Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters 4: Kaiba Deck/RAM map

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Chip tiny.png The following article is a RAM map for Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters 4: Kaiba Deck.


Address Size    Description
------- ----    -----------
 A4B7     2     Deck Capacity (SRAM) (Copy)
 B1AF     2     Deck Capacity (SRAM)


Address Size    Description
------- ----    -----------
 C428     2     Pointer to the Music data being read
 C42A     1     ROM Bank to the Music data being read
 C42C     2     Music pointer
 C42E     2     Music ROM Bank
 C5A0     2     ? (00'd by function 0:0207)
 C5A4     1     ? (used in func_0:1ADE)
 C5A6     1     ? (used in func_0:1ADE)
 C5AD     1     ? (func_0:0F87)
 C5AE     1     ? (func_0:0F87)
 C5D9     1     Field ID
 C5B8     2     Life Points (Player)
 C5BB     2     Life Points (CPU)
 C5D5     1     # of characters to display
 C5DD     1     ? (set to 0 by Card display function)
 C5ED     2     Current Card ID ? (used in func_1:473B)
 C5F8     1     Number of cards in Player's deck
 C5F9    80     Player's deck
 C649    80     CPU's deck
 C69B     1     Versus menu cursor position
 C69E     2     Current card ID displayed
 C6A3     2     Current card ID displayed (copy)
 C6A5     1     Current Column
 C6A6     1     Current Row
 C6A7     2     Current ATK displayed
 C6A9     2     Current DEF displayed
 C6AB     1     Current Type displayed
 C6AC     1     Current Cost displayed
 C6AD     1     Current Level displayed
 C6AE     1     Current Alignment displayed
 C6AF     1     Card Effect IDs (Magic Ritual Trap)
 C6B0     1     Card Effect IDs (Monster)
 C732     1     Character ID
 C733     1     Text ID
 C73A     1     ? (stores previous Row in some functions, maybe it stores other things as well)
 C793    15     CPU's Hand + cards status
 C7BA    15     Player's cards on the Field + card status
 C7C9     3     Player's Trap + card status
 C7CC    15     Player's Hand + cards status
 C7DB     1     Current Column
 C7DC     1     Current Row
 C7DD    15     Current card + card status (wC7DF and every 3)
                 Bit 0: Card position
                 Bit 1: Is there a card in this zone
                 Bit 2: Card frozen (more than 1 turn)
                 Bit 3: Card frozen
                 Bit 4: Monster Level
                 Bit 5: Monster Level
                 Bit 6: SET status
                 Bit 7: Card stolen for a turn (returns to the opponent at end of turn)
 C7E6     1     ? (used in func_0:1ADE)
 C7EB     1     ? (used during Battle textbox display)
 C7FF     1     ? (or'd by all the subroutines starting from func_3:5AA2)
 C8AA     2     ? (00'd at func_0:1DF1)
 C8AC     1     ? (func_3:61A1, prolly whether card is Monster Spell Trap or Ritual)
 C8AD     5     PRNG
 C8B3     1     PRNG output
 C8B4     1     Menu ID (main menu)
                0x00: Campaign
                0x01: Versus
                0x02: Password
                0x03: Duel Records
                0x04: Trade
                0x05: Sound Test
                0x06: Character Viewer
 C8D7     1     ?
 C8D8     1     ?
 C8D9     1     ?
 C8DA     1     ?
 C8DB     1     ?
 C8DC     1     ?
 C8F6     2     current_card_id 1
 C8F8     2     current_card_id 2
 C8FA     2     current_card_id 3
 C905     1     Pre-Duel music to be played
 C906     1     Duel music to be played
 C943    50     Duel Records (battles)
 C975    50     Duel Records (wins)
 CA55     1     Debug Character Viewer - Character ID
 CA64     1     ? (used in func_9:5564)
 CADC     1     ?
 CADD     2     Player's Graveyard
 CADF     2     CPU's Graveyard
 D529     1     AI - ? (func_14:5B9C)
 D52A     1     AI - ? (func_14:5BBB)
 D52B     1     AI - ? (func_14:5BC0)
 D52C     2     AI - ? (func_14:5BA0)
 D52E     2     AI - Healing and Damage amount
 D530     1     AI - ? (func_14:5BB6)
2:D000  901     Cards in chest / trunk


Address Size    Description
------- ----    -----------
  FFD7     2     Deck Capacity (HRAM)
  FFDD     1     System running the game
                 0x01 - Game Boy / Super Game Boy 1
                 0x11 - Game Boy Color
  FFDF     1     ?