Crystal Beans from Dungeon Explorer/Cutscene sprite data struct

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Cutscene sprite data struct
Game Crystal Beans From Dungeon Explorer
Start Address 0x179129
End Address 0x17B8FB
# of Entries ?
Entry Length 7 (0x7)
Total Length 10195 bytes (0x27D3)
Back to the ROM map

The Cutscene sprite data struct describes the placement, flags and size of the sprites composing the objects used in cutscenes. This data is used to set the OAM. In the ROM each struct list is preceded byte a byte telling the number of structs in the list. There is also 16-bits pointer tables to these struct lists interspersed between them.


X Coordinate

Control the X position of the sprite. The origin is in the center of the screen meaning that positions at the left of the screen have negative values.

Y Coordinate

Control the Y position of the sprite. The origin is in the center of the screen meaning that positions at the top of the screen have negative values.

