Pac-Man (Arcade)/RAM map

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Chip tiny.png The following article is a RAM map for Pac-Man (Arcade).

Addr    Size    Description
----    ----    -----------
4C0C       1    Current fruit graphic
                * 00 - Cherry
                * 01 - Strawberry
                * 02 - Orange
                * 03 - Bell
                * 04 - Apple
                * 05 - Melon
                * 06 - Galaxian Flagship
                * 07 - Key
4C0D       1    Current fruit palette
4DD4       1    Current fruit points
                * 06 - 100
                * 07 - 300
                * 08 - 500
                * 09 - 700
                * 0A - 1000
                * 0B - 2000
                * 0C - 3000
                * 0D - 5000
4E06       1    Super Pac-Man (from intermission) toggle (will also hide all ghosts except for Blinky)
                * 00 - Off
                * 05+ - On
4E0E       1    Number of dots eaten
4E13       1    Current level
4E14       1    Lives
4E15       1    Lives (Display)
4E34       1    Current level(?)
4E66       1    Last state coin inputs shifted left by 1
4E6B       1    How many coins needed to be inserted before a credit is registered (default: 01)
4E6C       1    How many coins have been inserted (will register as a credit and go back to 0 when equal to 4E6B)
4E6D       1    How many credits per coin (default: 01)
4E6E       1    Credits (FF displays "Free Play")
4E6F       1    How many lives you start each game with (default based on DIP switch)
4E70       1    Number of players
                * 00 - 1 player
                * 01 or above - 2 player
4E80       4    P1 score
4E84       4    P2 score
4E88       4    High score
4E9D       1    Sounds set #1
                * 01 - Extra life
                * 02 - Coin inserted
4EAD       1    Sounds set #2
                * 01 - Ghost moving 1
                * 02 - Ghost moving 2
                * 04 - Ghost moving 3
                * 08 - Ghost moving 4
                * 10 - Ghost moving 5
                * 20 - Vulnerable ghost
                * 40 - Ghost retreat
4EBD       1    Sounds set #3
                * 01 - Eat dot 1
                * 02 - Eat dot 2
                * 04 - Eat fruit
                * 08 - Eat vulnerable ghost
                * 10 - Death sound part 1
                * 20 - Death sound part 2
4ECD       1    Music set (Bass)
                * 01 - Start jingle (Bass)
                * 02 - Coffee break/Intermission (Bass)
4EDD       1    Music set (Main melody)
                * 01 - Start jingle (Main melody)
                * 02 - Coffee break/Intermission (Main melody)