Super Mario Advance 4: Super Mario Bros. 3/RAM map

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Chip tiny.png The following article is a RAM map for Super Mario Advance 4: Super Mario Bros. 3.

Addresses are for USA/Europe version, but an equivalent or similar address exists in the Japan version.


Address  Size    Description
-------- ----    -----------
03002A6A    2    Lives count (Mario)
03002A6C    2    Lives count (Luigi)
03002C58    1    Coin count (Mario)
03002C83    1    Coin count (Luigi)
03003854    3    Score digits
03003CF8    1    P-Switch timer
03003D03    1    Underwater flag(?)
03003D06    1    Behind the background timer
03003D0B    3    Time digits
03003D0E    1    Timer for time countdown
03003F60    1    Invulnerability timer
03003F61    1    Star timer
03003F62    1    Transformation animation timer
03003F65    1    Kicked animation timer
03003F66    1    Front facing animation timer
03003F67    1    End of level walk animation timer
03004F08    1    Turns before N-Spade card game ends