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Snoopy Concert/RAM map
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The following article is a RAM map for Snoopy Concert.
$7E003F - NMI related - Buffer for 24-bit address when working of the VRAM DMA pipeline, Low Byte $7E0040 - NMI related - Buffer for 24-bit address when working of the VRAM DMA pipeline, High Byte $7E0041 - NMI related - Buffer for 24-bit address when working of the VRAM DMA pipeline, Bank
$7E0053 - Sound related - value for $2140
$7E0057 - value for $2100
$7E005D - Sound related - value that currently is in $2140 $7E005E - Sound related - value that currently is in $2141 $7E005F - Sound related - value that currently is in $2142 $7E0060 - Sound related - value that currently is in $2143 $7E0061 - value for $210D - BG1 H-Scroll Low Byte $7E0062 - value for $210D - BG1 H-Scroll High Byte $7E0063 - value for $210E - BG1 V-Scroll Low Byte $7E0064 - value for $210E - BG1 V-Scroll High Byte $7E0065 - value for $210F - BG2 H-Scroll Low Byte $7E0066 - value for $210F - BG2 H-Scroll High Byte $7E0067 - value for $2110 - BG2 V-Scroll Low Byte $7E0068 - value for $2110 - BG2 V-Scroll High Byte $7E0069 - value for $2111 - BG3 H-Scroll Low Byte $7E006A - value for $2111 - BG3 H-Scroll High Byte $7E006B - value for $2112 - BG3 V-Scroll Low Byte $7E006C - value for $2112 - BG3 V-Scroll High Byte $7E006D - value for $2113 - BG4 H-Scroll Low Byte $7E006E - value for $2113 - BG4 H-Scroll High Byte $7E006F - value for $2114 - BG4 V-Scroll Low Byte $7E0070 - value for $2114 - BG4 V-Scroll High Byte $7E0071 - Mode 7 related - $211A buffer $7E0072 - Mode 7 related - $211B buffer Low Byte $7E0073 - Mode 7 related - $211B buffer High Byte $7E0074 - Mode 7 related - $211C buffer Low Byte $7E0075 - Mode 7 related - $211C buffer High Byte $7E0076 - Mode 7 related - $211D buffer Low Byte $7E0077 - Mode 7 related - $211D buffer High Byte $7E0078 - Mode 7 related - $211E buffer Low Byte $7E0079 - Mode 7 related - $211E buffer High Byte $7E007A - Mode 7 related - $211F buffer Low Byte $7E007B - Mode 7 related - $211F buffer High Byte $7E007C - Mode 7 related - $2129 buffer Low Byte $7E007D - Mode 7 related - $2120 buffer High Byte $7E007E - Joypad Input - $4218 Buffer (Joypad 1 Low Byte) $7E007F - Joypad Input - $4219 Buffer (Joypad 1 High Byte) $7E0080 - Joypad Input - $421A Buffer (Joypad 2 Low Byte) $7E0081 - Joypad Input - $421B Buffer (Joypad 2 High Byte) $7E0082 - Joypad Input - Button pushed/held last frame (Joypad 1 Low Byte) $7E0083 - Joypad Input - Button pushed/held last frame (Joypad 1 High Byte) $7E0084 - Joypad Input - Button pushed/held last frame (Joypad 2 Low Byte) $7E0085 - Joypad Input - Button pushed/held last frame (Joypad 2 High Byte) $7E0086 - Joypad Input - Button pushed this frame (Joypad 1 Low Byte) $7E0087 - Joypad Input - Button pushed this frame (Joypad 1 High Byte) $7E0088 - Joypad Input - Button pushed this frame (Joypad 2 Low Byte) $7E0089 - Joypad Input - Button pushed this frame (Joypad 2 High Byte)
$7E008C - Joypad Input related - Joypad 1 $7E008D - Joypad Input related - Joypad 2
$7E0092 - Joypad Input related - Joypad 1 $7E0093 - Joypad Input related - Joypad 2 $7E0094 - Joypad Input related - Joypad 1 $7E0095 - Joypad Input related - Joypad 2 $7E0096 - Joypad Input related - Joypad 1 $7E0097 - Joypad Input related - Joypad 2 $7E0098 - Joypad Input related - Joypad 1 $7E0099 - Joypad Input related - Joypad 2 $7E009A - Joypad Input related - Joypad 1 $7E009B - Joypad Input related - Joypad 2 $7E009C - Joypad Input related $7E009D - Joypad Input related
$7E00A9 - NMI related - General Update flag (!= Check for Updates in the flag registers below) $7E00AA - NMI related - Flag to work off the VRAM DMA Pipeline during the next NMI (!= Execute) $7E00AB - NMI related - Flag to update $2100 (!= Update) $7E00AC - NMI related - Flag (!= Update) $7E00AD - NMI related - Scroll Register Update Flag (!= Update) $7E00AE - NMI related - Mode 7 Register Update Flag (!= Update) $7E00AF - NMI related - Flag (!= Update) $7E00B0 - NMI related - Buffer for $420C (HDMA flags) $7E00B1 - NMI related - Flag (Sound Related) (!= Update) $7E00B2 - NMI related - Joypad Input Update Flag (!= Update) $7E00B3 - NMI related - Flag (!= Update) $7E00B4 - NMI related - Frame counter(?)
$7E00B6 - NMI related
$7E00BA - NMI related
$7E0108 - $4200 Buffer (NMI/HIRQ/VIRQ/Auto Joypad Read) $7E0109 - value that currently is in $2100 $7E010A - $2106 Buffer??? (Mosaic)
$7E010E - $7E013D VRAM DMA Pipeline (first byte flag for used slot (!= #$00), next three bytes 24-bit address)
$7E01CE - Sound related $7E01CF - Sound related $7E01D0 - Sound related
Internal Data for Snoopy Concert
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