?
- 1f3ed-1f446 = Pointer Table for Sprite Loading Properties
- 1f447-2000f = Unidentified ASM, some graphical data?
Collapse Internal Data for Castlevania (NES)
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