Mr. Gimmick/RAM map: Difference between revisions

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{{Internal Data|game=Gimmick!}}
{{Internal Data|game=Gimmick!}}

Revision as of 16:43, 6 October 2018

Chip tiny.png The following article is a RAM map for Mr. Gimmick.

                                        == GENERAL (1/2) ==
   ADDRESSES    |   SIZE   |                              DESCRIPTION
0014            | 1        | Camera X position subpixel
0015            | 1        | Camera X position tile
0016            | 1        | Y screen
0019            | 1        | Object iterator
001B            | 1        | Current level (0 to 6)
001C            | 1        | Current checkpoint
0029            | 1        | If value is non-zero, draw a blank screen.
002B            | 1        | Player maximum health
002C - 002D     | 2        | Score increase counter; for every frame it is not equal to 0, it is
                |          | decremented by 1 and score is increased by 100
002E - 0034     | 7        | Score digits in decimal; high to low, lowest digit is not stored as it
                |          | is always 0.
0035            | 1        | Enemy kill combo
0036 - 0038     | 3        | Items
0039            | 1        | Item amount
0042            | 1        | Camera X pixel (delayed by 1 frame); holds the previous frame's value
                |          | of $00FD
0045            | 1        | Mirror of $0034
0046            | 1        | Has been pushed into screen-locked room? (#$00 -> no, #$01 -> yes)
004B            | 1        | Jump hold; is set to AC when the player jumps and set to #$00 when the
                |          | jump button is released
0052            | 1        | Current music track
0054            | 1        | Skip world map (#$00 -> no, #$01 -> yes) (also skips check for bonus level)
0055            | 1        | Prevent star shot? (#$00 -> no, #$01 -> yes)

              == OBJECT DATA; 10 slots where first is player, second is star (1/2) ==
   ADDRESSES    |   SIZE   |                              DESCRIPTION
0090 - 0099     | A        | Status
009A - 00A3     | A        | Y position subpixel
00A4 - 00AD     | A        | Y position tile
00AE - 00B7     | A        | X position subpixel
00B8 - 00C1     | A        | X position tile
00C2 - 00CB     | A        | Y speed in subpixels per frame
00CC - 00D5     | A        | X speed in subpixels per frame
00D6 - 00DF     | A        | Can be stood on? (#$00 = no, #$40 = yes)

                                        == GENERAL (2/2) ==
   ADDRESSES    |   SIZE   |                              DESCRIPTION
00EA            | 1        | Timer until respawn after death or until level end after boss is beaten
00ED - 00EE     | 2        | Global timer
00F5 - 00F6     | 2        | Newly pressed controller buttons; bits are unset after the first frame
                |          | of a button hold
00F7 - 00F8     | 2        | Pressed/held controller buttons
00FE            | 1        | PPUMASK mirror
0104            | 1        | Lives (capped at 99)
0105 - 010A     | 6        | Secret items collected (#$00 = no, #$01 = yes)

                                       == OBJECT DATA (2/2) ==
   ADDRESSES    |   SIZE   |                              DESCRIPTION
0300 - 0309     | A        | Animation state
030A - 0313     | A        | Facing direction (#$00 = left, #$01 = right)
0314 - 031D     | A        | Y hitbox subpixel
031E - 0327     | A        | Y hitbox tile
0328 - 0331     | A        | X hitbox subpixel
0332 - 033B     | A        | X hitbox tile
0346 - 034F     | A        | Health
0350 - 0359     | A        | Object type
0364 - 036D     | A        | Is being stood on (#$00 = no, #$01 = yes)
036E - 0377     | A        | Is standing on floor (#$00 = no, #$80 = yes)
0378 - 0381     | A        | Is hitting wall (#$00 = no, #$80 = yes)
0382 - 038B     | A        | Timer 1
038C - 0395     | A        | Timer 2
03B4 - 03BD     | A        | Drop item on death (#$00 = no, #$01 = yes)

          == STAR TRAIL HISTORY; in order of: 3f ago, 2f ago, 1f ago, current, current ==
   ADDRESSES    |   SIZE   |                              DESCRIPTION
0420 - 0424     | 5        | Y position subpixel
0425 - 0429     | 5        | Y position tile
042A - 042E     | 5        | X position subpixel
042F - 0433     | 5        | X position tile
0439 - 043D     | 5        | Status

Note: #$10 subpixels = 1 pixel, #$10 pixels = 1 tile