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Vagrant Story/skills list
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This list was extracted from the main executable ( SLUS_010.40 ) Where it can be found in RAM at address 8004B9F8. The list is stored using the internal character set.
00 untitled 01 Normal 02 Pincer 03 Bite 04 Bite 05 Bite 06 Death Vapor 07 Eruption 08 Freeze 09 Gust 0A Terra Thrust 0B Holy Light 0C Diabolos 0D Poison Panel 0E Paralysis Panel 0F untitled 10 untitled 11 Curse Panel 12 Heal Panel 13 Cure Panel 14 untitled 15 Trap Clear 16 Heavy Shot 17 Gain Life 18 Mind Assault 19 Gain Magic 1A Raging Ache 1B Mind Ache 1C Temper 1D Crimson Pain 1E Instill 1F Phantom Pain 20 Paralysis Pulse 21 untitled 22 Numbing Claw 23 Dulling Impact 24 untitled 25 Snake Venom 26 untitled 27 untitled 28 Ward 29 Siphon Soul 2A Reflect Magic 2B Reflect Damage 2C Absorb Magic 2D Absorb Damage 2E Impact Guard 2F Windbreak 30 Fireproof 31 Terra Ward 32 Aqua Ward 33 Shadow Guard 34 Demonscale 35 Phantom Shield 36 Degenerate 37 Psychodrain 38 Leadbones 39 Tarnish 3A Analyze 3B untitled 3C Herakles 3D Enlighten 3E Invigorate 3F Prostasia 40 untitled 41 Heal 42 Luft Fusion 43 Spark Fusion 44 Soil Fusion 45 Frost Fusion 46 Aero Guard 47 Pyro Guard 48 Terra Guard 49 Aqua Guard 4A Dark Chant 4B Silence 4C Magic Ward 4D Surging Balm 4E Lightning Bolt 4F Fixate 50 Dispel 51 Fireball 52 Stun Cloud 53 Poison Mist 54 Vulcan Lance 55 Curse 56 Aqua Blast 57 Restoration 58 Antidote 59 untitled 5A Blessing 5B Clearance 5C Unlock 5D Eureka 5E Drain Heart 5F Drain Mind 60 Heal 61 Solid Shock 62 Lightning Bolt 63 Fireball 64 Vulcan Lance 65 Aqua Blast 66 Spirit Surge 67 Dark Chant 68 Exorcism 69 Banish 6A Explosion L1 6B Explosion L2 6C Explosion L3 6D Explosion L4 6E Thunderburst L1 6F Thunderburst L2 70 Thunderburst L3 71 Thunderburst L4 72 Flame Sphere L1 73 Flame Sphere L2 74 Flame Sphere L3 75 Flame Sphere L4 76 Gaea Strike L1 77 Gaea Strike L2 78 Gaea Strike L3 79 Gaea Strike L4 7A Avalanche L1 7B Avalanche L2 7C Avalanche L3 7D Avalanche L4 7E Radial Surge L1 7F Radial Surge L2 80 Radial Surge L3 81 Radial Surge L4 82 Meteor L1 83 Meteor L2 84 Meteor L3 85 Meteor L4 86 Tornado 87 Thunderbolt 88 Fire Storm 89 Gravity 8A Acid Flow 8B Judgment 8C Apocalypse 8D Stun Blast 8E untitled 8F Tidal Rush 90 Blasphemous Howl 91 Tail Attack 92 Tail Attack 93 Fire Breath 94 Fire Breath 95 Acid Breath 96 untitled 97 Acid Breath 98 Rot Breath 99 Caeser's Thrust 9A Thermal Breath 9B Thunder Breath 9C Heaven's Tear 9D Searing Breath 9E Tyrant's Mace 9F Frost Breath A0 Raven Eye A1 Divine Breath A2 Poison Breath A3 Mind Blast A4 Mind Blast A5 Numbing Hook A6 untitled A7 Numbing Needle A8 Bloodsuck A9 Acid Sneeze AA Spiral Shell AB Granite Punch AC Devitalize AD Poltergeist AE Reaper's Scythe AF untitled B0 untitled B1 Giga Rush B2 Aqua Bubble B3 Poison Sneeze B4 Acrid Ooze B5 Bloody Sin B6 Last Ascension B7 untitled B8 Whistle Sting B9 Shadoweave BA Double Fang BB Wyrm Scorn BC Rending Gale BD Vile Scar BE Cherry Ronde BF Papillon Reel C0 Sunder C1 Thunderwave C2 Swallow Slash C3 Advent Sign C4 Mistral Edge C5 Glacial Gale C6 Killer Mantis C7 Black Nebula C8 Bear Claw C9 Accursed Umbra CA Iron Ripper CB Emetic Bomb CC Sirocco CD Riskbreak CE Gravis Aether CF Trinity Pulse D0 Bonecrusher D1 Quickshock D2 Ignis Wheel D3 Hex Flux D4 Ruination D5 Scythe Wind D6 Giga Tempest D7 Spiral Scourge D8 Brimstone Hail D9 Heaven's Scorn DA Death Wail DB Sanctus Flare DC Lotus Palm DD Vertigo DE Vermillion Aura DF Retribution E0 Recover 50 HP E1 Recover 100 HP E2 Recover 150 HP E3 HP Full E4 Recharge 25 MP E5 Recharge 50 MP E6 Recharge 100 MP E7 MP Full E8 HP & MP Recover 100 E9 HP & MP Full EA HP & RISK 25 EB HP & RISK 50 EC Cure Paralysis ED Cure Poison EE Cure Curse EF Cure Numbness F0 Cureall F1 Mark Trap F2 Magic Cancel F3 RISK -25 F4 RISK -50 F5 RISK -75 F6 No RISK F7 Quicken F8 STR-up F9 INT-up FA AGL-up FB HP-up FC MP-up FD STR-down FE INT-down FF AGL-down
There are also four lists of spells which Ashley has learnt which use these IDs.
800EBD70 Warlock x 18 800EBD84 Shaman x 6 800EBD8C Sorcerer x 18 800EBDA0 Enchanter x 8