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Mega Man 4/RAM map
< Mega Man 4(Redirected from Mega Man 4:RAM map)
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The following article is a RAM map for Mega Man 4.
Joypad Memory
$0014 to $---- = Joypad 1 - Button Push Bits 0 = Not Recently Pushed Down 1 = Recently Pushed Down $0015 to $---- = Joypad 2 - Button Push Bits 0 = Not Recently Pushed Down 1 = Recently Pushed Down] $0016 to $---- = Joypad 1 - Button Status Bits 0 = Not Being Pressed Down 1 = Being Pressed Down $0017 to $---- = Joypad 2 - Button Status Bits 0 = Not Being Pressed Down 1 = Being Pressed Down
0 = Right 1 = Left 2 = Down 3 = Up 4 = Start 5 = Select 6 = B 7 = A
HP / Energy
$00B0 to $---- = Megaman's HP
Weapon Energy - Array
$00B1 to $---- = Rush Coil $00B2 to $---- = Rush Jet $00B3 to $---- = Rush Marine $00B4 to $---- = Toad - Rain Flush $00B5 to $---- = Wire Adaptor $00B6 to $---- = Balloon Adaptor $00B7 to $---- = Dive - Dive Missile $00B8 to $---- = Ring - Ring Boomerang $00B9 to $---- = Drill - Drill Bomb $00BA to $---- = Dust - Dust Crusher $00BB to $---- = Pharaoh - Pharaoh Shot $00BC to $---- = Bright - Flash Stopper $00BD to $---- = Skull - Skull Barrier $00BE to $---- = Used for Weapon's menu drawing $00BF to $---- = Boss HP Amount for drawing
Sprite/Object Arrays
$0300 to $0317 = Object ID $0318 to $032F = X Coordinate Ratio Counter $0330 to $0347 = X Coordinate $0348 to $035F = X Screen (Level Screen) $0360 to $0377 = Y Coordinate Ratio Counter $0378 to $038F = Y Coordinate $0390 to $03A7 = Y Screen $00 On visible screen $01 to $7F On screen below visible screen $80 to $FF On screen above visible screen $03A8 to $03BF = Horizontal Speed Low $03C0 to $03D7 = Horizontal Speed High $03D8 to $03EF = Vertical Speed Low $03F0 to $0407 = Vertical Speed High $0408 to $041F = Substance and Shape $0420 to $0437 = Direction Bits $0438 to $044F = Enemy Number# in Level Useful to FC9E / 7FCAE $0450 to $0467 = Enemy HP $0468 to $047F = Object ASM Private Memory 1 $0480 to $0497 = Object ASM Private Memory 2 $0498 to $04AF = Object ASM Private Memory 3 $04B0 to $04C7 = Object ASM Private Memory 4 $04C8 to $04DF = Object ASM Private Memory 5 $04E0 to $04F7 = Object ASM Private Memory 6 $04F8 to $050F = Object ASM Private Memory 7 $0510 to $0527 = Object ASM Private Memory 8 $0528 to $053F = Sprite Flags $0540 to $0557 = Sprite's Animation $0558 to $056F = Sprite ID $0570 to $0587 = Animation Frame Counter $0588 to $059F = ASM - Low Address $05A0 to $05B7 = ASM - High Address $05B8 to $05CF = Invincibility Blink / Freeze Action Status $05D0 to $05FF = Unused
Collapse Internal Data for Mega Man 4
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