Final Fantasy IX/RAM map: Difference between revisions

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(Added some Chocobo Hot & Cold addresses)
Line 22: Line 22:
  8006A218 3880    Item names (variable sizes, delimited by FF)
  8006A218 3880    Item names (variable sizes, delimited by FF)
  80067970    1    ?
  80067970    1    ?
  80076F74    2    Event Timer
  80076F74    2    Event Timer (incl. Chocobo Hot & Cold)
  80077524    4    ?
  80077524    4    ?
80078456    2    Beak Power (Chocobo Hot & Cold)
8007855C    2    Dig Reward #1 (Chocobo Hot & Cold)
80078660    2    Dig Reward #2 (Chocobo Hot & Cold)
80078764    2    Dig Reward #3 (Chocobo Hot & Cold)
80078868    2    Dig Reward #4 (Chocobo Hot & Cold)
8007896C    2    Dig Reward #5 (Chocobo Hot & Cold)
80078A70    2    Dig Reward #6 (Chocobo Hot & Cold)
80078B74    2    Dig Reward #7 (Chocobo Hot & Cold)
80078C78    2    Dig Reward #8 (Chocobo Hot & Cold)
  8007954F    1    Encounter Rate
  8007954F    1    Encounter Rate
  8007AE10    1    Enemy's target
  8007AE10    1    Enemy's target

Revision as of 14:25, 1 December 2018

Chip tiny.png The following article is a RAM map for Final Fantasy IX.

Address  Size    Description
-------- ----    -----------
80009010    4    Tetra Master PRNG seed (initial: 0x24040001)
                 Its value changes:
                 • During a Tetra Master battle
                 • When checking for type evolution after a battle (once)
                 • When Ticketmaster gives the player 3 cards (35 times if no other cards have been obtained before)
                 • When Tot gives the player new cards at Treno (5 to 13 times per card)
                 • When buying a card at Treno (5 to 13 times)
                 • When entering the World Map (30 times)
                 • After a random encounter on the World Map, after the item drop (30 times)
                 • While looking at Memoria entrance on the World Map
                 • While looking at the falls in front of Alexandria on the World Map
800121C8  500    Tetra Masters Base Stats
                 1: Max Attack
                 2: Type
                 3: Physical Defense
                 4: Magic Defense
                 5: Points (for the 1st card of the kind)
8006A218 3880    Item names (variable sizes, delimited by FF)
80067970    1    ?
80076F74    2    Event Timer (incl. Chocobo Hot & Cold)
80077524    4    ?
80078456    2    Beak Power (Chocobo Hot & Cold)
8007855C    2    Dig Reward #1 (Chocobo Hot & Cold)
80078660    2    Dig Reward #2 (Chocobo Hot & Cold)
80078764    2    Dig Reward #3 (Chocobo Hot & Cold)
80078868    2    Dig Reward #4 (Chocobo Hot & Cold)
8007896C    2    Dig Reward #5 (Chocobo Hot & Cold)
80078A70    2    Dig Reward #6 (Chocobo Hot & Cold)
80078B74    2    Dig Reward #7 (Chocobo Hot & Cold)
80078C78    2    Dig Reward #8 (Chocobo Hot & Cold)
8007954F    1    Encounter Rate
8007AE10    1    Enemy's target
8007AE4C    4    Dungeon: Distance walked since last encounter check
8007AE50    4    Dungeon: Cumulative Encounter Rate
                 World Map: Distance walked since last encounter check
8007B720    4    General PRNG pointer, points to a PRN
8007B724  524    131 Pseudo-Random Numbers
8007BBA8    1    Nobles impressed at the beginning
8007BBB0    2    Jump Rope counter
8007BBF0    1    « ! » bubble
8007BBF2    1    « ? » bubble
8007BCA0    1    Text/Dialog colour (Red)
8007BCA1    1    Text/Dialog colour (Green)
8007BCA2    1    Text/Dialog colour (Blue)
80083248    2    Tetra Master wins
8008324A    2    Tetra Master losses
8008324C    2    Tetra Master draws
8008324E  630    Tetra Master Cards data (menus)
                 1: Card ID
                 2: Arrows
                 3: Attack
                 4: Type
                 5: Physical Defense
                 6: Magical Defense
8008B02C    4    Timer
8008B28C   10    Name - Zidane
8008B31C   10    Name - Vivi
8008B3AC   10    Name - Dagger
8008B43B    1    Dagger's Boost ability (0 = OFF, 08 = ON)
8008B43C   10    Name - Steiner
8008B4CC   10    Name - Freya
8008B55C   10    Name - Quina
8008B5EC   10    Name - Eiko
8008B67C   10    Name - Amarant
8008B70C   10    Name - Beatrix
8008B7C4  512    Inventory
                 1: Item
                 2: Amount
800B3F50    ?    Tetra Master Board
80103800  500    Tetra Masters Base stats (CPU)
                 1: Attack
                 2: Type
                 3: Physical Defense
                 4: Magical Defense
                 5: Points (for the 1st card of the kind)
801044B0         (Start of Battle module)
80105E7C    1    ?
80105E7D    1    ?
80105E7E    1    ?
80105E7F    1    ? (is equal to 4 at 0x000AFB80 in ROM Map)
80105E80    1    ? (set at 0x000afbb4)
80105E81    1    ? (set at 0x000afbb4)
80105E82    1    ? (set at 0x000afbb4)
80105E83    1    ? (is equal to 0x64 at 0x000AFB88 in ROM Map)
80105E84    1    ?
80105E86    2    ?
80105E88    1    Is equal to (real_card_Type × 8) + 0x50
80105E89    1    ? (is equal to 0xC0 at 0x000AFB90 in ROM Map)
80105E8A    2    ? (is equal to 0x3AC0 at 0x000AFB98 in ROM Map)
80105E8C    2    ? (is equal to 8 at 0x000AFBA4 in ROM Map)
80105E8E    2    ? (is equal to 8 at 0x000AFBA8 in ROM Map)
80108F28    2    ATB Character 1
80108FF8    2    ATB Character 2
801090C8    2    ATB Character 3
80109198    2    ATB Character 4
80109264    2    HP Enemy 1
80109268    2    ATB Enemy 1
80109334    2    HP Enemy 2
80109338    2    ATB Enemy 2
80109404    2    HP Enemy 3
80109408    2    ATB Enemy 3
801094D4    2    HP Enemy 4
801094D8    2    ATB Enemy 4 
80109EDC    16   Spell data (Party) - Cure
                  1: Spell target & info display mode (00 = Enemy, 30 = Friendly, 70 = Bad Status, 90 = Good Status)
                  5: Spell result? (0A = Healing, 3B = Scan, 67 = Guarded, 0C = Miss, 0D = Miss)
                  6: Spell strength multiplier
                 11: Spell MP Cost
                 13: 2-byte pointer to Spell Visual Effect
                 15: 2-byte pointer to Spell Name
80109EEC    16   Spell data (Party) - Cura
80109EFC    16   Spell data (Party) - Curaga?
80109F0C    16   Spell data (Party) - Regen
80109F1C    16   Spell data (Party) - Life
80109F3C    16   Spell data (Party) - Scan
80109F4C    16   Spell data (Party) - Panacea
80109F5C    16   Spell data (Party) - Stona
80109F6C    16   Spell data (Party) - Esuna
80109F7C    16   Spell data (Party) - Shell
80109F8C    16   Spell data (Party) - Protect
80109F9C    16   Spell data (Party) - Haste
80109FAC    16   Spell data (Party) - Silence
80109FCC    16   Spell data (Party) - Reflect
8010A00C    16   Spell data (Party) - Float
8010A05C    16   Spell data (Party) - Fire
8010A06C    16   Spell data (Party) - Fira
8010A07C    16   Spell data (Party) - Firaga?
8010A09C    16   Spell data (Party) - Blizzard
8010A0AC    16   Spell data (Party) - Blizzara
8010A0BC    16   Spell data (Party) - Blizzaga?
8010A0CC    16   Spell data (Party) - Slow
8010A0DC    16   Spell data (Party) - Thunder
8010A0EC    16   Spell data (Party) - Thundara
8010A0FC    16   Spell data (Party) - Thundaga?
8010A10C    16   Spell data (Party) - Stop
8010A12C    16   Spell data (Party) - Bio
8010A14C    16   Spell data (Party) - Drain
8010A15C    16   Spell data (Party) - Demi
8010A16C    16   Spell data (Party) - Comet
8010A18C    16   Spell data (Party) - Break
8010A19C    16   Spell data (Party) - Water
8010A1DC    16   Summon data - Shiva
                 2: 2-byte pointer to Spell Visual Effect
                 4: ? (affects damage inflicted)
                 5: ? (affects damage inflicted)
8010A1FC    16   Summon data - Ifrit
8010A21C    16   Summon data - Ramuh
8010A23C    16   Summon data - Atomos
8010A28C    16   Summon data - Leviathan
8010A2EC    16   Summon data - Fenrir
8010A31C    16   Summon data - Carbuncle
8010A34C    16   Summon data - Phoenix
8011D850         (End of Battle module)
801FDC60         (Start of Tetra Master Cards module)
801FDC7E   30    Tetra Master Cards data (cards selected)
                 1: Card ID
                 2: Arrows
                 3: Attack
                 4: Type
                 5: Physical Defense
                 6: Magical Defense
801FF938    4    ?
801FF948    1    Tetra Master value related to Attack ?
801FF94C    1    Tetra Master temporary value
                 *Displayed Attack stat (from 0 to F)
                 *Real Type value
                 0x0A: Advanced
                 0x10: Physical
                 0x11: Magic
                 0x12: X
            1    ? (card position ?)
801FF958    ?    ? (Related to Tetra Master, read at the start of a card battle)
801FF9F0    ?    Tetra Master Player's Card #1 data (during duel)
801FFA2C    ?    Tetra Master Player's Card #2 data (during duel)
801FFA68    ?    Tetra Master Player's Card #3 data (during duel)
801FFAA4    ?    Tetra Master Player's Card #4 data (during duel)
801FFAE0    ?    Tetra Master Player's Card #5 data (during duel)
                 1: Card ID
                 2: Arrows
                 3: Attack
                 4: Type
                 5: Physical Defense
                 6: Magical Defense
801FFB1D    ?    Tetra Master CPU's Card #1 data (during duel)
801FFB59    ?    Tetra Master CPU's Card #2 data (during duel)
801FFB95    ?    Tetra Master CPU's Card #3 data (during duel)
801FFBD1    ?    Tetra Master CPU's Card #4 data (during duel)
801FFC0D    ?    Tetra Master CPU's Card #5 data (during duel)
                 1: Card ID
                 2: Arrows
                 3: Attack
                 4: Type
                 5: Physical Defense
                 6: Magical Defense