Capcom Play System 3

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Developer: Capcom
Publisher: Capcom
Platforms: CPS3
Released in JP: October 1996
Released in US: October 1996
Released in EU: October 1996

A commercial failure with 2 cult hit fighting games Capcom Play System 3 hardware made for Street Fighter 3 if you believe Street Fighter Zero's Director.




  • Mame
  • Final Burn Neo

Rom Images

  • Dumps are done on a per chip on the SIMMs or CHDs of the install discs if it is CD version of hardware.
  • Slot 1 and 2 are used for the game logic usually named with 1.# and 2.#
  • Slots 3 through 7 can be used with various data Sound Samples, Graphics, and even Palette data usually.
  • Cartridge has the bios and the security key with kept alive by the battery.