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Batman: The Video Game (NES)/RAM map
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The following article is a RAM map for Batman: The Video Game (NES).
Zero Page
Address Usage 001F Current object slot: Used by AI loop function 00A6 Current weapon selected $00-Batman, $50(80)-Batarang, $60(96)-Ninja Stars, $C0(192)-Gun 00B4 Global timer 00B7 Health 00B8 Amount of Ammo 00BE Lives 00C0 BG CHR Bank 0 (tiles 00-7F) 00C1 BG CHR Bank 1 (tiles 80-FF) 00C2 SPR CHR Bank 0 (tiles 00-3F) 00C3 SPR CHR Bank 1 (tiles 40-7F) 00C4 SPR CHR Bank 2 (tiles 80-BF) 00C5 SPR CHR Bank 3 (tiles C0-FF) 00D0 Batman's Y position (unit = screen) 00D1 Batman's Y position (unit = pixel) 00D2 Batman's Y position (unit = subpixel) 00D3 Batman's X position (unit = screen) 00D4 Batman's X position (unit = pixel) 00D5 Batman's X position (unit = subpixel) 00D6 Batman's on-screen Y position 00D7 Batman's on-screen X position 00D8 Sprite scroll Y (unit = screen) Scrolls all entities visually, 00D9 Sprite scroll Y (unit = pixel) doesn't affect collision/physics. 00DA Sprite scroll X (unit = screen) 00DB Sprite scroll X (unit = pixel) 00E0 Left edge of view (unit = screen) stored in high nibble 00E1 Left edge of view (unit = metatile [32×16 px]) stored in high nibble 00E2 Right edge of view (unit = screen) stored in high nibble 00E3 Right edge of view (unit = metatile) stored in high nibble 00E4 OAM counter (used to index OAM while rendering sprites) 00EA View coordinates (unit = screen/high nibble = x, low nibble = y) 00EB View coordinates (unit = pixel/high nibble = x, low nibble = y) 00F5 Joy 1 press 00F6 Joy 2 press 00F7 Joy 1 hold 00F8 Joy 2 hold 00FC Scroll Y shadow register 00FD Scroll X shadow register 00FE PPU mask shadow register 00FF PPU control shadow register
System RAM
Address Usage 0540 Objects' Action IDs 0580 Objects' X positions (high byte) 0590 Objects' X positions (low byte) 05A0 Objects' Y positions (high byte) 05B0 Objects' Y Positions (low byte)
This page is rather stubbly and could use some expansion. Are you a bad enough dude to rescue this article? |
Collapse Internal Data for Batman
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