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Mario Bros. (NES)/RAM map
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The following article is a RAM map for Mario Bros. (NES).
Address | Description |
0x0018 | Controller 1 Held Down Buttons |
0x0019 | Controller 1 Held Down Buttons Except Jump which is tapped |
0x0029 | Current Game Mode (0=1P A, 1=1P B, 2=2P A, 3=2P B) |
0x002A | Fine-Timer |
0x002B | Fine-Timer For Unpausing the game |
0x002D | General Coarse-Timer |
0x002E | Coarse-Timer Until Next Enemy Spawn |
0x003A | Game A (0)/B (1) flag |
0x0041 | Current displayed level number |
0x0048 | Player 1 Lives |
0x004C | Player 2 Lives |
0x0070 | POW hits remaining |
0x0071 | Screen shake timer |
0x0091-0x0093 | High Score |
0x0095-0x0097 | Player 1 Score |
0x0099-0x009B | Player 2 Score |
0x00FA-0x00FB | Music related stuff |
0x0200-0x02FF | OAM Page |
0x0300-0x047F | Entities Array (each entity occupies 0x20 addresses, Mario is 0x0300, Luigi is 0x0320 and the rest is for the enemies) |
+ 0x00 | Is Entity Enabled ($00 = no, not $00 = yes) |
+ 0x01 | Entity Direction Flags ($01 = Right, $02 = Left, $04 = Slowing down horizontally, $40 = falling, $80 = rising) |
+ 0x02 | Entity Walk Forward by a pixel Timer Maximum |
+ 0x03 | Entity Platform Fine-Timer and Entity Walk Forward by a pixel Fine-Timer (possibly other timers) |
+ 0x04 | Entity Animation Frame |
+ 0x05 | Entity Sprite Map (how many sprites are displayed and where) |
+ 0x06 | Entity Animation Frame Starting Tile |
+ 0x07 | Entity Sprite Tile Properties And Palette |
+ 0x08 | Entity Y position in pixels |
+ 0x09 | Entity X position in pixels |
+ 0x0F | Entity Object ID ($00 = None, $01 = Mario, $02 = Luigi, $10 = shellcreeper, $20 = crab, $30 = fighterfly, $40 = coin, $80 = freezie, $B0 = fireball...) |
+ 0x10 | Entity Held Down Buttons Except Jump which is tapped |
+ 0x12 | Entity Walk State Timer |
+ 0x14 | Entity Walk State ($00 = 1/3 px/f, $01 = 1/2 px/f, $02 = 1 px/f) |
+ 0x19-1A | Entity background tile pointer |
0x04B0 | Bonus Game State ($00 = no bonus game, $01 = start bonus game, $02 = bonus game) |
0x04B1 | Bonus Timer (seconds) |
0x04B2 | Bonus Timer (deciseconds) |
0x04B3 | Bonus Timer (frames) |
0x04B5 | Bonus Coins collected P1 |
0x04B6 | Bonus Coins collected P2 |
0x0682 | Music SQ2 Note ID |
0x0686 | Music Noise Note ID |
0x0691 | Music SQ1 Note Length Timer Maximum |
Internal Data for Mario Bros. (NES)
| |