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Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow/RAM map
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The following article is a RAM map for Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow.
RAM | Size | Information |
2000000 | 4 | Frame counter |
2000004 | 2? | General timer (count up or down to whatever big event is happening or will happen) |
2000008 | 4 | RNG? |
2000010 | 1 | Game Mode
2000011 | 1 | Game Sub-Mode |
2000012 | 1 | Debug Mode Cursor Position (option you're going to select) |
2000014 | 2 | Controller Input Held |
2000016 | 2 | Controller Input Pressed this frame |
2000018 | 2 | Controller Input Auto-Fire (set to input pressed this frame, but when auto-fire timer reaches 0000, set to input held and set timer back up to 0006) |
200001A | 2 | Controller Input Auto-Fire Timer (set to 0020 when new button is pressed, decrements every frame. probably should have been 1 byte instead of 2) |
200001B | 1 | ??? (set to 04 at game launch and during cutscenes. does not appear to conflict with upper byte of auto-fire timer except at game launch, where the upper byte gets overwritten) |
200001C | 2 | Player Input Held (typically the same as controller, but changes in cutscenes) |
200001E | 2 | Player Input Pressed this frame |
2000020 | 8 | Selected Save File Name |
20000AC | 4 | Current Total Time Played in Frames |
20000B4 | 640 (0x280) | Map Fill (repeats the following sequence for the whole map. for the left half and then the right half, each half from top to bottom. map size is 64x40 tiles)
2000340 | 1 | Story events completed (bits) (don't know exact range) |
200037C | 1 | Visited areas (bits) |
200037F | 1 | Defeated bosses (bits) |
2000422 | 1 | Enemy and item name messages timer |
20004C8 | 4 | Current Time Played This Session in Frames |
20004CE | 1 | Cutscene Dialogue Mugshot |
20004EE | 1 | Player Movement State
20004EF | 1 | Player Movement Sub-State |
2000551 | 1 | Player Animation |
2000552 | 1 | Player Animation Sprite |
2000553 | 1 | Player Animation Sprite Time |
201320C | 4 | Player X Position Relative to the Camera |
2013210 | 4 | Player Y Position Relative to the Camera |
2013264 | 2 | Total Amount of Souls Collected (used for Headhunter Soul, effect caps out at 0x200 Souls) |
2013266 | 1 | Player Character (00: Soma, 01-FF: Julius) |
2013268 | 1 | Player Weapon |
2013269 | 1 | Player Sub-Weapon |
2013270 | 1 | Soma Status on the Pause Screen (bit 0: POISON, bit 1: CURSE, bit 2: STONE) |
2013272 | 2 | Player ??? Timer |
2013274 | 2 | Player ??? Timer |
2013276 | 2 | Number of button presses left to mash out of petrification |
2013279 | 1 | Soma Level |
201327A | 2 | HP |
201327C | 2 | MP |
201327E | 2 | Max HP |
2013280 | 2 | Max MP |
2013282 | 2 | STR |
2013284 | 2 | CON |
2013286 | 2 | INT |
2013288 | 2 | LCK |
201328C | 4 | EXP |
2013290 | 4 | Gold (maxes at 999999) |
2013294 | 32 | Item inventory
All inventories are 4 bits per item, denoting the quantity possessed, which maxes at 9. |
20132B4 | 60 | Weapon inventory |
20132EF | 26 | Armor inventory |
2013308 | 20 | Accessory inventory |
201331C | 56 | Bullet Soul inventory |
2013354 | 16 | Guardian Soul inventory |
201336E | 36 | Enchant Soul inventory |
2013392 | 3 | Ability Soul inventory |
2013396 | 1 | Equipped abilities
20133A0 | 14 | Defeated enemies (1 bit per enemy) |
20133B0 | 14 | Enemy Drop 1 obtained (1 bit per enemy) |
20133C0 | 14 | Enemy Drop 2 obtained (1 bit per enemy) |
Collapse Internal Data for Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow
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