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Yggdra Union: We'll Never Fight Alone (PlayStation Portable)/Notes
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The following article is a Notes Page for Yggdra Union: We'll Never Fight Alone (PlayStation Portable).
AFS extract for Python 3
import ntpath import os import struct from functools import partial def chunk(iterable, chunk_size): """Generate sequences of `chunk_size` elements from `iterable`.""" iterable = iter(iterable) while True: chunk = [] try: for _ in range(chunk_size): chunk.append(next(iterable)) yield chunk except StopIteration: if chunk: yield chunk break def afs_extract(filename): basename = os.path.splitext(ntpath.basename(filename))[0] if not os.path.exists(basename): os.mkdir(basename) path = ntpath.split(filename)[0] tgt_path = os.path.join(path, basename) with open(filename, 'rb') as f: #Header info file_ID = f.read(4) if file_ID != b'AFS\x00': raise ValueError('ID string does not match "AFS\x00"') num_of_files = struct.unpack('<I', f.read(4))[0] #File offsets table offsets_table = struct.unpack( ''.join(('<', 'I' * 2 * num_of_files)), f.read(8 * num_of_files)) #Pointer to file information table iter_file_offsets = chunk(offsets_table, 2) info_table_offset, info_table_size = struct.unpack('<II', f.read(8)) for subfile_number in range(num_of_files): #Get file name f.seek(info_table_offset + 0x30 * subfile_number) subfilename = [] for b in iter(partial(f.read, 1), b'\x00'): subfilename.append(b) subfilename = b''.join(subfilename).decode('ascii') tgt_filename = ''.join(( '{:0>4}'.format(subfile_number), '-', subfilename)) #Write the file start, size = next(iter_file_offsets) f.seek(start) with open(os.path.join(tgt_path, tgt_filename), 'wb') as g: g.write(f.read(size))
Collapse Internal Data for Yggdra Union
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