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Final Fantasy VII (NES)/ROM map
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The following article is a ROM map for Final Fantasy VII (NES).
* 01 FF Prelude 0x1B8DD($B8CD-$B9??) * 02 Unident. Town 0x1B9DF($B9CF-$BB??) * 03 FF2 Town 0x1BB78($BB68-$BC??) * 04 FF2 Main Theme 0x1BC76($BC66-$BD??) * 05 FF2 Rebel Army 0x1BDEB($BDDB-$BF??) * 06 FF2 Battle 0x1BF73($BF63-$C1??) * 07 FF3 Boss 0x1C21B($C20B-$C4??) * 08 FF Victory 0x1C470($C460-$C6??)
Other Things
0x5508 to 0x553F = Init Party Data 0x55AA to 0x---- = Level 0 HP Baseline 1 0x567B to 0x---- = Level 0 HP Baseline2 0x6961 to 0x---- = Init Party 0x6966 to 0x---- = Init Potion Invt 0x696B to 0x---- = Init Phoenix Invt 0x6970 to 0x---- = Init HiEther Invt 0x6975 to 0x---- = Init Gil Lo 0x697A to 0x---- = Init Gil Md 0x697F to 0x---- = Init Gil Hi
0xBD1D = Title Screen Tiling 0xBD21 = 'Final Fantasy 7' Tiling Upper 0xBDA3 = '最终幻想7' Tiling Upper 0xBFB3 = 'New Game' Tiling Upper 0xBFD3 = 'New Game' Tiling Lower 0xC013 = 'Continue' Tiling Upper 0xC033 = 'Continue' Tiling Lower 0xCXXX = Saving Screen Tiling 0xCF57 = 'Saving' Tiling Upper 0xCF77 = 'Saving' Tiling Lower 0x22E8F = ??? Baseline? 0x28067 = Main Menu Tiles 0x284D0 = 'Status' Tiling Upper 0x284F0 = 'Status' Tiling Lower 0x28550 = 'Item' Tiling Upper 0x28570 = 'Item' Tiling Lower 0x285D0 = 'Magic' Tiling Upper 0x285F0 = 'Magic' Tiling Lower 0x28650 = 'Equip' Tiling Upper 0x28670 = 'Equip' Tiling Lower 0x286D0 = 'Party' Tiling Upper 0x286F0 = 'Party' Tiling Lower 0x28750 = 'Save' Tiling Upper 0x28770 = 'Save' Tiling Lower 0x287D0 = ??? Tiling Upper 0x287F0 = ??? Tiling Lower 0x28ECB = 'Int.' Tiling Upper 0x28EEB = 'Int.' Tiling Lower 0x2AA47 = Char Battle Sprite Tiles
0x2C244 to 0x2C2A3 = Party Level Stat Growths*50 0x2C7B0 to 0x2C941 = Level Exp To Nexts 0x2C942 to 0x2C949 = Party ???s
Armor Stats
0x2C94A to 0x2CACA = Helmet Stats 0x2CACB to 0x2CE4A = Armor Stats 0x2CE4B to 0x2D1CA = Shinguard Stats 0x2D1CB to 0x2D360 = Cape Stats
Enemy Data
0x0267CD to 0x026819 = Amount of EXP and Gil Gained from enemies as the game progresses. 0x026EA3 to 0x02714E = The amount of power gained by enemies as the game progresses. 0x02714F to 0x027211 = Enemy Encounter Groups 0x02c2A6 to 0x02C7AD = Enemy and Boss Stats Example: 64 00 35 00 3C 00 1E 00 45 00 5A 00 00 00 The 1st and 2nd bytes are for HP The 3rd and 4th bytes are for Str The 5th and 6th bytes are for Vit The 7th and 8th bytes are for Int The 9th and 10th bytes are for Spr The 11th and 12th bytes are for Agl The 13th byte sets the resistance of enemies 0x= No resistance 1x= Fire resistance 2x= Water resistance 3x= Bolt resistance 4x= Wind resistance 5x= Earth resistance 6x= Holy resistance 7x= Dark resistance 8x= ?????? resistance 18= Fire + Attack resistance Enemies can be resistant of up to two elements The 14th byte sets the weakness of enemies 0x= No weakness 1x= Fire weakness 2x= Water weakness 3x= Bolt weakness 4x= Wind weakness 5x= Earth weakness 6x= Holy weakness 7x= Dark weakness 8x= ?????? weakness 01= Fire + Attack Weakness Enemies can be weak of up to two elements 0x02c2a6 to 0x02c2b3: Soldier (Boss) 0x02c2b4 to 0x02c2c1: Scorpion (Boss) 0x02c2c2 to 0x02c2cf: AirBustr (Boss) 0x02c2d0 to 0x02c2dd: Reno (Boss) 0x02c2de to 0x02c2eb: Flunky (Boss) 0x02c2eb to 0x02c2f9: Scotch (Boss) 0x02c2fa to 0x02c307: Kotch (Boss) 0x02c308 to 0x02c315: Apps (Boss) 0x02c316 to 0x02c323: Specimen (Boss) 0x02c324 to 0x02c331: Behemoth (Boss) 0x02c332 to 0x02c33f: Rufus (Boss) 0x02c340 to 0x02c34d: DarkNatn (Boss) 0x02c34e to 0x02c35b: MotorBal (Boss) 0x02c35c to 0x02c369: BotmSwel (Boss) 0x02c36a to 0x02c377: Jenova (Boss) 0x02c378 to 0x02c385: Dyne (Boss) 0x02c386 to 0x02c393: Rude (Boss) 0x02c394 to 0x02c3a1: GiNattak (Boss) 0x02c3a2 to 0x02c3af: Gi (Boss) 0x02c3b0 to 0x02c3bd: Palmer (Boss) 0x02c2be to 0x02c2cb: RedDragn (Boss) 0x02c2cc to 0x02c2d9: Scylla (Boss) 0x02c2da to 0x02c2e7: Shadow (Boss) 0x02c2e8 to 0x02c2f5: Sephirot (Boss) 0x02c3f6 to 0x02c403: Sephirot (Boss) (Bizarro Sephiroth) 0x02c404 to 0x02c411: 1WngAngl (Boss) 0x02c412 to 0x02c41f: Zolom (Optional Boss) 0x02c420 to 0x02c42d: Hornet 0x02c42e to 0x02c43b: Goblin 0x02c43c to 0x02c449: BigRat 0x02c44a to 0x02c457: Stingray 0x02c458 to 0x02c465: Pygman 0x02c466 to 0x02c473: RedWisp 0x02c474 to 0x02c481: Killrbee 0x02c482 to 0x02c48f: Helcan 0x02c490 to 0x02c49d: Needler 0x02c49e to 0x02c4ab: DarkFace 0x02c4ac to 0x02c4b9: Flyer 0x02c4ba to 0x02c4c7: Sahuagin 0x02c4c8 to 0x02c4d5: Basilisk 0x02c4d4 to 0x02c4e3: Big Toad 0x02c4e4 to 0x02c4f1: RedWorm 0x02c4f2 to 0x02c4ff: Mage 0x02c500 to 0x02c50d: Scyther 0x02c50e to 0x02c51b: Bear 0x02c51c to 0x02c529: Eyefang 0x02c52a to 0x02c537: Spider 0x02c538 to 0x02c545: Naga 0x02c546 to 0x02c553: Puti 0x02c554 to 0x02c561: Mummy 0x02c562 to 0x02c56f: Zombie 0x02c570 to 0x02c57d: Ninja 0x02c57e to 0x02c58b: Kraken 0x02c58c to 0x02c599: Bird 0x02c59a to 0x02c5a7: Gargoyle 0x02c5a8 to 0x02c5b5: Bluk 0x02c5b6 to 0x02c5c3: Liger 0x02c5c4 to 0x02c5d1: Thor 0x02c5d2 to 0x02c5df: Griffin 0x02c5e0 to 0x02c5ed: Ptaragon 0x02c5ee to 0x02c5fb: Peryton 0x02c5fc to 0x02c609: SeaLion 0x02c60a to 0x02c617: Manticor 0x02c618 to 0x02c625: TwinHead 0x02c626 to 0x02c633: Eagle 0x02c634 to 0x02c641: Ogre 0x02c642 to 0x02c64f: Azrael 0x02c650 to 0x02c65d: Caprcorn 0x02c65e to 0x02c66b: Hermit 0x02c66c to 0x02c679: Serpent 0x02c67a to 0x02c687: Coral 0x02c688 to 0x02c695: Angler 0x02c696 to 0x02c6a3: Adaman 0x02c6a4 to 0x02c6b1: Seahorse 0x02c6b2 to 0x02c6bf: Nitemare 0x02c6c0 to 0x02c6cd: Crocotta 0x02c6ce to 0x02c6db: Lizalfos 0x02c6dc to 0x02c6e9: Cerberus 0x02c6ea to 0x02c6f7: Minotaur 0x02c6f8 to 0x02c705: Chimera 0x02c706 to 0x02c713: Cyclops 0x02c714 to 0x02c721: Devil 0x02c722 to 0x02c72f: Paralyma 0x02c730 to 0x02c73d: Catoblep 0x02c73e to 0x02c74b: Clawgrip 0x02c74c to 0x02c759: Cronos 0x02c75a to 0x02c767: Mutant 0x02c768 to 0x02c775: Stroper 0x02c776 to 0x02c783: Witch 0x02c784 to 0x02c791: Sleipnir 0x02c792 to 0x02c79f: Ophiuchs 0x02c7a0 to 0x02c7ad: Mandrake 0x2EFAB 0x2F11A Enemy Attack Patterns Example: 28 13 37 00 The first byte sets Strength of an enemy's attack The second byte sets the magic an enemy uses The third byte sets a second magic spell the enemy uses The fourth byte sets a third magic spell the enemy uses This is for the second, third, and fourth byte: 00=None (If no magic spells are set, then the enemy will use a magic spell called "None") 01=Fire1 02=Blaze1 03=Fire2 04=Blaze2 05=Fire3 06=Blaze3 07=Fire4 08=Blaze4 09=Ifrit 0a=Water1 0b=Wave1 0c=Water2 0d=Cure2 0e=Water3 0f=Wave3 10=Water4 11=Cure4 12=Leviat 13=Bolt1 14=Rage1 15=Bolt2 16=Rage2 17=Bolt3 18=Rage3 19=Bolt4 1a=Rage4 1b=Ramuh 1c=Wind1 1d=Squal1 1e=Wind2 1f=Cure2 20=Wind3 21=Squal3 22=Wind4 23=Cure4 24=Typhon 25=Rock1 26=Quake1 27=Rock2 28=Quake2 29=Rock3 2a=Quake3 2b=Rock4 2c=Quake4 2d=Titan 2e=Cure1 2f=Holy1 30=Cure2 31=Heal2 32=Cure3 33=Holy3 34=Cure4 35=Heal4 36=Bhamut 37=Dark1 38=Shade1 39=Dark2 3a=Shade2 3b=Dark3 3c=Shade3 3d=Dark4 3e=Shade4 3f=Odin 0x02efab to 0x02efae:Soldier 0x02efaf to 0x02efb2:Scorpion 0x02efb3 to 0x02efb6:AirBustr 0x02efb7 to 0x02efba:Reno 0x02efbb to 0x02efbe:Flunky 0x02efbf to 0x02efc2:Scotch 0x02efc3 to 0x02efc6:Kotch 0x02efc7 to 0x02efca:Apps 0x02efcb to 0x02efce:Specimen 0x02efcf to 0x02efd2:Behemoth 0x02efd3 to 0x02efd6:Rufus 0x02efd7 to 0x02efda:DarkNatn 0x02efdb to 0x02efde:MotorBal 0x02efdf to 0x02efe2:BotmSwel 0x02efe3 to 0x02efe6:Jenova 0x02efe7 to 0x02efea:Dyne 0x02efeb to 0x02efee:Rude 0x02efef to 0x02eff2:GiNattak 0x02eff3 to 0x02eff6:Gi 0x02eff7 to 0x02effa:Palmer 0x02effb to 0x02effe:RedDragn 0x02efff to 0x02f002:Scylla 0x02f003 to 0x02f006:Shadow 0x02f007 to 0x02f00a:Sephirot 0x02f00b to 0x02f00e:Sephirot (Bizarro Sephirot) 0x02f00f to 0x02f012:1WngAngl 0x02f013 to 0x02f016:Zolom 0x02f017 to 0x02f01a:Hornet 0x02f01b to 0x02f01e:Goblin 0x02f01f to 0x02f022:BigRat 0x02f023 to 0x02f026:Stingray 0x02f027 to 0x02f02a:Pygman 0x02f02b to 0x02f02e:Redwisp 0x02f02f to 0x02f032:Killrbee 0x02f033 to 0x02f036:Helcan 0x02f037 to 0x02f03a:Needler 0x02f03b to 0x02f03e:DarkFace 0x02f03f to 0x02f042:Flyer 0x02f043 to 0x02f046:Sahuagin 0x02f047 to 0x02f04a:Basilisk 0x02f04b to 0x02f04e:Big Toad 0x02f04f to 0x02f052:Redworm 0x02f053 to 0x02f056:Mage 0x02f057 to 0x02f05a:Scyther 0x02f05b to 0x02f05e:Bear 0x02f05f to 0x02f062:Eyefang 0x02f063 to 0x02f066:Spider 0x02f067 to 0x02f06a:Naga 0x02f06b to 0x02f06e:Puti 0x02f06f to 0x02f072:Mummy 0x02f073 to 0x02f076:Zombie 0x02f077 to 0x02f07a:Ninja 0x02f07b to 0x02f07e:Kraken 0x02f07f to 0x02f082:Bird 0x02f083 to 0x02f086:Gargoyle 0x02f084 to 0x02f08a:Bluk 0x02f08b to 0x02f08e:Liger 0x02f08f to 0x02f092:Thor 0x02f093 to 0x02f096:Griffin 0x02f097 to 0x02f09a:Ptaragon 0x02f09b to 0x02f09e:Peryton 0x02f09f to 0x02f0a2:SeaLion 0x02f0a3 to 0x02f0a6:Manticor 0x02f0a7 to 0x02f0aa:TwinHead 0x02f0ab to 0x02f0ae:Eagle 0x02f0af to 0x02f0b2:Ogre 0x02f0b3 to 0x02f0b6:Azrael 0x02f0b7 to 0x02f0ba:Caprcorn 0x02f0bb to 0x02f0be:Hermit 0x02f0bf to 0x02f0c2:Serpent 0x02f0c3 to 0x02f0c6:Coral 0x02f0c7 to 0x02f0ca:Angler 0x02f0cb to 0x02f0ce:Adaman 0x02f0cf to 0x02f0d2:Seahorse 0x02f0d3 to 0x02f0d6:Nitemare 0x02f0d7 to 0x02f0da:Crocotta 0x02f0db to 0x02f0de:Lizalfos 0x02f0df to 0x02f0e2:Cerberus 0x02f0e3 to 0x02f0e6:Minotaur 0x02f0e7 to 0x02f0ea:Chimera 0x02f0eb to 0x02f0ee:Cyclops 0x02f0ef to 0x02f0f2:Devil 0x02f0f3 to 0x02f0f6:Paralyma 0x02f0f7 to 0x02f0fa:Catoblep 0x02f0fb to 0x02f0fe:Clawgrip 0x02f0ff to 0x02f102:Cronos 0x02f103 to 0x02f106:Mutant 0x02f107 to 0x02f10a:Stroper 0x02f10b to 0x02f10e:Witch 0x02f10f to 0x02f112:Sleipnir 0x02f113 to 0x02f116:Ophiuchs 0x02f117 to 0x02f11a:Mandrake
Armor Prices
0x2F30F to 0x2F345 = Helmet Prices/10 0x2F346 to 0x2F3C5 = Armor Prices/10 0x2F3C6 to 0x2F42E = Shinguard Prices/10 0x2F42F to 0x2F468 = Cape Prices/10 0x2F46A to 0x2FFCF = 0
Offset Description Refs 0x2FFD0 0x3000F Names Header Ptr+28010 0x30010 Pointer to Names 1a 300 0x30012 Pointer to Names 1b 301 0x30014 Pointer to Names 1c 302 0x30016 Pointer to Names 1d 303 0x30018 Pointer to Names 1e 304 0x3001A Pointer to Names 1f 305 0x3001C Pointer to Names 1g 306 0x3001E Pointer to Names 1h 307 0x30020 Pointer to Names 1i 308 0x30022 Pointer to Names 1j 309 0x30024 Pointer to Names 1k 30A 0x30029 Names 1a Pointers 30000 30048 0x300BB Names 1a Text (Menu/Battle Text) 0x3030F Names 1b Pointers 30100 30137 0x3037F Names 1b Text (Helmet Names) 0x305A1 Names 1c Pointers 30200 30280 0x306A3 Names 1c Text (Armor Names) 0x30B99 Names 1d Pointers 30300 30369 0x30C6D Names 1d Text (Shinguard Names) 0x31089 Names 1e Pointers 30400 3043A 0x310FF Names 1e Text (Cape Names) 0x31347 Names 1f Pointers 30500 30564 0x31411 Names 1f Text (Weapon Names) 0x317B3 Names 1g Pointers 30600 30607 0x317C3 Names 1g Text (Materia Names) 0x31801 Names 1h Pointers 30700 3073F 0x31881 Names 1h Text (Spell Names) 0x31AA9 Names 1i Pointers 30800 3081F 0x31AE9 Names 1i Text (Item Names) 0x31BFB Names 1j Pointers 30900 3091F 0x31C3B Names 1j Text (Item Details) 0x31E1C Names 1k Pointers 30A00 30A63 0x31EE4 Names 1k Text (Enemy Names) 0x321DB 0x37FCF 0
Dialog 1
Offset Description Refs 0x37FD0 0x3800F Dialog 1 Header Ptr+30010 0x38010 Pointer to Dialog 1a 380 0x38012 Pointer to Dialog 1b 381 0x38014 Pointer to Dialog 1c 382 0x38019 Dialog 1a Pointers 38000 380FE 0x38217 Dialog 1a Text (Start-Sec.6) 0x3B2DA Dialog 1b Pointers 38100 381FD 0x3B4D6 Dialog 1b Text (Wall Market) 0x3E185 Dialog 1c Pointers 38200 38243 0x3E20D Dialog 1c Text (The other girl is me) 0x3EDDF 0x3FFCF 0
Hanzi Tileset
0x3FFD0 0x4000F = Hanzi Tileset Header 0x40010 0x4BC0F = B0A1 Hanzi Tileset 0x4BC10 0x4E30F = C0A1 Hanzi Tileset 0x4E310 0x4FFCF = FF
Dialog 2
Offset Description Refs 0x4FFD0 0x5000F Dialog 2 Header Ptr+48010 0x50010 Pointer to Dialog 2a 500 0x50012 Pointer to Dialog 2b 501 0x50014 Pointer to Dialog 2c 502 0x50019 Dialog 2a Pointers 50000 500FE 0x50217 Dialog 2a Text (Shinra Roof-Junon) 0x5312E Dialog 2b Pointers 50100 501C6 0x532BC Dialog 2b Text (Junon-Corel) 0x557EB Dialog 2c Pointers 50200 50224 0x55835 Dialog 2c Text (Location Names) 0x55A09 0x57FCF 0
Dialog 3
Offset Description Refs 0x57FD0 0x5800F Dialog 3 Header Ptr+50010 0x58010 Pointer to Dialog 3a 580 0x58012 Pointer to Dialog 3b 581 0x58014 Pointer to Dialog 3c 582 0x58019 Dialog 3a Pointers 58000 580FD 0x58215 Dialog 3a Text (Gold Saucer-Gongaga) 0x5AFF1 Dialog 3b Pointers 58100 581FB 0x5B205 Dialog 3b Text (Cosmo-Rocket Town) 0x5E932 Dialog 3c Pointers 58200 5820D 0x5E957 Dialog 3c Text (Tiny Bronco) 0x5EC22 0x5FFCF 0
Dialog 4
Offset Description Refs 0x5FFD0 0x6000F Dialog 4 Header Ptr+58010 0x60010 Pointer to Dialog 4a 600 0x60012 Pointer to Dialog 4b 601 0x60017 Dialog 4a Pointers 60000 600FA 0x6020D Dialog 4a Text (Gold Saucer) 0x62B98 Dialog 4b Pointers 60100 601A3 0x62CE0 Dialog 4b Text (Temple) 0x64A60 0x67FCF 0
Dialog 5
Offset Description Refs 0x67FD0 0x6800F Dialog 5 Header Ptr+60010 0x68010 Pointer to Dialog 5a 680 0x68012 Pointer to Dialog 5b 681 0x68014 Pointer to Dialog 5c 682 0x68019 Dialog 5a Pointers 68000 680FE 0x68217 Dialog 5a Text (Finding Aeris) 0x6B521 Dialog 5b Pointers 68100 681B1 0x6B685 Dialog 5b Text (Crater-End) 0x6DC0D Dialog 5c Pointers 68200 68274 0x6DCF7 Dialog 5c Text (Spare Lines) 0x6EDAB 0x6FE0F 0 Offset Description 0x6FE10 0x6FE4F ??? 0x6FE50 0x6FFCF 0 Offset Description 0x6FFD0 0x7000F ??? Header 0x70010 Pointer to ??? 0x717E8 0x717F0 Midgar Store Item Inventory 0x71DBA 0x71DCA Item Prices/10 0x71DD3 0x71DD5 Midgar Store Helmet Inventory 0x71DD6 0x71DD9 Midgar Store Armor Inventory 0x71DDA 0x71DDC Midgar Store Shinguard Inventory 0x71DDD 0x71DE1 Midgar Store Gauntlet Inventory 0x72FFF Level 0 Stat Baseline 0x760EE 0x77C0F 0 0x77C10 0x77F34 ??? 0x77F35 0x77FCF 0
Dialog 6
Offset Description Refs 0x77FD0 0x7800F Dialog 6 Header Ptr+70010 0x78010 Pointer to 6a 780 0x78012 Pointer to 6b 781 0x78020 0x7900F ASCII Tileset (Header is in 1st tile) 0x79011 Dialog 6a Pointers 78000 780FB 0x79209 Dialog 6a Text (Corneo-Pillar) 0x7BFF2 Dialog 6b Pointers 78100 781F6 0x7C1E0 0x7EF7B Dialog 6b Text (Shinra Building) 0x7EF7C 0x7F10F 0 Offset Description 0x7F110 0x1789E1 Map Tilesets 0x1789E2 0x106B49 0
Spell Tilesets
0x18FFC8 = Spell Tilesets 0x1900C9 = Spell Tilesets 0x193BB1 = Ice? 4x4 0x194149 = 4x? 0x1947A1 = Senpuu 4x4 0x19748D = Lil Ball 1x1 0x1974AD = Ball 2x2 0x1974ED = Ball 2x2 0x197619 = Ball? 0x197679 = Holy 4x4 0x197779 = Holy 4x4 0x197CB6 = End
Enemy Tilesets
0x1980A6 = Enemy Tilesets 0x1985DB = Puti Tileset 0x198959 = Zombie Tileset
0x5667 = Possibly Level Cap 0x22E7B = Possibly Level Cap 0x72FEB = Possibly Level Cap
Magic Stats
this is for the location of magic spell stats and how they work. Example: The byte set is 32 00 19 00 01 The first byte sets the power for the magic The second byte further increases magic power (The power of a spell can range from 00-655) The third byte increases the amount of MP that is allowed for that spell (This can range from 01-63 for an MP range of 01-99) The fourth byte sets who the spell affects 00: one enemy 01: all enemies 02: one ally 03: all allies 04: none 05 and on...:all enemies The fifth byte is for how much power is gained from an upgrade
Fire1: 0x02e3f0 to 0x02e3f4 Blaze1 :0x02e3f5 to 0x02e3f9 Fire2: 0x02e3fa to 0x02e3fe Blaze2: 0x02e3ff to 0x02e403 Fire3: 0x02e404 to 0x02e408 Blaze3: 0x02e409 to 0x02e40d Fire4: 0x02e40e to 0x02e412 Blaze4: 0x02e413 to 0x02e417 Ifrit: 0x02e418 to 0x02e41c
Water1: 0x02e41d to 0x02e421 Wave1: 0x02e422 to 0x02e426 Water2: 0x02e427 to 0x02e42b Cure2: 0x02e42c to 0x02e430 Water3: 0x02e431 to 0x02e435 Wave3: 0x02e436 to 0x02e43a Water4: 0x02e43b to 0x02e43f Cure4: 0x02e440 to 0x02e444 Leviat: 0x02e445 to 0x02e449
Bolt1: 0x02e44a to 0x02e44e Rage1: 0x02e44f to 0x02e453 Bolt2: 0x02e454 to 0x02e458 Rage2: 0x02e459 to 0x02e45d Bolt3: 0x02e45e to 0x02e462 Rage3: 0x02e463 to 0x02e467 Bolt4: 0x02e468 to 0x02e46c Rage4: 0x02e46d to 0x02e471 Ramuh: 0x02e472 to 0x02e476
Wind1: 0x02e477 to 0x02e47b Squal1:0x02e47c to 0x02e480 Wind2: 0x02e481 to 0x02e485 Cure2: 0x02e486 to 0x02e48a Wind3: 0x02e48b to 0x02e48f Squal3:0x02e490 to 0x02e494 Wind4: 0x02e495 to 0x02e499 Cure4: 0x02e49a to 0x02e49e Typhon:0x02e49f to 0x02e4a3
Rock1: 0x02e4a4 to 0x02e4a8 Quake1:0x02e4a9 to 0x02e4ad Rock2: 0x02e4ae to 0x02e4b2 Quake2:0x02e4b3 to 0x02e4b7 Rock3: 0x02e4b8 to 0x02e4bc Quake3:0x02e4bd to 0x02e4c1 Rock4: 0x02e4c2 to 0x02e4c6 Quake4:0x02e4c7 to 0x02e4cb Titan: 0x02e4cc to 0x02e4d0
Cure1: 0x02e4d1 to 0x02e4d5 Holy1: 0x02e4d6 to 0x02e4da Cure2: 0x02e4db to 0x02e4df Heal2: 0x02e4e0 to 0x02e4e4 Cure3: 0x02e4e5 to 0x02e4e9 Holy3: 0x02e4ea to 0x02e4ee Cure4: 0x02e4ef to 0x02e4f3 Heal4: 0x02e4f4 to 0x02e4f8 Bhamut:0x02e4f9 to 0x02e4fd
Dark1: 0x02e4fe to 0x02e502 Shade1: 0x02e503 to 0x02e507 Dark2: 0x02e508 to 0x02e50c Shade2: 0x02e50d to 0x02e511 Dark3: 0x02e512 to 0x02e516 Shade3: 0x02e517 to 0x02e51b Dark4: 0x02e51c to 0x02e520 Shade4: 0x02e521 to 0x02e525 Odin: 0x02e526 to 0x02e52a
Gil Gained After Battle
This controls the amount of Gil gained after a fight in proportion to the amount of EXP gained
Item Effects
When items used during battle
0x02372d: Potion 0x02372e: MdPotion 0x02372f: HiPotion 0x023730: X-Potion 0x023731: Mega 0x023732: HiMega 0x023733: X-Mega 0x023734: Ether 0x023735: HiEther 0x023736: Phoenix 0x023737: Smoke 0x023738: HP+ 0x023739: Str+ 0x02373a: Vit+ 0x02373b: Int+ 0x02373c: Spr+ 0x02373d: Agl+
0x074c0a: Potion 0x074c0b: MdPotion 0x074c0c: HiPotion 0x074c0d: X-Potion 0x074c0e: Mega 0x074c0f: HiMega 0x074c10: X-Mega 0x074c11: Ether 0x074c12: HiEther 0x074c13: Phoenix 0x074c14: Smoke 0x074c15: HP+ 0x074c16: Str+ 0x074c17: Vit+ 0x074c18: Int+ 0x074c19: Spr+ 0x074c1a: Agl+
Setting what the items do
00= Heal 100 HP 01= Heal 200 HP 02= Heal 500 HP 03= Heal 9999 HP 04= Heal 400 HP 05= Heal 9999 HP 06= Heal 58188 HP 07= Heal 44453 HP 08= Heal 100 HP to all 09= Heal 200 HP to all 0a= Heal 500 HP to all 0b= Heal 9999 HP to all 0c= Heal 400 HP to all 0d= Heal 9999 HP to all 0e= Heal 58188 HP to all 0f= Heal 44453 HP to all 10= Heal 5 MP 11= Heal 99 MP 12= Heal 99 MP 13= Heal 174 MP 14= Heal 99 MP 20= Revive Character 38= Escape from battle 40= HP +5 50= Str +1 60= Vit +1 70= Int +1 80= Spr +1 90= Agl +1
Collapse Internal Data for Final Fantasy VII (NES)
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