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Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars/RAM map
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The following article is a RAM map for Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars.
40:3E00 - 40:3EFF frame timer (256 bytes, each address = 2 frames) 00:03CC physical field byte 00:04E4 current interactive object 00:3010 joypad register(s) simultaneous 00:3014 joypad register 00:3030 current area 00:3032 current # of party members 00:3051 current sound effect (event) 00:30DE timed hit variable 00:30F0 Game current score 00:30F4 Game hi-score 00:3112 menu accessibility (EF inaccessible, FF accessible) 7E:0044 damage accumulated by consecutive super jumps 7E:0048 current formation (2 bytes) 7E:004B battlefield BG 7E:0539 spell to use 7E:072C spell to use 7E:091C-0924 menu option 1-9 00 Equip 01 Item 02 Special 03 Status 04 Special Item 05 Map 06 Star Pieces 07 Switch 08 Game 7E:0926 # of party members 7E:0928 which menu option the cursor is on 7E:1D01 world map music 7E:2000 current background color (2 bytes) 7E:2940 item bytes 7E:7040 spell list in battle (6 bytes) 7E:D123 current formation 7E:E000 - 7E:E00F variables used in battle scripts 7E:E010 Jump increment counter 7E:E012 Mystery Egg/Lamb's Lure counters Mystery Egg counter decrements from 10 to 0 Lamb's Lure counter increments from 0 to 48 7E:E014 Lucky Jewel counter 7E:FA00 7E:FA02 total XP gained from battle 7E:FA04 total coins gained from battle 7E:FA0C current FP 7E:FA0D max FP 7E:FA0E monster formation byte 2 7E:FA0F monster formation byte 1 7E:FA1E battle music CHARACTER BATTLE STATS - Slot 1 ------------------------------- 7E:FA80 mortal status 7E:FA81 character byte 7E:FA90 Level 7E:FA91 Current HP (2 bytes) 7E:FA93 Maximum HP (2 bytes) 7E:FA95 Speed 7E:FA96 Dttack 7E:FA97 Defense 7E:FA98 Magic Attack 7E:FA99 Magic Defense 7E:FA9A Current EXP (2 bytes) 7E:FA9C equipped weapon 7E:FA9D equipped armor 7E:FA9E equipped accessory 7E:FA9F 7E:FAA0 spell list (3 bytes) 7E:FAC0 status (ailments, if any) 7E:FAC1 reaction after being attacked (jarred while ducking, standing, etc.) 7E:FAC4 7E:FAC5 amount of damage to display 7E:FAF0 modified speed 7E:FB00-FB7F Slot 2 7E:FB80-FBFF Slot 3 MONSTER BATTLE STATS - Slots 1-8 -------------------------------- 7E:FC00 mortal status bit 6: disable target bit 7: remove target 7E:FC01 monster byte 7E:FC11 Current HP (2 bytes) 7E:FC13 Maximum HP (2 bytes) 7E:FC15 Speed 7E:FC16 Attack 7E:FC17 Defense 7E:FC18 Magic Attack 7E:FC19 Magic Defense 7E:FC1A Current FP 7E:FC1B Evade% 7E:FC1C Magic Evade% 7E:FC1D Special Flags 7E:FC1E 7E:FC1F 7E:FC20 7E:FC21 7E:FC22 entrance style byte 7E:FC2C coin animation 7E:FC2D flower bonus 7E:FC2E entrance style bits 7E:FC37 targetting cursor X coordinate 7E:FC38 targetting cursor Y coordinate 7E:FC3D elevation 7E:FC41 special defense (death/morph protection) 7E:FC45 amount of damage to display 7E:FC46 heal bit 7E:FC80-FCFF slot 2 7E:FD00-FD7F slot 3 7E:FD80-FDFF slot 4 7E:FE00-FFFF slot 5 - 8 7F:B6CE battle-prone sprites 7F:B6CF movement of monsters on screen 7F:F41C pointer to room byte 7F:8000-7F:AFFF physical tile properties (1024 tiles, 12 bytes each) CHARACTER OVERWORLD STATS - Mario --------------------------------- 7F:F800 current level 7F:F801 current HP (2 bytes) 7F:F803 maximum HP (2 bytes) 7F:F805 speed 7F:F806 attack 7F:F807 defense 7F:F808 magic attack 7F:F809 magic defense 7F:F80A experience (2 bytes) 7F:F80C equipped weapon 7F:F80D equipped armor 7F:F80E equipped accessory 7F:F814-7F:F827 Toadstool 7F:F828-7F:F83B Bowser 7F:F83C-7F:F84F Geno 7F:F850-7F:F863 Mallow 7F:F864-7F:F881 Equipment 7F:F882-7F:F89F Items 7F:F8A0-7F:F8AE Special Items 7F:F8AF Current Coins (2 bytes) 7F:F8B1 Current FP 7F:F8B2 Max FP 7F:F8B3 Current Frog Coins 7F:F8BD Jump increment power 7F:F8C0 Super Jump record NOTE: SMRPG does not use an absolute address for storing final damage/health (i.e 7E:????). It uses a direct page, $C2, and subtracts/adds the result (after stat modifications) from current HP and uses difference/sum to determine outcome (this is all determined before the actual attack/spell animation and final damage digit display). Thus, it is impossible to directly edit the final damage through a PAR code. 7F:F40A Room 1 to Room 2 event 7F:F42E Room 1 to Room 2 screen darkening 7E:3944 Background Mould 7E:3942 Background screen wrap (bottom; on entrance) JOYPAD REGISTERS ---------------- 0010 R 0020 L 0040 X 0080 A 0100 right 0200 left 0400 down 0800 up 1000 START 2000 SELECT 4000 Y 8000 B
Internal Data for Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars
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