Dragon Warrior II (NES)/ROM map

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Chip tiny.png The following article is a ROM map for Dragon Warrior II (NES).

Dragon Quest

  • 0x2D9B - font, 1BPP.
  • 0x1402B to 0x17D4C - dialogues. 0x14798 - beginning.
  • 0x180C4 to 0x18E12 - menus and referential bank. Equipments, items, monsters, magic and complements.
  • 0x1B730 to 0x1B8D7 - passwords.
  • 0x1BC5C to 0x1BC81 - character's naming.
  • 0x1BFB9 to 0x1BFF8 - standard names, better yet, some parts.