X-Men vs Street Fighter

From Data Crystal
Revision as of 05:20, 22 August 2024 by Bankbank (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{Notes}} free play stuff at ff083e coins at FF545E FF4053 = P1 char 1 ID FF4853 = P1 char 2 ID infinite time: bp fb2e,1,{d1=18; g} FF515e chr select timer FF5417=P1 input joy and first 3 buttons FF5416=P1 input second set of 3 buttons FF5419=P2 input joy and first 3 buttons FF541E=P2 second 3 buttons p2 cursor who are they on FF51ad p1 control of cursor FF4052 p2 control of cursor FF4452")
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Chip tiny.png The following article is a Notes Page for X-Men vs Street Fighter.

free play stuff at ff083e

coins at FF545E

FF4053 = P1 char 1 ID

FF4853 = P1 char 2 ID

infinite time: bp fb2e,1,{d1=18; g}

FF515e chr select timer

FF5417=P1 input joy and first 3 buttons

FF5416=P1 input second set of 3 buttons

FF5419=P2 input joy and first 3 buttons

FF541E=P2 second 3 buttons

p2 cursor who are they on FF51ad

p1 control of cursor FF4052

p2 control of cursor FF4452