Final Fantasy: Mystic Quest/ROM map: Difference between revisions

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* <tt>010F4A</tt> - This data affects the character's weapon's effects as well
* <tt>010F4A</tt> - This data affects the character's weapon's effects as well

==Music Data (Unheadered 1.1 ROM)==
==Unheadered 1.1 ROM==
SPC Pointers for FFMQ begin at 6BDAE (3 bytes each). Names are based on SPC pack track names. The numbers inside the parenthesis are for the pointer and track name.

* <tt>68573  - </tt>Battle 1 (0E 73 85)
SPC Pointers for FFMQ begin at 6BDAE (3 bytes each)
* <tt>68B69  - </tt>Battle 2 (0E 69 8B)
* <tt>69321  - </tt>Battle 3 (0E 21 93)
Names based on SPC pack track names
* <tt>69B74  - </tt>Victory Fanfare (0E 74 9B)
* <tt>69E0B  - </tt>World (0E 0B 9E)
Pointer/Track Name/(File Address)
* <tt>69F88  - </tt>Fossil Labrynth (0E 88 9F)
* <tt>6A29B  - </tt>Dungeon of Ice (0E 9B A2)
* 0E 73 85 - Battle 1 (68573)
* <tt>6A84F  - </tt>Lava Dome (0E 4F A8)
* 0E 69 8B - Battle 2 (68B69)
* <tt>6AE4F  - </tt>Mountain Range of Whirlwinds (0E 4F AE)
* 0E 21 93 - Battle 3 (69321)
* <tt>6B20C  - </tt>Dungeon and Waterfall (0E 0C B2)
* 0E 74 9B - Victory Fanfare (69B74)
* <tt>6B504  - </tt>Middle Tower (0E 04 B5)
* 0E 0B 9E - World (69E0B)
* <tt>6B779  - </tt>Last Castle (0E 79 B7)
* 0E 88 9F - Fossil Labrynth (69F88)
* <tt>6BF2E  - </tt>Beautiful Forest (0E 2E BF)
* 0E 9B A2 - Dungeon of Ice (6A29B)
* <tt>6C2F8  - </tt>Shrine of Light (0E F8 C2)
* 0E 4F A8 - Lava Dome (6A84F)
* <tt>6C743  - </tt>City of Forest (0E 43 C7)
* 0E 4F AE - Mountain Range of Whirlwinds (6AE4F)
* <tt>6CC41  - </tt>City of Wind (0E 41 CC)
* 0E 0C B2 - Dungeon and Waterfall (6B20C)
* <tt>6D151  - </tt>City of Fire (0E 51 D1)
* 0E 04 B5 - Middle Tower (6B504)
* <tt>6DA03  - </tt>City of ? (0E 03 DA)
* 0E 79 B7 - Last Castle (6B779)
* <tt>6DF42  - </tt>Rock 'n' Roll (0E 42 DF)
* 0E 2E BF - Beautiful Forest (6BF2E)
* <tt>6E410  - </tt>Rock Theme (0E 10 E4)
* 0E F8 C2 - Shrine of Light (6C2F8)
* <tt>6E810  - </tt>Fanfare of Friendship (0E 10 E8)
* 0E 43 C7 - City of Forest (6C743)
* <tt>6E8C2  - </tt>Mystic Ballad (0E C2 E8)
* 0E 41 CC - City of Wind (6CC41)
* <tt>6EAAB  - </tt>Hill of Fate (0E AB EA)
* 0E 51 D1 - City of Fire (6D151)
* <tt>6EEDD  - </tt>Mystic Quest (0E DD EE)
* 0E 03 DA - City of ? (6DA03)
* <tt>6F473  - </tt>Ending (0E 73 F4)
* 0E 42 DF - Rock 'n' Roll (6DF42)
* <tt>6FBD3  - </tt>The Crystal (0E D3 FB)
* 0E 10 E4 - Rock Theme (6E410)
* 0E 10 E8 - Fanfare of Friendship (6E810)
* 0E C2 E8 - Mystic Ballad (6E8C2)
* 0E AB EA - Hill of Fate (6EAAB)
* 0E DD EE - Mystic Quest (6EEDD)
* 0E 73 F4 - Ending (6F473)
* 0E D3 FB - The Crystal (6FBD3)

Revision as of 01:15, 21 January 2007

Chip tiny.png The following article is a ROM map for Final Fantasy: Mystic Quest.

Unheadered ROM only

  • 032B00 - Tile Properties (solid, walkable, moves characters, etc..)
  • 034084 - Location Palette assignments (First Location: Level Forest)
  • 038200 - Menu Palettes
  • 03B218 - 2 byte pointers to Locations (First Location: Level Forest)
  • 01572B - Enemy Formation Positions (Behemoth position on screen - Each enemy = 1 byte)
  • 010715 - This data decides what frame of animation is shown when each enemy receives a certain amount of damage
  • 010B06 - Targetting data (sword is first item)
  • 010BF2 - This data affects the character's weapon's stats and effects
  • 010F4A - This data affects the character's weapon's effects as well

Unheadered 1.1 ROM

SPC Pointers for FFMQ begin at 6BDAE (3 bytes each)

Names based on SPC pack track names

Pointer/Track Name/(File Address)

  • 0E 73 85 - Battle 1 (68573)
  • 0E 69 8B - Battle 2 (68B69)
  • 0E 21 93 - Battle 3 (69321)
  • 0E 74 9B - Victory Fanfare (69B74)
  • 0E 0B 9E - World (69E0B)
  • 0E 88 9F - Fossil Labrynth (69F88)
  • 0E 9B A2 - Dungeon of Ice (6A29B)
  • 0E 4F A8 - Lava Dome (6A84F)
  • 0E 4F AE - Mountain Range of Whirlwinds (6AE4F)
  • 0E 0C B2 - Dungeon and Waterfall (6B20C)
  • 0E 04 B5 - Middle Tower (6B504)
  • 0E 79 B7 - Last Castle (6B779)
  • 0E 2E BF - Beautiful Forest (6BF2E)
  • 0E F8 C2 - Shrine of Light (6C2F8)
  • 0E 43 C7 - City of Forest (6C743)
  • 0E 41 CC - City of Wind (6CC41)
  • 0E 51 D1 - City of Fire (6D151)
  • 0E 03 DA - City of ? (6DA03)
  • 0E 42 DF - Rock 'n' Roll (6DF42)
  • 0E 10 E4 - Rock Theme (6E410)
  • 0E 10 E8 - Fanfare of Friendship (6E810)
  • 0E C2 E8 - Mystic Ballad (6E8C2)
  • 0E AB EA - Hill of Fate (6EAAB)
  • 0E DD EE - Mystic Quest (6EEDD)
  • 0E 73 F4 - Ending (6F473)
  • 0E D3 FB - The Crystal (6FBD3)