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''This page needs to be formatted a bit differently. The general information on ROM maps should go on its own map. Perhaps a "ROM maps" category is in order?''

==Primary Engine and Critical Data Bank==
* <tt>000000-0001FF (000200)</tt> = [[EarthBound:ROM Header Data|ROM Header Data]]
* <tt>000200-00043E (00023f)</tt> = '''''Important ASM (EDIT AT OWN RISK)'''''
* <tt>00043F-00055A (00011c)</tt> = [[EarthBound:ASM:Palette_Routines#$C0023F|Animated Palette Routines]]
* <tt>00055B-000590 (000036)</tt> = '''''Unclassified Data'''''
* <tt>000591-000829 (000299)</tt> = [[EarthBound:ASM:Palette_Routines#$C00391|Sprite Palette Adjustment Routines]]
* <tt>00082A-000977 (00014e)</tt> = '''''Unclassified Data'''''
* <tt>000978-000AC2 (00014b)</tt> = [[EarthBound:ASM:Palette_Routines#$C00778|Map Palette Load Routines]]
* <tt>000AC3-000CA0 (0001de)</tt> = [[EarthBound:ASM:Load_Map_Tileset_Palette_Routine|Load Map Tileset/Palette Routine]]
* <tt>000CA1-000CC4 (000024)</tt> = '''''Unclassified ASM'''''
* <tt>000CC5-000EF2 (00022e)</tt> = [[EarthBound:ASM:Load_Tilemap_to_Buffers_Routines|Load Tilemap to Buffers Routines]]
* <tt>000Ef3-001015 (000123)</tt> = '''''Unclassified Data'''''
* <tt>001016-001380 (00036b)</tt> = [[EarthBound:ASM:Load_Tilemap_to_VRAM_Routines|Load Tilemap to VRAM Routines]]
* <tt>001381-007E03 (006a83)</tt> = '''''Unclassified Data'''''
* <tt>007E04-0081FF (0003fb)</tt> = '''''Flyover Data and Various GUI Including Text Windows'''''
* <tt>008200-008340 (000141)</tt> = [[EarthBound:ASM:SNES_Startup_Routine|SNES Startup routine]]
* <tt>008341-00834E (00000e)</tt> = '''SNES interrupt redirects'''
* <tt>00834F-00836F (000021)</tt> = [[EarthBound:ASM:IRQ_Interrupt_Routine|IRQ Interrupt routine]]
* <tt>008370-008590 (000221)</tt> = [[EarthBound:ASM:VBLANK_Interrupt_Routine|VBLANK Interrupt routine]]
* <tt>008591-0085B7 (000027)</tt> = '''''Unclassified Data'''''
* <tt>0085B8-008700 (000149)</tt> = [[EarthBound:ASM:Controller Input Routines|Controller Input Routines]]
* <tt>008701-008717 (000016)</tt> = [[EarthBound/ASM/Audio_Routines#$C08501|Play Sound Effect Routine]]
* <tt>008718-0087B6 (00009f)</tt> = '''''Unclassified Data'''''
* <tt>0087B7-008904 (00014e)</tt> = [[EarthBound:ASM:VRAM DMA Transfer Routines|VRAM DMA Transfer Routines]]
* <tt>008905-008F78 (000674)</tt> = '''''Unclassified Data'''''
* <tt>008F79-009099 (000121)</tt> = [[EarthBound/ASM/SNES_PPU_Setup_Routines|SNES PPU Setup Routines]]
* <tt>00909A-0090D1 (000038)</tt> = '''''Unclassified Data'''''
* <tt>0090D2-00918A (0000b9)</tt> = [[EarthBound:ASM:Memory And String Util Routines|Memory And String Util Routines]]
* <tt>00918B-009197 (00000d)</tt> = '''''Unclassified Data'''''
* <tt>009198-0091AF (000018)</tt> = [[EarthBound:CGRAM_DMA_Transfer_Style_Table|CGRAM DMA Transfer Style Table]]
* <tt>0091B0-0091E5 (000036)</tt> = [[EarthBound:VRAM DMA Transfer Style Table|VRAM DMA Transfer Style Table]]
* <tt>0091E6-009478 (000293)</tt> = [[EarthBound:ASM:Math Routines|Math Routines]]
* <tt>009479-00A3F1 (000f79)</tt> = '''''Unclassified Data'''''
* <tt>00A3F2-00A40B (00001a)</tt> = [[EarthBound:ASM:Palette_Routines#$C0A1F2|Load Animated Palette Routine]]
* <tt>00A40C-00A41B (000010)</tt> = [[EarthBound:Map_Data:Decompressed_Map_Animation_Palette_Pointer_Table|Decompressed Map Animation Palette Pointer Table]]
* <tt>00A41C-00AD05 (0008ea)</tt> = '''''Unclassified Data'''''
* <tt>00AD06-00ADBC (0000b7)</tt> = [[EarthBound/ASM/Audio_Routines#$C0AB06|APU Data Transfer Routines]]
* <tt>00ADBD-00ADDF (000023)</tt> = '''''Unclassified Data'''''
* <tt>00ADE0-00AE0B (00002c)</tt> = [[EarthBound/ASM/Audio_Routines#$C0ABE0|Enqueue Sound Effect Routine]]
* <tt>00AE0C-00BA20 (000c15)</tt> = '''''Unclassified Data'''''
* <tt>00BA21-00BA23 (000003)</tt> = [[EarthBound:Execute Load Saved Game Pointer|Execute Load Saved Game Pointer]]
* <tt>00BA24-00BBB7 (000194)</tt> = '''''Unclassified Data'''''
* <tt>00BBB8-00BBBA (000003)</tt> = [[EarthBound:Execute Introduction Sequence Pointer|Execute Introduction Sequence Pointer]]
* <tt>00BBBB-00EDDF (003225)</tt> = '''''Unclassified Data'''''
* <tt>00EDE0-00F61D (00083e)</tt> = [[EarthBound/ASM/Introduction_Sequence_Routines|Introduction Sequence Routines]]
* <tt>00F61E-0101AF (000b92)</tt> = '''''Unclassified Data'''''
* <tt>0101B0-0101DF (000030)</tt> = [ SNES Rom Header]
* <tt>0101E0-0101FF (000020)</tt> = [ CPU Interrupt Vectors]
* <tt>010200-0212E5 (0110e6)</tt> = '''''Unclassified Data'''''
* <tt>0212E6-0215AB (0002c6)</tt> = [[EarthBound:ASM:HP/PP_Rolling_Routine|HP/PP Rolling Routine]]
* <tt>0215AC-021827 (00027c)</tt> = '''''Unclassified Data'''''
* <tt>021828-02185D (000036)</tt> = [[EarthBound:ASM:Flag_Routines|Load Flag Value Routine]]
* <tt>02185E-0301FF (00e9a2)</tt> = '''''Unclassified Data'''''
* <tt>030200-0302FF (000100)</tt> = [[EarthBound:Sprite Palettes|Sprite Palettes]]
* <tt>030300-03E44F (00e150)</tt> = '''Largely Movement Data, Possibly Incongruous'''
* <tt>03E450-03E5F7 (0001a8)</tt> = [[EarthBound:Dialog Window Attributes Table|Dialog Window Attributes Table]]
* <tt>03E5F8-03EA73 (00047c)</tt> = '''''Unclassified Data'''''
* <tt>03EA74-03EB76 (000103)</tt> = [[EarthBound:Debug_Mode_Commands|Debug Mode Commands]]
* <tt>03EB77-03F253 (0006dd)</tt> = '''''Unclassified Data'''''
* <tt>03F254-03F28F (00003c)</tt> = [[EarthBound:Primary_Font_Table|Primary Font Table]]
* <tt>03F290-03F3EC (00015d)</tt> = [[EarthBound:PSI_Submenu_Text|PSI Submenu Text]]
* <tt>03F3ED-03F4B1 (0000c5)</tt> = '''ASM Routine - Indeterminate Function'''
* <tt>03F4B2-03F4B4 (000003)</tt> = '''''Unclassified Data'''''
* <tt>03F4B5-03F5C4 (000110)</tt> = [[EarthBound:Character_Graphics_Control_Table|Character Graphics Control Table]]
* <tt>03F5C5-03F7F8 (000234)</tt> = [[EarthBound/ASM/Introduction_Sequence_Routines|Run Title Screen Routine]]
* <tt>03F7F9-03FD2A (000532)</tt> = '''''Unclassified Data, Partially ASM'''''
* <tt>03FD2B-03FD46 (00001c)</tt> = [[EarthBound:Name_Registration_String)|Name Registration String]]
* <tt>03FD47-0402D3 (00058d)</tt> = '''''Unclassified Data'''''
* <tt>0402D4-040D51 (000a7e)</tt> = [[EarthBound:Movement Pattern Pointer Table|Movement Pattern Pointer Table]]
* <tt>040D52-041C9D (000f4c)</tt> = '''''Unclassified Data, Partially ASM'''''
* <tt>041C9E-041DC7 (00012a)</tt> = [[EarthBound:ASM:Decompression_Routine|Decompression Routine]]
* <tt>041DC8-043163 (00139c)</tt> = '''''Unclassified Data'''''
* <tt>043164-04318B (000028)</tt> = [[EarthBound:Map Data Pointer Table|Map Data Pointer Table]]
* <tt>04318C-04374F (0005c4)</tt> = '''''Unclassified Data'''''
* <tt>043750-043768 (000019)</tt> = [[EarthBound:Goods Submenu Commands|Goods Submenu Commands]]
* <tt>043769-04582E (0020c6)</tt> = '''''Unclassified Data'''''
* <tt>04582F-045836 (000008)</tt> = [[EarthBound:Precomputed_Math_Values#04582F|Precomputed Powers of 2]]
* <tt>045837-045D4C (000516)</tt> = '''''Unclassified Data'''''
* <tt>045D4D-045E0F (0000c3)</tt> = [[EarthBound:Status Text Strings|Status Text Strings]]
* <tt>045E10-045E85 (000076)</tt> = [[EarthBound:Equipment Submenu Text|Equipment Submenu Text]]
* <tt>045E86-048186 (002301)</tt> = '''''Unclassified Data'''''
* <tt>048187-04820A (000084)</tt> = [[EarthBound:ASM:Palette_Routines#$C47F87|Text/Window Palettes Load Routine]]
* <tt>04820B-048236 (00002c)</tt> = '''''Unclassified Data'''''
* <tt>048237-04830D (0000d7)</tt> = [[EarthBound:Lumine Hall Text|Lumine Hall Text]]
* <tt>04830E-0498F8 (0015eb)</tt> = '''''Unclassified Data'''''
* <tt>0498F9-04993F (000047)</tt> = [[EarthBound:ASM:Palette_Routines#$C496F9|Copy Current Palettes Routine]]
* <tt>049940-04A0A3 (000764)</tt> = '''''Unclassified Data'''''
* <tt>04A0A4-04A0C3 (000020)</tt> = [[EarthBound:Movement-Referenced Text String Pointer Table|Movement-Referenced Text String Pointer Table]]
* <tt>04A0C4-04A1E0 (00011d)</tt> = '''ASM Routine - Indeterminate Function'''
* <tt>04A1E1-04A28A (0000aa)</tt> = [[EarthBound:Battle Command Strings|Battle Command Strings]]
* <tt>04A28B-04A508 (00027e)</tt> = '''''Unclassified Data'''''
* <tt>04A509-04A530 (000028)</tt> = [[EarthBound:Prayer Command Text Pointers|Prayer Command Text Pointers]]
* <tt>04A531-04A576 (000046)</tt> = '''''Unclassified Data'''''
* <tt>04A577-04A790 (00021a)</tt> = [[EarthBound/ASM/Introduction_Sequence_Routines|Prepare Gas Station Screen Graphics Routine]]
* <tt>04A791-04C25F (001acf)</tt> = '''''Unclassified Data'''''
* <tt>04C260-04C4DC (00027d)</tt> = [[EarthBound:Startup Menu Text Strings|Startup Menu Text Strings]]
* <tt>04C4DD-04F909 (00342d)</tt> = '''''Unclassified Data'''''
* <tt>04DB89-04E077 (0004ef)</tt> = [[EarthBound/ASM/Introduction_Sequence_Routines|Introduction Sequence Routines]]
* <tt>04E078-04F909 (001892)</tt> = '''''Unclassified Data'''''
* <tt>04F90A-04FB46 (00023d)</tt> = '''Song Table'''
* <tt>04FB47-04FD41 (0001fb)</tt> = '''SPC Pack Pointer Table'''
* <tt>04FD42-04FF4A (000209)</tt> = [[EarthBound:ASM:Parsing Routines for 04FB47 Block|Parsing Routines for 04FB47 Block]]
* <tt>04FF4B-0501FF (0002b5)</tt> = '''Nullspace'''

The '''ROM Map''' is a linear breakdown of the hard-coded data in the EarthBound ROM.  For the purposes of this database, it serves as a jumping-off point to more specific documents regarding each identified block of code.
==Text Bank==
* <tt>050200-051D11 (001b12)</tt> = [[EarthBound:Conditional Pointers for Store Dialogue|Conditional Pointers for Store Dialogue]]
* <tt>051D12-0A012E (04e41d)</tt> = [[EarthBound:Primary Dialogue Bank|Primary Dialogue Bank]]
* <tt>0A012F-0A01FF (0000d1)</tt> = '''Nullspace'''

== Notes on the ROM Map ==
==Animation Bank==
* <tt>0A0200-0AD9A0 (00d7a1)</tt> = [[EarthBound:Battle BGs:Primary Data Group|Battle BGs: Primary Data Group]]
* <tt>0AD9A1-0ADB3C (00019c)</tt> = [[EarthBound:Battle BGs:Graphics Pointer Table|Battle BGs: Graphics Pointer Table]]
* <tt>0ADB3D-0ADCD8 (00019c)</tt> = [[EarthBound:Battle BGs:Arrangement Pointer Table|Battle BGs: Arrangement Pointer Table]]
* <tt>0ADCD9-0ADEA0 (0001c8)</tt> = [[EarthBound:Battle_BGs:Palette_Pointer_Table|Battle BGs: Palette Pointer Table]]
* <tt>0ADEA1-0AF457 (0015b7)</tt> = [[EarthBound:Battle BGs:Rendering Data|Battle BGs: Rendering Data]]
* <tt>0AF458-0AF907 (0004b0)</tt> = [[EarthBound:Battle BGs:Scroll Table|Battle BGs: Scroll Table]]
* <tt>0AF908-0B01FE (0008f7)</tt> = [[EarthBound:Battle BGs:Distortion Table|Battle BGs: Distortion Table]]
* <tt>0B01FF-0B01FF (000001)</tt> = '''Nullspace'''
* <tt>0B0200-0BDA99 (00d89a)</tt> = [[EarthBound:Battle BGs:Secondary Data Group|Battle BGs: Secondary Data Group]]
* <tt>0BDA9A-0BE229 (000790)</tt> = [[EarthBound:Battle Group BG Association Table|Battle Group BG Association Table]]
* <tt>0BE22A-0C01FF (001fd6)</tt> = '''''Audio Data Block (Unspecified) '''''
* <tt>0C0200-0C19CA (0017cb)</tt> = [[EarthBound:Animation Data:Carpainter's Lightning - Reflected|Animation Data: Carpainter's Lightning - Reflected]]
* <tt>0C19CB-0C215B (000791)</tt> = [[EarthBound:Animation Data:Carpainter's Lightning - Strike|Animation Data: Carpainter's Lightning - Strike]]
* <tt>0C215C-0C24D7 (00037c)</tt> = [[EarthBound:Animation Data:Starman Junior's Teleport|Animation Data: Starman Junior's Teleport]]
* <tt>0C24D8-0C2E88 (0009b1)</tt> = [[EarthBound:Animation Data:"BOOM!"|Animation Data: "BOOM!"]]
* <tt>0C2E89-0C2EE0 (000058)</tt> = [[EarthBound:Animation Data:Zombie Attack|Animation Data: Zombie Attack]]
* <tt>0C2EE1-0C2FE0 (000100)</tt> = [[EarthBound:Animation Data:"The End?"|Animation Data: "The End?"]]
* <tt>0C2FE1-0C3018 (000038)</tt> = [[EarthBound:Animation Sequence Data Pointers|Animation Sequence Data Pointers]]
* <tt>0C3019-0CAE24 (007e0c)</tt> = [[EarthBound:PSI Animation Arrangement - First Block|PSI Animation Arrangement - First Block]]
* <tt>0CAE25-0CB12E (00030a)</tt> = [[EarthBound:PSI Animation Graphics - First Block|PSI Animation Graphics - First Block]]
* <tt>0CB12F-0CB812 (0006e4)</tt> = [[EarthBound:PSI Animation Arrangement - Second Block|PSI Animation Arrangement - Second Block]]
* <tt>0CB813-0CBCC6 (0004b4)</tt> = [[EarthBound:PSI Animation Graphics - Second Block|PSI Animation Graphics - Second Block]]
* <tt>0CBCC7-0CDD26 (002060)</tt> = [[EarthBound:PSI Animation Arrangement - Third Block|PSI Animation Arrangement - Third Block]]
* <tt>0CDD27-0CDFF8 (0002d2)</tt> = [[EarthBound:PSI Animation Graphics - Third Block|PSI Animation Graphics - Third Block]]
* <tt>0CDFF9-0CE51C (000524)</tt> = [[EarthBound:PSI Animation Arrangement - Fourth Block|PSI Animation Arrangement - Fourth Block]]
* <tt>0CE51D-0CE76C (000250)</tt> = [[EarthBound:PSI Animation Graphics - Fourth Block|PSI Animation Graphics - Fourth Block]]
* <tt>0CE76D-0CF24C (000ae0)</tt> = [[EarthBound:PSI Animation Arrangement - Fifth Block|PSI Animation Arrangement - Fifth Block]]
* <tt>0CF24D-0CF3E4 (000198)</tt> = [[EarthBound:PSI Animation Configuration Data|PSI Animation Configuration Data]]
* <tt>0CF3E5-0CF67E (00029a)</tt> = [[EarthBound:PSI Animation Arrangement - Sixth Block|PSI Animation Arrangement - Sixth Block]]
* <tt>0CF67F-0CF78E (000110)</tt> = [[EarthBound:PSI Animation Palettes|PSI Animation Palettes]]
* <tt>0CF78F-0CF816 (000088)</tt> = [[EarthBound:PSI Animation Pointers|PSI Animation Pointers]]
* <tt>0CF817-0D01FF (0009e9)</tt> = '''''Audio Data Block (Unspecified) '''''
* <tt>0D0200-0E64ED (0162ee)</tt> = [[EarthBound:Battle Sprites Graphics|Battle Sprites Graphics]]
* <tt>0E64EE-0E6713 (000226)</tt> = [[EarthBound:Battle Sprites Pointer Table|Battle Sprites Pointer Table]]
* <tt>0E6714-0E6B13 (000400)</tt> = [[EarthBound:Battle Sprites Palette|Battle Sprites Palettes]]
* <tt>0E6B14-0EDE44 (007331)</tt> = [[EarthBound:Swirl Animation Data|Swirl Animation Data]]
* <tt>0EDE45-0EDF40 (0000fc)</tt> = [[EarthBound:Swirl Animation Pointer Table|Swirl Animation Pointer Table]]
* '''''<tt>0EDF41-0EDF5C (00001c)</tt> = [[EarthBound:Swirl Animation Primary Table|Swirl Animation Primary Table]]''''' <- Please Confirm
* <tt>0EDF5D-0EFA05 (001aa9)</tt> = [[EarthBound:Sound Stone Graphics|Sound Stone Graphics]]
* <tt>0EFA06-0EFAC5 (0000c0)</tt> = [[EarthBound:Sound Stone Palette|Sound Stone Palette]]
* <tt>0EFAC6-0F01FF (00073a)</tt> = '''''Audio Data Block (Unspecified) '''''

=== Reading the data ===
== Map Bank ==
* <tt>0F0200-0F284E (00264f)</tt> = [[EarthBound:Door Destinations Table|Door Destinations Table]]
* <tt>0F284F-0F5AEE (0032a0)</tt> = [[EarthBound:Door Configuration Table|Door Configuration Table]]
* <tt>0F5AEF-0F5C38 (00014a)</tt> = [[EarthBound:Overworld Event Music Pointer Table|Overworld Event Music Pointer Table]]
* <tt>0F5C39-0F63DF (0007a7)</tt> = [[EarthBound:Overworld Event Music Table|Overworld Event Music Table]]
* <tt>0F63E0-0F63E6 (000007)</tt> = '''''Unclassified Data'''''
* <tt>0F63E7-0F6DE6 (000a00)</tt> = [[EarthBound:NPC Placement Pointer Table|NPC Placement Pointer Table]]
* <tt>0F6DE7-0F8B91 (001dab)</tt> = [[EarthBound:NPC Placement Data Table|NPC Placement Data Table]]
* <tt>0F8B92-0FF4B4 (006923)</tt> = [[EarthBound:NPC Dialogue and Configuration Table|NPC Dialogue and Configuration Table]]
* <tt>0FF4B5-1001FF (000d4b)</tt> = '''''Audio Data Block (Unspecified) '''''
* <tt>100200-1015FF (001400)</tt> = [[EarthBound:Doors Pointer Table|Doors Pointer Table]]
* <tt>101600-101797 (000198)</tt> = [[EarthBound:Screen Transition Configuration Table|Screen Transition Configuration Table]]
* <tt>101798-1017BF (000028)</tt> = [[EarthBound:Map Tiles:Event Control Pointer Table|Map Tiles: Event Control Pointer Table]]
* <tt>1017C0-101A7F (0002c0)</tt> = [[EarthBound:Map Tiles:Event Control Table|Map Tiles: Event Control Table]]

The ROM Map breaks down the entirety of EarthBound's raw code into specific block by function and type of data.  The start address and the end address of each block are given, plus a total byte size (shown in parentheses).  All addresses are raw hex format, assuming a 24 Mbit headered ROM.  Following the location and size is a brief description of the data contained within.  The descriptions are linked to seperate topics with details on each block.
== Battle Bank ==
* <tt>101A80-10BA7F (00a000)</tt> = [[EarthBound:Map Data:Enemy Placement data|Map Data: Enemy Placement data]]
* <tt>10BA80-10BDAB (00032c)</tt> = [[EarthBound:Enemy Placement Groups Pointer Table|Enemy Placement Groups Pointer Table]]
* <tt>10BDAC-10C80C (000a61)</tt> = [[EarthBound:Enemy Placement Groups Table|Enemy Placement Groups Table]]
* <tt>10C80D-10D72C (000f20)</tt> = [[EarthBound:Enemy Battle Groups Pointer Table|Enemy Battle Groups Pointer Table]]
* <tt>10D72D-10D74B (00001f)</tt> = '''''Apparent Garbage Data'''''
* <tt>10D74C-10E1B3 (000a68)</tt> = [[EarthBound:Enemy Battle Groups Table|Enemy Battle Groups Table]]
* <tt>10E1B4-1101A7 (001ff4)</tt> = '''''Audio Data Block (Unspecified)'''''
* <tt>1101A8-1101FF (000058)</tt> = '''Nullspace'''

=== Categorization of blocks ===
== Primary Data Groups Bank ==
* <tt>110200-1547BF (0445c0)</tt> = [[EarthBound:Uncompressed Sprite Graphics|Uncompressed Sprite Graphics]]
* <tt>1547C0-1551FF (000a40)</tt> = '''Nullspace'''
* <tt>155200-1578B1 (0026b2)</tt> = [[EarthBound:Item Properties Table|Item Properties Table]]
* <tt>1578B2-157A7F (0001ce)</tt> = [[EarthBound:Store Inventories Table|Store Inventories Table]]
* <tt>157A80-157CAD (00022e)</tt> = [[EarthBound:PSI Teleport Destination Table|PSI Teleport Destination Table]]
* <tt>157CAE-157D67 (0000ba)</tt> = [[EarthBound:Telephone Contacts Table|Telephone Contacts Table]]
* <tt>157D68-158C4F (000ee8)</tt> = [[EarthBound:Battle Actions Table|Battle Actions Table]]
* <tt>158C50-158F6A (00031b)</tt> = [[EarthBound:PSI Abilities Table|PSI Abilities Table]]
* <tt>158F6B-158F79 (00000f)</tt> = '''Nullspace'''
* <tt>158F7A-159122 (0001a9)</tt> = [[EarthBound:PSI Names List|PSI Names List]]
* <tt>159123-159148 (000026)</tt> = [[EarthBound:NPC Battle AI Table|NPC Battle AI Table]]
* <tt>159149-159788 (000640)</tt> = [[EarthBound:Level Up Requirements Table|Level Up Requirements Table]]
* <tt>159789-15EC5A (0054d2)</tt> = [[EarthBound:Enemy Configuration Table|Enemy Configuration Table]]
* <tt>15EC5B-15EC76 (00001c)</tt> = [[EarthBound:Statistic Growth Variables|Statistic Growth Variables]]
* <tt>15EC77-15EDAA (000134)</tt> = [[EarthBound:Condiment Configuration Table|Condiment Configuration Table]]
* <tt>15EDAB-15F4F2 (000748)</tt> = [[EarthBound:Preset Teleport Destination Table|Preset Teleport Destination Table]]
* <tt>15F4F3-15F6BA (0001c8)</tt> = [[EarthBound:Map Data:Hotspots Table|Map Data: Hotspots Table]]
* <tt>15F6BB-15F6CE (000014)</tt> = [[EarthBound:Timed Item Transformation Table|Timed Item Transformation Table]]
* <tt>15F6CF-15F7F4 (000126)</tt> = [[EarthBound:"Don't Care" Preset Character Names|"Don't Care" Preset Character Names]]
* <tt>15F7F5-15F808 (000014)</tt> = [[EarthBound:Starting Statistics Table|Starting Statistics: Ness]]
* <tt>15F809-15F81C (000014)</tt> = [[EarthBound:Starting Statistics Table|Starting Statistics: Paula]]
* <tt>15F81D-15F830 (000014)</tt> = [[EarthBound:Starting Statistics Table|Starting Statistics: Jeff]]
* <tt>15F831-15F844 (000014)</tt> = [[EarthBound:Starting Statistics Table|Starting Statistics: Poo]]
* <tt>15F845-15F90C (0000c8)</tt> = [[EarthBound:Timed Delivery Events Table|Timed Delivery Events Table]]
* <tt>15F90D-1601FF (0008f3)</tt> = '''Nullspace'''

Note that the categorizations below are meant strictly as a means of demarking various areas.  The label given does not neccessarily mean that all the data is logically grouped in that category.  For example, music and sound data are scattered throughout the ROM.  Please take any seeming incongruities between actual data and the categories in stride.
== Map Construction Primary Bank ==
* <tt>160200-1751FF (015000)</tt> = [[EarthBound:Map Data:Primary Table|Map Data: Primary Table]]
* <tt>175200-17A9FF (005800)</tt> = [[EarthBound:Map Data:Local Tileset Table|Map Data: Local Tileset Table]]
* <tt>17AA00-17B3FF (000a00)</tt> = [[EarthBound:Map Data:Global Tileset/Palette Table|Map Data: Global Tileset/Palette Table]]
* <tt>17B400-17C7FF (001400)</tt> = [[EarthBound:Map Data:Per-Sector Attributes Table|Map Data: Per-Sector Attributes Table]]
* <tt>17C800-17FDE7 (0035e8)</tt> = [[EarthBound:Map_Data:Compressed_Tile_Arrangement_Data|Map Data: Compressed Tile Arrangement Data Block 1]]
* <tt>17FDE8-1801FF (000418)</tt> = '''Nullspace'''
* <tt>180200-18914F (008f50)</tt> = [[EarthBound:Map_Data:Tile_Arrangement_Collision_Data|Map Data: Tile Arrangement Collision Data]]
* <tt>189150-18F25D (00610e)</tt> = [[EarthBound:Map_Data:Tileset_Tile_Arrangement_Collision_Pointer_Tables|Map Data: Tileset Tile Arrangement Collision Pointer Tables]]

== The ROM Map ==
== Anti-Piracy Screens Bank ==
* <tt>18F25E-18F40C (0001af)</tt> = [[EarthBound:Anti-Piracy Notice Screen Arrangement|Anti-Piracy Notice Screen Arrangement]]
* <tt>18F40D-18F5BD (0001b1)</tt> = [[EarthBound:Anti-Piracy Notice Screen Graphics|Anti-Piracy Notice Screen Graphics]]
* <tt>18F5BE-18F5C5 (000008)</tt> = [[EarthBound:Palette for Anti-Piracy and Faulty Game Pak Screens|Palette for Anti-Piracy and Faulty Game Pak Screens]]
* <tt>18F5C6-18F7C3 (0001fe)</tt> = [[EarthBound:Faulty Game Pak Notice Screen Arrangement|Faulty Game Pak Notice Screen Arrangement]]
* <tt>18F7C4-18F8B6 (0000f3)</tt> = [[EarthBound:Faulty Game Pak Notice Screen Graphics|Faulty Game Pak Notice Screen Graphics]]
* <tt>18F8B7-1901FF (000949)</tt> = '''''Audio Data Block (Unspecified) '''''

=== Primary Engine and Critical Data Bank ===
== Map Construction Secondary Bank ==
* <tt>190200-19D051 (00ce52)</tt> = [[EarthBound:Map_Data:Compressed_Tile_Arrangement_Data|Map Data: Compressed Tile Arrangement Data Block 2]]
* <tt>19D052-19FE17 (002dc6)</tt> = [[EarthBound:Map_Data:Compressed_Tileset_Character_Data|Map Data: Compressed Tileset Character Data Block 1]]
* <tt>19FE18-1A01FF (0003e8)</tt> = '''''Audio Data Block (Unspecified) '''''
* <tt>1A0200-1A7EA6 (007ca7)</tt> = [[EarthBound:Map_Data:Compressed_Tile_Arrangement_Data|Map Data: Compressed Tile Arrangement Data Block 3]]
* <tt>1A7EA7-1AFCA6 (007e00)</tt> = [[EarthBound:Map Data:Palettes|Map Data: Palettes]]
* <tt>1AFCA7-1AFD06 (000060)</tt> = [[EarthBound:Map Data:Unused Palette Pointer Table|Map Data: ''Unused'' Palette Pointer Table]]
* <tt>1AFD07-1B01FF (0004f9)</tt> = '''''Audio Data Block (Unspecified) '''''
* <tt>1B0200-1BF4EA (00f2eb)</tt> = [[EarthBound:Map_Data:Compressed_Tile_Arrangement_Data|Map Data: Compressed Tile Arrangement Data Block 4]]
* <tt>1BF4EB-1C01FF (000d15)</tt> = '''''Audio Data Block (Unspecified) '''''
* <tt>1C0200-1CB222 (00b023)</tt> = [[EarthBound:Map_Data:Compressed_Tile_Arrangement_Data|Map Data: Compressed Tile Arrangement Data Block 5]]
* <tt>1CB223-1CD836 (002614)</tt> = [[EarthBound:Map_Data:Compressed_Tileset_Character_Data|Map Data: Compressed Tileset Character Data Block 2]]
* <tt>1CD837-1CE236 (000a00)</tt> = [[EarthBound:Map Data:Per-Sector Music Assignments|Map Data: Per-Sector Music Assignments]]
* <tt>1CE237-1D01FF (001fc9)</tt> = '''''Audio Data Block (Unspecified) '''''
* <tt>1D0200-1E00CD (00fece)</tt> = [[EarthBound:Map_Data:Compressed_Tileset_Character_Data|Map Data: Compressed Tileset Character Data Block 3]]
* <tt>1E00CE-1E01FF (000132)</tt> = '''''Audio Data Block (Unspecified) '''''
* <tt>1E0200-1EF2E6 (00f0e7)</tt> = [[EarthBound:Map_Data:Compressed_Tileset_Character_Data|Map Data: Compressed Tileset Character Data Block 4]]
* <tt>1EF2E7-1EFEDC (000bf6)</tt> = [[EarthBound/Map_Data/Compressed_Tile_Animation_Characters_Data|Map Data: Compressed Tile Animation Characters Data Block 1]]
* <tt>1EFEDD-1F01FF (000323)</tt> = '''''Audio Data Block (Unspecified) '''''
* <tt>1F0200-1FC442 (00c243)</tt> = [[EarthBound:Map_Data:Compressed_Tileset_Character_Data|Map Data: Compressed Tileset Character Data Block 5]]
* <tt>1FC443-1FE6E0 (00229e)</tt> = [[EarthBound/Map_Data/Compressed_Tile_Animation_Characters_Data|Map Data: Compressed Tile Animation Characters Data Block 2]]
* <tt>1FE6E1-1FE75C (00007c)</tt> = [[EarthBound:Map Data:Palette Animation Pointer Table|Map Data: Palette Animation Pointer Table]]
* <tt>1FE75D-1FE81A (0000be)</tt> = [[EarthBound:Map Data:Palette Animation Secondary Pointer/Data Table|Map Data: Palette Animation Secondary Pointer/Data Table]]
* <tt>1FE81B-1FEE45 (00062b)</tt> = [[EarthBound:Map Data:Compressed Palette Animation Data|Map Data: Compressed Palette Animation Data]]
* <tt>1FEE46-2001FF (0013ba)</tt> = '''''Audio Data Block (Unspecified) '''''

* <tt>000000 to 0001FF (0001FF)</tt> = [[Block:Header|ROM Header Data]]
== Miscellaneous Graphics Bank ==
* <tt>000200 to 0081FF (007FFF)</tt> = '''''Unclassified Data'''''
* <tt>200200-200953 (000754)</tt> = [[EarthBound:Text Window Graphics|Text Window Graphics]]
* <tt>008200 to 00836F (00016F)</tt> = '''Important ASM (EDIT AT OWN RISK)'''
* <tt>200954-20099F (00004c)</tt> = [[EarthBound:Flavored Text Window Graphics|Flavored Text Window Graphics]]
* <tt>008370 to 008590 (000220)</tt> = '''More Important ASM (EDIT AT OWN RISK)'''
* <tt>2009A0-200BB3 (000214)</tt> = [[EarthBound:8x16 (Large) Romaji Font Graphics from MOTHER 2|8x16 (Large) ''Romaji'' Font Graphics from ''MOTHER 2'']]
* <tt>008591 to 00AD05 (002774)</tt> = '''''Unclassified Data'''''
* <tt>200BB4-201558 (0009a5)</tt> = [[EarthBound:Compressed SRAM Data|Compressed SRAM Data]]
* <tt>00AD06 to 00ADA7 (0000A1)</tt> = [[ASM:AD06_(Music_Loading_Routine)|Music Loading Routine]]
* <tt>201559-2015B8 (000060)</tt> = [[EarthBound:Mr. Saturn Font Character Data|Mr. Saturn Font Character Data]]
* <tt>00ADA8 to 0212E5 (01653D)</tt> = '''''Unclassified Data'''''
* <tt>2015B9-2021B8 (000c00)</tt> = [[EarthBound:Mr. Saturn Font Graphics|Mr. Saturn Font Graphics]]
* <tt>0212E6 to 0215AB (0002C5)</tt> = [[ASM:212E6_(HP/PP_Rolling_Routine)|HP/PP Rolling Routine]]
* <tt>2021B9-2021C7 (00000f)</tt> = [[EarthBound:Text Window Properties Table|Text Window Properties Table]]
* <tt>0215AC to 0301B6 (00EC0A)</tt> = '''''Unclassified Data'''''
* <tt>2021C8-202387 (0001c0)</tt> = [[EarthBound:Text Window Flavor Palettes|Text Window Flavor Palettes]]
* <tt>0301B7 to 03E44F (00E298)</tt> = '''Largely Movement Data, Possibly Incongruous'''
* <tt>202388-20238F (000008)</tt> = [[EarthBound:Movement-Referenced Text String Palette|Movement-Referenced Text String Palette]]
* <tt>03E450 to 03E5F7 (0001A7)</tt> = [[Table:3E450_(Dialog_Window_Attributes_Table)|Dialog Window Attributes Table]]
* <tt>202390-2023A7 (000018)</tt> = [[EarthBound:Town Map Graphics Pointer Table|Town Map Graphics Pointer Table]]
* <tt>03E5F8 to 03EA73 (00047B)</tt> = '''''Unclassified Data'''''
* <tt>2023A8-204B1F (002778)</tt> = [[EarthBound:Onett Town Map Data|Onett Town Map Data]]
* <tt>03EA74 to 03EB68 (0000F4)</tt> = [[String:3EA74_(Debug_Mode_Commands)|Debug Mode Commands]]
* <tt>204B20-206921 (001e02)</tt> = [[EarthBound:Twoson Town Map Data|Twoson Town Map Data]]
* <tt>03EB69 to 03F253 (0006EA)</tt> = '''''Unclassified Data'''''
* <tt>206922-208578 (001c58)</tt> = [[EarthBound:Threed Town Map Data|Threed Town Map Data]]
* <tt>03F254 to 03F28F (00003B)</tt> = [[Pointers:3F254_(Primary_Font_Table)|Primary Font Table]]
* <tt>208579-20AFB3 (002a3b)</tt> = [[EarthBound:Fourside Town Map Data|Fourside Town Map Data]]
* <tt>03F290 to 03F3EC (00015C)</tt> = [[String:3F290_(PSI_Submenu_Text)|PSI Submenu Text]]
* <tt>20AFB4-20C9F0 (001a3d)</tt> = [[EarthBound:Scaraba Town Map Data|Scaraba Town Map Data]]
* <tt>03F3ED to 03F4B1 (0000C4)</tt> = '''ASM Routine - Indeterminate Function'''
* <tt>20C9F1-20EF02 (002512)</tt> = [[EarthBound:Summers Town Map Data|Summers Town Map Data]]
* <tt>03F4B1 to 03F4B4 (000004)</tt> = '''''Unclassified Data'''''
* <tt>20EF03-2101FF (0012fd)</tt> = '''''Audio Data Block (Unspecified)'''''
* <tt>03F4B5 to 03F5C4 (00010F)</tt> = [[Table:3F4B5_(Character_Graphics_Control_Table)|Character Graphics Control Table]]
* <tt>210200-210851 (000652)</tt> = [[EarthBound:Coffee Sequence Text|Coffee Sequence Text]]
* <tt>03F5C5 to 03FD2A (000765)</tt> = '''''Unclassified Data, Partially ASM'''''
* <tt>210852-210D85 (000534)</tt> = [[EarthBound:Tea Sequence Text|Tea Sequence Text]]
* <tt>03FD2B to 03FD46 (00001B)</tt> = [[String:3FD2B_(Name_Registration))|Name Registration String]]
* <tt>210D86-210E79 (0000f4)</tt> = [[EarthBound:Movement-Referenced Text Strings|Movement-Referenced Text Strings]]
* <tt>03FD47 to 0402D3 (00058C)</tt> = '''''Unclassified Data'''''
* <tt>210E7A-210ED9 (000060)</tt> = [[EarthBound:Main Font Character Data|Main Font Character Data]]
* <tt>0402D4 to 040D51 (000A7D)</tt> = [[Pointers:Movement_Pattern_Data|Movement Pattern Pointer Table]]
* <tt>210EDA-211AD9 (000c00)</tt> = [[EarthBound:Main Font Graphics|Main Font Graphics]]
* <tt>040D52 to 04189D (000B4A)</tt> = '''''Unclassified Data, Partially ASM'''''
* <tt>211ADA-211B39 (000060)</tt> = [[EarthBound:8x16 (Battle) Font Character Data|8x16 (Battle) Font Character Data]]
* <tt>04189E to 0419C7 (000129)</tt> = [[ASM:4189E_(Decompression_Routine)|Decompression Routine]]
* <tt>211B3A-212139 (000600)</tt> = [[EarthBound:8x16 (Battle) Font Graphics|8x16 (Battle) Font Graphics]]
* <tt>0419C8 to 043163 (00179B)</tt> = '''''Unclassified Data'''''
* <tt>21213A-212199 (000060)</tt> = [[EarthBound:8x8 (Tiny) Font Character Data|8x8 (Tiny) Font Character Data]]
* <tt>043164 to 04318C (000028)</tt> = [[Table:43164_(Map_Data_Pointers)|Map Data Pointer Table]]
* <tt>21219A-212499 (000300)</tt> = [[EarthBound:8x8 (Tiny) Font Font Graphics|8x8 (Tiny) Font Font Graphics]]
* <tt>04318D to 04374F (0004C2)</tt> = '''''Unclassified Data'''''
* <tt>21249A-2124F9 (000060)</tt> = [[EarthBound:Large Font Character Data|Large Font Character Data]]
* <tt>043750 to 043768 (000018)</tt> = [[String:43750_(Goods_Submenu_Commands)|Goods Submenu Commands]]
* <tt>2124FA-2130F9 (000c00)</tt> = [[EarthBound:Large Font Graphics|Large Font Graphics]]
* <tt>043769 to 045D4C (0025E3)</tt> = '''''Unclassified Data, Partially ASM'''''
* <tt>2130FA-213189 (000090)</tt> = [[EarthBound:Formatting For Cast Sequence Text|Formatting For Cast Sequence Text]]
* <tt>045D4D to 045E0F (0000C3)</tt> = [[String:45D4D_(Status_Text)|Status Text Strings]]
* <tt>21318A-213949 (0007c0)</tt> = [[EarthBound:Wandering Photographer Configuration Table|Wandering Photographer Configuration Table]]
* <tt>045E10 to 045E85 (00007B)</tt> = [[String:45E10_(Equipment_Submenu_Text)|Equipment Submenu Text]]
* <tt>21394A-21433E (0009f5)</tt> = '''Compressed Palette Data for End Credits Photos'''
* <tt>045E86 to 048236 (0023B0)</tt> = '''''Unclassified Data'''''
* <tt>21433F-214FE7 (000ca9)</tt> = [[EarthBound:Staff Credits Sequence Text|Staff Credits Sequence Text]]
* <tt>048237 to 04830D (0000D6)</tt> = [[String:48237_(Lumine_Hall_Text)|Lumine Hall Text]]
* <tt>214FE8-2150C0 (0000d9)</tt> = '''''Unclassified Code'''''
* <tt>04830E to 04A0A3 (001D95)</tt> = '''''Unclassified Data, Partially ASM'''''
* <tt>2150C1-2157D2 (000712)</tt> = [[EarthBound/Logo_Screen_Graphics_Data|Logo Screen Graphics Data]]
* <tt>04A0A4 to 04A0C3 (00001F)</tt> = [[Pointers:4A0A4_(Movement-Referenced_Text_Strings)|Movement-Referenced Text String Pointer Table]]
* <tt>2157D3-21ACDE (00550c)</tt> = [[EarthBound/Gas_Station_Screen_Graphics_Data|Gas Station Screen Graphics Data]]
* <tt>04A0C4 to 04A1E0 (00011C)</tt> = '''ASM Routine - Indeterminate Function'''
* <tt>21ACDF-21AD4A (00006c)</tt> = [[EarthBound:"Produced by Shigesato Itoi" Graphics Arrangement|"Produced by Shigesato Itoi" Graphics Arrangement]]
* <tt>04A1E1 to 04A28A (0000A9)</tt> = [[String:4A1E1_(Battle_Commands)|Battle Command Strings]]
* <tt>21AD4B-21AF00 (0001b6)</tt> = [[EarthBound:"Produced by Shigesato Itoi" Graphics|"Produced by Shigesato Itoi" Graphics]]
* <tt>04A28B to 04A508 (00027D)</tt> = '''''Unclassified Data'''''
* <tt>21AF01-21AF4D (00004d)</tt> = [[EarthBound:"Presented by Nintendo" Graphics Arrangement|"Presented by Nintendo" Graphics Arrangement]]
* <tt>04A509 to 04A530 (000027)</tt> = [[Pointers:4A509_(Prayer_Command_Text)|Prayer Command Text Pointers]]
* <tt>21AF4E-21B06E (000121)</tt> = [[EarthBound:"Presented by Nintendo" Graphics|"Presented by Nintendo" Graphics]]
* <tt>04A531 to 04C25F (001D2E)</tt> = '''''Unclassified Data'''''
* <tt>21B06F-21B07B (00000d)</tt> = [[EarthBound:Shared Palette"Produced by Shigesato Itoi" and "Presented by Nintendo" Graphics|Shared Palette"Produced by Shigesato Itoi" and "Presented by Nintendo" Graphics]]
* <tt>04C260 to 04C4DC (00027C)</tt> = [[String:4C260_(Startup_Menu_Text)|Startup Menu Text Strings]]
* <tt>21B07C-21B082 (000007)</tt> = [[EarthBound:Title Screen Text (Static) Palette|Title Screen Text (Static) Palette]]
* <tt>04C4DD to 04F909 (00342C)</tt> = '''''Unclassified Data'''''
* <tt>21B083-21B0FC (00007a)</tt> = [[EarthBound:Title Screen Text (Animated) Palette|Title Screen Text (Animated) Palette]]
* <tt>04F90A to 04FB46 (00023C)</tt> = '''Music track pointer table''' <- '''Inaccurate'''
* <tt>21B0FD-21B17C (000080)</tt> = [[EarthBound:Title Screen Highlight (Animated) Palette|Title Screen Highlight (Animated) Palette]]
* <tt>04FB47 to 04FD41 (0001FA)</tt> = '''Sound/music pointer table''' <- '''Inaccurate'''
* <tt>21B17D-21B410 (000294)</tt> = [[EarthBound:Title Screen Static Layer Arrangement|Title Screen Static Layer Arrangement]]
* <tt>04FD42 to 04FF49 (000207)</tt> = [[ASM:4FD42_(04FB47_Parsing_Routines)|Parsing Routines for 04FB47 Block]]
* <tt>21B411-21C8E4 (0014d4)</tt> = [[EarthBound:Title Screen Static Layer Graphics|Title Screen Static Layer Graphics]]
* <tt>04FF4A to 0501FF (0002B5)</tt> = '''''Unclassified Data'''''
* <tt>21C8E5-21CFE0 (0006fc)</tt> = [[EarthBound:Title Screen Text Layer Graphics|Title Screen Text Layer Graphics]]
* <tt>21CFE1-21D007 (000027)</tt> = [[EarthBound:Title Screen Copyright Text Palette|Title Screen Copyright Text Palette]]
* <tt>21D008-21D1AE (0001a7)</tt> = [[EarthBound:Animation Control Data for Title Screen|Animation Control Data for Title Screen]]
* <tt>21D1AF-21D6F3 (000545)</tt> = [[EarthBound:Death Screen Graphics|Death Screen Graphics]]
* <tt>21D6F4-21D7E7 (0000f4)</tt> = [[EarthBound:Death Screen Palette|Death Screen Palette]]
* <tt>21D7E8-21D8E0 (0000f9)</tt> = [[EarthBound:Death Screen Arrangement|Death Screen Arrangement]]
* <tt>21D8E1-21DA14 (000134)</tt> = [[EarthBound:"Cast" and "Mr. Saturn" Graphics for Cast Sequence|"Cast" and "Mr. Saturn" Graphics for Cast Sequence]]
* <tt>21DA15-21DA34 (000020)</tt> = [[EarthBound:"Cast" Graphic Palette|"Cast" Graphic Palette]]
* <tt>21DA35-21E6E6 (000cb2)</tt> = [[EarthBound:Character Names for Cast Sequence|Character Names for Cast Sequence]]
* <tt>21E6E7-21E727 (000041)</tt> = [[EarthBound:Insane Cultist Palette for Cast Sequence|Insane Cultist Palette for Cast Sequence]]
* <tt>21E728-21EB13 (0003ec)</tt> = [[EarthBound:Staff Credits Sequence Font Graphics|Staff Credits Sequence Font Graphics]]
* <tt>21EB14-21EB23 (000010)</tt> = [[EarthBound:Staff Credits Sequence Font Palette|Staff Credits Sequence Font Palette]]
* <tt>21EB24-21EB49 (000026)</tt> = '''''Unclassified Data'''''
* <tt>21EB4A-21EC4F (000106)</tt> = [[EarthBound:Staff Credits Sequence Border Data|Staff Credits Sequence Border Data]]
* <tt>21EC50-21F3C2 (000773)</tt> = [[EarthBound:Town Map Point of Interest Graphics|Town Map Point of Interest Graphics]]
* <tt>21F3C3-21F780 (0003be)</tt> = '''''Unclassified Data'''''
* <tt>21F781-261408 (041c88)</tt> = '''''Audio Data'''''
* <tt>261409-261505 (0000fc)</tt> = '''''SFX Pointers'''''
* <tt>26156C-2629F1 (001485)</tt> = '''''SFX Sequence Data'''''
* <tt>2629F2-262B8B (00019B)</tt> = '''''Audio Data'''''
* <tt>262B8C-262D09 (00017E)</tt> = [[EarthBound:Audio#Song SPC Pointer Table|Song SPC Pointer Table]]
* <tt>262D0A-2E9400 (0866f7)</tt> = '''''Audio Data'''''
* <tt>2E9401-2F01FF (006dff)</tt> = [[EarthBound:PK Hack System Area of Doom|PK Hack System Area of Doom]]
* <tt>2F0200-2f06DB (0004dc)</tt> = '''''Unclassified Data'''''
* <tt>2F06DC-2F0790 (0000b5)</tt> = [[EarthBound/ASM/Introduction_Sequence_Routines|Title Screen Cancel Animation Routine]]
* <tt>2F0791-2F07A5 (000015)</tt> = '''SRAM block validation signature''' ("HAL Laboratory, inc." in ascii + null terminator)<span class="anchor" id="2F0791"></span>
* <tt>2F07A6-2F07A8 (000003)</tt> = '''Save slot bit flag table''' (0x01, 0x02, 0x04)<span class="anchor" id="2F07A6"></span>
* <tt>2F07A9-2F0E3C (000694)</tt> = [[EarthBound/ASM/SRAM_Routines|SRAM Routines]]
* <tt>2F0E3D-2F121A (0003de)</tt> = '''''Unclassified Data'''''

=== Text Bank ===
== Map Construction Tertiary Bank ==
* <tt>2F121B-2F125A (000040)</tt> = [[EarthBound:Map Data:Tileset Table|Map Data: Tileset Table]]
* <tt>2F125B-2F12AA (000050)</tt> = [[EarthBound:Map Data:Tileset Pointer Table|Map Data: Tileset Pointer Table]]
* <tt>2F12AB-2F12FA (000050)</tt> = [[EarthBound:Map Data:Tile Arrangement Pointer Table|Map Data: Tile Arrangement Pointer Table]]
* <tt>2F12FB-2F137A (000080)</tt> = [[EarthBound:Map Data:Palette Pointer Table|Map Data: Palette Pointer Table]]
* <tt>2F137B-2F13CA (000050)</tt> = [[EarthBound:Map_Data:Collision_Tileset_Pointer_Table|Map Data: Collision Tileset Pointer Table]]
* <tt>2F13CB-2F141A (000050)</tt> = [[EarthBound/Map_Data/Tile_Animation_Characters_Pointer_Table|Map Data: Tile Animation Characters Pointer Table]]
* <tt>2F141B-2F146A (000050)</tt> = [[EarthBound:Map_Data:Tile_Animation_Properties_Pointer_Table|Map Data: Tile Animation Properties Pointer Table]]
* <tt>2F146B-2F153E (0000d4)</tt> = [[EarthBound:Map_Data:Tile_Animation_Properties_Table|Map Data: Tile Animation Properties Table]]

* <tt>050200 to 051D11 (001B11)</tt> = [[Dialogue:50200_(Store_Conditional_Pointers)|Conditional Pointers for Store Dialogue]]
== Secondary Engine and Critical Data Bank ==
* <tt>051D12 to 0A012E (04E41C)</tt> = [[Dialogue:51D12_(Primary_Dialogue_Bank)|Primary Dialogue Bank]]
* <tt>2F153F-2F1C7E (000740)</tt> = [[EarthBound:Sprite Grouping Pointer Table|Sprite Grouping Pointer Table]]
* <tt>0A012F to 0A01FF (0000D0)</tt> = '''Nullspace'''
* <tt>2F1C7F-2F4C3F (002fc1)</tt> = [[EarthBound:Sprite Grouping Table|Sprite Grouping Table]]
* <tt>2F4C40-2F501F (0003e0)</tt> = '''''Unclassified Data'''''
* <tt>2F5020-2FA579 (00555a)</tt> = [[EarthBound:Battle Text and PSI Aesthetic Effects Coding|Battle Text and PSI Aesthetic Effects Coding]]
* <tt>2FA57A-2FA5B5 (00003c)</tt> = [[EarthBound:Commands Window Text Strings|Commands Window Text Strings]]
* <tt>2FA5B6-2FA65F (0000aa)</tt> = [[EarthBound:Status Window Text|Status Window Text]]
* <tt>2FA660-2FA8EB (00028c)</tt> = [[EarthBound:Name Input Window Selection Layout|Name Input Window Selection Layout]]
* <tt>2FA8EC-2FD71A (002e2f)</tt> = '''''Unclassified Data'''''

=== Animation Bank ===
== Debug Menu Assembly Bank ==
* <tt>2FD71B-2FD76E (000054)</tt> = [[EarthBound:Programmers' Sound Mode Menu Text|Programmers' Sound Mode Menu Text]]
* <tt>2FD76F-2FDAB4 (000346)</tt> = '''''Unclassified Data'''''
* <tt>2FDAB5-2FDB5D (0000a9)</tt> = [[EarthBound:Programmers' Debug Mode Menu Text|Programmers' Debug Mode Menu Text]]
* <tt>2FDB5E-2FED6F (001212)</tt> = '''''Unclassified Data'''''
* <tt>2FED70-2FF1B6 (000447)</tt> = [[EarthBound:Programmers' Debug Mode Font Graphics|Programmers' Debug Mode Font Graphics]]
* <tt>2FF1B7-2FF2D6 (000120)</tt> = [[EarthBound:Programmers' Debug Mode Selection Cursor Graphics (Kirby!)|Programmers' Debug Mode Selection Cursor Graphics (Kirby!)]]
* <tt>2FF2D7-2FF3B6 (0000e0)</tt> = '''Nullspace'''
* <tt>2FF3B7-2FF7F6 (000440)</tt> = '''''Unclassified Data'''''
* <tt>2FF7F7-3001FF (000a09)</tt> = '''Nullspace'''

* <tt>0A0200 to 0AD9A0 (00D7A0)</tt> = [[Block:A0200_(Battle_BGs:_Primary_Data_Group)|Battle BGs: Primary Data Group]]
{{Internal Data|game=EarthBound}}
* <tt>0AD9A1 to 0ADB3C (00019B)</tt> = [[Pointer:AD9A1_(Battle_BGs:_Graphics_Pointer_Table|Battle BGs: Graphics Pointer Table]]
* <tt>0ADB3D to 0ADCD8 (00019B)</tt> = [[Pointer:ADB3D_(Battle_BGs:_Arrangement_Pointer_Table|Battle BGs: Arrangement Pointer Table]]
* <tt>0ADCD9 to 0ADEA0 (0001C7)</tt> = [[Pointer:ADCD9_(Battle_BGs:_Pallet_Pointer_Table|Battle BGs: Pallet Pointer Table]]
* <tt>0ADEA1 to 0AF457 (0015B6)</tt> = [[Block:ADEA1_(Battle_BGs:_Rendering_Data)|Battle BGs: Rendering Data]]
* <tt>0AF458 to 0B01FF (000DA7)</tt> = '''''Unclassified Data'''''
* <tt>0B0200 to 0BDA99 (00D899)</tt> = [[Block:B0200_(Battle_BGs:_Secondary_Data_Group)|Battle BGs: Secondary Data Group]]
* <tt>0BDA9A to 0BE229 (00078F)</tt> = [[Block:BDA9A_(Battle_Group_BG_Association_Data)|Battle Group BG Association Data]]
* <tt>0BE22A to 0C01FF (001FD5)</tt> = '''''Audio Data Block (Unspecified) '''''
* <tt>0C0200 to 0C19CA (0017CA)</tt> = [[Block:C0200_(Carpainter_Reflect_Animation)|Animation Data: Carpainter's Lightning - Reflected]]
* <tt>0C19CB to 0C215B (000790)</tt> = [[Block:C19CB_(Carpainter_Strike_Animation)|Animation Data: Carpainter's Lightning - Strike]]
* <tt>0C215C to 0C24D7 (00037B)</tt> = [[Block:C215C_(Starman_Junior_Animation)|Animation Data: Starman Junior's Teleport]]
* <tt>0C24D8 to 0C2E88 (0009B0)</tt> = [[Block:C24D8_("BOOM!"_Animation)|Animation Data: "BOOM!"]]
* <tt>0C2E89 to 0C2EE0 (000057)</tt> = [[Block:C2E89_(Zombie_Attack_Animation)|Animation Data: Zombie Attack]]
* <tt>0C2EE1 to 0C2FE0 (0000FF)</tt> = [[Block:C2EE1_("The_End?"_Animation)|Animation Data: "The End?"]]
* <tt>0C2FE1 to 0C3018 (000037)</tt> = [[Pointers:C2FE1_(Animation_Sequence_Data)|Animation Sequence Data Pointers]]
* <tt>0C3019 to 0CAE24 (0000)</tt> = [[Block:C3019_(PSI_Animation:_Arrangement_-_First_Block)|PSI Animation: Arrangement - First Block]]
* <tt>0CAE25 to 0CB12E (0000)</tt> = [[Graphics:CAE25_(PSI_Animation:_Graphics_-_First_Block)|PSI Animation: Graphics - First Block]]
* <tt>0CB32F to 0CB812 (0000)</tt> = [[Block:CB32F_(PSI_Animation:_Arrangement_-_Second_Block)|PSI Animation: Arrangement - Second Block]]
* <tt>0CB813 to 0CBCC6 (0000)</tt> = [[Graphics:CB813_(PSI_Animation_Graphics_-_Second_Block)|PSI Animation: Graphics - Second Block]]
* <tt>0CBCC7 to 0CDD26 (0000)</tt> = [[Block:CBCC7_(PSI_Animation:_Arrangement_-_Third_Block)|PSI Animation: Arrangement - Third Block]]
* <tt>0CDD27 to 0CDFF8 (0000)</tt> = [[Graphics:CDD27_(PSI_Animation:_Graphics_-_Third_Block)|PSI Animation: Graphics - Third Block]]
* <tt>0CDFF9 to 0CE51C (0000)</tt> = [[Block:CDFF9_(PSI_Animation:_Arrangement_-_Fourth_Block)|PSI Animation: Arrangement - Fourth Block]]
* <tt>0CE51D to 0CE76C (0000)</tt> = [[Graphics:CE51D_(PSI_Animation:_Graphics_-_Fourth_Block)|PSI Animation: Graphics - Fourth Block]]
* <tt>0CE76D to 0CF24C (0000)</tt> = [[Block:CE76D_(PSI_Animation:_Arrangement_-_Fifth_Block)|PSI Animation: Arrangement - Fifth Block]]
* <tt>0CF24D to 0CF3E4 (0000)</tt> = [[Block:CF24D_(PSI_Animation:_Configuration_Data)|PSI Animation: Configuration Data]]
* <tt>0CF3E5 to 0CF67E (0000)</tt> = [[Block:CF3E5_(PSI_Animation:_Arrangement_-_Sixth_Block)|PSI Animation: Arrangement - Sixth Block]]
* <tt>0CF67F to 0CF78E (00010F)</tt> = [[Table:CF67F_(PSI_Animation:_Pallets)|PSI Animation: Pallets]]
* <tt>0CF78F to 0CF816 (000087)</tt> = [[Pointers:CF78F_(PSI_Animation:_Pointers)|PSI Animation: Pointers]]
* <tt>0CF817 to 0D01FF (0009E8)</tt> = '''''Audio Data Block (Unspecified) '''''
* <tt>0D0200 to 0E64ED (0162ED)</tt> = [[Graphics:D0200_(Battle_Sprites:_Graphics)|Battle Sprites: Graphics]]
* <tt>0E64EE to 0E6713 (000225)</tt> = [[Pointers:E64EE_(Battle_Sprites:_Pointer_Table)|Battle Sprites: Pointer Table]]
* <tt>0E6714 to 0E6B13 (0003FF)</tt> = [[Table:E6714_(Battle_Sprites:_Pallets)|Battle Sprites: Pallets]]
* <tt>0E6B14 to 0EDE44 (007330)</tt> = [[Block:E6B14_(Swirl_Animation:_Data)|Swirl Animation: Data]]
* <tt>0EDE45 to 0EDF40 (0000FB)</tt> = [[Pointers:E6B14_(Swirl_Animation:_Pointer_Table)|Swirl Animation: Pointer Table]]
* '''''<tt>0EDF41 to 0EDF5C (00001B)</tt> = [[Table:EDF41_(Swirl_Animation:_Primary_Table)|Swirl Animation: Primary Table]]''''' <- Please Confirm
* <tt>0EDF5D to 0EFA05 (001AA8)</tt> = [[Graphics:EDF5D_(Sound_Stone_Graphics)|Sound Stone Graphics]]
* <tt>0EFA06 to 0F01FF (0007F9)</tt> = '''''Audio Data Block (Unspecified) '''''
=== Map Bank ===
* <tt>0F0200 to 0F284E (00264E)</tt> = [[Table:F0200_(Doors: Destination Table)|Doors: Destination Table]]
* <tt>0F284F to 0F5AE3 (003294)</tt> = [[Table:F284F_(Doors: Configuration Table)|Doors: Configuration Table]]
* <tt>0F5AE4 to 0F5C38 (000154)</tt> = [[Pointers:F5AE4_(Overworld Event Music Pointer Table)|Overworld Event Music Pointer Table]]
* <tt>0F5C39 to 0F63DF (0007A6)</tt> = [[Table:F5C39_(Overworld Event Music Table)|Overworld Event Music Table]]
* <tt>0F63E0 to 0F63E6 (000006)</tt> = '''''Unclassified Data'''''
* <tt>0F63E7 to 0F6DE6 (0009FF)</tt> = [[Pointers:F63E7_(NPCs: Placement Pointer Table)|NPCs: Placement Pointer Table]]
* <tt>0F6DE7 to 0F8B91 (001DAA)</tt> = [[Table:F6DE7_(NPCs: Placement Data Table)|NPCs: Placement Data Table]]
* <tt>0F8B92 to 0FF4B4 (006922)</tt> = [[Table:F8B92_(NPCs: Dialogue and Configuration Table)|NPCs: Dialogue and Configuration Table]]
* <tt>0FF4B5 to 1001FF (000D4A)</tt> = '''''Audio Data Block (Unspecified) '''''
* <tt>100200 to 1015FF (0013FF)</tt> = [[Pointers:100200_(Doors: Pointer Table)|Doors: Pointer Table]]
* <tt>101600 to 101797 (000197)</tt> = [[Table:101600_(Screen Transition Configuration Table)|Screen Transition Configuration Table]]
* <tt>101798 to 1017BF (000027)</tt> = [[Pointers:101798_(Map Tiles: Event Control Pointer Table)|Map Tiles: Event Control Pointer Table]]
* <tt>1017C0 to 101A7F (0002BF)</tt> = [[Table:1017C0_(Map Tiles: Event Control Table)|Map Tiles: Event Control Table]]
=== Battle Bank ===
* <tt>101A80 to 10BA7F (009FFF)</tt> = [[Table:101A80_(Map Data: Enemy Placement data)|Map Data: Enemy Placement data]]
* <tt>10BA80 to 10BDAB (00032B)</tt> = [[Pointers:10BA80_(Enemy Placement Groups Pointer Table)|Enemy Placement Groups Pointer Table]]
* <tt>10BDAC to 10C80C (000A60)</tt> = [[Table:10BDAC_(Enemy Placement Groups Table)|Enemy Placement Groups Table]]
* <tt>10C80D to 10D72C (000F1F)</tt> = [[Pointers:10C80D_(Enemy Battle Groups Pointer Table)|Enemy Battle Groups Pointer Table]]
* <tt>10D72D to 10D74B (00001E)</tt> = '''''Apparent Garbage Data (00001F)'''''
* <tt>10D74C to 10E1B3 (000A67)</tt> = [[Table:10D74C_(Enemy Battle Groups Table)|Enemy Battle Groups Table]]
* <tt>10E1B4 to 1101A7 (001FF3)</tt> = '''''Audio Data Block (Unspecified 8,179 Kb Block)'''''
* <tt>1101A8 to 1101FF (000057)</tt> = '''Nullspace'''
=== Primary Data Groups Bank ===
* <tt>110200 to 1547BF (0445BF)</tt> = [[Graphics:110200_(Uncompressed Sprite Graphics)|Uncompressed Sprite Graphics]]
* <tt>1547C0 to 1551FF (000A3F)</tt> = '''Nullspace'''
* <tt>155200 to 1578B1 (0026B1)</tt> = [[Table:155200_(Item Properties Table)|Item Properties Table]]
* <tt>1578B2 to 1578B8 (000006)</tt> = '''Nullspace'''
* <tt>1578B9 to 157A9E (0001E5)</tt> = [[Table:1578B9_(Store Inventories Table)|Store Inventories Table]]
* <tt>157A80 to 157A9E (00001E)</tt> = '''Nullspace'''
* <tt>157A9F to 157CAD (00020E)</tt> = [[Table:157A9F_(PSI Teleport Destination Table)|PSI Teleport Destination Table]]
* <tt>157CAE to 157D67 (0000B9)</tt> = [[Table:157CAE_(Telephone Contacts Table)|Telephone Contacts Table]]
* <tt>157D68 to 158C4F (000EE7)</tt> = [[Table:157D68_(Battle Actions Table)|Battle Actions Table]]
* <tt>158C50 to 158F6A (00031A)</tt> = [[Table:158C50_(PSI Abilities Table)|PSI Abilities Table]]
* <tt>158F6B to 158F79 (00000E)</tt> = '''Nullspace'''
* <tt>158F7A to 159122 (0001A8)</tt> = [[String:158F7A_(PSI Names List)|PSI Names List]]
* <tt>159123 to 15914F (00002C)</tt> = [[Table:159123_(NPC Battle AI Table)|NPC Battle AI Table]]
* <tt>159150 to 159150 (000001)</tt> = '''''Unclassified Data'''''
* <tt>159151 to 159788 (000637)</tt> = [[Table:159151_(Level Up Requirements Table)|Level Up Requirements Table]]
* <tt>159789 to 15EC5A (0054D1)</tt> = [[Table:159789_(Enemy Configuration Table)|Enemy Configuration Table]]
* <tt>15EC5B to 15EC76 (00001B)</tt> = [[Table:15EC5B_(Statistic Growth Variables)|Statistic Growth Variables]]
* <tt>15EC77 to 15EDAA (000133)</tt> = [[Table:15EC77_(Condiment Configuration Table)|Condiment Configuration Table]]
* <tt>15EDAB to 15F4F2 (000747)</tt> = [[Table:15EDAB_(Preset Teleport Destination Table)|Preset Teleport Destination Table]]
* <tt>15F4F3 to 15F6BA (0001C7)</tt> = [[Table:15F4F3_(Map Data: Hotspots Table)|Map Data: Hotspots Table]]
* <tt>15F6BB to 15F6CE (000013)</tt> = [[Table:15F6BB_(Timed Item Transformation Table)|Timed Item Transformation Table]]
* <tt>15F6CF to 15F7F4 (000125)</tt> = [[String:15F7F5_("Don't Care" Preset Character Names)|"Don't Care" Preset Character Names]]
* <tt>15F7F5 to 15F808 (000013)</tt> = [[Table:15F7F5_(Starting Statistics: Ness)|Starting Statistics: Ness]]
* <tt>15F809 to 15F81C (000013)</tt> = [[Table:15F809_(Starting Statistics: Paula)|Starting Statistics: Paula]]
* <tt>15F81D to 15F830 (000013)</tt> = [[Table:15F81D_(Starting Statistics: Jeff)|Starting Statistics: Jeff]]
* <tt>15F831 to 15F844 (000013)</tt> = [[Table:15F831_(Starting Statistics: Poo)|Starting Statistics: Poo]]
* <tt>15F845 to 15F90C (0000C7)</tt> = [[Table:15F845_(Timed Delivery Events Table)|Timed Delivery Events Table]]
* <tt>15F90D to 1601FF (0008F2)</tt> = '''Nullspace'''
=== Map Construction Primary Bank ===
* <tt>160200 to 1751FF (014FFF)</tt> = [[Table:160200_(Map Data: Primary Table)|Map Data: Primary Table]]
* <tt>175200 to 17A9FF (0057FF)</tt> = [[Table:175200_(Map Data: Local Tileset Table)|Map Data: Local Tileset Table]]
* <tt>17AA00 to 17B3FF (0009FF)</tt> = [[Table:17AA00_(Map Data: Global Tileset/Pallet Table)|Map Data: Global Tileset/Pallet Table]]
* <tt>17B400 to 17C7FF (0013FF)</tt> = [[Table:17B400_(Map Data: Per-Sector Attributes Table)|Map Data: Per-Sector Attributes Table]]
* <tt>17C800 to 17FDE7 (0035E7)</tt> = [[Table:17C800_(Map Data: Tile Arrangement Block 1)|Map Data: Tile Arrangement Block 1]]
* <tt>17FDE8 to 1801FF (000417)</tt> = '''Nullspace'''
* <tt>180200 to 18914F (008F4F)</tt> = [[Table:180200_(Map Data: Tile Collision Arrangement Table)|Map Data: Tile Collision Arrangement Table]]
* <tt>189150 to 18F25D (00610D)</tt> = [[Pointers:189150_(Map Data: Tile Collision Arrangement Pointer Table)|Map Data: Tile Collision Arrangement Pointer Table]]
=== Anti-Piracy Screens Bank ===
* <tt>18F25E to 18F40C (0001AE)</tt> = [[Table:18F25E_(Anti-Piracy Notice Screen Arrangement)|Anti-Piracy Notice Screen Arrangement]]
* <tt>18F40D to 18F5BD (0001B0)</tt> = [[Table:18F40D_(Anti-Piracy Notice Screen Graphics)|Anti-Piracy Notice Screen Graphics]]
* <tt>18F5BE to 18F5C5 (000007)</tt> = [[Block:18F5BE_(Palette for Anti-Piracy and Faulty Game Pak Screens)|Palette for Anti-Piracy and Faulty Game Pak Screens]]
* <tt>18F5C6 to 18F7C3 (0001FD)</tt> = [[Block:18F5C6_(Faulty Game Pak Notice Screen Arrangement)|Faulty Game Pak Notice Screen Arrangement]]
* <tt>18F7C4 to 18F8B6 (0000F2)</tt> = [[Block:18F7C4_(Faulty Game Pak Notice Screen Graphics)|Faulty Game Pak Notice Screen Graphics]]
* <tt>18F8B7 to 1901FF (000948)</tt> = '''''Audio Data Block (Unspecified) '''''
=== Map Construction Secondary Bank ===
* <tt>190200 to 19D051 (00CE51)</tt> = [[Table:190200_(Map Data: Tile Arrangement Block 2)|Map Data: Tile Arrangement Block 2]]
* <tt>19D052 to 19FE17 (002DC5)</tt> = [[Graphics:19D052_(Map Data: Tile Graphics Block 1)|Map Data: Tile Graphics Block 1]]
* <tt>19FE18 to 1A01FF (0003E7)</tt> = '''''Audio Data Block (Unspecified) '''''
* <tt>1A0200 to 1A7EA6 (007CA6)</tt> = [[Table:1A0200_(Map Data: Tile Arrangement Block 3)|Map Data: Tile Arrangement Block 3]]
* <tt>1A7EA7 to 1AFCA6 (007DFF)</tt> = [[Table:1A7EA7_(Map Data: Pallets)|Map Data: Pallets]]
* <tt>1AFCA7 to 1AFD06 (00005F)</tt> = [[Pointers:1AFCA7_(Map Data: Unused Pallet Pointer Table)|Map Data: ''Unused'' Pallet Pointer Table]]
* <tt>1AFD07 to 1B01FF (0004F8)</tt> = '''''Audio Data Block (Unspecified) '''''
* <tt>1B0200 to 1BF4EA (00F2EA)</tt> = [[Table:1B0200_(Map Data: Tile Arrangement Block 4)|Map Data: Tile Arrangement Block 4]]
* <tt>1BF4EB to 1C01FF (000D14)</tt> = '''''Audio Data Block (Unspecified 3,348 Kb Block) '''''
* <tt>1C0200 to 1CB222 (00B022)</tt> = [[Table:1C0200_(Map Data: Tile Arrangement Block 5)|Map Data: Tile Arrangement Block 5]]
* <tt>1CB223 to 1CD836 (002613)</tt> = [[Graphics:1CB223_(Map Data: Tile Graphics Block 2)|Map Data: Tile Graphics Block 2]]
* <tt>1CD837 to 1CE236 (0009FF)</tt> = [[Table:1CD837_(Map Data: Per-Sector Music Assignments)|Map Data: Per-Sector Music Assignments]]
* <tt>1CE237 to 1D01FF (001FC8)</tt> = '''''Audio Data Block (Unspecified 8,136 Kb Block) '''''
* <tt>1D0200 to 1E00CD (00FECD)</tt> = [[Graphics:1D0200_(Map Data: Tile Graphics Block 3)|Map Data: Tile Graphics Block 3]]
* <tt>1E00CE to 1E01FF (000131)</tt> = '''''Audio Data Block (Unspecified) '''''
* <tt>1E0200 to 1EF2E6 (00F0E6)</tt> = [[Graphics:1E0200_(Map Data: Tile Graphics Block 4)|Map Data: Tile Graphics Block 4]]
* <tt>1EF2E7 to 1EFEDC (000BF5)</tt> = [[Graphics:1EF2E7_(Map Data: Graphics for Animated Tiles Block 1)|Map Data: Graphics for Animated Tiles Block 1]]
* <tt>1EFEDD to 1F01FF (000322)</tt> = '''''Audio Data Block (Unspecified) '''''
* <tt>1F0200 to 1FC442 (00C242)</tt> = [[Graphics:1F0200_(Map Data: Tile Graphics Block 5)|Map Data: Tile Graphics Block 5]]
* <tt>1FC443 to 1FE6E0 (00229D)</tt> = [[Graphics:1FC443_(Map Data: Graphics for Animated Tiles Block 2)|Map Data: Graphics for Animated Tiles Block 2]]
* <tt>1FE6E1 to 1FE75C (00007B)</tt> = [[Pointers:1FE6E1_(Map Data: Pallet Animation Pointer Table)|Map Data: Pallet Animation Pointer Table]]
* <tt>1FE75D to 1FE81A (0000BD)</tt> = [[Table:1FE75D_(Map Data: Pallet Animation Secondary Pointer/Data Table)|Map Data: Pallet Animation Secondary Pointer/Data Table]]
* <tt>1FE81B to 1FEE45 (00062A)</tt> = [[Pointers:1FE81B_(Map Data: Pallet Animation Table)|Map Data: Pallet Animation Table]]
* <tt>1FEE46 to 2001FF (0013B9)</tt> = '''''Audio Data Block (Unspecified 5,049 Kb Block) '''''
=== Miscellaneous Graphics Bank ===
* <tt>200200 to 200953 (000753)</tt> = [[Graphics:200200_(Text Window Graphics)|Text Window Graphics]]
* <tt>200954 to 20099F (00004B)</tt> = [[Graphics:200954_(Flavored Text Window Graphics)|Flavored Text Window Graphics]]
* <tt>2009A0 to 200BB3 (000213)</tt> = [[Graphics:2009A0_(Romaji Font from MOTHER 2)|''Romaji'' Font from ''MOTHER 2'']]
* <tt>200BB4 to 201558 (0009A4)</tt> = [[Block:200BB4_(Compressed SRAM Data)|Compressed SRAM Data]]
* <tt>201559 to 2015B8 (00005F)</tt> = [[Table:201559_(Mr. Saturn Font Character Data)|Mr. Saturn Font Character Data]]
* <tt>2015B9 to 2021B8 (000BFF)</tt> = [[Graphics:2015B9_(Mr. Saturn Font Graphics)|Mr. Saturn Font Graphics]]
* <tt>2021B9 to 2021C7 (00000E)</tt> = [[Table:2021B9_(Text Window Properties Table)|Text Window Properties Table]]
* <tt>2021C8 to 202387 (0001BF)</tt> = [[Block:2021C8_(Text Window Flavor Palettes)|Text Window Flavor Palettes]]
* <tt>202388 to 20238F (000007)</tt> = [[Block:202388_(Movement-Referenced Text String Palette)|Movement-Referenced Text String Palette]]
* <tt>202390 to 2023A7 (000017)</tt> = [[Pointers:202390_(Town Map Graphics Pointer Table)|Town Map Graphics Pointer Table]]
* <tt>2023A8 to 204B1F (002777)</tt> = [[Block:2023A8_(Onett Town Map Data)|Onett Town Map Data]]
* <tt>204B20 to 206921 (001E01)</tt> = [[Block:204B20_(Twoson Town Map Data)|Twoson Town Map Data]]
* <tt>206921 to 208578 (001C57)</tt> = [[Block:206921_(Threed Town Map Data)|Threed Town Map Data]]
* <tt>208579 to 20AFB3 (002A3A)</tt> = [[Block:208579_(Fourside Town Map Data)|Fourside Town Map Data]]
* <tt>20AFB4 to 20C9F0 (001A3C)</tt> = [[Block:20AFB4_(Scaraba Town Map Data)|Scaraba Town Map Data]]
* <tt>20C9F1 to 20EF02 (002511)</tt> = [[Block:20C9F1_(Summers Town Map Data)|Summers Town Map Data]]
* <tt>20EF03 to 2101FF (0012FC)</tt> = '''''Audio Data Block (Unspecified 4,860 Kb Block)'''''
* <tt>210200 to 210851 (000651)</tt> = [[Dialogue:210200_(Coffee Sequence Text)|Coffee Sequence Text]]
* <tt>210852 to 210D85 (000533)</tt> = [[Dialogue:210852_(Tea Sequence Text)|Tea Sequence Text]]
* <tt>210D86 to 210E79 (0000F3)</tt> = [[String:210D86_(Movement-Referenced Text Strings)|Movement-Referenced Text Strings]]
* <tt>210E7A to 210ED9 (00005F)</tt> = [[Block:210E7A_(Main Font Character Data)|Main Font Character Data]]
* <tt>210EDA to 211AD9 (000BFF)</tt> = [[Graphics:210EDA_(Main Font Graphics)|Main Font Graphics]]
* <tt>211ADA to 211B39 (00005F)</tt> = [[Block:211ADA_(8x16 (Battle) Font Character Data)|8x16 (Battle) Font Character Data]]
* <tt>211B3A to 212139 (0005FF)</tt> = [[Graphics:211B3A_(8x16 (Battle) Font Graphics)|8x16 (Battle) Font Graphics]]
* <tt>21213A to 212199 (00005F)</tt> = [[Block:21213A_(8x8 (Tiny) Font Character Data)|8x8 (Tiny) Font Character Data]]
* <tt>21219A to 212499 (0002FF)</tt> = [[Graphics:21219A_(8x8 (Tiny) Font Font Graphics)|8x8 (Tiny) Font Font Graphics]]
* <tt>21249A to 2124F9 (00005F)</tt> = [[Block:21249A_(Large Font Character Data)|Large Font Character Data]]
* <tt>2124FA to 2130F9 (000BFF)</tt> = [[Graphics:2124FA_(Large Font Graphics)|Large Font Graphics]]
* <tt>2130FA to 213189 (00008F)</tt> = [[Block:2130FA_(Formatting For Cast Sequence Text)|Formatting For Cast Sequence Text]]
* <tt>21318A to 213949 (0007BF)</tt> = [[Table:21318A_(Wandering Photographer Configuration Table)|Wandering Photographer Configuration Table]]
* <tt>21394A to 21433E (0009F4)</tt> = '''Compressed Pallet Data - Indeterminate Use'''
* <tt>21433F to 214FE7 (000CA8)</tt> = [[Dialogue:21433F_(Staff Credits Sequence Text)|Staff Credits Sequence Text]]
* <tt>214FE8 to 2150C0 (0000D8)</tt> = '''''Unclassified Data'''''
* <tt>2150C1 to 215129 (000068)</tt> = [[Block:2150C1_("APE" Logo Screen Arrangement)|"APE" Logo Screen Arrangement]]
* <tt>21512A to 21532F (000205)</tt> = [[Graphics:21512A_("APE" Logo Screen Graphics)|"APE" Logo Screen Graphics]]
* <tt>215330 to 215373 (000043)</tt> = [[Block:215330_("APE" Logo Screen Palette)|"APE" Logo Screen Palette]]
* <tt>215374 to 2153E7 (000073)</tt> = [[Block:215374_("Halken" Logo Screen Arrangement)|"Halken" Logo Screen Arrangement]]
* <tt>2153E8 to 2155B7 (0001CF)</tt> = [[Graphics:2153E8_("Halken" Logo Screen Graphics)|"Halken" Logo Screen Graphics]]
* <tt>2155B8 to 215654 (00009C)</tt> = [[Block:2155B8_("Halken" Logo Screen Palette)|"Halken" Logo Screen Palette]]
* <tt>215655 to 21569D (000048)</tt> = [[Block:215655_("Nintendo" Logo Screen Arrangement)|"Nintendo" Logo Screen Arrangement]]
* <tt>21569E to 21578E (0000F0)</tt> = [[Graphics:21569E_("Nintendo" Logo Screen Graphics)|"Nintendo" Logo Screen Graphics]]
* <tt>21578F to 2157D2 (000043)</tt> = [[Block:21578F_("Nintendo" Logo Screen Palette)|"Nintendo" Logo Screen Palette]]
* <tt>2157D3 to 215D32 (00055F)</tt> = [[Block:2157D3_("Gas Station" Screen Arrangement)|"Gas Station" Screen Arrangement]]
* <tt>215D33 to 21ABB6 (004E83)</tt> = [[Graphics:215D33_("Gas Station" Screen Graphics)|"Gas Station" Screen Graphics]]
* <tt>21ABB7 to 21AC5C (0000A5)</tt> = [[Block:21ABB7_("Gas Station" Screen Palette)|"Gas Station" Screen Palette]]
* <tt>21AC5D to 21ACDE (000081)</tt> = '''''Unclassified Data'''''
* <tt>21ACDF to 21AD4A (00006B)</tt> = [[Block:21ACDF_("Produced by Shigesato Itoi" Graphics Arrangement)|"Produced by Shigesato Itoi" Graphics Arrangement]]
* <tt>21AD4B to 21AF00 (0001B5)</tt> = [[Graphics:21AD4B_("Produced by Shigesato Itoi" Graphics)|"Produced by Shigesato Itoi" Graphics]]
* <tt>21AF01 to 21AF4D (00004C)</tt> = [[Block:21AF01_("Presented by Nintendo" Graphics Arrangement)|"Presented by Nintendo" Graphics Arrangement]]
* <tt>21AF4E to 21B06E (000120)</tt> = [[Graphics:21AF4E_("Presented by Nintendo" Graphics)|"Presented by Nintendo" Graphics]]
* <tt>21B06F to 21B07B (00000C)</tt> = [[Block:21B06F_(Shared Palette for "Produced by Shigesato Itoi" and "Presented by Nintendo" Graphics)|Shared Palette"Produced by Shigesato Itoi" and "Presented by Nintendo" Graphics]]
* <tt>21B07C to 21B082 (000006)</tt> = [[Block:21B07C_(Title Screen Text (Static) Palette)|Title Screen Text (Static) Palette]]
* <tt>21B083 to 21B0FC (000079)</tt> = [[Block:21B083_(Title Screen Text (Animated) Palette)|Title Screen Text (Animated) Palette]]
* <tt>21B0FD to 21B17C (00007F)</tt> = [[Block:21B0FD_(Title Screen Highlight (Animated) Palette)|Title Screen Highlight (Animated) Palette]]
* <tt>21B17D to 21B410 (000293)</tt> = [[Block:21B17D_(Title Screen Static Layer Arrangement)|Title Screen Static Layer Arrangement]]
* <tt>21B411 to 21C8E4 (0014D3)</tt> = [[Graphics:21B411_(Title Screen Static Layer Graphics)|Title Screen Static Layer Graphics]]
* <tt>21CFE1 to 21D007 (000026)</tt> = [[Block:21CFE1_(Title Screen Copyright Text Palette)|Title Screen Copyright Text Palette]]
* <tt>21D008 to 21D1AE (0001A6)</tt> = [[Block:21D008_(Animation Control DataTitle Screen)|Animation Control Data for Title Screen]]
* <tt>21D1AF to 21D6F3 (000544)</tt> = [[Graphics:21D1AF_(Death Screen Graphics)|Death Screen Graphics]]
* <tt>21D6F4 to 21D7E7 (0000F3)</tt> = [[Block:21D6F4_(Death Screen Palette)|Death Screen Palette]]
* <tt>21D7E8 to 21D8E0 (0000F8)</tt> = [[Block:21D7E8_(Death Screen Arrangement)|Death Screen Arrangement]]
* <tt>21D8E1 to 21DA14 (000133)</tt> = [[Graphics:21D8E1_("Cast" and "Mr. Saturn" Graphics for Cast Sequence)|"Cast" and "Mr. Saturn" Graphics for Cast Sequence]]
* <tt>21DA15 to 21DA34 (00001F)</tt> = [[Block:21DA15_("Cast" Graphics Palette)|"Cast" Graphic Palette]]
* <tt>21DA35 to 21E6E6 (000CB1)</tt> = [[Graphics:21DA35_(Character Names for Cast Sequence)|Character Names for Cast Sequence]]
* <tt>21E6E7 to 21E727 (000040)</tt> = [[Block:21E6E7_(Insane Cultist Palette for Cast Sequence)|Insane Cultist Palette for Cast Sequence]]
* <tt>21E728 to 21EB13 (0003EB)</tt> = [[Graphics:21E728_(Staff Credits Sequence Font Graphics)|Staff Credits Sequence Font Graphics]]
* <tt>21EB14 to 21EB23 (00000F)</tt> = [[Block:21EB14_(Staff Credits Sequence Font Palette)|Staff Credits Sequence Font Palette]]
* <tt>21EB24 to 21EB49 (000025)</tt> = '''''Unclassified Data'''''
* <tt>21EB4A to 21EC4F (000105)</tt> = [[Block:21EB4A_(Staff Credits Sequence Border Data)|Staff Credits Sequence Border Data]]
* <tt>21EC50 to 21F3C2 (000772)</tt> = [[Graphics:21EC50_(Town Map Point of Interest Graphics)|Town Map Point of Interest Graphics]]
* <tt>21F3C3 to 21F780 (0003BD)</tt> = '''''Unclassified Data'''''
* <tt>21F781 to 2E93FF (0C9C7E)</tt> = '''''Audio Data Block (The Really Freaking Big One) '''''
* <tt>2E9400 to 2F01FF (006DFF)</tt> = [[Block:2E9400_(PK Hack System Area of Doom)|PK Hack System Area of Doom]]
* <tt>2F0200 to 2F125A (00105A)</tt> = '''''Unclassified Data'''''
=== Map Construction Ternary Bank ===
* <tt>2F125B to 2F12AA (00004F)</tt> = [[Pointers:2F125B_(Map Data: Tileset Pointer Table)|Map Data: Tileset Pointer Table]]
* <tt>2F12AB to 2F12FA (00004F)</tt> = [[Pointers:2F12AB_(Map Data: Tile Arrangement Pointer Table)|Map Data: Tile Arrangement Pointer Table]]
* <tt>2F12FB to 2F137A (00007F)</tt> = [[Pointers:2F12FB_(Map Data: Palette Pointer Table)|Map Data: Palette Pointer Table]]
* <tt>2F137B to 2F13CA (00004F)</tt> = [[Pointers:2F137B_(Map Data: Tile Collision Pointer Table)|Map Data: Tile Collision Pointer Table]]
* <tt>2F13CB to 2F141A (00004F)</tt> = [[Pointers:2F13CB_(Map Data: Tile Animation Pointer Table)|Map Data: Tile Animation Pointer Table]]
* <tt>2F141B to 2F146A (00004F)</tt> = [[Pointers:2F141B_(Map Data: Freakish Tile Animation Pointer Table)|Map Data: Freakish Tile Animation Pointer Table]]
* <tt>2F146B to 2F153E (0000D3)</tt> = [[Table:2F146B_(Map Data: Freakish Tile Animation Table)|Map Data: Freakish Tile Animation Table]]
=== Secondary Engine and Critical Data Bank ===
* <tt>2F153F to 2F1C7E (00073F)</tt> = [[Pointers:2F153F_(Sprite Grouping Pointer Table)|Sprite Grouping Pointer Table]]
* <tt>2F1C7F to 2F4C3F (002FC0)</tt> = [[Table:2F1C7F_(Sprite Grouping Table)|Sprite Grouping Table]]
* <tt>2F4C40 to 2F501F (0003DF)</tt> = '''''Unclassified Data'''''
* <tt>2F5020 to 2FA579 (005559)</tt> = [[Dialogue:2F5020_(Battle Text and PSI Aesthetic Effects Coding)|Battle Text and PSI Aesthetic Effects Coding]]
* <tt>2FA57A to 2FA5B5 (00003B)</tt> = [[String:2FA57A_(Commands Window Text Strings)|Commands Window Text Strings]]
* <tt>2FA5B6 to 2FA65F (0000A9)</tt> = [[Dialogue:2FA5B6_(Status Window Text)|Status Window Text]]
* <tt>2FA660 to 2FA8EB (00028B)</tt> = [[String:2FA660_(Name Input Window Selection Layout)|Name Input Window Selection Layout]]
* <tt>2FA8EC to 2FDAB4 (0031C8)</tt> = '''''Unclassified Data'''''
=== Debug Menu Assembly Bank ===
* <tt>2FDAB5 to 2FDB5D (0000A8)</tt> = [[Block:2FDAB5_(Programmers' Debug Mode Menu Text)|Programmers' Debug Mode Menu Text]]
* <tt>2FDB5E to 2FED6F (001211)</tt> = '''''Unclassified Data'''''
* <tt>2FED70 to 2FF1B6 (000446)</tt> = [[Graphics:2FED70_(Programmers' Debug Mode Font Graphics)|Programmers' Debug Mode Font Graphics]]
* <tt>2FF1B7 to 2FF2D6 (00011F)</tt> = [[Graphics:2FF1B7_(Programmers' Debug Mode Selection Cursor Graphics (Kirby!))|Programmers' Debug Mode Selection Cursor Graphics (Kirby!)]]
* <tt>2FF2D7 to 2FF3B6 (0000DF)</tt> = '''Nullspace'''
* <tt>2FF3B7 to 2FF7F6 (00043F)</tt> = '''''Unclassified Data'''''
* <tt>2FF7F7 to 3001FF (000A08)</tt> = '''Nullspace'''

Latest revision as of 20:00, 16 June 2024

Chip tiny.png The following article is a ROM map for EarthBound.

Primary Engine and Critical Data Bank

Text Bank

Animation Bank

Map Bank

Battle Bank

Primary Data Groups Bank

Map Construction Primary Bank

Anti-Piracy Screens Bank

Map Construction Secondary Bank

Miscellaneous Graphics Bank

Map Construction Tertiary Bank

Secondary Engine and Critical Data Bank

Debug Menu Assembly Bank