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Pokémon Trading Card Game/RAM map
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The following article is a RAM map for Pokémon Trading Card Game.
- C200 to C23B - P1 cards' ingame locations.
- C27E to C2B9 - P1 library card order.
- C2BB to C2C0 - P1 pokemon card indices.
- C2C8 to C2CD - P1 pokemon health.
- C300 to C33B - P2 cards' ingame locations.
- C37E to C3B9 - P2 library card order.
- C3BB to C3C0 - P2 pokemon card indices.
- C3C8 to C3CD - P2 pokemon health.
- C400 to C409 - After a match: Card IDs for booster pack contents.
- C400 to C43B - During a match: P1 deck card IDs
- C480 to C4BB - P2 deck card IDs
- CC00 ....... - During a match: Number of Prizes
Note: A card index is an offset into the array at either C400 or C480, which when resolved gives you the card ID.
Location Values
- 00 - Library
- 01 - Hand
- 02 - Discard
- 04 - Removed from Game
- 08 - Prize
- 10 - Active
- 11 - Benched #1
- 12 - Benched #2
- 13 - Benched #3
- 14 - Benched #4
- 15 - Benched #5
Card IDs
00 | ? | 32 | Charizard | 64 | Flying Pikachu | 96 | Haunter (Fossil) | C8 | Imakuni? |
01 | Grass Energy | 33 | Vulpix | 65 | Surfing Pikachu | 97 | Haunter | C9 | Pokemon Trader |
02 | Fire Energy | 34 | Ninetales | 66 | Surfing Pikachu (2) | 98 | Gengar | CA | Pokemon Breeder |
03 | Water Energy | 35 | Ninetales (GB) | 67 | Raichu | 99 | Drowzee | CB | Clefairy Doll |
04 | Lightning Energy | 36 | Growlithe | 68 | Raichu (Fossil) | 9A | Hypno | CC | Mysterious Fossil |
05 | Fighting Energy | 37 | Arcanine (Promo) | 69 | Magnemite | 9B | Mr. Mime | CD | Energy Retrieval |
06 | Psychic Energy | 38 | Arcanine | 6A | Magnemite (GB) | 9C | Jynx | CE | Super Energy Retrieval |
07 | Double Colorless Energy | 39 | Ponyta | 6B | Magneton | 9D | Mewtwo | CF | Energy Search: |
08 | Bulbasaur | 3A | Rapidash | 6C | Magneton (Fossil) | 9E | Mewtwo (Promo) | D0 | Energy Removal |
09 | Ivysaur | 3B | Magmar | 6D | Voltorb | 9F | Mewtwo (Promo 2) | D1 | Super Energy Removal |
0A | Venusaur (CP! Promo) | 3C | Magmar (Fossil) | 6E | Electrode (GB) | A0 | Mew (Promo) | D2 | Switch |
0B | Venusaur | 3D | Flareon (GB) | 6F | Electrode (Jungle) | A1 | Mew (CP! Promo) | D3 | Pokemon Center |
0C | Caterpie | 3E | Flareon (Jungle) | 70 | Electabuzz (Promo) | A2 | Mew | D4 | Pokeball |
0D | Metapod | 3F | Moltres | 71 | Electabuzz | A3 | Pidgey | D5 | Scoop Up |
0E | Butterfree | 40 | Legendary Moltres | 72 | Jolteon (GB) | A4 | Pidgeotto | D6 | Computer Search |
0F | Weedle | 41 | Squirtle | 73 | Jolteon | A5 | Pidgeot (GB) | D7 | Pokedex |
10 | Kakuna | 42 | Wartortle | 74 | Zapdos | A6 | Pidgeot (Jungle) | D8 | Pluspower |
11 | Beedrill | 43 | Blastoise | 75 | Zapdos (Fossil) | A7 | Rattata | D9 | Defender |
12 | Ekans | 44 | Psyduck | 76 | Legendary Zapdos | A8 | Raticate | DA | Item Finder |
13 | Arbok | 45 | Golduck | 77 | Sandshrew | A9 | Spearow | DB | Gust of Wind |
14 | Nidoran Female | 46 | Poliwag | 78 | Sandslash | AA | Fearow | DC | Devolution Spray |
15 | Nidorina | 47 | Poliwhirl | 79 | Diglett | AB | Clefairy | DD | Potion |
16 | Nidoqueen | 48 | Poliwrath | 7A | Dugtrio | AC | Clefable | DE | Super Potion |
17 | Nidoran Male | 49 | Tentacool | 7B | Mankey | AD | Jigglypuff (Promo) | DF | Full Heal |
18 | Nidorino | 4A | Tentacruel | 7C | Primeape | AE | Jigglypuff (GB) | E0 | Revive |
19 | Nidoking | 4B | Seel | 7D | Machop | AF | Jigglypuff (Jungle) | E1 | Maintenance |
1A | Zubat | 4C | Dewgong | 7E | Machoke | B0 | Wigglytuff | E2 | Pokemon Flute |
1B | Golbat | 4D | Shellder | 7F | Machamp | B1 | Meowth (GB) | E3 | Gambler |
1C | Oddish | 4E | Cloister | 80 | Geodude | B2 | Meowth (Jungle) | E4 | Recycle |
1D | Gloom | 4F | Krabby | 81 | Graveler | B3 | Persian | ||
1E | Vileplume | 50 | Kingler | 82 | Golem | B4 | Farfetch'd | ||
1F | Paras | 51 | Horsea | 83 | Onix | B5 | Doduo | ||
20 | Parasect | 52 | Seadra | 84 | Cubone | B6 | Dodrio | ||
21 | Venonat | 53 | Goldeen | 85 | Marowak (Jungle) | B7 | Lickitung | ||
22 | Venomoth | 54 | Seaking | 86 | Marowak (GB) | B8 | Chansey | ||
23 | Bellsprout | 55 | Staryu | 87 | Hitmonlee | B9 | Kangaskhan | ||
24 | Weepinbell | 56 | Starmie | 88 | Hitmonchan | BA | Tauros | ||
25 | Victreebell | 57 | Magikarp | 89 | Rhyhorn | BB | Ditto | ||
26 | Grimer | 58 | Gyarados | 8A | Rhydon | BC | Eevee | ||
27 | Muk | 59 | Lapras | 8B | Kabuto | BD | Porygon | ||
28 | Exeggcute | 5A | Vaporeon (GB) | 8C | Kabutops | BE | Snorlax | ||
29 | Exeggutor | 5B | Vaporeon (Jungle) | 8D | Aerodactlyl | BF | Dratini | ||
2A | Koffing | 5C | Omanyte | 8E | Abra | C0 | Dragonair | ||
2B | Wheezing | 5D | Omastar | 8F | Kadabra | C1 | Legendary Dragonite | ||
2C | Tangela (GB) | 5E | Articuno | 90 | Alakazam | C2 | Dragonite | ||
2D | Tangela | 5F | Legendary Articuno | 91 | Slowpoke (Promo) | C3 | Professor Oak | ||
2E | Scyther | 60 | Pikachu | 92 | Slowpoke (Fossil) | C4 | Imposter Professor Oak | ||
2F | Pinsir | 61 | Pikachu (Jungle) | 93 | Slowbro | C5 | Bill | ||
30 | Charmander | 62 | Pikachu (Promo) | 94 | Gastly | C6 | Mr. Fuji | ||
31 | Charmelion | 63 | Pikachu (Promo 2) | 95 | Gastly (Fossil) | C7 | Lass |