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{{subpage|game=Pokémon Ruby Sapphire and Emerald}}
{{subpage|game=Pokémon Ruby Sapphire and Emerald}}
{{Needswork|note=The content is on this page needs to be moved, organized, and/or standardized.}}
{{Needswork|note=The content is on this page needs to be moved, organized, and/or standardized.}}
<div align="center" style="padding-left: 10%; padding-right: 10%;"><big>''The content is on this page needs to be organized, moved, and/or standardized. See [[Talk:Pokémon 3rd Generation]].''</big></div>

The third generation Pokémon games are comprised of Ruby, Sapphire, Emerald, FireRed and LeafGreen. Since all five share a common set of data structures with only some offsets and minor details in difference, it seems more effective to consider them one single "game" and note the differences where applicable.
The third generation Pokémon games are comprised of Ruby, Sapphire, Emerald, FireRed and LeafGreen. Since all five share a common set of data structures with only some offsets and minor details in difference, it seems more effective to consider them one single "game" and note the differences where applicable.

Revision as of 00:01, 2 December 2013

This is an incorrectly used {{subpage}} template.

The content is on this page needs to be moved, organized, and/or standardized.
See the Talk Page for discussion.

The third generation Pokémon games are comprised of Ruby, Sapphire, Emerald, FireRed and LeafGreen. Since all five share a common set of data structures with only some offsets and minor details in difference, it seems more effective to consider them one single "game" and note the differences where applicable.

Notable ROM data offsets

Description Fire Red Ruby Notes
Battle sprites $2350AC $1E8354 Pointer tables are in system order.
Monster heights $235E6C Unknown N/A
Battle back sprites $23654C $1E97F4 Pointer tables are in system order.
Battle sprite palettes $23730C $1EA5b4 N/A
Battle sprite shiny palettes $2380CC $1EB374 N/A
Trainer sprites $23957C $1EC53C Offset is a pointer table.
Trainer palettes $239A1C $1EC7D4 N/A
Trainer Class names $23E558 $1F0208 N/A
Trainer data $23EAF1 $1F0525 N/A
Pokémon Species names $245EE0 $1F7184 Names are listed in system order.
Move names $247094 $1F8320 N/A
Ability names $24FC4D $1FA26D
Move data $250C04 $1FB12C Data is stored in the same order as the move names.
TM allowance sets $252BC8 $1FD0F0 N/A
Pokémon base stats $254784 $1FEC30 Stats are listed in system order.
Move sets $257496 $20192A N/A
Evolution chains $25977C $203B90 N/A
Pokémon Party/box sprites $3D37A0 $3BBD20

Offset points to a pointer table.

Data is in system order.

Party icon palette $3D3740 $E966D8 N/A
Party icon palette LUT $3D3E80 $3BC400 Simple byte array
Item data $3DB028 $3C5580 N/A
TM-to-Move table $45A5A4 $376504 Maps TM numbers to moves
Pokédex data $44E850 $3B1874 Pokédex data is in National Dex order.
Footprints $43FAB0 $3B4EE4 Offset points to a pointer table
Contest data N/A $3C9408 N/A
Cries $48C914 $452590 M4A Voice Group-style pointer list. In system order?

Following the Pokémon image pointers, you may notice that each species has all its image data in one chunk.

More information on the data structures can be found at Bulbapedia: Category:Structures


Trainer and monster images are LZ77-compressed 64 by 64 pixels, 16 colors. Trainers' back-facing images are much taller and (in FireRed/LeafGreen) uncompressed. Monster front images in Emerald are 128 pixels tall to allow animation. In all games, certain monsters always have nonstandard heights (i.e. Castform). Alternate colors (aka shiny) are usually represented by the back-facing images since it makes an intuitive kind of sense.


Maps are split among banks, each bank roughly being one location. For example, there is a bank with all the cities and routes and several banks with each city's interiors. Generally, a map can be defined by a Doom-like "bank X, map Y" scheme. In FireRed, the bank pointer list is at $3526A8. Following one of the pointers found there yields that bank's map pointer list, which can be followed to a given map's header. Here is the map header format, including example data from Pallet Town (B3M0, 0x350618):

Data type Description Example
Pointer Map data 0x082DD4C0
Pointer Event data 0x083B4E50
Pointer Map scripts 0x0816545A
Pointer Connections 0x0835276C
Short Music index 0x012C (Pallet Town)
Short Map pointer index? 0x004E
Byte Label index 0x58 ("Pallet Town")
Byte Something with Flash? 0x00
Byte Weather 0x02
Byte Type 0x01
Short ??? 0x0601
Byte Show label on entry 0
Byte Battle type? 0

The map layout data is another header:

Data type Description Example
Long Width in tiles 24
Long Height in tiles 20
Pointer Border 0x082DD0F8
Pointer Actual map data 0x082D1D00
Pointer Global tileset 0x082D4A94 (outside)
Pointer Local tileset 0x082D4AAC
Byte Border width 2
Byte Border height 2

Border size is only in FireRed/LeafGreen. In R/S/E it is missing and borders are always 2x2 squares.

Map data is quite straightforward: each 16-bit entry encodes the tile number and attribute. The trick is that there are only 64 attributes and 512 tiles, so the 16-bit entry is split up 7:9 instead of 8:8. The border data is technically the same format, but does not use attributes (this may need to be verified).

Important Notice: The above statement does not apply to Ruby. Tiles and attributes are broken up 6:10, not 7:9. For example, a map tile in Advance Map that shows as "block 1D4" with a movement permission of "01" will be represented in a hex editor as "D405", which is "1101 0100 0000 0101" in binary. To extract the tile you take the last 2 bits "01" and prepend that to the first 8 bits. This gives you "01 1101 0100", which is "1D4". Bits 9-14 are "000001" which gives a hex value of "1".