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Dragon Warrior/TBL
The following article is a Text Table for Dragon Warrior.
Dragon Quest
00=0 01=1 02=2 03=3 04=4 05=5 06=6 07=7 08=8 09=9 0A=あ 0B=い 0C=う 0D=え 0E=お 0F=か 10=き 11=く 12=け 13=こ 14=さ 15=し 16=す 17=せ 18=そ 19=た 1A=ち 1B=つ 1C=て 1D=と 1E=な 1F=に 20=ぬ 21=ね 22=の 23=は 24=ひ 25=ふ 26=へ 27=ほ 28=ま 29=み 2A=む 2B=め 2C=も 2D=や 2E=ゆ 2F=よ 30=ら 31=り 32=る 33=れ 34=ろ 35=わ 36=を 37=ん 38=っ 39=ゃ 3A=ゅ 3B=ょ // Text box corners. // West. 3C=[WC] // North. 3D=[NC] // Same as previous, last line is stripped. 3E=[NSC] 3F=メ 40=ラ 41=ロ 42=ド 43=ル 44=レ 45=コ 46=ン 47=タ 48=シ 49=ホ 4A=イ 4B=マ 4C=カ 4D=ム 4E=ー 4F=。 50=、 // Not used, accents for below. //51=[″] //52=[°] 53=″ 54=° 55=* 56=→ 57=↓ 58=: // More text box corners. // Northwest. 59=[NWC] // Northeast. 5A=[NEC] // East. 5B=[EC] // Southwest. 5C=[SWC] // South. 5D=[SC] // Southeast. 5E=[SEC] 5F= 60=? 61=! 62=「 63=H 64=M 65=P 66=G 67=E 68=ミ 69=ス 6A=キ 6B=ト // Actually, four dots at the middle. 6C=… // Referential bank begins. 70=ラダトーム 71=うわさでは 72=ようこそ 73=あった 74=ガライのはか 75=つたえてくれ 76=ドムドーラ 77=リムルダール 78=ます。 79=じゃ。 7A=ですか? 7B=ますか? 7C=ございます。 // 7D and 7E don't have valid values neither are used. // Not used too. 7F=かいだん 80=ホイミ 81=ギラ 82=ラリホー 83=レミーラ 84=マホトーン 85=リレミト 86=ルーラ 87=トヘロス 88=ベホイミ 89=ベギラマ 8A=レベル 8B=たけざお 8C=こんぼう 8D=どうのつるぎ 8E=てつのおの 8F=はがねのつるぎ 90=ほのおのつるぎ 91=ロトのつるぎ 92=ぬののふく 93=かわのふく 94=くさりかたびら 95=てつのよろい 96=はがねのよろい 97=まほうのよろい 98=ロトのよろい 99=かわのたて 9A=てつのたて 9B=みかがみのたて // The side complement, for both 9C and 9D, is 3C! 9C=| ぶき: 9D=| よろい: 9E=まことの 9F=ロトの ちをひく A0=やくそう A1=かぎ A2=たいまつ A3=せいすい A4=キメラのつばさ A5=りゅうのうろこ A6=ようせいのふえ A7=せんしのゆびわ A8=ロトのしるし A9=おうじょのあい AA=のろいのベルト AB=ぎんのたてごと AC=しのくびかざり AD=たいようのいし AE=あまぐものつえ AF=にじのしずく B0=しかし B1=じゅもん B2=あなた B3=まだ B4=それいじょう // B5 and B6 are not used! B5=もてませんが… B6=おかねが たりませんが… B7=なにか B8=どれを B9=なにを BA=てにいれた BB=みつけた BC=わたし BD=ローラ BE=ひめ BF=です。 C0=あめと たいようが あわさる C1=たすけだして C2=ございます C3=ください C4=さま C5=おうさま C6=ここは C7=そなた C8=あらわれ C9=がよい。 CA=どうか CB=ゆうしゃ CC=はず CD=さがす CE=あるらしい CF=どこかに D0=ひつよう D1=おまえ D2=おしろ D3=ふるい いいつたえ D4=まち D5=まものたち D6=ありがとう D7=が D8=ぎ D9=ぐ DA=げ DB=ご DC=ざ DD=じ DE=ず DF=ぜ E0=ぞ E1=だ E2=ぢ E3=づ E4=で E5=ど E6=ば E7=び E8=ぶ E9=べ EA=ぼ EB=ぱ EC=ぴ ED=ぷ EE=ぺ EF=ぽ
Wait for Response
- 57=↓
It pauses, waiting for a response, to process the messages at a new line, like a line break. If used sequentially, only works as a sole line break and two pauses! If used at the last line available, it overwrites the previous contents.
- 6D=*「
- 6E=ローラ「
Creates a paragraph structure, with the number of characters, even those before the pointer, working as the line indentation (2 and 4), lasting until the response waiter. Each time it is invoked, sums more default characters to the indent. The paragraph also turns on the printing beep from the letters!
Not Used
- 6F=Rラダトーム
The "R" represents a piece of roof before the word. Note: it shows that paragraphs use the referential bank.
- F0BF=key counter
- F0C0=herb counter
- F0C5=actual HP
- F0C6=actual MP
- F0C7=level
- F0C8=strength
- F0C9=agility
- F0CA=maximum HP
- F0CB=maximum MP
- F0CC=attack
- F0CD=defence
- F1BC=Gold
Run Length Encoding
- F7xxyy
The first byte tells the number of repetitions, the second tells the value to repeat. First bytes used: 04, 06, 08, 0A, 0C, 0E, 12. Note: it can be used in dialogues, but only works correctly in menus!
Main Character's Name
- F2
Variable 1
- F300
Used to indicate integers, in battles, such as: experience points, points at level up, gold, damage, and healing.
- F8=″
- F9=°
They are used in the previous character, trough the reserved space for accents.
End-string for the Referential Bank
- FA
It only works inside that bank!
- FB
A little pause lasting half second.
End-string 1
- FC
It ends the message from wherever it has been called, waiting for a response from the player. It acts as a line break, erasing the box afterward.
Variable 2
- FD
It is a string of characters, such as: items name, scenery objects, magic, and main character and monster name, in battles.
Line Break
- FE
End-string 2
- FF
This is used majorly in menus, but can also be used in dialogues. The unique and notable difference is the lack of line break.
Dragon Warrior
Dragon Warrior uses text strings.
Character table
00 -> 09 = 0-9 0a -> 23 = a-z 24 -> 3d = A-Z 3e -> 54 = punctuation F5 = macro, displays gold cost (e.g. for inns)
Text strings
Excluding the 16-byte header at the beginning of the ROM image, the following text appears:
0x8028 to 0xBCA0 = Full text for general dialog 0x7e56 to 0x7E9A = Spells 0x7ab7 to 0x7E0A = Item/monster list. (Appears in memory at $BAB7) 0x7b8f to 0x---- = Items - second line of item name.
Text Table
The space (
) character is $5f.
$53 is rightquote-space (’
) while $54 is space-rightquote ( ’
_0 | _1 | _2 | _3 | _4 | _5 | _6 | _7 | _8 | _9 | _a | _b | _c | _d | _e | _f | |
0_ | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | a | b | c | d | e | f |
1_ | g | h | i | j | k | l | m | n | o | p | q | r | s | t | u | v |
2_ | w | x | y | z | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L |
3_ | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | “ | ” |
4_ | ’ | ✱ | ▶ | ▼ | : | .. | . | , | - | ? | ! | ; | ) | ( | ||
5_ | ‘ | ‘ | .’ | ’ | ’ |
As seen in RAM
The text table as seen in the RAM viewer of Mesen2.
TBL File
Quotes and such use basic ASCII values instead of Unicode.
Download TBL file: Dragon Warrior (NES).tbl
00=0 01=1 02=2 03=3 04=4 05=5 06=6 07=7 08=8 09=9 0a=a 0b=b 0c=c 0d=d 0e=e 0f=f 10=g 11=h 12=i 13=j 14=k 15=l 16=m 17=n 18=o 19=p 1a=q 1b=r 1c=s 1d=t 1e=u 1f=v 20=w 21=x 22=y 23=z 24=A 25=B 26=C 27=D 28=E 29=F 2a=G 2b=H 2c=I 2d=J 2e=K 2f=L 30=M 31=N 32=O 33=P 34=Q 35=R 36=S 37=T 38=U 39=V 3a=W 3b=X 3c=Y 3d=Z 3e=" 3f=" 40=' 41=* 44=: 45=.. 46=. 47=. 48=, 49=- 4b=? 4c=! 4d=; 4e=) 4f=( 50=` 51=` 52=.' 53=' 54=' 5F=
Internal Data for Dragon Warrior
| |