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Panic Restaurant/Tutorials
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PPU Type Explanation
The value is in binary [1].
Bit Location | Function |
0000000x | Disable Color Blend |
000000x0 | Extend BG to Left |
00000x00 | (Doesn't do anything) |
0000x000 | Render BG (Background) |
000x0000 | Render OBJ (Object) |
00x00000 | Red Color Overlay |
0x000000 | Green Color Overlay |
x0000000 | Blue Color Overlay |
Example: 011 01 010 (00101010, or 2A in hexadecimal) will add a yellow color overlay, rendering non-objects (such as the background and the HUD), as well extending the background to the left.
PPU Color Overlay List
Value | Color 1 | Color 2 | Color 3 |
000 | 666666 | ADADAD | FFFFFF |
001 | 7E5D4B | D69E80 | FFE9BD |
010 | 506E59 | 89BB98 | CAFFE0 |
011 | 676342 | B0A970 | FFF9A6 |
100 | 5C6882 | 9CB1DC | E6FFFF |
101 | 685C63 | B09DA9 | FFE7F9 |
110 | 4B640A | 80AA11 | BCFB19 |
111 | 4C4C4C | 818181 | BFBFBF |
Internal Data for Panic Restaurant
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