The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past/Notes

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End Credits

The end credits have a special coding mechanism, as well as a unique .tbl file.

Per usual, the end credits consist of a series of tasks and names. The tasks are displayed in small, colored capital letters (red, yellow and pink). The names are displayed in large, white capital letters. Probably the greatest mental hurdle to get used to is the necessity to encode each *name* twice; the large, white letters are stored as top/bottom halves. As such, one actually programms a line of "top" values, immediately followed by a line of corresponding "bottom" values. Consult the following table for the respective codes:

Character - Top Half - Bottom Half

A - 5D - 83

B - 5E - 84

C - 5F - 85

D - 60 - 86

E - 61 - 87

F - 62 - 88

G - 63 - 89

H - 64 - 8A

I - 65 - 8B

J - 66 - 8C

K - 67 - 8D

L - 68 - 8E

M - 69 - 8F

N - 6A - 90

O - 6B - 91

P - 6C - 92

Q - 6D - 93

R - 6E - 94

S - 6F - 95

T - 70 - 96

U - 71 - 97

V - 72 - 98

W - 73 - 99

X - 74 - 9A

Y - 75 - 9B

Z - 76 - 9C

(period) - 9F - 37

(space) - 9F - 9F

Sound Ports

$012C - Music control:

   0x01 = Triforce opening
   0x02 = light world
   0x03 = legend theme
   0x04 = bunny link
   0x05 = lost woods
   0x06 = legend theme
   0x07 = kakkariko village
   0x08 = mirror warp
   0x09 = dark world
   0x0A = restoring the master sword
   0x0B = faerie theme
   0x0C = chase theme
   0x0D = dark world (skull woods)
   0x0E = game theme (Overworld only?)
   0x10 = hyrule castle
   0x13 = fanfare
   0x15 = boss theme
   0x16 = dark world dungeon
   0x17 = fortune teller
   0x18 = caves
   0x19 = sentiment of hope
   0x1A = crystal theme
   0x1B = faerie theme w/ arpeggio
   0x1C = fear & anxiety
   0x1D = Agahnim unleashed
   0x1E = surprise!
   0x1F = Ganondorf the Thief
   0x20 = nothing
   0x21 = Agahnim unleashed
   0x22 = surprise!
   0x23 = Ganondorf the Thief
   0xF1 = fade out
   0xF2 = half volume
   0xF3 = full volume
   0xFF = Load a new set of music.

$012D - Ambient Sound effects:

               0x05:   Silencio
               0x15:   Door to Triforce room opens

$012E - Sound Effects 1:

               0x00:   none (no change)
               0x01:   small sword swing 1 (Fighter Sword)
               0x02:   small sword swing 2 (Fighter Sword)
               0x03:   medium sword swing 1 (Master Sword and up)
               0x04:   fierce sword swing 2 (Master Sword and up)
               0x05:   object clinking against the wall
               0x06:   object clinking Link's shield or a hollow door when poked
               0x07:   shooting arrow (or red Goriyas shooting fireballs)
               0x08:   arrow hitting wall
               0x09:   really quiet sound
               0x0A:   hookshot cranking
               0x0B:   door shutting
               0x0C:   loud thud / heavy door shutting
               0x0D:   magic powder noise
               0x0E:   fire rod being fired
               0x0F:   ice rod being fired
               0x10:   hammer being used?
               0x11:   hammer pounding down stake
               0x12:   really familiar but can't place it exactly
               0x13:   playing the flute
               0x14:   Link picking something small up?
               0x15:   Weird zapping noise
               0x16:   Link walking up staircase 1
               0x17:   Link walking up staircase 2 (finishing on next floor)
               0x18:   Link walking down staircase 1
               0x19:   Link walking down staircase 2 (finishing on next floor)
               0x1A:   Link walking through grass?
               0x1B:   sounds like a faint splash or thud
               0x1C:   Link walking in shallow water
               0x1D:   picking an object up
               0x1E:   some sort of hissing (walking through grass maybe?)
               0x1F:   object smashing to bits
               0x20:   item falling into a pit
               0x21:   sounds like a plop on wood, can't remember where it gets used
               0x22:   loud thunderous noise
               0x23:   pegasus boots slippy sound
               0x24:   Link making a splash in deep water (but having to come back out)
               0x25:   Link walking through swampy water
               0x26:   Link taking damage
               0x27:   Link passing out
               0x28:   item falling onto shallow water
               0x29:   rupees refill sound
               0x2A:   whiffy sound
               0x2B:   low life warning beep
               0x2C:   pulling master sword out
               0x2D:   taking magic power damage from enemy
               0x2E:   Seems like a sound related to Ganon's Tower opening
               0x2F:   Seems like a sound related to Ganon's Tower opening
               0x30:   chicken getting owned
               0x31:   big faerie healing your wounds
               0x32:   sounds familiar but can't place it. Whooshing noise
               0x33:   cheesy noise that happens when Agahnim makes chicks disappear
               0x34:   cheesy noise that happens when Agahnim makes chicks disappear
               0x35:   faint rumbling noise
               0x36:   faint rumbling noise
               0x37:   spin attack has powered up
               0x38:   swimming noise
               0x39:   thunderous noise while Ganon's tower opens
               0x3A:   some kind of clinky hit
               0x3B:   sounds like magic powder but unfamiliar
               0x3C:   Error noise
               0x3D:   something big falling into water? (Argghus?)
               0x3E:   playing the flute (quieter)
               0x3F:   magic powder

$012F - Sound Effects 2:

               0x00:   none (no change)
               0x01:   master sword beam
               0x02:   unintelligble switch noise
               0x03:   ????? yet another loud thud
               0x04:   Nutcase soldier getting pissed off
               0x05:   shooting a fireball (Lynel)
               0x06:   ?????
               0x07:   giant metal balls coming out of nodes
               0x08:   normal enemy taking a big hit
               0x09:   normal enemy dying
               0x0A:   collecting rupee
               0x0B:   collecting single heart
               0x0C:   text scrolling flute noise
               0x0D:   single heart filling in on HUD
               0x0E:   sound of a chest being opened
               0x0F:   you got an item sound 1
               0x10:   switching to map sound effect
               0x11:   menu screen going down
               0x12:   menu screen going up
               0x13:   throwing an item
               0x14:   clink (not sure what it's used for)
               0x15:   loud thud 1
               0x16:   loud thud 2
               0x17:   rats
               0x18:   dragging something
               0x19:   zora shooting fireball
               0x1A:   minor puzzle solved
               0x1B:   major puzzle solved
               0x1C:   doing minor damage to enemy
               0x1D:   taking magic power damage from enemy
               0x1E:   keese flitting around
               0x1F:   Link squealing like a bitch when he falls into a hole
               0x20:   switch menu item
               0x21:   boss taking damage
               0x22:   boss dying
               0x23:   spin attack sound
               0x24:   switching between different mode 7 map perspectives
               0x25:   triggering a switch
               0x26:   Agahnim's lightning
               0x27:   Agahnim powering up an attack
               0x28:   Agahnim / Ganon teleporting
               0x29:   Agahnim shooting a beam
               0x2A:   tougher enemy taking damage
               0x2B:   Link getting electromucuted
               0x2C:   bees buzzing
               0x2D:   Major achievement completed (e.g. getting a piece of heart)
               0x2E:   Major item obtained (e.g. Pendant or Heart Container)
               0x2F:   obtained small key
               0x30:   blop popping out of ground
               0x31:   Moldorm's weird track like noise
               0x32:   bouncing off a bungie
               0x33:   short unknown jingle
               0x34:   ...
               0x37:   Neat sound... consider using as a confirmation (though make sure it's not buggy)
               0x38:   ...
               0x39:   ...
               0x3C:   Obtained mid level item (e.g. bombs from a chest)
               0x3D:   ...
               0x3F:   More minor fanfares