Super Mario Bros. 2 (NES)/ROM map

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< Super Mario Bros. 2 (NES)
Revision as of 03:27, 8 June 2006 by Don Dueck (talk | contribs) (→‎ROM Map: Modified end address of the 'Empty Data' section from 014000 to 01400F. Further down the page the correct address is listed. Plus, my own experience shows this to be the true lastbyte)
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Chip tiny.png The following article is a ROM map for Super Mario Bros. 2 (NES).


  • 0059C4 to 005A7D (0000ba) = Graphic Combos for Sprites
  • 005A7F to 005AC4 (000046) = Sprite Pointers for Graphics
  • 00819F to 00829D (0000ff) = Sound effects data
  • 00876F to 008F0F (0007a1) = Empty
  • 008F10 to 008FC2 (0000b3) = Note Length Tables
  • 008FC3 to 00900F (00004d) = Empty
  • 009010 to 009039 (00002a) = Music Pointers
  • 00903A to 009112 (0000d9) = Music Headers
  • 009113 to 00911B (000009) = Music Headers
  • 00911C to 009124 (000009) = Music Headers
  • 009125 to 00912D (000009) = Music Headers
  • 00912E to 00A19D (001070) = Music Data
  • 00A19E to 00A3FE (000261) = Instrument Sounds
  • 00A3FF to 00C00F (001c11) = Empty
  • 00C02C to 00C437 (00040c) = Palettes used for levels
  • 010010 to 010024 (000015) = Starting Area Data
  • 010025 to 0101C8 (0001a4) = Level Pointers
  • 0101C9 to 012433 (00226b) = Level Data
  • 012434 to 0124FF (0000cc) = Empty Data
  • 012500 to 012563 (000064) = Important Data
  • 012564 to 012707 (0001a4) = Enemy Pointers
  • 012708 to 01303F (000938) = Enemy Data
  • 013040 to 01400F (000fc1) = Empty Data
  • 014010 to 0140AF (0000a0) = Card inset for Worlds 1-6
  • 0140B0 to 01414F (0000a0) = Card inset for World 7
  • 0143DD to 0143F3 (000017) = Mario's properties
  • 0143F4 to 01440A (000017) = Toad's properties
  • 01440B to 014422 (000018) = Luigi's properties
  • 014422 to 014438 (000017) = Princess' properties
  • 01443A to 01443C (000003) = Mario in action palette
  • 01443E to 014440 (000003) = Princess in action palette
  • 014442 to 014444 (000003) = Toad in action palette
  • 014446 to 014448 (000003) = Luigi in action palette
  • 0144FF to 01450E (000010) = Palettes for Selection screen
  • 014664 to 01800F (0039ac) = Empty
  • 01F2F0 to 01F30F (000020) = Tiles to use for Character animation
  • 01F4FC to 01F540 (000045) = Sprite palette, mirroring, etc.
  • 01F544 to 01F559 (000016) = Sprite Status
  • 01F66A to 01F670 (000007) = Warp destinations
  • 01F805 to 01FA7C (000278) = Combos of four 8x8 PPU tiles to make one 16x16 block
  • 020010 to 04000F (020000) = Graphics used by the game (can be expanded)

Miscellaneous Data

0x000C77 - Amount of time needed to charge jump

0x00102A - Number of cherries required for Starman

0x001034 - sound effect for grabbing a cherry

0x0010DF - Item pulled once the 1-Up flag is activated

0x0010F2 - Sprite pulled after number of big vegetables pulled is activated

0x0011FE - Button for opening doors

0X001820 ~ 0X001A1C - Text for Title

0X001892 ~ 0X0018B1 - Palettes for Title screen

0x001AA9 - song to play at Title screen

0x002E70 ~ 0x00309F - Empty

0x003B70 ~ 0x00400F - Empty

0x004099 - Sound effect from falling in 1-1

0x004556 - Number of enemies defeated for heart

0x004C4A - Panser's spitting time

0x004C74 - Grey panser's spitting direction

0x004D53 - Jump height on coming out of jars

0x004F4E - Sprite Graphic to use for Heart floating

0x004F7B - Health for Birdos

0x004FA8 - Birdo's jump height

0x004FC3 - Birdo's spitting time

0x004FD6 - Birdo's speed (right)

0x004FDC - Birdo's speed (left)

0x004FEA - Birdo's spitting sound

0x005061 - Sound a 1-up makes

0X0050B8 - sound effect for grabbing a mushroom

0x0050CB - Amount of time the stop watch is active

0x0053C7 - Jumping Ninja's 1st jump

0x0053C8 - Jumping Ninja's 2nd jump

0x0053C9 - Running Ninja's 1st jump

0x0053CA - Running Ninja's 2nd jump

0X005523 - Tweeter AI (it can follow you)

0x00552A - Tweeter jump before the other jump

0x00552E - Tweeter's number of jumps of first jump before the second jump

0x005532 - Tweeter's other jump after performing the previous jump

0x00556C - Snifit's jump height

0x0055A3 - Snifit's spitting time

0x005703 - Amount of time the ground shakes from a POW

0x005818 ~ 0x005848 - How the Doors open

0x005ECD ~ 0x00603F - Empty

0x006040 ~ 0x006043 - Graphic combos for Pidget

0x006044 ~ 0x006053 - Graphic combos for Pidget's Carpet

0x006054 ~ 0x006077 - Graphic combos for Mouser

0x006078 ~ 0x00607B - Graphic combos for Bomb held by Mouser

0x00607C ~ 0x00607F - Graphic combos for Ostro rider

0x006080 ~ 0x006087 - Graphic combos for Ostro

0x006088 ~ 0x00609B - Graphic combos for Tryclyde

0x00609C ~ 0x0060AB - Graphic combos for Cobrat

0x0060AC ~ 0x0060B3 - Graphic combos for Pokey

0x0060B4 ~ 0x0060B9 - Graphic combos for Autobomb

0x0060BA ~ 0x0060BB - Graphic combos for Stray Autobomb Fire

0x0060BC ~ 0x0060BF - Graphic combos for Autobomb rider

0x0060C0 ~ 0x0060CF - Graphic combos for Fryguy

0x0060D0 ~ 0x0060D1 - Graphic combos for Little Fry

0x0060D2 ~ 0x0060D3 - Graphic combos for Top of Whale Spout

0x0060D4 ~ 0x0060D5 - Graphic combos for Smoke from Rocket

0x0060D6 ~ 0x0060D9 - Graphic combos for Rocket

0x0060DA ~ 0x0060DD - Graphic combos for Flurry

0x0060DE ~ 0x0060FD - Graphic combos for Wart

0x0060FE ~ 0x006101 - Graphic combos for Wart's Bubbles

0x006102 ~ 0x006115 - Graphic combos for Claw Grip

0x006116 ~ 0x006119 - Graphic combos for Stray Rock

0x00611E - Health for Claw Grip of World 5

0x006171 - Claw Grip's rock throwing time

0x0061D5 - Rock speed

0X006486 - Amount of time to fly Pidget's carpet

0x00657F - Health for Mouser of World 1

0x006586 - Health for Mouser of World 3

0x0065B0 - Mouser's jump height

0x0065BC - Mouser's bomb holding time

0x0065F4 - Mouser's bomb throwing height

0x0065FB - Time before bomb explosion

0x0065FF - Mouser's bomb throwing speed

0x00673D - Health for Triclydes

0x0068BB - Triclyde's spitting sound

0x006C7E - Health for Fry Guy of World 4

0x006FF7 - Health for Hawkmouth of World 7

0x0070BB - Health for revived Hawkmouth

0x0070C6 - Amount of time Hawkmouth is open (before Wart)

0x0071E0 - Health for Wart of World 7

0x00721D - Wart's speed (left)

0x007223 - Wart's speed (right)

0x00782A - Length of Starman

0x007E7D - Pointer to tiles used for life bar

0x007E66 - Starting Y position

0x007E83 - Starting X position

0x007E88 - Life bar properties (palette, mirroring, etc.)

0x007E93 - Space between each life bar

0x00819F ~ 0x0081C5 - Sound Effect data for Subspace Door appearing

0x0081C6 ~ 0x0081EC - Sound Effect data for Throwing

0x0081ED ~ 0x00820B - Sound Effect data for Birdo Egg Spit

0x00820C ~ 0x008212 - Sound Effect data for Cherry grab, selection, etc.

0x008213 ~ 0x008229 - Sound Effect for Enemy hit

0x00822A ~ 0x008243 - Sound Effect data for Stop Watch click

0x008244 ~ 0x008275 - Sound Effect data for Wart Bubble Spit

0x008276 ~ 0x00829D - Sound Effect data for 1-Up grab

0x00876F ~ 0x008F0F - Empty

0x009010 - Pointer for Mushroom Grab

0x009011 - Pointer for Boss beaten

0x009012 - Pointer for Getting Lives in Bonus Chance

0x009013 - Pointer for Dying

0x009014 - Pointer for Game Over

0x009015 - Pointer for Crystal Grab

0x009016 - ???

0x009017 ~ 0x00901F - Pointers for Character seleciion Screen

0x009020 ~ 0x009026 - Pointers for Main Theme

0x009027 - Pointer for Boss Theme

0x009028 - Pointer for Star Grab Music

0x009029 - Pointer for Wart's Room Music

0x00902A ~ 0x00902D - Pointers for Title Screen Music

0x00902E ~ 0x009032 - Pointers for Sub-Space Music

0x009033 ~ 0x009038 - Pointers for Ending

0x009039 - Pointer for Underground, Cave Music

0x00903A - Music Header for Selection Part 1

0x009040 - Music Header for Selection Part 2

0x009046 - Music Header for Selection Part 3

0x00904C - Music Header for Selection Part 5

0x009052 - Music Header for Selection Part 6

0x009058 - Music Header for Main Theme Part 1

0x00905E - Music Header for Main Theme Part 2

0x009064 - Music Header for Main Theme Part 3

0x00906A - Music Header for Main Theme Part 4

0x009070 - Music Header for Main Theme Part 5

0x009072 - Music Header for Boss Theme

0x009076 - Music Header for Main Theme Part 6

0x00907C - Music Header for Cave

0x009094 - Music Header for Crystal/1-Up won

0x00909E ~ 0x0090A3 - Beat a boss

0x0090A9 - Music Header for Beginning of Bonus

0x0090A3 - Music Header for Selection Part 9

0x0090AE - Music Header for Selection Part 8

0x0090B4 - Music Header for Death (only 1 part)

0x0090B9 - Music Header for Selection Part 7

0x0090BF - Music Header for Title Part 2

0x0090C5 - Music Header for Title Part 1

0x0090CB - Music Header for Title Part 3

0x0090D1 - Music Header for Title Part 4

0x0090D7 - Music Header for Subspace Part 1

0x0090DD - Music Header for Subspace Part 2

0x00912E ~ 0x0091AB - Music Data for Ending (Part 1)

0x0091AC ~ 0x00921C - Music Data for Ending (Part 2)

0x00921D ~ 0x00928F - Music Data for Ending (Part 5)

0x009290 ~ 0x009301 - Music Data for Ending (Part 3)

0x009302 ~ 0x009385 - Music Data for Ending (Part 4)

0x009386 ~ 0x009478 - Music Data for Ending (Part 6)

0x009479 ~ 0x0094CC - Music Data for Star

0x0094CD ~ 0x00955F - Music Data for Underground

0X009560 ~ 0x0095B2 - Music Data for Subspace (Part 1)

0X0095B3 ~ 0x0095EF - Music Data for Subspace (Part 2)

0X0095F0 ~ 0x00961E - Music Data for Subspace (Part 3)

0X00961F ~ 0x00965D - Music Data for Subspace (Part 4)

0X00964E ~ 0x0096B6 - Music Data for Intro (Part 2)

0X0096B7 ~ 0x0097A3 - Music Data for Intro (Part 1)

0X0097A4 ~ 0x009887 - Music Data for Intro (Part 3)

0X009888 ~ 0x0098BC - Music Data for Intro (Part 4)

0X0098BD ~ 0x00996B - Music Data for Selection (Part 1)

0X00996C ~ 0x0099A9 - Music Data for Selection (Part 2)

0X0099AA ~ 0x0099AD - Music Data for Selection (Part 3)

0X0099AE ~ 0x009A35 - Music Data for Selection (Part 4)

0X009A36 ~ 0x009A6C - Music Data for Selection (Part 5)

0X009A6D ~ 0x009AEE - Music Data for Selection (Part 8)

0X009AEF ~ 0x009BA2 - Music Data for Selection (Part 7)

0X009BA3 ~ 0x009BE3 - Music Data for Selection (Part 6)

0X009BE4 ~ 0x009C2F - Music Data for Main Theme (Part 1)

0X009C30 ~ 0x009D08 - Music Data for Main Theme (Part 2)

0X009D09 ~ 0x009D4E - Music Data for Main Theme (Part 3)

0X009D4F ~ 0x009E0F - Music Data for Main Theme (Part 4)

0X009E10 ~ 0x009E5C - Music Data for Main Theme (Part 5)

0X009E5D ~ 0x009F2B - Music Data for Main Theme (Part 6)

0X009F2C ~ 0x009FD6 - Music Data for Boss

0X009FD7 ~ 0x00A0CA - Music Data for Wart

0X00A0CB ~ 0x00A0DD - Music Data for Bonus

0X00A0DE ~ 0x00A101 - Music Data for Game Over

0X00A102 ~ 0x00A157 - Music Data for Boss Beaten

0X00A158 ~ 0x00A17E - Music Data for Bonus 2

0X00A17F = Music Data for Dying, Losing Bonus Chance

0x00A19E ~ 0x00A3FE - Instruments

0x00A25C ~ 0x00A260 - Instrument ???

0x00C438 - World 1 Ground Type status (ice, etc.)

0x00C439 - World 2 Ground Type status (ice, etc.)

0x00C43A - World 3 Ground Type status (ice, etc.)

0x00C43B - World 4 Ground Type status (ice, etc.)

0x00C43C - World 5 Ground Type status (ice, etc.)

0x00C43D - World 6 Ground Type status (ice, etc.)

0x00C43F - World 7 Ground Type status (ice, etc.)

0x00C440 - Pick-up sand status (vertical areas)

0x00C446 - World 1 Type of ground

0x00C447 - World 2 Type of ground

0x00C448 - World 3 Type of ground

0x00C449 - World 4 Type of ground

0x00C44A - World 5 Type of ground

0x00C44B - World 6 Type of ground

0x00C44C - World 7 Type of ground

0x00C44D - World 1 Interior Type status (ice, etc.)

0x00C44E - World 2 Interior Type status (ice, etc.)

0x00C44F - World 3 Interior Type status (ice, etc.)

0x00C450 - World 4 Interior Type status (ice, etc.)

0x00C451 - World 5 Interior Type status (ice, etc.)

0x00C452 - World 6 Interior Type status (ice, etc.)

0x00C453 - World 7 Interior Type status (ice, etc.)

Note about these addressed, they correspond with the PPU data (some need tweaking to change properties to act normal, eg. some tiles make object solid):

01 - Tile for large cloud (left) (Color #1)

02 - Tile for large cloud (right) (Color #1)

03 - Tile for small cloud (Color #1)

04 - Tile for Waterfall (top) (Color #1)

05 - Tile for Waterfall (bottom) (Color #1)

07 - Tile for Chain (Color #1)

08 - Tile for Water (top) (Color #1)

09 - Tile for left side of World 7 hill (Color #1)

0A - Tile for Water (bottom) (Color #1)

0B - Tile for center of World 7 hill (Color #1)

0C - Tile for water under objects in World 4 (Color #1)

0D - Tile for right side of World 7 hill (Color #1)

11 - Tile for under Whale's tail (Color #1)

12 - Tile for X-block (passable) (Color #1)

13 - Tile for Walking Cloud (left side) (Color #1)

14 - Tile for Walking Cloud (middle) (Color #1)

15 - Tile for Walking Cloud (right side) (Color #1)

18 - Tile for Boss's room brick (Color #1)

1A - Tile for Spike (Color #1)

23 - Tile for sky (Color #1)

24 - Tile for mushroom 1 (not interactive) (Color #1)

25 - Tile for mushroom 2 (not interactive) (Color #1)

26 - Tile for Coin root (not in subspace) (Color #1)

27 - Tile for Large Vegetable root (Color #1)

28 - Tile for Small Vegetable root (Color #1)

29 - Tile for Rocket root (Color #1)

2A - Tile for Shell root (Color #1)

2B - Tile for Bomb root (Color #1)

2C - Tile for Potion root (Color #1)

2D - Tile for 1-up root (Color #1)

2E - Tile for POW root (Color #1)

2F - Tile for Bob Omb root (Color #1)

31 - Tile for Cherry (Color #1)

32 - Tile for Red Door's top (Color #1)

33 - Tile for Lock on Red Door's bottom (Color #1)

34 - Tile for Red Door's bottom (Color #1)

35 - Tile for White Door (top and bottom) (Color #1)

36 - Tile for Light Angle from door (top and bottom) (Color #1)

37 - Tile for Light from door (Color #1)

3B - Tile for chain from Wart's castle (Color #1)

3C - Tile for Whale's body (not top) (Color #1)

3D - Tile for Whale's eye (Color #1)

3E - Tile for decorative Phanto (Color #1)

40 - Tile for sky (Color #2)

41 - Tile for mushroom 1 (not interactive) (Color #2)

42 - Tile for mushroom 2 (not interactive) (Color #2)

43 - Tile for Coin root (not in subspace) (Color #2)

44 - Tile for Large Vegetable root (Color #2)

45 - Tile for Small Vegetable root (Color #2)

46 - Tile for Rocket root (Color #2)

47 - Tile for Shell root (Color #2)

48 - Tile for Bomb root (Color #2)

49 - Tile for Potion root (Color #2)

4A - Tile for 1-up root (Color #2)

4B - Tile for POW root (Color #2)

4C - Tile for Bob Omb root (Color #2)

4E - Tile for Cherry (Color #2)

4F - Tile for Red Door's top (Color #2)

50 - Tile for Lock on Red Door's bottom

51 - Tile for Red Door's bottom (Color #2)

52 - Tile for White Door (normal) (Color #2)

53 - Tile for Light Angle to left from door (top and bottom (Color #2)

54 - Tile for Light from door (Color #2)

55 - Tile for Light Angle to right from door (top and bottom) (Color #2)

56 - Tile for White Door (Goes to Bonus) (Color #2)

57 - Tile for Lock on Red Door's bottom (Color #2)

58 - Tile for chain from Wart's castle

5B - Tile for decorative Phanto (Color #2)

64 - Tile for Wart's room blocks (Color #2)

65 - Tile for Bridge (Color #2)

67 - Tile for Conveyer moving left (Color #2)

68 - Tile for Conveyer moving right (Color #2)

69 - Tile for Mushroom Block (Color #2)

6C - Tile for POW (Color #2)

6E - Tile for Bricks (Color #2)

6F - Tile for top of vase type 1 (Color #2)

70 - Tile for vase (middle) (Color #2)

71 - Tile for vase (bottom) (Color #2)

72 - Tile for vases shyguys come out (Color #2)

73 - Tile for top of vase type 2 (glitch?) (Color #2)

7D - Tile for Log/Bone (left side) (Color #2)

7E - Tile for Log/Bone (middle) (Color #2)

7F - Tile for Log/Bone (right side) (Color #2)

80 - Tile for Ladder (Color #3)

81 - Tile for Ladder underground (Color #3)

83 - Tile for Black Door (Color #3)

88 - Tile for speck of star in sky (Color #3)

89 - Tile for star in sky (Color #3)

8A - Tile for slow quick sand (Color #3)

8B - Tile for fast quick sand (Color #3)

8C - Tile for Left side of a bell of the Dream Machine (Color #3)

8D - Tile for Right side of a bell of the Dream Machine (Color #3)

8E - Tile for Left side of a tube of the Dream Machine (Color #3)

8F - Tile for Right side of a tube of the Dream Machine (Color #3)

91 - Tile for Dirt/Sand (Color #3)

93 - Tile for Digging Sand (Color #3)

99 - Tile for Dirt/Sand (Color #3)

9C - Tile for World 7 Outside Bricks (Color #3)

9D - Tile for Bombable Blocks (Color #3)

A3 - Tile for Bricks (Color #3)

A9 - Tile for window arch in World 7 (Color #3)

AA - Tile for Top of a column (Color #3)

AB - Tile for Middle of a column (Color #3)

AC - Tile for Top of a column (Color #3)

B7 - Tile for Top for left side of World 7 hill (Color #3)

B9 - Tile for Top for center of World 7 hill (Color #3)

BB - Tile for Top for right side of World 7 hill (Color #3)

C0 - Tile for Top of a column (Color #4)

C2 - Tile for Vine (Color #4)

CB - Tile for Top for left side of World 7 hill (Color #4)

CD - Tile for Top for center of World 7 hill (Color #4)

CF - Tile for Top for center of World 7 hill (Color #4)

D7 - Tile for Outside Brick (Color #4)

0x00C455 - World 1 Ground below top makeup

0x00C456 - World 1 Ground top makeup

0x00C45D ~ 0x00C45F - World 1 Cave walls makeup

0x00C44E - Inside Jar, Sides

0x00C465 ~ 0x00C457 - World 1 Boss Brick makeup

0x00C482 - World 1 Interior wall/floor makeup

0x00C4B6 - Walls of Jar makeup

0x00C4B7 - Exterior of Jar makeup

0x00C4DD ~ 0x00C4DF - World 3 Tile for Rocks (horizonal area)

0x00C4F9 - Tile to use for waterfall (lower portion)

0x00C511 - Tile to use for Waterfall base

0x00C51D ~ 0x00C51F - World 4 Rock makeup

0x00C529 ~ 0x00C52B - World 4 Water makeup

0x00C53E - World 4 Boss Brick makeup (1 row)

0x00C546 - World 4 Boss Brick makeup (2 row)

0x00C54A - World 4 Boss Brick makeup (3 row)

0x00C561 ~ 0x00C563 - World 4 Interior wall/floor makeup

0x00C565 ~ 0x00C567 - World 5 Boss Brick makeup

0x00C569 ~ 0x00C56B - World 4

0x00C918 - World 1 Tile for Bombable ?

0x00C919 - World 2 Tile for Bombable ?

0x00C91A - World 3 Tile for Bombable ?

0x00C91B - World 4 Tile for Bombable ?

0x00C91C - World 5 Tile for Bombable ?

0x00C91D - World 6 Tile for Bombable ?

0x00C91E - World 7 Tile for Bombable ?

0x00C922 - World 1 Tiles for rows of X-blocks (passable)

0x00C923 - World 1 Tiles for rows of X-blocks (not passable)

0x00C929 - World 1 Tiles for rows of Small Vegetables

0x00C932 - World 1 Tiles for rows of Spikes

0x00C934 - World 1 Tiles for column of rocks

0x00C935 - World 1 Tiles for columns of Bombable Blocks

0x00C93C - World 1 Tiles for columns of Chains

0x00C944 - World 2 Tiles for rows of Wood Blocks

0x00C945 - World 2 Tiles for rows of X-blocks (passable)

0x00C946 - World 2 Tiles for rows of X-blocks in Boss Room

0x00C949 - World 2 Tiles for rows of X-blocks (not passable)

0x00C96D - World 3 Tiles for rows of X-blocks (not passable)

0x00C96F - World 3 Tiles for rows of Small Vegetable Root

0x00C97D - World 3 Tiles for columns of Bombable Blocks

0x00C983 - World 3 Tile for Ladder

0x00C985 - World 3 Tile for Ladder (underground)

0x00C98B - World 4 Tiles for rows of X-blocks (passable) ice

0x00C993 - World 4 Tile for Small Vegetable Root

0x00C99F - World 4 Tiles for Column of Rocks

0x00C9F7 - World 7 Tile for X-block (passable)

0x00C9FA - World 7 Tile for Bombable Blocks

0x00CA0B - World 7 Tile for Rock (Outside Bricks)

0x00CA02 - World 7 Tile for Small Vegetable Root

0x00CA0E - World 7 Tile for Column at bottom of screen

0x00CA14 - World 7 Tile for columns of Chains

0x00CB50 - Tile for a single Mushroom Block

0x00CB51 - Tile for a single POW Block

0x00CB52 - Tile for a single Bombable Block

0x00CB53 - Tile for a single Vine Block

0x00CB54 - Tile for a small jar

0x00CB55 - Tile for a single Ladder Block

0x00CB56 - Tile for a single Ladder (underground) Block

0x00CB82 - Tile for left side of a walkable cloud

0x00CB84 - Tile for middle of a walkable cloud

0x00CB86 - Tile for right side of a walkable cloud

0x00CBBA - Tile for the Top Left of a hill

0x00CBBB - Tile for the Top Middle of a hill

0x00CBBC - Tile for the Top Right of a hill

0x00CBBD - Tile for the Left side of a hill

0x00CBBE - Tile for the Middle of a hill

0x00CBBF - Tile for the Right side of a hill

0x00CC0E - Tile for the Top Left side of a hill when below the Left side of another hill

0x00CC0F - Tile for the Top Left side of a hill when below the Middle of another hill

0x00CC10 - Tile for the Top Left side of a hill when below the Right side of another hill

0x00CC11 - Tile for the Top Right side of a hill when below the Left side of another hill

0x00CC12 - Tile for the Top Right side of a hill when below the Middle of another hill

0x00CC13 - Tile for the Top Right side of a hill when below the Right side of another hill

0x00CC63 - Tile for the Tree Top

0x00CC65 - Tile for the Tree Trunk

0x00CD40 - Tile for Coin root (not in subspace)

0x00CD41 - Tile for Large Vegetable root

0x00CD42 - Tile for Small Vegetable root

0x00CD43 - Tile for Rocket root

0x00CD44 - Tile for Shell root

0x00CD45 - Tile for Bomb root

0x00CD46 - Tile for Potion root

0x00CD47 - Tile for 1-Up root

0x00CD48 - Tile for POW root

0x00CD49 - Tile for Cherry

0x00CD4A - Tile for Bob Omb root

0x00CD4B - Tile for Mushroom 1

0x00CD4C - Tile for Decorative Phanto

0x00CD4D - Tile for Mushroom 2

0x00CDA3 - Tile for Top of Waterfall

0x00CDA4 - Tile for Middle of Waterfall

0x00D967 ~ 0x01000F - Empty

FF = end of level (area)

first four bytes after the FF = Header for levels

0x010010 ~ 0x010024 Starting area data

0x010025 ~ 0x0101C8 Level pointers

0x0101C9 ~ 0x01242D Level data

0x01242E ~ 0x0124FF Empty

0x012500 ~ 0x012563 Important data???

0x012564 ~ 0x012707 Enemy pointers

0x012708 ~ 0x01303F Enemy data

0x013040 ~ 0x01400F Empty

0x014010 ~ 0x0140AF - Card inset for Worlds 1-6

0x0140B0 ~ 0x01414F - Card inset for World 7

0x01427F - Bonus Game graphic placement

0x0143DD ~ 0x0143E2 - Mario's pick-up speed for each animation

0x0143E3 - Mario's Jump Speed, still - no object

0x0143E4 - Mario's Jump Speed, still - with object

0x0143E5 - Mario's Jump Speed, charged - no object

0x0143E6 - Mario's Jump Speed, charged - with object

0x0143E7 - Mario's Jump Speed, running - no object

0x0143E8 - Mario's Jump Speed, running - with object

0x0143E9 - Mario's Jump Speed - in quicksand

0x0143EA - Mario's Floating Time

0x0143EB - Mario's Gravity without Jump button pressed

0x0143EC - Mario's Gravity with Jump button pressed

0x0143ED - Mario's Gravity in quicksand

0x0143EE - Mario's Running Speed, right - no object

0x0143EF - Mario's Running Speed, right - with object

0x0143F0 - Mario's Running Speed, right - in quicksand

0x0143F1 - Mario's Running Speed, left - no object

0x0143F2 - Mario's Running Speed, left - with object

0x0143F3 - Mario's Running Speed, left - in quicksand

0x0143F4 ~ 0x0143F9 - Toad's pick-up speed for each animation

0x0143FA - Toad's Jump Speed, still - no object

0x0143FB - Toad's Jump Speed, still - with object

0x0143FC - Toad's Jump Speed, charged - no object

0x0143FD - Toad's Jump Speed, charged - with object

0x0143FE - Toad's Jump Speed, running - no object

0x0143FF - Toad's Jump Speed, running - with object

0x014400 - Toad's Jump Speed - in quicksand

0x014401 - Toad's Floating Time

0x014402 - Toad's Gravity without Jump button pressed

0x014403 - Toad's Gravity with Jump button pressed

0x014404 - Toad's Gravity in quicksand

0x014405 - Toad's Running Speed, right - no object

0x014406 - Toad's Running Speed, right - with object

0x014407 - Toad's Running Speed, right - in quicksand

0x014408 - Toad's Running Speed, left - no object

0x014409 - Toad's Running Speed, left - with object

0x0143FA - Toad's Running Speed, left - in quicksand

0x01440B ~ 0x014410 - Luigi's pick-up speed for each animation

0x014411 - Luigi's Jump Speed, still - no object

0x014412 - Luigi's Jump Speed, still - with object

0x014413 - Luigi's Jump Speed, charged - no object

0x014414 - Luigi's Jump Speed, charged - with object

0x014415 - Luigi's Jump Speed, running - no object

0x014416 - Luigi's Jump Speed, running - with object

0x014417 - Luigi's Jump Speed - in quicksand

0x014418 - Luigi's Floating Time

0x014419 - Luigi's Gravity without Jump button pressed

0x01441A - Luigi's Gravity with Jump button pressed

0x01441B - Luigi's Gravity in quicksand

0x01441C - Luigi's Running Speed, right - no object

0x01441D - Luigi's Running Speed, right - with object

0x01441E - Luigi's Running Speed, right - in quicksand

0x01441F - Luigi's Running Speed, left - no object

0x014420 - Luigi's Running Speed, left - with object

0x014321 - Luigi's Running Speed, left - in quicksand

0x014422 ~ 0x014427 - Princess' pick-up speed for each animation

0x014428 - Princess' Jump Speed, still - no object

0x014429 - Princess' Jump Speed, still - with object

0x01442A - Princess' Jump Speed, charged - no object

0x01442B - Princess' Jump Speed, charged - with object

0x01442C - Princess' Jump Speed, running - no object

0x01442D - Princess' Jump Speed, running - with object

0x01442E - Princess' Jump Speed - in quicksand

0x01442F - Princess' Floating Time

0x014430 - Princess' Gravity without Jump button pressed

0x014431 - Princess' Gravity with Jump button pressed

0x014432 - Princess' Gravity in quicksand

0x014433 - Princess' Running Speed, right - no object

0x014434 - Princess' Running Speed, right - with object

0x014435 - Princess' Running Speed, right - in quicksand

0x014436 - Princess' Running Speed, left - no object

0x014437 - Princess' Running Speed, left - with object

0x014438 - Princess' Running Speed, left - in quicksand

0x01443A ~ 0x01443C - Mario in action palette

0x01443E ~ 0x014440 - Princess in action palette

0x014442 ~ 0x014444 - Toad in action palette

0x014446 ~ 0x014448 - Luigi in action palette

0x0144FF ~ 0x01450E - Palettes for Selection screen

0x014664 ~ 0x01800F - Empty

0x018B70 ~ 0x0192AF - Ending CAST (excluding WART)

0x019450 ~ 0x01C00F - Empty

0x01E022 - First level for World 1

0x01E023 - First level for World 2

0x01E024 - First level for World 3

0x01E025 - First level for World 4

0x01E026 - First level for World 5

0x01E027 - First level for World 6

0x01E028 - First level for World 7

0x01E0D1 - background when Mario is not highlighted

0x01E0D2 ~ 0x01E0D4 - Mario not highlighted palette

0x01E0D6 ~ 0x01E0D8 - Luigi not highlighted palette

0x01E0DA ~ 0x01E0DC - Toad not highlighted palette

0x01E0DE ~ 0x01E0E0 - Princess highlighted palette

0x01E0E8 - background when Mario is highlighted

0x01E0E9 ~ 0x01E0EB - Mario highlighted palette

0x01E0F0 ~ 0x01E0F2 - Luigi highlighted palette

0x01E0F7 ~ 0x01E0F9 - Toad highlighted palette

0x01E0FE ~ 0x01E100 - Princess highlighted palette

0x01E114 ~ 0x01E123 - Palette for the Pause and Card screens

0x01E125 - Background color for the Bonus Chance screen

0x01E12A ~ 0x01E12C - Palette of Roulette Items of the Bonus Chance

0x01E2C9 - song to play at Character select screen

0x01E30C - sound effect for moving character selection to the right

0x01E310 - sound effect for moving character selection to the left

0x01E3BF - sound effect for selecting a character at selection screen

0x01E404 - sound effect after selecting character on card display

0x01E420 - Number of continues you start with

0x01E425 - Number of lives you start with

0x01E276 - Time for the card before level is shown

0x01E501 - Button for Pause

0x01E53D - Button combination for death on pause

0x01E6B0 - Number of hearts next level begins with (any level after 1-1)

0x01ED83 ~ 0x01F00F - Empty

0x01F232 - Maximum number of hearts (you begin with for 1-1)

0x01F233 - Maximum number of hearts after 1 Mushroom

0x01F234 - Maximum number of hearts after 2 Mushrooms

......0F - One heart

......1F - Two hearts

......2F - Three hearts

......4F - Four hearts

0x01F2F0 - White of the Eyes used for Mario

0x01F2F1 - White of the Eyes used for Princess

0x01F2F2 - White of the Eyes used for Toad

0x01F2F3 - White of the Eyes used for Luigi

0x01F2F4 - Running frame 1 Top (left side)

0x01F2F5 - Running frame 1 Top (right side)

0x01F2F6 - Running frame 1 Bottom (left side)

0x01F2F7 - Running frame 1 Bottom (right side)

0x01F2F8 - Carrying an object frame 1 graphics Top (left side)

0x01F2F9 - Carrying an object frame 1 graphics Top (right side)

0x01F2FA - Carrying an object frame 1 graphics Bottom (left side)

0x01F2FB - Carrying an object frame 1 graphics Bottom (right side)

0x01F2FC - Running frame 2 Top (left side)

0x01F2FD - Running frame 2 Top (right side)

0x01F2FE - Running frame 2 Bottom (left side)

0x01F2FF - Running frame 2 Bottom (right side)

0x01F300 - Carrying an object frame 2 graphics Top (left side)

0x01F301 - Carrying an object frame 2 graphics Top (right side)

0x01F302 - Carrying an object frame 2 graphics Bottom (left side)

0x01F303 - Carrying an object frame 2 graphics Bottom (right side)

0x01F304 - Ducking graphics Top (left side)

0x01F305 - Ducking graphics Top (right side)

0x01F306 - Ducking graphics Bottom (left side)

0x01F307 - Ducking graphics Bottom (right side)

0x01F308 - Ducking with item graphics Top (left side)

0x01F309 - Ducking with item graphics Top (right side)

0x01F30A - Ducking with item graphics Bottom (left side)

0x01F30B - Ducking with item graphics Bottom (right side)

0x01F30C - Jumping Top (left side)

0x01F30D - Jumping Top (right side)

0x01F30E - Jumping Bottom (left side)

0x01F30F - Jumping Bottom (right side)

0x01F4FC - Walk-off Shyguy's palette, mirroring, etc.

0x01F4FD - Tweeter's palette, mirroring, etc.

0x01F4FE - Smart Shyguy's palette, mirroring, etc.

0x01F500 - Walk-off Snifit's palette, mirroring, etc.

0x01F501 - Jump-Only Snifit's palette, mirroring, etc.

0x01F502 - Smart-Walking Snifit's palette, mirroring, etc.

0x01F504 - Bob Omb's palette, mirroring, etc.

0x01F507 - Albatoss' palette, mirroring, etc.

0x01F508 - Running Ninja's palette, mirroring, etc.

0x01F509 - Jumping Ninja's palette, mirroring, etc.

0x01F50A - Swooping Beezo's palette, mirroring, etc.

0x01F50B - Straight Beezo's palette, mirroring, etc.

0x01F512 - Phanto's palette, mirroring, etc.

0x01F519 - Stray Egg's palette, mirroring, etc.

0x01F51B - Fire's palette, mirroring, etc.

0x01F51C - Clawgrip's palette, mirroring, etc.

0x01F520 - Still Panser's palette, mirroring, etc.

0x01F521 - Autobomb and rider's palette, mirroring, etc.

0x01F522 - Autobomb Fire's palette, mirroring, etc.

0x01F524 - Flurry's palette, mirroring, etc.

0x01F525 - Fryguy's palette, mirroring, etc.

0x01F529 - Spark [1]'s palette, mirroring, etc.

0x01F52A - Spark [2]'s palette, mirroring, etc.

0x01F52B - Spark [3]'s palette, mirroring, etc.

0x01F52C - Spark [4]'s palette, mirroring, etc.

0x01F52D - Small Vegetable's palette, mirroring, etc.

0x01F52E - Big Vegetable's palette, mirroring, etc.

0x01F530 - Turtle Shell's palette, mirroring, etc.

0x01F531 - Spinning Coin's palette, mirroring, etc.

0x01F535 - POW's palette, mirroring, etc.

0x01F536 - Rolling Log's palette, mirroring, etc.

0x01F537 - Sub-Space Door's palette, mirroring, etc.

0x01F538 - Key's palette, mirroring, etc.

0x01F539 - Potion's palette, mirroring, etc.

0x01F53A - Mushroom's palette, mirroring, etc.

0x01F53B - 1-Up's palette, mirroring, etc.

0x01F53C - Pidget's Carpet's palette, mirroring, etc. (not with Pidget)

0x01F53D - Right-facing Hawkmouth's palette, mirroring, etc.

0X01F53E - Left-facing Hawkmouth's palette, mirroring, etc.

0x01F53F - Crystal's palette, mirroring, etc.

0x01F540 - Starman's palette, mirroring, etc.

Status includes not being able to be lifted and hurts to jump on

0x01F543 - Walk-off Shyguy's status

0x01F544 - Tweeter's status

0x01F545 - Smart Shyguy's status

0x01F546 - Porcupo's status

0x01F547 - Walk-off Snifit's status

0x01F548 - Jump-only Snifit's status

0x01F549 - Smart Snifit's status

0x01F54A - Ostro's status

0x01F54B - Bob-Omb's status

0x01F54C - Bob-Omb's status

0x01F54F - Running Ninja's status

0x01F550 - Jumping Ninga's status

0x01F551 - Swooping Beezo's status

0x01F552 - Straight Beezo's status

0x01F559 - Phanto's status

0x01F55D - Stray Bullet's status

0x01F55E - Birdo's status

0x01F55F - Mouser's status

0x01F560 - Stray Egg's status

0x01F561 - Tryclyde's status

0x01F562 - Stray Fireball's status

0x01F563 - Clawgrip's status

0x01F564 - Stray Rock's status

0x01F56B - Flurry's status

0x01F56C - Fryguy's status

0x01F56D - Little Fry's status

0x01F56E - Wart's status

0x01F577 - Shell's status

0x01F578 - Coin's status

0x01F579 - Bomb's status

0x01F57D - Rolling Log's status

0x01F587 - Starman's status

0x01F66A - WORLD 1 warp destination

0x01F66B - WORLD 2 warp destination

0x01F66C - WORLD 3 warp destination

0x01F66D - WORLD 4 warp destination

0x01F66E - WORLD 5 warp destination

0x01F66F - WORLD 6 warp destination

0x01F670 - WORLD 7 warp destination

PPU data : not referring to sprites-------------

0x01F805 - NW PPU Tile for large cloud (left)

0x01F806 - NE PPU Tile for large cloud (left)

0x01F807 - SW PPU Tile for large cloud (left)

0x01F808 - SE PPU Tile for large cloud (left)

0x01F809 - NW PPU Tile for large cloud (right)

0x01F80A - NE PPU Tile for large cloud (right)

0x01F80B - SW PPU Tile for large cloud (right)

0x01F80C - SE PPU Tile for large cloud (right

0x01F80D - NW PPU Tile for small cloud

0x01F80E - NE PPU Tile for small cloud

0x01F80F - SW PPU Tile for small cloud

0x01F810 - SE PPU Tile for small cloud

0x01F811 - NW PPU Tile for Waterfall (top)

0x01F812 - NE PPU Tile for Waterfall (top)

0x01F813 - SW PPU Tile for Waterfall (top)

0x01F814 - SE PPU Tile for Waterfall (top)

0x01F815 - NW PPU Tile for Waterfall (bottom)

0x01F816 - NE PPU Tile for Waterfall (bottom)

0x01F817 - SW PPU Tile for Waterfall (bottom)

0x01F818 - SE PPU Tile for Waterfall (bottom)

0x01F81D - NW PPU Tile for Chain

0x01F81E - NE PPU Tile for Chain

0x01F81F - SW PPU Tile for Chain

0x01F820 - SE PPU Tile for Chain

0x01F821 - NW PPU Tile for Water (top)

0x01f822 - NE PPU Tile for Water (top)

0x01F823 - SW PPU Tile for Water (top)

0x01F824 - SE PPU Tile for Water (top)

0x01F825 - NW PPU Tile for left side of World 7 hill

0x01F826 - NE PPU Tile for left side of World 7 hill

0x01F827 - SW PPU Tile for left side of World 7 hill

0x01F828 - SE PPU Tile for left side of World 7 hill

0x01F829 - NW PPU Tile for Water (bottom)

0x01F82A - NE PPU Tile for Water (bottom)

0x01F82B - SW PPU Tile for Water (bottom)

0x01F82C - SE PPU Tile for Water (bottom)

0x01F82D - NW PPU Tile for center of World 7 hill

0x01F82E - NE PPU Tile for center of World 7 hill

0x01F82F - SW PPU Tile for center of World 7 hill

0x01F830 - SE PPU Tile for center of World 7 hill

0x01F831 - NW PPU Tile for water under objects in World 4

0x01F832 - NE PPU Tile for water under objects in World 4

0x01F833 - SW PPU Tile for water under objects in World 4

0x01F834 - SE PPU Tile for water under objects in World 4

0x01F835 -NW PPU Tile for right side of World 7 hill

0x01F836 - NE PPU Tile for right side of World 7 hill

0x01F837 - SW PPU Tile for right side of World 7 hill

0x01F838 - SE PPU Tile for right side of World 7 hill

0x01F845 - NW PPU Tile for under Whale's tail

0x01F846 - NE PPU Tile for under Whale's tail

0x01F847 - SW PPU Tile for under Whale's tail

0x01F848 - SE PPU Tile for under Whale's tail

0x01F849 - NW PPU Tile for X-block (passable)

0x01F84A - NE PPU Tile for X-block (passable)

0x01F84B - SW PPU Tile for X-block (passable)

0x01F84C - SE PPU Tile for X-block (passable)

0x01F84D - NW PPU Tile for Walking Cloud (left side)

0x01F84E - NE PPU Tile for Walking Cloud (left side)

0x01F84F - SW PPU Tile for Walking Cloud (left side)

0x01F850 - SE PPU Tile for Walking Cloud (left side)

0x01F851 - NW PPU Tile for Walking Cloud (middle)

0x01F852 - NE PPU Tile for Walking Cloud (middle)

0x01F853 - SW PPU Tile for Walking Cloud (middle)

0x01F854 - SE PPU Tile for Walking Cloud (middle)

0x01F855 - NW PPU Tile for Walking Cloud (right side)

0x01F856 - NE PPU Tile for Walking Cloud (right side)

0x01F857 - SW PPU Tile for Walking Cloud (right side)

0x01F858 - SE PPU Tile for Walking Cloud (right side)

0x01F861 - NW PPU Tile for Boss's room brick

0x01F862 - NE PPU Tile for Boss's room brick

0x01F863 - SW PPU Tile for Boss's room brick

0x01F864 - SE PPU Tile for Boss's room brick

0x01F869 - NW PPU Tile for Spike

0x01F86A - NE PPU Tile for Spike

0x01F86B - SW PPU Tile for Spike

0x01F86C - SE PPU Tile for Spike

0x01F871 - NW PPU Tile for X-block (inpassable)

0x01F872 - NE PPU Tile for X-block (inpassable)

0x01F873 - SW PPU Tile for X-block (inpassable)

0x01F874 - SE PPU Tile for X-block (inpassable)

0x01F875 - NW PPU Tile for Cactus (top)

0x01F876 - NE PPU Tile for Cactus (top)

0x01F877 - SW PPU Tile for Cactus (top)

0x01F878 - SE PPU Tile for Cactus (top)

0x01F879 - NW PPU Tile for Cactus (bottom)

0x01F87A - NE PPU Tile for Cactus (bottom)

0x01F87B - SW PPU Tile for Cactus (bottom)

0x01F87C - SE PPU Tile for Cactus (bottom)

0x01F88D - NW PPU Tile for sky

0x01F88E - NE PPU Tile for sky

0x01F88F - SW PPU Tile for sky

0x01F890 - SE PPU Tile for sky

0x01F891 - NW PPU Tile for mushroom 1 (not interactive)

0x01F892 - NE PPU Tile for mushroom 1 (not interactive)

0x01F893 - SW PPU Tile for mushroom 1 (not interactive)

0x01F894 - SE PPU Tile for mushroom 1 (not interactive)

0x01F895 - NW PPU Tile for mushroom 2 (not interactive)

0x01F896 - NE PPU Tile for mushroom 2 (not interactive)

0x01F897 - SW PPU Tile for mushroom 2 (not interactive)

0x01F898 - SE PPU Tile for mushroom 2 (not interactive)

0x01F899 - NW PPU Tile for Coin root (not in subspace)

0x01F89A - NE PPU Tile for Coin root (not in subspace)

0x01F89B - SW PPU Tile for Coin root (not in subspace)

0x01F89C - SE PPU Tile for Coin root (not in subspace)

0x01F89D - NW PPU Tile for Large Vegetable root

0x01F89E - NE PPU Tile for Large Vegetable root

0x01F89F - SW PPU Tile for Large Vegetable root

0x01F8A0 - SE PPU Tile for Large Vegetable root

0x01F8A1 - NW PPU Tile for Small Vegetable root

0x01F8A2 - NE PPU Tile for Small Vegetable root

0x01F8A3 - SW PPU Tile for Small Vegetable root

0x01F8A4 - SE PPU Tile for Small Vegetable root

0x01F8A5 - NW PPU Tile for Rocket root

0x01F8A6 - NE PPU Tile for Rocket root

0x01F8A7 - SW PPU Tile for Rocket root

0x01F8A8 - SE PPU Tile for Rocket root

0x01F8A9 - NW PPU Tile for Shell root

0x01F8AA - NE PPU Tile for Shell root

0x01F8AB - SW PPU Tile for Shell root

0x01F8AC - SE PPU Tile for Shell root

0x01F8AD - NW PPU Tile for Bomb root

0x01F8AE - NE PPU Tile for Bomb root

0x01F8AF - SW PPU Tile for Bomb root

0x01F8B0 - SE PPU Tile for Bomb root

0x01F8B1 - NW PPU Tile for Potion root

0x01F8B2 - NE PPU Tile for Potion root

0x01F8B3 - SW PPU Tile for Potion root

0x01F8B4 - SE PPU Tile for Potion root

0x01F8B5 - NW PPU Tile for 1-up root

0x01F8B6 - NE PPU Tile for 1-up root

0x01F8B7 - SW PPU Tile for 1-up root

0x01F8B8 - SE PPU Tile for 1-up root

0x01F8B9 - NW PPU Tile for POW root

0x01F8BA - NE PPU Tile for POW root

0x01F8BB - SW PPU Tile for POW root

0x01F8BC - SE PPU Tile for POW root

0x01F8BD - NW PPU Tile for Bob Omb root

0x01F8BE - NE PPU Tile for Bob Omb root

0x01F8BF - SW PPU Tile for Bob Omb root

0x01F8C0 - SE PPU Tile for Bob Omb root

0x01F8C5 - NW PPU Tile for Cherry

0x01F8C6 - NE PPU Tile for Cherry

0x01F8C7 - SW PPU Tile for Cherry

0x01F8C8 - SE PPU Tile for Cherry

0x01F8C9 - NW PPU Tile for Red Door's top

0x01F8CA - NE PPU Tile for Red Door's top

0x01F8CB - SW PPU Tile for Red Door's top

0x01F8CC - SE PPU Tile for Red Door's top

0x01F8CD - NW PPU Tile for Lock on Red Door's bottom

0x01F8CE - NE PPU Tile for Lock on Red Door's bottom

0x01F8CF - SW PPU Tile for Lock on Red Door's bottom

0x01F8D0 - SE PPU Tile for Lock on Red Door's bottom

0x01F8D1 - NW PPU Tile for Red Door's bottom

0x01F8D2 - NE PPU Tile for Red Door's bottom

0x01F8D3 - SW PPU Tile for Red Door's bottom

0x01F8D4 - SE PPU Tile for Red Door's bottom

0x01F8D5 - NW PPU Tile for White Door (top and bottom)

0x01F8D6 - NE PPU Tile for White Door (top and bottom)

0x01F8D7 - SW PPU Tile for White Door (top and bottom)

0x01F8D8 - SE PPU Tile for White Door (top and bottom)

0x01F8D9 - NW PPU Tile for Light Angle from door (top and bottom)

0x01F8DA - NE PPU Tile for Light Angle from door (top and bottom)

0x01F8DB - SW PPU Tile for Light Angle from door (top and bottom)

0x01F8DC - SE PPU Tile for Light Angle from door (top and bottom)

0x01F8DD - NW PPU Tile for Light from door

0x01F8DE - NE PPU Tile for Light from door

0x01F8DF - SW PPU Tile for Light from door

0x01F8E0 - SE PPU Tile for Light from door

0x01F8ED - NW PPU Tile for chain from Wart's castle

0x01F8EE - NE PPU Tile for chain from Wart's castle

0x01F8EF - SW PPU Tile for chain from Wart's castle

0x01F8F0 - SE PPU Tile for chain from Wart's castle

0x01F8F1 - NW PPU Tile for Whale's body (not top)

0x01F8F2 - NE PPU Tile for Whale's body (not top)

0x01F8F3 - SW PPU Tile for Whale's body (not top)

0x01F8F4 - SE PPU Tile for Whale's body (not top)

0x01F8F5 - NW PPU Tile for Whale's eye

0x01F8F6 - NE PPU Tile for Whale's eye

0x01F8F7 - SW PPU Tile for Whale's eye

0x01F8F8 - SE PPU Tile for Whale's eye

0x01F8F9 - NW PPU Tile for decorative Phanto

0x01F8FA - NE PPU Tile for decorative Phanto

0x01F8FB - SW PPU Tile for decorative Phanto

0x01F8FC - SE PPU Tile for decorative Phanto

0x01F90D - NW PPU Tile for Whale's left corner

0x01F90E - NE PPU Tile for Whale's left corner

0x01F90F - SW PPU Tile for Whale's left corner

0x01F910 - SE PPU Tile for Whale's left corner

0x01F911 - NW PPU Tile for Whale's top

0x01F912 - NE PPU Tile for Whale's top

0x01F913 - SW PPU Tile for Whale's top

0x01F914 - SE PPU Tile for Whale's top

0x01F915 - NW PPU Tile for Whale's right corner

0x01F916 - NE PPU Tile for Whale's right corner

0x01F917 - SW PPU Tile for Whale's right corner

0x01F918 - SE PPU Tile for Whale's right corner

0x01F919 - NW PPU Tile for Whale's Tail

0x01F91A - NE PPU Tile for Whale's Tail

0x01F91B - SW PPU Tile for Whale's Tail

0x01F91C - SE PPU Tile for Whale's Tail

0x01F91D - NW PPU Tile for Wart's room blocks

0x01F91E - NE PPU Tile for Wart's room blocks

0x01F91F - SW PPU Tile for Wart's room blocks

0x01F920 - SE PPU Tile for Wart's room blocks

0x01F921 - NW PPU Tile for Bridge

0x01F922 - NE PPU Tile for Bridge

0x01F923 - SW PPU Tile for Bridge

0x01F924 - SE PPU Tile for Bridge

0x01F929 - NW PPU Tile for Moving Left conveyer

0x01F92A - NE PPU Tile for Moving Left conveyer

0x01F92B - SW PPU Tile for Moving Left conveyer

0x01F92C - SE PPU Tile for Moving Left conveyer

0x01F92D - NW PPU Tile for Moving Right conveyer

0x01F92E - NE PPU Tile for Moving Right conveyer

0x01F92F - SW PPU Tile for Moving Right conveyer

0x01F930 - SE PPU Tile for Moving Right conveyer

0x01F93D - NW PPU Tile for POW

0x01F93E - NE PPU Tile for POW

0x01F93F - SW PPU Tile for POW

0x01F940 - SE PPU Tile for POW

0x01F94D - NW PPU Tile for vase (middle)

0x01F94E - NE PPU Tile for vase (middle)

0x01F94F - SW PPU Tile for vase (middle)

0x01F950 - SE PPU Tile for vase (middle)

0x01F951 - NW PPU Tile for vase (bottom)

0x01F952 - NE PPU Tile for vase (bottom)

0x01F953 - SW PPU Tile for vase (bottom)

0x01F954 - SE PPU Tile for vase (bottom)

0x01F955 - NW PPU Tile for vases shyguys come out

0x01F956 - NE PPU Tile for vases shyguys come out

0x01F957 - SW PPU Tile for vases shyguys come out

0x01F958 - SE PPU Tile for vases shyguys come out

0x01F959 - NW PPU Tile for top of vase type 1

0x01F95A - NE PPU Tile for top of vase type 1

0x01F95B - SW PPU Tile for top of vase type 1

0x01F95C - SE PPU Tile for top of vase type 1

0x01F95D - NW PPU Tile for top of warp vase

0x01F95E - NE PPU Tile for top of warp vase

0x01F95F - SW PPU Tile for top of warp vase

0x01F960 - SE PPU Tile for top of warp vase

0x01F961 - NW PPU Tile for Log/Bone (left side)

0x01F962 - NE PPU Tile for Log/Bone (left side)

0x01F963 - SW PPU Tile for Log/Bone (left side)

0x01F964 - SE PPU Tile for Log/Bone (left side)

0x01F965 - NW PPU Tile for Log/Bone (middle)

0x01F966 - NE PPU Tile for Log/Bone (middle)

0x01F967 - SW PPU Tile for Log/Bone (middle)

0x01F968 - SE PPU Tile for Log/Bone (middle)

0x01F969 - NW PPU Tile for Log/Bone (right side)

0x01F96A - NE PPU Tile for Log/Bone (right side)

0x01F96B - SW PPU Tile for Log/Bone (right side)

0x01F96C - SE PPU Tile for Log/Bone (right side)

0x01F971 - NW PPU Tile for Vertical Log (top)

0x01F972 - NE PPU Tile for Vertical Log (top)

0x01F973 - SW PPU Tile for Vertical Log (top)

0x01F974 - SE PPU Tile for Vertical Log (top)

0x01F975 - NW PPU Tile for Vertical Log (bottom)

0x01F976 - NE PPU Tile for Vertical Log (bottom)

0x01F977 - SW PPU Tile for Vertical Log (bottom)

0x01F978 - SE PPU Tile for Vertical Log (bottom)

0x01F979 - NW PPU Tile for Ladder

0x01F97A - NE PPU Tile for Ladder

0x01F97B - SW PPU Tile for Ladder

0x01F97C - SE PPU Tile for Ladder

0x01F97D - NW PPU Tile for Log into trunk

0x01F97E - NE PPU Tile for Log into trunk

0x01F97F - SW PPU Tile for Log into trunk

0x01F980 - SE PPU Tile for Log into trunk

0x01F981 - NW PPU Tile for Tree's bottom

0x01F982 - NE PPU Tile for Tree's bottom

0x01F983 - SW PPU Tile for Tree's bottom

0x01F984 - SE PPU Tile for Tree's bottom

0x01F985 - NW PPU Tile for Black Door (top and bottom)

0x01F986 - NE PPU Tile for Black Door (top and bottom)

0x01F987 - SW PPU Tile for Black DOor (top and bottom)

0x01F988 - SE PPU Tile for Black Door (top and bottom)

0x01F991 - NW PPU Tile for interior of dark side of pyramid

0x01F992 - NE PPU Tile for interior of dark side of pyramid

0x01F993 - SW PPU Tile for interior of dark side of pyramid

0x01F994 - SE PPU Tile for interior of dark side of pyramid

0x01F995 - NW PPU Tile for angle of dark side of pyramid

0x01F996 - NE PPU Tile for angle of dark side of pyramid

0x01F997 - SW PPU Tile for angle of dark side of pyramid

0x01F998 - SE PPU Tile for angle of dark side of pyramid

0x01F999 - NW PPU Tile for speck of star in sky

0x01F99A - NE PPU Tile for speck of star in sky

0x01F99B - SW PPU Tile for speck of star in sky

0x01F99C - SE PPU Tile for speck of star in sky

0x01F99D - NW PPU Tile for star in sky

0x01F99E - NE PPU Tile for star in sky

0x01F99F - SW PPU Tile for star in sky

0x01F9A0 - SE PPU Tile for star in sky

0x01F9A1 - NW PPU Tile for slow quick sand

0x01F9A2 - NE PPU Tile for slow quick sand

0x01F9A3 - SW PPU Tile for slow quick sand

0x01F9A4 - SE PPU Tile for slow quick sand

0x01F9A5 - NW PPU Tile for fast quick sand

0x01F9A6 - NE PPU Tile for fast quick sand

0x01F9A7 - SW PPU Tile for fast quick sand

0x01F9A8 - SE PPU Tile for fast quick sand

0x01F9B9 - NW PPU Tile for brick background

0x01F9BA - NE PPU Tile for brick background

0x01F9BB - SW PPU Tile for brick background

0x01F9BC - SE PPU Tile for brick background

0x01F9C1 - NW PPU Tile for block inside jar

0x01F9C2 - NE PPU Tile for block inside jar

0x01F9C3 - SW PPU Tile for block inside jar

0x01F9C4 - SE PPU Tile for block inside jar

0x01F9C5 - NW PPU Tile for digging sand

0x01F9C6 - NE PPU Tile for digging sand

0x01F9C7 - SW PPU Tile for digging sand

0x01F9C8 - SE PPU Tile for digging sand

0x01F9D1 - NW PPU Tile for desert block

0x01F9D2 - NE PPU Tile for desert block

0x01F9D3 - SW PPU Tile for desert block

0x01F904 - SE PPU Tile for desert block

0x01F9D5 - NW PPU Tile for brick foreground (passable)

0x01F9D6 - NE PPU Tile for brick foreground (passable)

0x01F9D7 - SW PPU Tile for brick foreground (passable)

0x01F9D8 - SE PPU Tile for brick foreground (passable)

0x01F9DD - NW PPU Tile for Dirt/Sand

0x01F9DE - NE PPU Tile for Dirt/Sand

0x01F9DF - SW PPU Tile for Dirt/Sand

0x01F9E0 - SE PPU Tile for Dirt/Sand

0x01F9E9 - NW PPU Tile for World 7 outside bricks

0x01F9EA - NE PPU Tile for World 7 outside bricks

0x01F9EB - SW PPU Tile for World 7 outside bricks

0x01F9EC - SE PPU Tile for World 7 outside bricks

0x01F9ED - NW PPU Tile for bombable block

0x01F9EE - NE PPU Tile for bombable block

0x01F9EF - SW PPU Tile for bombable block

0x01F9F0 - SE PPU Tile for bombable block

0x01F9F5 - NW PPU Tile for corner cut out of Rock wall

0x01F9F6 - NE PPU Tile for corner cut out of Rock wall

0x01F9F7 - SW PPU Tile for corner cut out of Rock wall

0x01F9F8 - SE PPU Tile for corner cut out of Rock wall

0x01F9F9 - NW PPU Tile for Rock walls

0x01F9FA - NE PPU Tile for Rock walls

0x01F9FB - SW PPU Tile for Rock walls

0x01F9FC - SE PPU Tile for Rock walls

0x01FA0D - NW PPU Tile for left "eye" of World 6's cave "mouth"

0x01FA0E - NE PPU Tile for left "eye" of World 6's cave "mouth"

0x01FA0F - SW PPU Tile for left "eye" of World 6's cave "mouth"

0x01FA10 - SE PPU Tile for left "eye" of World 6's cave "mouth"

0x01FA11 - NW PPU Tile for right "eye" of World 6's cave "mouth"

0x01FA12 - NE PPU Tile for right "eye" of World 6's cave "mouth"

0x01FA13 - SW PPU Tile for right "eye" of World 6's cave "mouth"

0x01FA14 - SE PPU Tile for right "eye" of World 6's cave "mouth"

0x01FA15 - NW PPU Tile for "mouth" of World 6's cave "mouth"

0x01FA16 - NE PPU Tile for "mouth" of World 6's cave "mouth"

0x01FA17 - SW PPU Tile for "mouth" of World 6's cave "mouth"

0x01FA18 - SE PPU Tile for "mouth" of World 6's cave "mouth"

0x01FA19 - NW PPU Tile for window arch in World 7

0x01FA1A - NE PPU Tile for window arch in World 7

0x01FA1B - SW PPU Tile for window arch in World 7

0x01FA1C - SE PPU Tile for window arch in World 7

0x01FA1D - NW PPU Tile for large door arch in World 7

0x01FA1E - NE PPU Tile for large door arch in World 7

0x01FA1F - SW PPU Tile for large door arch in World 7

0x01FA20 - SE PPU Tile for large door arch in World 7

0x01FA21 - NW PPU Tile for top of Column

0x01FA22 - NE PPU Tile for top of Column

0x01FA23 - SW PPU Tile for top of Column

0x01FA24 - SE PPU Tile for top of Column

0x01FA25 - NW PPU Tile for bottom of Column

0x01FA26 - NE PPU Tile for bottom of Column

0x01FA27 - SW PPU Tile for bottom of Column

0x01FA28 - SE PPU Tile for bottom of Column

0x01FA29 - NW PPU Tile for Tree (top)

0x01FA2A - NE PPU Tile for Tree (top)

0x01FA2B - SW PPU Tile for Tree (top)

0x01FA2C - SE PPU Tile for Tree (top)

0x01FA2D - NW PPU Tile for Vine (top)

0x01FA2E - NE PPU Tile for Vine (top)

0x01FA2F - SW PPU Tile for Vine (top)

0x01FA30 - SE PPU Tile for Vine (top)

0x01FA31 - NW PPU Tile for Vine (middle)

0x01FA32 - NE PPU Tile for Vine (middle)

0x01FA33 - SW PPU Tile for Vine (middle)

0x01FA34 - SE PPU Tile for Vine (middle)

0x01FA35 - NW PPU Tile for Vine (bottom)

0x01FA36 - NE PPU Tile for Vine (bottom)

0x01FA37 - SW PPU Tile for Vine (bottom)

0x01FA38 - SE PPU Tile for Vine (bottom)

0x01FA51 - NW PPU Tile for left corner of World 1-6 hill

0x01FA52 - NE PPU Tile for left corner of World 1-6 hill

0x01FA53 - SW PPU Tile for left corner of World 1-6 hill

0x01FA54 - SE PPU Tile for left corner of World 1-6 hill

0x01FA55 - NW PPU Tile for left corner of World 7 hill

0x01FA56 - NE PPU Tile for left corner of World 7 hill

0x01FA57 - SW PPU Tile for left corner of World 7 hill

0x01FA58 - SE PPU Tile for left corner of World 7 hill

0x01FA59 - NW PPU Tile for top center of World 1-6 hill

0x01FA5A - NE PPU Tile for top center of World 1-6 hill

0x01FA5B - SW PPU Tile for top center of World 1-6 hill

0x01FA5C - SE PPU Tile for top center of World 1-6 hill

0x01FA5D - NW PPU Tile for top center of World 7 hill

0x01FA5E - NE PPU Tile for top center of World 7 hill

0x01FA5F - SW PPU Tile for top center of World 7 hill

0x01FA60 - SE PPU Tile for top center of World 7 hill

0x01FA61 - NW PPU Tile for right corner of World 1-6 hill

0x01FA62 - NE PPU Tile for right corner of World 1-6 hill

0x01FA63 - SW PPU Tile for right corner of World 1-6 hill

0x01FA64 - SE PPU Tile for right corner of World 1-6 hill

0x01FA65 - NW PPU Tile for right corner of World 7 hill

0x01FA66 - NE PPU Tile for right corner of World 7 hill

0x01FA67 - SW PPU Tile for right corner of World 7 hill

0x01FA68 - SE PPU Tile for right corner of World 7 hill

0x01FA79 - NW PPU Tile for solid Vine

0x01FA7A - NE PPU Tile for solid Vine

0x01FA7B - SW PPU Tile for solid Vine

0x01FA7C - SE PPU Tile for solid Vine

0x01FB05 - Last frame used before the looping animations

0x01FB46 ~ 0x01FE0F - Empty

0x01FE10 - Sprite Graphics set for WORLD 1

0x01FE11 - Sprite Graphics set for WORLD 2

0x01FE12 - Sprite Graphics set for WORLD 3

0x01FE13 - Sprite Graphics set for WORLD 4

0x01FE14 - Sprite Graphics set for WORLD 5

0x01FE15 - Sprite Graphics set for WORLD 6

0x01FE16 - Sprite Graphics set for WORLD 7

0x01FE17 - Landscape Graphics set for WORLD 1

0x01FE18 - Landscape Graphics set for WORLD 2

0x01FE19 - Landscape Graphics set for WORLD 3

0x01FE1A - Landscape Graphics set for WORLD 4

0x01FE1B - Landscape Graphics set for WORLD 5

0x01FE1C - Landscape Graphics set for WORLD 6

0x01FE1D - Landscape Graphics set for WORLD 7

0x01FE1E - Large Mario sprite

0x01FE1F - Small Mario sprite

0x01FE20 - Large Princess sprite

0x01FE21 - Small Princess sprite

0x01FE22 - Large Toad sprite

0x01FE23 - Small Toad sprite

0x01FE24 - Large Luigi sprite

0x01FE25 - Small Luigi sprite

0x01FE57 - Graphic Set loaded (part 2) used for title screen.

0x01FE68 - Graphic Set loaded (part 1) used for character select screen

0x01FE6D - Graphic Set loaded (part 2) used for character select screen

0x01FE72 - Graphic Set loaded (part 3) used for character select screen

0x01FE77 - Title card graphics for WORLD 1

0X01FE78 - Title card graphics for WORLD 2

0X01FE79 - Title card graphics for WORLD 3

0x01FE7A - Title card graphics for WORLD 4

0x01FE7B - Title card graphics for WORLD 5

0x01FE7C - Title card graphics for WORLD 6

0x01FE7D - Title card graphics for WORLD 7