Sesame Street ABC/RAM map

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Chip tiny.png The following article is a RAM map for Sesame Street ABC.


Addr    Size    Description
----    ----    -----------
002D       1    Current game selection
                * 00 - Letter Go Round
                * 01 - Ernie's Big Splash
00B2       1    Y position of the bouncing bubble
00B3       1    X speed of sing-along text
00BC       1    Timer until next movement of the bouncing bubble

Letter Go Round


Addr    Size    Description
----    ----    -----------
0029       1    Current mode selection
                * 00 - Upper Case Matching
                * 01 - Lower Case Matching
                * 02 - Mixed Case Matching
                * 03 - One Little Word
                * 04 - What's Missing ?
                * 05 - Spell The Secret Word
002A       1    Flag to determine if to move selection cursor up or down
                * 00 - Down
                * 01 - Up


Addr    Size    Description
----    ----    -----------
007E       1    X position of letter ferris wheel
007F       1    Y position of letter ferris wheel
0080       1    Distance between letters on wheel (normally 56)

Ernie's Big Splash


Addr    Size    Description
----    ----    -----------
002B       1    Current mode selection
                * 00 - Ernie's Challenge
                * 01 - Ernie's Fun Challenge
                * 02 - Ernie's Super Challenge
002C       1    Flag to determine if to move selection cursor up or down
                * 01 - Down
                * FF - Up
004D       1    Rubber duckie Y position
004F       1    Rubber duckie horizonal flip flag
0050       1    Rubber vertical horizonal flip flag
0052       1    Rubber duckie X position
0080       1    Rubber duckie current look

                Brown eyes
                * 00 - Default look
                * 01 - Feather headband
                * 02 - Fedora
                * 03 - Feather headband + Fedora
                * 04 - Sunglasses
                * 05 - Sunglasses + Feather headband
                * 06 - Sunglasses + Fedora
                * 07 - Sunglasses + Feather headband + Fedora
                * 08 - Eyepatch
                * 09 - Eyepatch + Feather headband
                * 0A - Eyepatch + Fedora
                * 0B - Eyepatch + Feather headband + Fedora
                * 0C - Sunglasses (alternate)
                * 0D - Sunglasses (alternate) + Feather headband
                * 0E - Sunglasses (alternate) + Fedora
                * 0F - Sunglasses (alternate) + Feather headband + Fedora

                Blue eyes
                * 10 - Default look
                * 11 - Feather headband
                * 12 - Fedora
                * 13 - Feather headband + Fedora
                * 14 - Sunglasses
                * 15 - Sunglasses + Feather headband
                * 16 - Sunglasses + Fedora
                * 17 - Sunglasses + Feather headband + Fedora
                * 18 - Eyepatch
                * 19 - Eyepatch + Feather headband
                * 1A - Eyepatch + Fedora
                * 1B - Eyepatch + Feather headband + Fedora
                * 1C - Sunglasses (alternate)
                * 1D - Sunglasses (alternate) + Feather headband
                * 1E - Sunglasses (alternate) + Fedora
                * 1F - Sunglasses (alternate) + Feather headband + Fedora
0083       1    Direction of rubber duckie
                * 00 - Right
                * 01 - Left
0084       1    Speed of rubber duckie
0085       1    Strength of the wave effect used for the logo (normally 5)


Addr    Size    Description
----    ----    -----------
004C       1    Rubber duckie X position
004D       1    Rubber duckie Y position