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Bomberman (NES, Famicom Disk System)/ROM map
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The following article is a ROM map for Bomberman (NES, Famicom Disk System).
* 1C54 to 1C55 = PPU Address (2088) * 1C56 to 1C65 = Text "CONGRATULATIONS" * 1C66 to 1C67 = PPU Address (20E4) * 1C68 to 1C7D = Text "YOU HAVE SUCCEEDED IN" * 1C7E to 1C7F = PPU Address (2122) * 1C80 to 1C9B = Text "HELPING BOMBERMAN TO BECOME" * 1C9C to 1C9D = PPU Address (2162) * 1C9E to 1CAB = Text "A HUMAN BEING" * 1CAC to 1CAD = PPU Address (21A4) * 1CAE to 1CC9 = Text "MAYBE YOU CAN RECOGNIZE HIM" * 1CCA to 1CCB = PPU Address (21E2) * 1CCC to 1CE7 = Text "IN ANOTHER HUDSON SOFT GAME" * 1CE8 to 1CE9 = PPU Address (224B) * 1CEA to 1D04 = Text"GOOD BYE ENTER SECRET CODE" * 21E6 to 21E7 = PPU Address (2269) * 21E8 to 21F8 = Text "START CONTINUE" (Title Screen) * 21F9 to 21FA = PPU Address (22AA) * 21FB to 21FE = Text "TOP" (Title Screen) * 21FF to 2200 = PPU Address (22E3) * 2201 to 221A = Text "TM AND (C) 1987 HUDSON SOFT" (Title Screen) * 221B to 221C = PPU Address (232A) * 221D to 2228 = Text "LICENSED BY" (Title Screen) * 2229 to 222A = PPU Address (2364) * 222B to 2243 = Text "NINTENDO OF AMERICA INC." (Title Screen)
(This code put the text of the title screen) 00:E1C0:A0 00 LDY #$00 (Y=$00=Counter) 00:E1C2:A2 05 LDX #$05 (X=$05=Number of text lines) (5) 00:E1C4:20 E0 E1 JSR $E1E0 (Jump subrutine in $E1E0 to read byte) 00:E1C7:8D 06 20 STA $2006 = #$00 (Save first byte of PPU Address) 00:E1CA:20 E0 E1 JSR $E1E0 (Jump subrutine in $E1E0 to read byte) 00:E1CD:8D 06 20 STA $2006 = #$00 (Save second byte of PPU Address) 00:E1D0:20 E0 E1 JSR $E1E0 (Jump subrutine in $E1E0 to read byte. To put text) 00:E1D3:C9 FF CMP #$FF (Compare value. If value=$FF=End of string) 00:E1D5:F0 05 BEQ $E1DC (If value=$FF=End of string jump to $E1DC to decrement X and put other text) 00:E1D7:8D 07 20 STA $2007 = #$00 (Put value of text in screen. Example: $53="S" of "START" in Title Screen) 00:E1DA:D0 F4 BNE $E1D0 (Jump to $E1D0 if not equal to $FF) 00:E1DC:CA DEX (X=X-1. X=Number of text lines) 00:E1DD:D0 E5 BNE $E1C4 (If not zero then jump to $E1C4 to put other text) 00:E1DF:60 RTS (Return to subrutine) 00:E1E0:B9 E5 E1 LDA $E1E5,Y @ $E1E5 = #$22 (A=value of byte in address $E1E5+Y) 00:E1E3:C8 INY (Y=Y+1) 00:E1E4:60 RTS (Return to subrutine) 00:E1E5-00:E242 (Info to put the five lines of text) Line 1 of text: 2269: PPU Address 5354415254B0B0B0434F4E54494E5545 Text "START CONTINUE" (Title Screen) FF: End of line of text Line 2 of text: 22AA: PPU Address 544F50 Text "TOP" (Title Screen) FF: End of line of text Line 3 of text: 22E3: PPU Address 544DB0414E44B0FEB031393837B0485544534F4EB0534F4654 Text "TM AND (C) 1987 HUDSON SOFT" (Title Screen) FF: End of line of text Line 4 of text: 232A: PPU Address 4C4943454E534544B04259 Text "LICENSED BY" (Title Screen) FF: End of line of text Line 5 of text: 2364: PPU Address 4E494E54454E444FB04F46B0414D4552494341B0494E43FD Text "NINTENDO OF AMERICA INC." (Title Screen) FF: End of line of text
Collapse Internal Data for Bomberman
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