Fighter's History Dynamite (NeoGeo)/RAM map

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Main Memory

  • Score Board Start = 0x100004
  • Main Mode = 0x101002
    • 01 Attract Mode
    • 02 High Score Screen
    • 03 How To Play
    • 04 Obj Gen(broken)
    • 05 Hitbox editor
    • 06 Pattern Editor
    • 07 Message Test
    • 09 Dev Menu
  • Round Count = 0x10100c
  • Main Stage ID = 0x103464
  • Fight Timer = 0x103a70
  • Projectile Area = 0x1064f0
  • Versus Mode Stage ID = 0x106932

Player Memory

  • Player 1 Start = 0x103670
  • Player 2 Start = 0x103870
  • Player Memory Offsets
Char_id = 0x00
Char_id2 = 0x01
Palette = 0x03
Player State = 0x05
Player Wins = 0x06

palette ram offset = 0x20
hitbox_id = 0x22

player input buffer = 0x30 to 0xaf

Player X = 0xc0
Player Y = 0xc4

Attack Active = 0xd0

Hp = 0x147
HP for Graphic = 0x148

AI Scripting Memory
; = $180
; = $181
; = $182
; = $183
; = $184
; = $185
; = $186
CpuAttackTimer = $187 ;Attack Timer short timer when hits 0/1 attacks
; = $188
CPUtimer2 = $189 ;Action Timer?
;counter = $18a
Cputimer3 = $18b
previousatk = $18c
opponentaction = $18e