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Karnov (NES)/RAM map
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The following article is a RAM map for Karnov (NES).
$04 - Game Mode function pointer (2 bytes): based on index from $10, see below $0C - Render Scroll X $0D - Render Scroll Y $0E - Render Scroll Y high bit << 4 ($10 or $00) $10 - Game Mode: $0B active play, $10 final boss fadeout, $11 congratulations music begins $24 - Render palette (32 bytes) $61 - Current stage 0-8 $62 - Player State: Facing left (bit 7) $63 - Player X $64 - Player Y $65 - Player Equipment: shield (bit 4), shot type (bits 3-0) $68 - Player Health: 0 red/healthy, $C0 blue, $80 dead
Player shot structure 9 x 3 bytes:
$6E - Shot Status $6F - Shot X $70 - Shot Y
$8F - Items: mask (bit 5), bombs (bit 1), boots (bit 0) $92 - Map X scroll target $93 - Map Y scroll target $9F - Map X scroll $A0 - Map Y scroll $BB - Bombs Count $C0 - Bomb Visible $C1 - Bomb X $C2 - Bomb Y $C4 - Scrolling state $CA - PPU Update Buffer (14 bytes: address x 2, data x 2, address x 2, data x 2, address x 2, data, address x 2, data) $D8 - Fireball Orb State: Active (bit 7) $D9 - Fireball Orb X $DA - Fireball Orb Y $0200 - OAM Buffer (256 bytes) $040B - Lives Count $040C - 16 x 12 map tile type buffer (collision, spawn triggers, pickups) $04CC - Attribute Cache $054C - Row list for level background data (13 bytes)
Enemy structure 6 x 16 bytes:
$650 - Type (bits 6-0), Active (bit 7) $651 - Status: Facing left (bit 7), Falling from jump (bit 6), State (bits 5-0) = 0-3 walk, 5 fire, 6 duck, 8 jump, $A-$B climb, $17 falling straight down, $19 dying, $1A dead $652 - X $653 - Y $655 - Damage
$6CF - Dragon state: Active (bit 7) $6D0 - Dragon damage $6DB - Dragon X $6DC - Dragon Y $6DD - Dragon X high byte $6DE - Dragon Y high byte
During final boss:
$6CF - Boss Head State $6D0 - Boss Sequence: 0-7 (starts at 1), looks up order from $C:$ACB3 $6D2 - Boss damage (3 bytes) $6DA - Boss Head X $6DB - Boss Head Y $706 - Fireball State: Active (bit 7) $707 - Fireball X $708 - Fireball Y
See also
Collapse Internal Data for Karnov (NES)
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